CTF also has a "crop all" frames ^^ so I got huge gains. The only thing it doesn't do very well is "mirroring" as i had to do a bit of math for the hotspot point to stay still when mirrored to the left. But I gained so much by doing this optimization that it feels all worth it. But I do the same as you basically...well rather I export in spine with all at the same size so it's super easy to set up an origin point for everything, then mass crop ^^
Only thing I have left is reduce the FPS of some anims. First because I like the "choppy" feeling. Second because having 40 frames for a single idle animations is fairly ridiculous :U
EDIT: Oh unrelated but did also some work on another game i'm collaborating on (called Splash Blast Panic, a jetpack+waterpistol arena party brawler =p). Making some new characters at the moment and it's pretty damn fun to just completely switch styles and be goofy
Haha, it looks very different, indeed :-D Cute, though!
But yeah, from what you say, CTF and C2 work much more similarly than I assumed! That's pretty nice, and I hope you'll manage to work off enough memory wiggle room to do what you want, I still remember the cold sweat when I thought I had to drastically cut stuff from Honey :-D
(on the note of having worked on other projects: the game I worked on as background illustrator before Honey will actually come out later this year, I think... I'm not sure I'm allowed to share stuff about it yet (not that I have much in the first place), but if any of you are interested, I'll make a mention of it here when it releases, though I'll be pretty much discovering it as any other player would, I'm afraid:-D)