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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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you're like the first person I know who has seen this film :O



you're like the first person I know who has seen this film :O

The german title made me curious years ago and I loved it. The English title though is more fitting in relation to the photos.

Yeah my friends also think most of the time I like some weird movies, but hell some even think Donnie Darko is weird.

Fuck them :(
The german title made me curious years ago and I loved it. The English title though is more fitting in relation to the photos.

Yeah my friends also think most of the time I like some weird movies, but hell some even think Donnie Darko is weird.

Fuck them :(

you have great taste in music & in movies :)

Donnie Darko is weird.

But it's also great!

it's a different kind of weird though. it has a unique atmosphere but it's not like lars von trier antichrist weird. you can actually watch it with your parents or something haha.


Great now I will spend the whole night listening to various movie OSTs

Speaking of Donnie Darko "Manipulated Living" is also some special kind of good. Love its sound.
I think JAW even did a sample of it and used it in a beat but I don't know which track.

"Le fabuleux Destin d'Amelie" has also some great pieces.


The best.

I really like the OSTs of some of Michael Bay's movies, especially The Island :-/

But almost no piece from a film is as good as the MGS theme, and I don't even play the games. I love this rendition.

There's no shame in liking them, they literally have to carry the entire movie. In fact they are one of the reasons I like to watch Bay films. The Abrams Star Trek is another example of a film that's carried (&lifted to great heights) by it's musical score.

That MGS theme rendition is beautiful and you are right it's one of the best themes ever (my favorite video game themes are: Final Fantasy, MGS and Battlefield). I still remember blasting the MGS theme full volume when I got my drivers license way back. ;)


the piano man
Fick die Öffnungszeiten von Finanzamt und Co. Ich bin Student, verdammt, ich bin das nicht gewöhnt!

haha, genauso wie wie im Ausländeramt, entweder kommst du ganz früh an oder du kannst es vergessen.

kauf dir ein Brötchen und Kaffe auf den Weg dahin und geniesse den Tag.

Couldn't even keep up the 10°+ temps for more than week, fuck you Wetter.

/I too love mornings, love waking up early, but most of my social interaction happens in the evenings or at night so yeah :|


Milchjon, in Gottes Namen, genieß es BITTE! Ich würde mir so sehr wünschen mal einen morgen einfach auf dem Amt abzuhängen und vielleicht ein paar Zeitungen durchzublättern und Leute anzuquatschen.


You will get used to it someday. Believe me.

During the Zivi, I had to get up at half past five every day. I also worked at a bakery before, but I need some time to get acclimated to that.

(I'm totally blowing this out of proportion right now :-D )
I just got a thread locked for the first time. Why is it impossible to not take everything super serious on the internet? :-(

It's raining in Hamburg. Never thought I'd see the day.
Evilore seems cranky atm. - probably just post-vacation depression.

:| - tell me at least that the ozone hole is still an issue for you guys, lol

Wettervorhersage für morgen und übermorgen Nacht: -12°C.
Iknowthatfeel.jpg etc.


During the Zivi, I had to get up at half past six every day. I also worked at a bakery before, but I need some time to get acclimated to that.

(I'm totally blowing this out of proportion right now :-D )
On weekdays i normally get up at six o clock. On weekends however i sleep way past 10 am. So monday mornings are the worst part of the whole week for me.


Wenn man jahrelang in einer stickigen, viel zu warmen Bude gewohnt hat, die sich aufgrund Lage, Mangel an Rolladen und Teppichboden selbst erhitzt hat, dann weiß man die Kälte zu schätzen.

Frühlingswärme>Herbstwärme>Sonnige Kälte>normale Kälte>windige Sommerhitze>Regen>>>>>>>windige Kälte>>>>>>>>>>Schwüle Hitze.
Wenn man jahrelang in einer stickigen, viel zu warmen Bude gewohnt hat, die sich aufgrund Lage, Mangel an Rolladen und Teppichboden selbst erhitzt hat, dann weiß man die Kälte zu schätzen.

Aber, ähm, wieso kauft man sich keine Rollos? Dann doch lieber Whisky kaufen, gell? :O

Ich hatte Deckenstyropor in meiner Bude/WG, war auch nicht toll..


Studentenwohnheim, Wohnung im fünften Stock, keine Möglichkeit für mich Rollos draussen anzubringen, innere Rollos brachten nur wenig Linderung. Außerdem heizen sich die Wohnungen gegeneinander auf, war halt damals in den 70ern blöd gebaut worden.

Ich hab mal n Somner im Stuttgarter Kessel unterm Dach verbracht. So grausam. Hab in der WG nackt mit allen Fenstern und Türen offen geschlafen um das auszuhalten (Ist gottseidank ohne größere Peinlichkeiten abgelaufen).

Fixed that for ya

Forgot the most important thing. Crisp snow>>>>all. Snow makes me happy, I just run through the streets grinning like an idiot.
Studentenwohnheim, Wohnung im fünften Stock, keine Möglichkeit für mich Rollos draussen anzubringen, innere Rollos brachten nur wenig Linderung. Außerdem heizen sich die Wohnungen gegeneinander auf, war halt damals in den 70ern blöd gebaut worden.
ic. Als ich im Wohnheim in der Nähe des Campus wohnte, hielt es mich kaum in meinem Zimmer - ich war entweder draußen, in der Bib oder aber am ehesten irgendwo saufen. In dem Sommersemester habe ich auch nur 1 (v. 5) KL bestanden..

Deckenstyropor? Was hats denn damit auf sich?
Oah, ka. - war wohl in den 80ern/90ern ein "Wohntrend" - wie Gelsenkirchener Barock o.Ä.
Soll dämmende Eigenschaften haben, aber auch geil von der Decke tropfen wenn es zum Brand kommt, rofl

Yes we have some of the worst UV rays in the world.


Look what I found (edit: it's vintage, 2006' EviLore, hehe)




Tasmania has the worst of it out of the whole country, because it's so close to the antarctic and there's a big-ass ozone hole above us.

Yeah I learned my lesson quickly. Everybody was advising me to be careful and I was like: "yeah, how bad can it be?" ZING sunburn! Also being sunburned down under is so fucking embarrassing cause everybody is so cautious you just look like a complete fool (which I was).




Frühlingswärme>Herbstwärme>Sonnige Kälte>normale Kälte>windige Sommerhitze>Regen>>>>>>>windige Kälte>>>>>>>>>>Schwüle Hitze.

No no no no no! Schwüle Hitze > trockene Hitze >>> alles andere

Snow makes me happy, I just run through the streets grinning like an idiot.

I think I hate you now. Wir haben hier meterweise Schnee. Gefühlte neun Monate im Jahr. Ich kann die weiße Sch**ße nicht mehr sehen!!!
Do you get to wear full body swimsuits, early 20th century style?

Because those are seriously awesome :-D

No, unless you mean wet-suits for diving, which is a global thing anyway. We wear sunscreen and/or stay inside. :p

Yeah I learned my lesson quickly. Everybody was advising me to be careful and I was like: "yeah, how bad can it be?" ZING sunburn! Also being sunburned down under is so fucking embarrassing cause everybody is so cautious you just look like a complete fool (which I was).

It takes me about an hour in the sun before I start to burn and I'm very pale. But it varies day-to-day, and based on weather conditions. The worst is when you're outside on an overcast day for hours and hours, and you get sunburned, despite not being able to see the sun...
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