Real talk: I actually think It's a Small World is pretty awesome.
Small World is GREAT.
Real talk: I actually think It's a Small World is pretty awesome.
Probably Darryl. Maybe Ouro.
You'd be the talkative lancer character, Rats would be the stoic tactician, swamps and yenny would be the peppy ninjas (like Yuffie or Rikku), Coppa would be the beleagured ranger, Hyper and Sawneeks would be expert mages, Launchpad and Splinter would be the no-nonsense soldiers, and I would be a Tifa-esque fighter. It'd be rad.
Greetings from Fantasyland! I'm holding down a table near Small World, waiting for one group that went to get Dinner and another group that went for frozen lemonade. It is hot and humid.
On Land vs World - World is better, but so much more expensive that I will take Land just about any day of the week. However, my wife reeeeaaallly wants to go to World in a couple years for our tenth anniversary.
Final Fantasy - Can I be Sabin? He's my favorite.
It looks like he's standing inside a giant mechatronic version of himselfI image searched Wakka, not expecting much. Google did not disappoint.
Those traps.
I can be Tidus.. or Vivi.
You'd be Vivi. Too smart for your own good but a fantastic companion.
Who is guaranteed to die.
Kefka Right here ladies and gentleman.
We still need more villains, I nominate Darryl as Kuja.
Crab. Every now and again someone performs the Final Banning, but he comes back again to torture and instill fear into us.We Need Someone as Sin))
This is tough, would I be the useless villain who thinks he is a bigger bad than he actually is, or that one party member that no one uses?
I mean I did lose us the DG game...
We still need more villains, I nominate Darryl as Kuja.
You can be Steiner. People poke fun but we all actually love you.
I never completed a Final fantasy game, so to be honest, of like 80 % of those names I have no idea who it is. Of the 4 final fantasy games I tried to play, I stopped halfway either because I had to grind to continue (IV), the game became to hard (tactics), I got bored with it (VII), or because I died during a boss fight and had to re-watch a 5 minute unskipable cutscene before I could retry the fight (Crisis core).
Dunno about asleep, but Roy seems like an Edward to me.Awww... is there an asleep character we can give roytheone then?
Awww... is there an asleep character we can give roytheone then?
Launch. He keeps changing his mind all the time.
As for an easy one, Scrafty is Gogo.
I do REALLY like Chrono trigger though, so if you are OK with a bit out of universe characters you could give me Frog. That would also give me the best music theme of you all by far.
Yep. Mimicry expert.Gogo? Like, the mime you find in the Sarlaac in FFVI?
No Roy, this is final fantasy time, if we were doing cross universe shenanigans then I would be Yuri or Sora but we aren't. Just for that, I assign you Gau.
I just wanted to give myself another reason to listen to Frog's theme again. CAN YOU REALLY BLAME ME FOR THAT?
You'd be Vivi. Too smart for your own good but a fantastic companion.
Palmer should be Gestahl. All-powerful for quite a long time, until 3 statues finally decided to vote him off theislandfloating continent.
I never completed a Final fantasy game, so to be honest, of like 80 % of those names I have no idea who it is. Of the 4 final fantasy games I tried to play, I stopped halfway either because I had to grind to continue (IV), the game became to hard (tactics), I got bored with it (VII), or because I died during a boss fight and had to re-watch a 5 minute unskipable cutscene before I could retry the fight (Crisis core).
I never completed a Final fantasy game, so to be honest, of like 80 % of those names I have no idea who it is. Of the 4 final fantasy games I tried to play, I stopped halfway either because I had to grind to continue (IV), the game became to hard (tactics), I got bored with it (VII), or because I died during a boss fight and had to re-watch a 5 minute unskipable cutscene before I could retry the fight (Crisis core).
nothing from crab yet?
I just hope S4 mods will be sorted out sooner rather than later so that everything can be figured out from there.
his ban get lifted early? Or maybe the banned undername thing is bugged for me.
crabhelmet: i am unbanned tomorrow
crabhelmet: you know what that means kids!?!?!
anime is haram: it means more 1000 word posts browbeating us into submission for being bad at a party game
crabhelmet: correct!
Maybe he's writing the 1000 word post about our chucklefuckery right now?
........and actually no, you're right, he is unbanned already. Crab-senpai, come to us.
I think you should work under the assumption that it will be you, Salva, and Retro.