Do we get some sort of award for services to the fatherland?
Maybe you can get us that room people kept requesting.
No way. I could see little iron crosses for saving the thread though.
Do we get some sort of award for services to the fatherland?
Maybe you can get us that room people kept requesting.
Maybe you can get us that room people kept requesting.
But trap won't have a chance to shoot me with a shotgun.
I have a basement you two could fit in.
P.S.: Wer sind diese Frei.Wild mit dene ihrem Echo Skandal?
.Op - fer
H.I.T. ist mein Lieblingslied von der Platte.
"Ich bin kein Mensch, ich bin Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht!"Die Soundclash-Sache mit Kraftklub war erstaunlich spaßig.
Südtiroler Nationalisten, die recht beliebt in der rechten Szene sind. Solang sie die Hohlbirnen***** MIA von der Öffentlichkeit fernhalten, kann ich mich aber nicht entscheiden, wie schlimm sie sindP.S.: Wer sind diese Frei.Wild mit dene ihrem Echo Skandal?
Gehts das nivoh jetzt noch vollends den bach runter?
Mai mai diese fäkelsprache hier.
Hat mich auch irgendwie neugierig gemacht:Und wieso wird "K.ombo" zensiert?
Dann ist jetzt Zeit für etwas Deutsche Klassik:
Johann Sebastian Bachs Toccata und Fuge gespielt von Karl Richter
I have a basement you two could fit in.
I can think of ways this could work.
That's me, wearing your face as a mask, catching trap. <3
Good night everyone, sleep well.
Oh, speaking of family. I wonder if you'll ever get a handjob under a blanket in front of her family.One big happy family.
Oh, speaking of family. I wonder if you'll ever get a handjob under a blanket in front of her family.
well. that's that.
Hm. I've never seen Pi.
it's my favorite
The only Aronofsky I've seen is Requiem for a Dream and Black Swan. Really enjoyed Requiem. I've been meaning to get around to The Fountain purely for the visual spectacle.
Yeah that's actually what got me interested to see it in the first place. "Together we will live forever" is really great too.
yeah they're all good but nothing beats "death is the road the awe" the first time I listened to it it really overwhelmed me.
yeah they're all good but nothing beats "death is the road the awe" the first time I listened to it it really overwhelmed me.
I absolutely hated Requiem. Every bit was completely predictable. I also despise movies that are about little more than people's lives going to shit. The real world has enough drama, I don't need movies to paint an even bleaker picture. Million Dollar Baby was another film I thought was horrible for the same reasons. Stringing together one horrible scene after another just to show what a deep and brilliant director you are. Maybe the only two movies I ever really, really hated. I don't care if a movie is bad. I like plenty shitty movies. I do care if it's constructed, emotionally manipulative drama.
Yeah it's really emotional, particularly when the buildup finally finishes near the end. Speaking of great soundtracks, "The Departure" from Gattaca always moves me. Good movie, too.
just watch pi, you can't predict that shit.
Maybe I should. Haven't really liked any of Aronofsky's films so far, though. (Haven't seen Black Swan yet)
yes that's nice too.
the reflecting skin also comes highly recommended
it's an early work, so it's quite different
I actually watched the reflecting skin with a guy I dated and afterwards he was totally confused + a bit shocked "you said that's one of your favorite movies?!" ahahaha
vertrottelter kunstbanause.
We can't all share your great taste, Trab. Go easy on the poor fellow!
What does "vertrottelter" mean?
Oh, speaking of family. I wonder if you'll ever get a handjob under a blanket in front of her family.