Sorry to bump this thread but I'm having some serious anxiety thanks to my pretty hard to fix anti-social tendencies. The good words from this thread made me feel better last time so I'm turning to this again
It's really hard, but your worth is not determined by people liking you. Trust me, it is worth being true to yourself even if you are not popular.
There are books, websites and ways that can help with social ques. Things like looking at people, not talking bad about yourself, trying to remain calms. Things like that can help in people opening up. But people are also very weary and selfish- We like being around people who make us feel good, and the unfortunate side effect of this is that sometimes when people with anexiety are around, they feel anxious as well. Sort of how happy people rub off on others, being uncomfortable, tense, scared or angry can as well.
A lot of people are not comfortable in their own skin, and its a lifelong battle that few master. But the thing is, that you really have to want to improve yourself. Look for success in other arenas. School might just not be your thing- It sure as hell wasn't my.
But there are many places to find likeminded people. It doesn't even have to revolve around getting friends, friends. You can have an enriched social life by having good coworkers you talk well with, or do sports with nice people who come from all different walks of life, or volunteering where people selflessly have the best intentions and empathy.
It's a tactical mistake to think that school is a battlefield that has to be won. Get through school, be true to yourself, do not be addicted to attention, try to be honest and work on doing your best. Don't seek being popular here. For many good people, school was not for them. Where those popular kids are now, is not where they will be.
There is a test of character in being true to yourself. My own anecdotal experience has been that the kids who didn't jump on the bandwagons like smoking, drinking and all that for the sake of being cool or fitting in, carried that "take me as I am or get the fuck out of my way" attitude into adultlife, and honked a lot of respect and admiration from people who did dumb stuff to be liked.
There are sometimes where you have to make an effort to follow the social tendencies and give things a chance (parties, social gatherings) but there are also times where it is wise to burn the bridge. So don't cut yourself short. Not necessarily.
If I could back to my highschool I would have told myself that being hard on myself didn't make me better. I thought it was a motivational whip for being better, faster, stronger, but the truth is, that once you become an adult it begins to become apparent, that most people don't know what the fuck is going on, most people people are just trying to make it through and keeping up appearance. You will be surprised at how many people who you might think have it so easy and just get through school so casually, actually have demons you couldn't even imagine.
Some people are amazing socially, but are terrible at being alone. Some people are really beautiful and have great bodies and get a lot of attention from the other sex, but think that people only like them for their bodies and think that they intellectually are incompetent or dumb and that their personality is gross. You'll find a counter, in most people.
It doesn't mean your anxiety is not real, but it is something you have to deal with. It's your demon, it's not going away, but you can work at it and it can get better and more manageable. Anyone who says it can't improved is lying. Come to terms with what you have, and find a plan of attack at how you can make it better. You absolutely can. It all comes up to you. Being brave, means facing your fears. Being determined, means doing it even if its hard or feels impossible unrealistic. So I say, be brave and determined.