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GAF Secret Santa 2016

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Ok, I'm down, let's do this !

I love artbooks and I have eyes on some to complete my collection.
I'm really into Japan history. Especially the visual arts from Edo or Meiji (I love the architecture, the temples, the tatoos, the crafts, paintings, kimonos, the gardens... )
and post WW2 reconstruction (some years ago, a gaffer got me a black and white pictures book of night life in Tokyo in the 50/60 its amazing...) yeah I love Yakuza games... Now that I think of it, I shouldn't ask but if you are the best of the best and around Japan, if you could get a hold of the Bloodborne Design Works book (still not available in the west) just saying... <3
I juste love beautiful books haha

In case shipping cost are too much or just sheer weight, I have a Steam wishlist

I'd like to note that I'll be travelling in the second half of december so I fear it you send early your gift, it will be store and sent back before I come back to pick it up, so it's okay to send in the first days of January, more time to shop I guess :)

Lots of love and best wishes for holiday season


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
I like comics, action movies, Nintendo stuff, indie games, Chicago sports, animals, R&B music, candy, etc. I don't like to ask for anything specific because I like the surprise.


I'm in!

I'm a big fan of vinyl. Here's my current Discogs wantlist to get an idea of what I like:

Here's my Amazon wishlist that will give ideas for videogames, movies, and whatnot:

Also, if you are a fan of a football/soccer club, I would love the scarf of your favorite team.

So what do you do if we have an odd number of participants? &#129300;
It's like we're all standing in a great big circle and you pass your gift to the right. There is always someone to the right no matter how big or small the circle is. International pool gets the biggest circle. Then there's a separate circle for each individual country if you opt out of international shipping.
For anyone that gets me, see below:

I'm 30, male, just bought a house recently and still trying to make it my own. I game, love movies (blu), like books a bunch, and had an amazing time this summer watching our founding fathers on stage. I work out a lot and really like to cook.

I love: Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, and the author murakami, I game on Steam, PS4, and Wiiu. Mainly PS4/WiiU for exclusives and I'm looking to get the Switch. I'm into Settlers of Catan and other games that are similar to it. I LOOOOVE Yoga. I do it about 4x/week when it's permitting. I really like to cook, probably cook about 90% of my meals. For some ideas on games that I really enjoy. I'm looking to buy Dishonored 2 for myself once the PC patches hit, I love Uncharted, I will buy FFXV for myself very soon as I've been waiting for it foreverrrrrr. I love most things Mario, looking forward to Persona 5 A LOT. On PC lately I've been playing a lot of Civ 5, and SC2. On WiiU I need to get back and finish a few games. Handhelds: I used to own a Vita and 3DS but sold both to try and concentrate my game time onto what I enjoy most: consoles/PC, :(. My life was turned upside down this summer from an evacuation of bed bugs lol, though luckily I am now bed bug free, but I missed a lot of game time.



Third year, the only secret santa I participate in!

I do have a wishlist, but I think it should be used as a last resort/starting point: http://a.co/39rwP0A

I like: fitness (bball, running/cycling), fashion (M 5'6 S/M), Artwork/Prints (mostly architecture/nature), Chicago sports, PC Games, Music Making (FL Studio, so any plugins would be prettty sick too! I only have Alchemy and Omnisphere so any cool sound packs or plugins would be neat), gizmos, cooking.

POST B-FRIDAY EDIT: I've kinda gotten a little bit of everything during black friday... except for music stuff. This seems like I'm steering you towards a direction, but I definitely think in terms of surprise factor, I don't usually do a lot of exploring of sounds and plugins so this would be super neat to see what you could find. I'm into more chill/house/stuff. Might wanna check my soundcloud for reference though: soundcloud.com/handyvice

I would refrain from looking at my wishlist, but if you do need help it's there!
Nic I'm so glad we're doing this again. <3 I was worried you weren't going to run it this year. I love participating, and seeing my TT post their gifts is always the highlight for me!

For my future SS!

Things I like: I'm really into cosplay, sci-fi, and horror! I always need more crafting material, so anything from my amazon cosplay wishlist would be lovely: http://a.co/5Be4vYO
I also love to read. Snow Crash and Necromancer are my favorite novels.

I also really, really love hand draw cards. So even if you cannot draw, I don't care! I love collecting drawings of my game character, Kazte: http://jocelynada.deviantart.com/gallery/11782789/Pinion
Please draw her for me! I love love love getting them!

Things I'd prefer not to get: I don't need any games right now, too many I have yet to play ^^ And no sweets or candy please! I try to diet and if I get sweets for Christmas I will eat them o.o

Oh, there was talk about wish lists in the last year's thread.

Some of us suggested that if Tiny Tims want to make the their secret Santa's stalking easier, we could just write down our "wishlists" here in this thread. Meaning stuff like "I will not wish any chocolate even though Finnish chocolate is awesome and I don't know what I am missing" *cough* last years *cough* Tiny Tim. Or stuff like "I'm into collecting Macguffins and wish more of them". And so on.

So how about it?

Also. Nic, if you would have me, this humble doggie offers himself for elf duty

I'm sure Finnish chocolate is absolutely delicious ;_; I just don't wanna get fat!
I'm sure Finnish chocolate is absolutely delicious ;_; I just don't wanna get fat!

Fair enough! :)

Just about two more weeks until we all get our matches. I can't wait! I'm going to have to be real fast so I can get everything shipped so that the gift has a chance of arriving in time for Christmas.
Won't be able to join in this year as finances are a but tight, unfortunately.

Will keep an eye on all the gifts people post, though!


Really want to participate because I've had a lot of fun with it the past two years, got some solid gifts. matthewwhatever and SystemShark gave me things I still use to this day.

Matthew, man, that hat is a staple in my life. Same goes for the bracelet. Had to get it made a little smaller, 'cause my wrist may as well be a toothpick, jfc.

SystemShark, those white jelly pens got me through Inktober this year, and I played the shit outta DS2/Civ BE, finished all the pages in that Moleskin, too.


On that note, gonna take a hard look at my budget so I can do my Tiny Tim well this season, rather than jumping in. Glad to see you're doing this, though, Nic. :)
Info for my SS :}

  • I'm female
  • I work as a pastry chef in a restaurant
  • Hobbies: PC gaming (steam mostly) + PS4, baking, watching lots of anime, photography, blogging
  • Interests: craft coffee, french pastry/plated desserts, name brand makeup, gaming, animu
  • Games I enjoy: Tera (mmo rpg), Fallout 4, Nintendo games (Kirby, animal crossing, etc), Final Fantasy, Doom, Dark Souls, Resident Evil, Silent Hill
  • Size: small
  • Dislikes: Sports, shooters like Call of Duty ( military style shooting etc), cupcakes and cookies type of baking


I'm down for this year too. Last year's gift was wonderful. I'm still using my Lifestraw (it's hella beat up now though).

For my secret Santa

- I'm a dude

- Hobbies: Gaming, Reading, Hiking, foodie, travel, swimming.
Note(s): I have a PS4, WiiU, 3DS and PC, but I prefer my PC. For books, I have a variety of interests but the last 3 books I read aside from textbooks are: I Contain Multitudes, Childhood's End, and Hillbilly Elegy. My top 3 games this year have been X-Com 2, Stardew Valley, and DOOM.
- I would love a tasteful tabletop game for family gatherings. Around Settlers of Catan (I have Catan) levels of intricacy (need to avoid things that are too complex for non gamer friends).
- I also love food. Like local delicacies are totally my thing as long as they survive shipping.
- I'm a men's size S if you plan to get me something along those lines.
Please don't spend too much. I would feel really bad if you got something extravagant.
Dislikes: I don't really collect things for the sake of having them around. So, please don't send me figurines or stuff like that that you'd expect me to keep long term for no other purpose.
Man, I kinda miss the form. It makes the "letter to Santa" bit so much easier when you have prompts!

Anyway, hello future Santa!

The nitty gritty:
Games - Mostly a PC person for video games. I don't own any consoles except a Vita and a NES Classic Mini right now. Probably not a good idea to buy me games since I likely own it already or will buy it for myself anyway. Game-themed stuff is more than welcome. Beanie hats and lanyards would be neat since I need both for work. I'm into all Blizzard games, Zelda, Mortal Kombat, Telltale's games, Fallout/Elder Scrolls, tons of stuff. Really, most things except for JRPGs and anime games (sorry). Tabletop stuff is welcome across the board.
Media - I don't watch a lot of movies or TV these days, and what I do watch, I generally stream. I mostly have the taste of a six year old, I like cartoons, wrestling and Power Rangers. But I do enjoy the occasional show for grownups. I'm a big fan of Westworld and Game of Thrones, and I'm looking forward to Star Trek Discovery next year. I read tons, especially since I started commuting again.
Shirt size - Male, XL
Favourite colour - Red
Collectibles - I'm into POPs and Metals Die-Cast, but I like figures and stuff in general so anything's welcome.
Stuff to consider:
- I'd really like your favourite book (or manga or comic if that's more your thing). Doesn't matter what it is. I asked for that from lots of Secret Santas over the years and I've built up a nice collection. I'll read almost any genre!
- If you're not from the UK or Ireland, food is welcome. Ditto if you have a favourite sports team. Again, beanie hats are especially appreciated there, I recently cut off most of my hair and it's cold these days!
- Perfectly fine with hand-crafted stuff or anything cool like that.
- Next year, I want to cook more and maybe learn an instrument.
I guess I'll do it this year. This will be my first Secret Santa.

EDIT: Quick question, if I'm leaving for home from college at around December 16th, which address should I put down?
Whichever address you think is most secure.

If you signed up for international, postage can take a long while and might not be received by the holidays. Last year I was away for the holidays and just used my home address. I got the package when I returned and it was a nice little uplift after a three day drive home.

If you send it home, will your parents forward it to the school if it gets there after you leave?


Just a quick Q before I go sign up (I'll sign up regardless just curious)

If you buy direct from a wish list do you still give proof to saint nic ? Or is it good enough as is?


I will join the fun this year, my gf does the reddit one for years and we make the best things.
We Like food if we go on vacation we do food tours, go to the best restaurants and try local cuisine We do love to try the super special things.
We have all systems, Together we play all kind of games from mario to titanfall 2. U can check my gamertag to see what we mostly play.
I am a fan of tezuka (astroboy, blackjack...) oda (one piece) Blacksad, Batman, Love reading good stories.
For the films we watch u can check the website in my profile, so you get an idea what kind of movies we like, although we watched a lot of crap too.
We like zoo's and biology. We collect old books about them, posters antiques (we have nameplates from the 1920 etc..)
We like minerals and special objects from nature - we have some display cases with beautiful minerals (aquamarine - fluorite -..) and some antique exotic animal skulls and other things..
We loved urbexing but nowadays we dont have much time
We are going for 2 months to Namibia next year.
We have collections of bioshock, Zelda, Mega man, Ghibli, Soulsborne..
Dislikes: figurines ( i do have them, but they are not in the price range i want you to buy :D )

Super easy mode:
Amazon wish list
Just a quick Q before I go sign up (I'll sign up regardless just curious)

If you buy direct from a wish list do you still give proof to saint nic ? Or is it good enough as is?

If you can get proof to nic, it'd be good to do so. It just helps on his end to make sure everything is checked off at each step in the process.
I loved participating in last year's Secret Santa (my first), so I'm throwing my hat into the ring again. I'll give my future Tiny Tim more information, but right now I wanted to make sure I got into the "Participants" list.
I'm in!

I'll send you a PM later Nick!

For my eventual stalker:

Hobbies - Gaming/LEGO/guitar/digital photography.
Gaming - PS4 and handhelds. Slowly shifting to digital since I have a little boy on the way (due at the end of January!). I used to collect videogames, but with a son on the way, I'm choosing to reprioritize and get rid of my collection. Love retro gaming, but most of my stuff has been packed away. Favorite game of all time is Xenogears.
Favorite color - forest green

Amazon wishlist:
3rd year doing this in a row for me, I'm 100% in!

About Me:

Male or female: Male
Current occupation: Train Driver
Clothing size: XL
Shoe size: UK 12/ EU 47
Favourite Color: Red
Favourite alcoholic beverage: Beer
Favourite Hobby: Gaming
Consoles Owned: PS4, Vita, PS3, PS2, 3DS, Wii U
Favourite books or type: Artbook, Design Process, Informational, Manga
Favourite manga series: Berserk, Gintama, Attack on Titan, Jojos, Monster
Favourite movies or genres: Comedy, Action, Anime
Favourite show/movie series/franchises: Psycho-Pass, Jojos, Kill la Kill, Gurren Lagann, Bungou Stray Dogs, Shokugeki no Soma
Favourite video game genre: JRPG, Fighting, Action/Adventure
Favourite video game series/franchises :Final Fantasy, Persona, Overwatch, SMT, Resident Evil, Tekken, Street Fighter, too many to name all
Do you collect anything: Figures, Art books, Artwork (posters)

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
I just noticed since I posted on page 2 that people are posting their interests, size, sex etc for their Secret Santa. I didn't even think to do that.

I'm male, 44, a father of two, and live in NZ (well I will be by the time Secret Santas are being bought and sent).

I'm in two minds to list hobbies and stuff because honestly, I'd just be happy to receive something from your neck of the woods. I very rarely get gifts apart from my partner so anything would be appreciated. :)


I'm in. This was fun last year.

Male or female: Male
Age: 38
Current occupation: Engineer
Favourite Color: Silver
Favourite Hobbies: Rugby, Building things, working on my Ford Bronco
Consoles Owned: XBONE
Favourite movies or genres: Dark comedy
Favourite show/movie series/franchises: Jaws
Favourite video game genre: Action RPGs
Favourite video game series/franchises : Elder Scrolls

I always need tools

I also have these two:
This is the first time I can participate and I'm very excited :) I love the holidays!

Male or female: Male
Current occupation: Sales Associate at a Video Game Store
Clothing size: Small
Shoe size: US 7
Favourite Color: Red
Favourite Hobby: Gaming
Consoles Owned: In order of use: Xbox One, PS4, 3DS
Favourite movies or genres: The Prestige
Favourite show/movie series/franchises: Westworld, Arrowverse shows, Game of Thrones
Favourite video game genre: Open World and/or RPG
Favourite video game series/franchises : Zelda, Borderlands, Assassin's Creed, Pokemon
Do you collect anything: Lately I've been collecting different Bicycle Playing Card decks, the weirder the better

Other info: I'm 25, huge into gaming obviously. Lately I've been doing magic as well (hence the playing cards). I live with my girlfriend and our 2 cats. I work in Video Game Retail at a locally owned store. I have a huge digital game collection on my Xbox One and I'm always looking for more indie titles to add to it.

I'll add more to this if I think of anything else important about myself.
Excited to be participating this year! Money is a bit tough, and I'll definitely be shipping the gift out Dec 18th, but I absolutely love doing this every year and was upset that I couldnt participate last year (granted, it was a tough christmas).

Some Info about me:
30 year old female artist living in Boston. Working full time as an artist and full time for a non profit, working in Operations/Security handling/intaking homeless veterans. Absolutely love both my jobs.

I love reading, cooking and music. Particularly experimental hip hop. My birthday was spent at a Digable Planets concert. I'm an avid collector, mostly first edition Stephen King and Joe Hill. Other favorite authors are Anthony Burgess and Roahl Dahl. I also subscribe to Lapham's Quarterly and will soon be subscribing to Cabinet Magazine.

In terms of diet restrictions, I don't do sugar, at all. I've been on a medical ketogenic diet since February for health reasons. Additionally, I'm allergic to soy and onions. I love tea and coffee, particularly dark roasts. All time favorite brand and brew is Granite Ledge's Oromobuna's Beans, 100% Ethiopian Arabica Dark Roast

I'm sort of a serious person, so I really dislike NSFW and gag gifts. Yes, I know, what a debbie downer. I love hand made, crafted or local based gifts, an example: I was just in chicago performing and spent most of my time in the small local shops and totally regret not buying a coffee mug from the coffee shop I went to every morning. I love local goods.

I will edit this to add more information, but it's Thanksgiving Day and I'm hitting the tequila early this morning. Attached is my amazon wishlist to give you an idea of what I'm interested in. No need to follow it, more of an idea of what sort of person I am.

So excited to participate again this year :)
I'm in

Info about myself (incomplete)

Male or female: Male
Current occupation: Data Entry/Consultant
Clothing size: 4XL
Shoe size: US 16
Favourite Color: Blue
Favourite Hobby: Gaming
Consoles Owned: PS4, Vita, 3DS (US), Wii U (PAL), Game Boy (all of them), DS, N64 (PAL) Pretty much mainly a handheld gamer (if you do want to get me something game related here is a list of everything I have so you don't double up https://1drv.ms/x/s!AuTVGoUdaf5Cgk17fznsdFd5Lo3F)
Favourite movies or genres: Harry Potter, Marvel Cinematic Universe,Godzilla
Favourite show/movie series/franchises: Dr Who, Anything Marvel, Voltron, Astro Boy
Favourite video game genre: Strategy, RPG, Platformer, Puzzle
Favourite video game series/franchises : Dragon Quest, Kirby, Mega Man, Zelda
Do you collect anything: Dragon Quest stuff, old Game Boy games, Pikachu Plushies, pretty much most Nintendo merch
Male or female: Male
Current occupation: Working in a stupid supermarket.
Favourite Color: Red
Favourite Hobby: Gaming or watching movies.
Consoles Owned: PS4, 3DS (EU), Wii U (PAL), DS.
Favourite movies or genres: Harry Potter, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Saving Private Ryan, Mustang, American Honey, Her.
Favourite show/movie series/franchises: Marvel stuff, Pokemon,
Favourite video game genre: Strategy, RPG, Platformer, shooter.
Favourite video game series/franchises : Pokemon, zelda, mario, ratchet & Clank.
Do you collect anything: Steelbooks. Specially Marvel CU steelbooks. Still need the SB's for Iron Man 1/2, Captain America FA, GOTG.

I dunno. I'm a 23 year old male sort of student living in Dublin, I work in tesco. I've recently got into comic books, Marvel specifically. Love spiderman, love pokemon, collect blu rays, love British military history as well. Love video games obviously, and movies. I also love milk chocolate.
I'm in!

I'm an old school gamer, and usually game on 3DS and Wii U. Though I've recently liked Undertale. Other favorite franchises include Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, Legos, mostly anything Nintendo. I also have three boys, ages 5, 3, and 1, they are all gamers as well. If it's something we can enjoy together, even better!

Almost missed this. Screw it, I'm in.

Gamer, got a Wii U, n3DS XL and PC that I personally own, have access to a PS4, Xbox One, Wii, PS3, Xbox 360... so on. Whole gaggle of consoles in this household. I live in Britain, so that's all PAL related where region locks apply. I rather like a bit of everything, though I've leaned more on Nintendo's output for the last few years. Am wyvernwithwings on Steam, JonnyTheBrit on miiverse, and have a fairly extensive but not completely collection - I tend to buy games months after release.

Bit of a nerd in general, but with a particular love of history. Into cartography of late, mostly because of its connection to the fantasy genre - fictional maps are awesome. Also pretty big into anime and manga, but my collection is budding at best. I'm kinda interested in movies, but more as a casual thing, and definitely with an escapist bent.


The past days have been _really_ bad, I could use some holiday cheer. Here's hoping for better luck than last year when my gifts fell off Santa's sleigh before getting to me :/


My favorite genres are point ‘n click adventures, RPGs, puzzle games… this is not a genre per se, but I tend to like weird Japanese games. With the exception of Xbox One, I have all current consoles and pretty much all of the major ones that came before them. I'm in PAL territory (but thanks to a past GAF Santa I can also play US PS2 games!). I have a Steam account (http://steamcommunity.com/id/toofhairy), but my laptop is fairly old, so I can't play very demanding games hardware-wise.

To give an idea of my tastes, nothing better that showing you all the games I own: http://www.backloggery.com/nny

I like Japanese pop culture in general, anime and manga in specific. Among other titles, I have been trying to collect all Osamu Tezuka manga released in English. Plenty of these have limited releases and become quite pricey a few years after release. I have been trying to find Black Jack volumes 6, 8, 9 and 12 for a reasonable price. Especially if you happen to be in the US, you may find one of these for cheap on a local bookstore!
I also love LEGO, these are the sets I own.

I have recently obtained a PhD in Psychology (I studied learning and memory in animals), so I'm very fond of science in general and am always looking forward to learning new stuff! I am fascinated with space and have a crush on NASA ;P I have also been studying Japanese for a few years. I’m a size M.

Here are some wishlists:



I guess I might as well post my secret santa ideas:

I really enjoy video games and am currently studying Game Design. Some of my favourite games at the moment are Overwatch, Call of Duty, Witcher 3, GTA V, Any VR Game (I have an HTC Vive) and many others. My steam profile is here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198024403552/
if you would like to see the types of games I play, etc. I also really love game of thrones! I can't get enough of the show, such an amazing show. I am also a really big basketball fan. My favourite team is the Toronto Raptors That is another idea. Also I am a big Kanye West music fan, if you can find anything related to that. I also like funny items, something that will give me a good laugh is always a bonus.
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