So me and a buddy just released our first game on the google playstore. I worked with him on another game prior, but that first one was pretty much just me providing the Pixel Art.
I don't know if I feel comfortable with calling myself a "game developer" as I still have tons to learn, but it's just so much fun. Seen as the games concept came together and got up and running during the Global Game Jam it's scope and depth is about as you'd expect.
I thought I'd share a bit about how the game came to be and reflect on the process and the lessons learned. A kind of post mortem. Note that I can't provide any insight into the programming side, as that's out of my skillset and whenever I relay to that I just parrot what my buddy explained to me.
So the concept is as easy as it is absurd. The theme of this years Global Game Jam was "Ritual". During the brainstorm sessions I noticed how most immediately associated that with spiritual, occult and magical themes. Some ventured a bit into societal rituals but quickly backed out to fall back to the mythical stuff.
Well I thought, why not make a game out of something unremarkable, yet a ritual nonetheless. So I thought about celebrations. Drinking rituals, but how to turn that into a mechanic. I needed something repeatable, something that could be broken down into patterns.
We thought about doing a reaction based game. Whenever someone would raise a glass, you'd have to match it and then judge the strength with which to hit the other glass.
And that's basically how the game was born.
Initially we had a scoring system based on the alcohol level in your blood, the higher it got, the faster the glass was moving, the harder the game got. Well that was probably the first thing we got rid of once we decided to polish the game up for a release. Not a good look to celebrate getting drunk, even though it was a fun twist on the usual difficulty increase. Now it's a generic point score, but it turns out that while making the game more accessible, it also made it more relatable as it's easier to understand than alcohol levels.
Since the game needed to be compact and focused, I wanted the protagonists to be very unique and memorable. I chose an alpine theme and played around with various art styles, but ultimately decided to go back to the Pixel Art style I used for the first game.
Meet Franz, the Player Character. Clad in a traditional Tyrolean Vest and the typical blue Apron, he sit's across...
Günther is from Bavaria and gets irrate when you miss the glass, or even break it.
I tried to portray them to be easily recognizable without becoming simple stereotypes. Both wear clothes you normally see during a celebration in the alps. I also planned on including more characters, including a few women, but in the end simply didn't have the time. That's why I tried to give the existing characters a bit more personality with a few simple frame animations.
The Pixel Art isn't limited to any retro console colour palette. Still I tried not to go overboard with the shades.
As far as the programming side go. We used Unity, as we were both familiar with it, My partner insisted on doing all the scripts himself and not rely on code from others. Since it was a learning experience first and foremost for both of us, he made sure to get as much out of it as he could.
He constantly told me that when comparing the code for Prost to his earlier game it was mind boggling how much worse that code was.
That really inspired me to also put more effort in this time as well, especially on how to improve my workflow and communication.
If any of you can spare some time and check it out and provide me with some feedback.