What time do they show it?
What time do they show it?
If you've never played Guacamelee, I highly recommend it. The stylized art and animations are nice, but in particular I seem to recall you can cancel out of a lot of different things so it feels very responsive.
I didn't mean it as any sort of criticism. The traversal looks nice. I was just reminded of Guacamelee with the mention of cancelling -- it was neat to roll out of an attack in a platforming game.I'm a huge fan of Drinkbox's games in general, and Guacamelee is one of two games I've ever PlatinumedIt's a huge inspiration behind how the Warrior form will work, and for the general feel of traversal for the Acrobat!
From the video I posted earlier, did you feel the traversal moves were not cancel-able enough? If you're curious to try the current prototype for yourself, I can send you the link to access it!
Many thanks![]()
Since I'm not going to be able to showcase these in the prototype for a little while (no health system yet, no damaging stuff, no collision checks to see if damaged... going to be a while!), so have the current tentative standard defeat/respawn anims:
So here's the game I spent all of Halloween making. I've set it at "Name your own price" but you can (and are encouraged to) enter $0 and still download the game just fine
Also @Blaze, really eager to try it out ! IT looks really damn fun. By the way, if it's not indiscrete, but are you the same Blaze who also organizes the SAGE expo ?
On my end: tried building a very rough test level to record the "flow" of play, or rather "flows":
Ideally, the game will be accessible to many different skill levels, with the different speeds of play allowing access to different paths. Still super early and lots of stuff to fix, of course, but I hope this gets the idea across somewhat already!
Has anyone used free version control for a unity3d project? A friend wants to help out on the project and it would be nice to collaborate but I'm not sure of the best way to go about it.
If anyone has 10-15 minutes to spare, I would super appreciate any feedback about the latest Wildfire build. We're taking this to PAX in a couple days.
(Windows, ~90MB)
I've been using a git repo hosted on bitbucket for the thing I'm working on. It works well enough for now, though it did require a decent amount of config. I based most of my setup on this StackOverflow post.
The main caveats are:
- I'm working alone, so I'm unlikely to hit any situations that are too complex
- My thing is currently tiny because it's a half finished prototype. There is definitely a risk that it'll hit bitbucket's size limit if it gets far enough along.
- Git definitely has a pretty steep learning curve if you've never used it before.
I didn't mean it as any sort of criticism. The traversal looks nice. I was just reminded of Guacamelee with the mention of cancelling -- it was neat to roll out of an attack in a platforming game.
God dammit Pehesse with the frame porn man...
I can't draw anything until I get a new pad, but i would love to see your pipeline for these animations. What program do you use to do the frames?
Dang, that's incredible looking already.
My biggest peeve was the scoring after each level, as I could find a way to make the bar progress faster. I encountered no issues in the first three levels, but had a few in the fourth: I had a little trouble with the very first jump of the level supposed to teach you the glide (basically, never got the glide to carry me far enough even over short distances without hi-jumping first, and that lesson cost me a bit of time because of the spikes). I also ran into a bit of trouble right at the end where I smacked a guy who got stuck in mid air, so I attempted to bite him in mid air as well, which got me stuck for a second (still drank his blood, though), but that had a weird effect on the policeman right next to it who became for some reason resilient to my attacks and score a few good ones when none of the other had stood a chance so far. By the way, that's a rather interesting choice to make the policemen/guards with pistols rather weak and ineffecual, especially compared to the tourists/journalists armed with the WAY more potent camera!
Anyway, liked it, I have way more fun that I thought I would simply clawing off posters off the wall! Thought I'd get plenty of Kid Dracula vibes, and I did, so I leave contented :-D
Learning to do explosions. It's not Metal Slug yet, but it works anyway!
Also a weapon!
Love these! Very impactful and packs a noticeable punch. Would you implement some sort of camera shake eventually?
Getting your game through Greenlight would rather increase your chances finding a publisher than hurt them. My last game was greenlit a few months before I reached out to publishers (I actually only contacted tinyBuild and it worked lol). The value of Greenlight has vastly decreased in the last year, but I'd still recommend it as a start of getting your game out there.Anybody have any experience when it comes to reaching out to and working with indie publishers? Would opening a Greenlight page now particularly hurt my chances? I'd assume not.
I have some footage of my game that I'd like to pass along to some publishers, and while it's good-looking, it's not 1:1 with what I had in mind for the consumer-facing trailer. Surely publishers would be understanding of that, though, right? Is that enough to start reaching out?
So here's the game I spent all of Halloween making. I've set it at "Name your own price" but you can (and are encouraged to) enter $0 and still download the game just fine
You play as a disgruntled Dracula. There's four levels. I wanted a minimum of five, but four is all I could manage in the last 24 hours (literally the entire month was spent on game mechanics and graphics).
Unfortunately the version I submitted to Clickteam for the Halloween Contest has a couple of huge bugs I forgot to fix so I'm probably fucked on winning the grand prize. The version I submitted to Clickteam doesn't properly stop the level music so it ends up overlapping itself, among the grading system during the score tally being totally broken. They were quick fixes but it was past midnight (the deadline) and it looks like you can't modify your entry after submission anyway
Oh well
At least I finished a game for once in my life. Technically, anyway
Also: If you're using a wired 360 controller on your PC, a Windows update broke compatibility with that recently and there's nothing I can do to fix it. It was working fine just a week or two ago, but now Clickteam Fusion can't see a wired 360 controller at all in any capacity. If you're using a wireless 360 controller or DS4Windows you're covered, though.
That moment when you realize you figured out a way to cheese around a hard programming line.
The moment after when you realize it's probably not cheese.
Anyone here had experience in implementing items and a basic inventory system here? I think it's finally time for me to tackle that. I'm thinking of a way to let me do it as uncomplicated as possible - the game only needs to keep track of a limited set of recovery items at a minimum, though since I don't know what else I'll put in there - I'm debating between discrete equipment items and making all equipment "upgrades" (no separate item, just affects naming and bonuses).
I think I'm going to also muck around with the Unity editor and see if I can get a reliable way to display damage numbers upon a successful hit. I'm still not too good at trying a world-space UI... At least with the way the game is done I could have miss and critical indicators reusing the attack effects code, but damage numbers probably need something else.
Do most of you work solo or with a team? If with a team how many people? On the project I'm starting I think it's probably going to end up just being me(programming) and my fiancée(art).
I finally got over the "valley of despair" and starting to put serious thought into my project but I know going solo is going to slow things down a bit lol
Paint.NETquick question - which programm do you guys prefer for making sprites/pixel art?
Make all items implement IItem interface and store them in List<IItem>Anyone here had experience in implementing items and a basic inventory system here? I think it's finally time for me to tackle that. I'm thinking of a way to let me do it as uncomplicated as possible - the game only needs to keep track of a limited set of recovery items at a minimum, though since I don't know what else I'll put in there - I'm debating between discrete equipment items and making all equipment "upgrades" (no separate item, just affects naming and bonuses).
I think I'm going to also muck around with the Unity editor and see if I can get a reliable way to display damage numbers upon a successful hit. I'm still not too good at trying a world-space UI... At least with the way the game is done I could have miss and critical indicators reusing the attack effects code, but damage numbers probably need something else.
I'm kind of surprised by how much I have done in the last week, to be honest. The game is now technically playable, if not very presentable and very unhelpful in indicating things happening, not to mention a lack of finished levels.
oh I already use that from time to timePaint.NET
the animations seem a tad slow, I'd consider speeding the combat up a bit, or give the player an option to adjust it according to their own preferences. Looking good, thoughMade a pre-alpha gameplay video of Beastmancer in case someone wants to check it out:
I'll start my Greenlight campaign tomorrow, I think I have everything I need.
Personally I use ScriptableObjects to make items representations and save them as assets, in that way I can drag them and even save them in a Resources folder so I can instantiate them from code. After that you can just keep your inventory in a single list with strings of the names of the items (or a struct with the name and the number).
Make all items implement IItem interface and store them in List<IItem>
Out of curiosity what is it? Always fun to hear about programming tales.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class AnimationBuilder : EditorWindow
[MenuItem ("Window/Drop Tools/Animation builder")]
public static void ShowWindow ()
private string baseName = "drop_idle";
private int framerate = 60;
private WrapMode wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
private void OnGUI()
baseName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Base name", baseName );
framerate = EditorGUILayout.IntField ("Framerate", framerate);
wrapMode = (WrapMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Wrap mode", wrapMode );
if (GUILayout.Button("Search"))
string[] foundAssets = AssetDatabase.FindAssets(baseName + " t:Sprite");
// List<string> uniqueAssetList = new List<string>();
// foreach(string a in foundAssets)
// {
// if (uniqueAssetList.Contains(a))
// continue;
// uniqueAssetList.Add(a);
// }
// foundAssets = uniqueAssetList.ToArray();
List<Sprite> spriteList = new List<Sprite>();
for (int i = 0; i < foundAssets.Length; i++)
Debug.Log("Sprites loaded = " + spriteList.Count);
AnimationClip animationClip = CreateSpriteAnimationClip(baseName, spriteList, framerate, wrapMode);
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(animationClip, "Assets/APPLICATION/Animations/" + baseName + ".anim");
private AnimationClip CreateSpriteAnimationClip(string name, List<Sprite> sprites, int fps, WrapMode wrapMode)//, bool raiseEvent = false)
int framecount = sprites.Count;
//HACK - Check dem not-quite-one floats to make the animation system not screw up, bro!
float frameLength = 0.99f / (float)fps;
AnimationClip clip = new AnimationClip();
clip.frameRate = fps;
AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClipSettings(clip).loopTime = true;
EditorCurveBinding curveBinding = new EditorCurveBinding();
curveBinding.type = typeof(SpriteRenderer);
curveBinding.propertyName = "m_Sprite";
ObjectReferenceKeyframe[] keyFrames = new ObjectReferenceKeyframe[framecount];
for (int i = 0; i < framecount; i++)
ObjectReferenceKeyframe kf = new ObjectReferenceKeyframe();
kf.time = i * frameLength;
kf.value = sprites[i];
keyFrames[i] = kf;
} = name;
// AnimationUtility.SetAnimationType(clip, ModelImporterAnimationType.Generic);
clip.wrapMode = wrapMode;
AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, curveBinding, keyFrames);
// clip.ValidateIfRetargetable(true);
// if (raiseEvent)
// {
// AnimationUtility.SetAnimationEvents(clip, new[] { new AnimationEvent() { time = clip.length, functionName = "on" + name } });
// }
// clip.AddEvent(e);
return clip;
quick question - which programm do you guys prefer for making sprites/pixel art?
After 5/6 months of work I finally put Beastmancer on Greenlight: Direct Link
Anyone else can share tips on this?
coefficients are a great way to modify an entire curve without changing the underlying formula (eg to prevent a result of 0 ever returning).
Percentile based modifiers are also a good way of preventing ever getting unwanted results.
...yikes, I think I've forgotten maths... *hides in shame*
Uh, I think I'll probably have to ask about what exactly you meant by "percentile based modifiers". Don't worry about the other one.
A - D = HP
2A - D = HP/2
coefficients are multipliers in algrebraic formulas.
So - for example - an attack damage formula might be
where A = attack power of attacker, D = defence power of target, HP = health points to remove.Code:A - D = HP
Adding coefficients would be something like:
would shift your overall damage curves more into the positive, and adjust the point at which a targets defence can overwhelm an attackCode:2A - D = HP/2
Percentile based modifiers are just modifiers using percentage increase / decreases rather than fixed numbers - they scale much better globally and are always relevant.
eg Armour gives +5% Defence vs Armour gives 5 Defence
the first suit of armour is useful for the entire game
the second suit of armour is vendor trash very quickly
I'm going to drop that one here for tomorrows #screenshotsaturday
(Game is called The Shattering, currently under development. Still a long dev ahead)