I've been squidyj since I couldn't take squid-jerky on....... I think it was Ragnarok Online.
I was squid-jerky from playing in diablo 1 and the starcraft demo.
I'm kind of like a foglet from the witcher world, just more handsome.
Pot is short for Potter. My name is Salvador.
I'm a rat who trains turtles
But that was the best bit! (Wasn't it Kark though?)I am glad that we now have some time before Season 4 starts.
It gives us time to make this community even stronger. I am kind of glad to see how a small game of Mafia turned out in the end..pretty good.
Even though Ultron87 killed me and claimed to be the doctor !
But that was the best bit! (Wasn't it Kark though?)
Yeah it's a ps4 only feature right now.Just added everyone I could find on PSN. I couldn't find the Gafia community however, I guess that feature isn't available on the vita?
Just added everyone I could find on PSN. I couldn't find the Gafia community however, I guess that feature isn't available on the vita?
I really like Xenogears. So I combined the terrible spelling of the final boss and the typical spelling of Ouroboros.
I really like Xenogears. So I combined the terrible spelling of the final boss and the typical spelling of Ouroboros.
My thoughts exactly, technically he's the one spelling it wrong and us good samaritans are just trying to correct his mistakeSo your name is based on the final boss of a game being spelled terribly, and you complain that we always spell your name wrong? Hmmmmmmmm......
So your name is based on the final boss of a game being spelled terribly, and you complain that we always spell your name wrong? Hmmmmmmmm......
My thoughts exactly, technically he's the one spelling it wrong and us good samaritans are just trying to correct his mistake
Nothing wrong with an asterisk in your name. Tom Brady and all of his super bowl wins will also always have an asterisk attached.
Upupupu I missed what was before the edit but upupupu anyway.
So it WAS a bionicle thing! I always wondered...I was way into bionicle as a kid, and my first forum was BZPower. So I named myself Coppanuva (I made my own character who had the copper mask, and coppa seemed like a cool shortened form of it, nuva being the powered up version of the heroes). Then I just used it everywhere.
No changes were made, I just needed enforce how much I was shaking my head.
I'm a Dolphins fan, I hate new england regardless of current news.
PSN is CharlesTouchDown (VITA&PS3) and I might have a new gamertag soon when I start MGSV.
Back in ye olden days of Neopets some friends and I would try our hardest to misspell Sonic while having it still sound the same. Couple of back and forths and one of my friends won with 'Sawneek' and it turned into an inside joke for a while. Years later I needed a name for a new website we were all migrating to and someone brought up 'Sawneek' so I slapped an s on the end and it's just kind of stuck ever since.
what happened ? i dont want this thread to die![]()
But...but i tried to please everyone ;_______________;its all your fault. the life of this thread was karmically tied to your lost phone. there's no hope for us now. thanks for nothing, nin.
its all your fault. the life of this thread was karmically tied to your lost phone. there's no hope for us now. thanks for nothing, nin.
Well , fyi my phone is STILL lostand i have to use this thing called "iphone" for the time being i am SUFFERING. Everyone of you cant even comprehend how it feels to be forced out of Android and use IOS for the 1st time Uuuurghhh.
I've often thought about going from my Android to an iPhone, mostly because it seems like iPhone gets better gaming apps. Good to hear your thoughts on it.
I mostly haven't so far because I have a great app that automates changing the settings on my phone based on different criteria, (like automatically silencing the ringer when I arrive at work, as an example,) and I don't think the iphone has something like that.
I love the customability Android provides and i feel very restricted with IOS.
No offense to those that use an iphone but i think that is personal preference.
I am still unsure on what phone i am getting next since there are a lot of fine phones out there.
no Nexus 5x or 6p for me though since google wants to fuck us europeans big time