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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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First ManGAF's wall of shame and now this. All that's left is some Windows Phone picture in relation to frontieuk's quote about me.
At least the Formula 1 season is almost upon us! That false hope Ferrari will give you, will cheer you up for a week or so.
Hah, no. I didn't believe in it the last seasons and I won't start with it now. I'm all for la scuderia and happy for every win, but I don't see them winning the WDC, unless they dominate Red Bull style, which won't happen.
Hah, no. I didn't believe in it the last seasons and I won't start with it now. I'm all for la scuderia and happy for every win, but I don't see them winning the WDC, unless they dominate Red Bull style, which won't happen.

I fell for it last season. I believed that Alonso was going to bring us to the promised land once again, not by being the fastest, but by being the smartest. Too bad that the team (and maybe Alonso) has the tendency to make the same damn mistakes week in week out.

I have no clue what to make of the coming season, I just hope that we get a different Champion at the end of the year than that we have had for the last 3 years (preferably a Spaniard in a red car).


I fell for it last season. I believed that Alonso was going to bring us to the promised land once again, not by being the fastest, but by being the smartest. Too bad that the team (and maybe Alonso) has the tendency to make the same damn mistakes week in week out.

I have no clue what to make of the coming season, I just hope that we get a different Champion at the end of the year than that we have had for the last 3 years (preferably a Spaniard in a red car).

When it comes to sports, that other Dutchie was way ahead of you.
When it comes to sports, that other Dutchie was way ahead of you.

To think I rooted for Der Michael! In his last year at Ferrari, when he had one last shot at a title, battling Alonso. That was probably the first time sports really broke my heart. It was all going his way, after the victory in China, it was his title for the taking! I remember the race in Japan after that, waking up at some ungodly hour to watch it live. The moment his engine blew up, I was stunned. It was so perfect and poof, just like that it was all gone.

I wanted to cry when that happened, like Tyree Catch bad, or Manningham catch bad, or Iniesta goal bad.

Fuck sports.
I thought the Tatort was fine, it wasnt boring and I considered myself entertained for 90minutes. That's a major accomplishment for a Tatort.

That's pretty much my opinion. No that much social critical shit like in the Kölner Tatort and a comparable over the top story as in the Münsteraner Tatort.


I love Thomas Anders to death, come to me haters, I even went to his concert last year in Wroclaw.

In a totally unrelated matter:



I love Thomas Anders to death, come to me haters, I even went to his concert last year in Wroclaw.

In a totally unrelated matter:


That's... kinda not true. The Southerners tend to love the wrong styles too much. Fuck Hefeweizen.

Related: This is very much recommended:

(The Pale Ale, because the Pils is pretty boring)

it's a guessing-game!

which one? which one?!

Reading the link, it was Tokio Hotel. How did they even make it to Mexico.

And don't you even dare trying to pin your next pretend-Hitler on us!


= Spaßfaktor:1.0 von 5 Sternen
Rezension bezieht sich auf: SimCity - Limited Edition (Computerspiel)

Das Spiel besteht entgegen aller Ankündigungen daraus, in einer Serverliste den einen auszuwählen der nicht "Voll" oder "Ausgelastet" ist um dann verschiedene Meldungen auf unterschiedliche Weise zu bearbeiten. Die Möglichkeiten des Spielers reichen dabei von "Abbrechen" über "Erneut vers." bis zu "Beenden". Die Meldungen werden in verschiedenen Designs und Farben und an verschiedenen Stellen des Bildschirms angezeigt.

Dieses Spielprinzip ist völlig neu und daher vielleicht noch nicht ganz ausgereift. Mir persönlich fehlt dabei die Herausforderung, der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist zu gering und das Gameplay motiviert nicht zum weiterspielen. Das Design ist eher lieblos (graue Fenster mit Texten in verschiedenen Farben, gelegentlich eine "EA"-Animation).


1.501 von 1.561 Kunden fanden die folgende Rezension hilfreich


I lol'd


i'm wondering whether or not i should get the new tomb raider... was denkt deutschGAF?

Würde ich nicht kaufen. Sieht ziemlich langweilig und stark linear aus. Ausserdem sind der hohe Gore Grad + diese ganzen "HEADSHOT +!01918181 XP" Geschichten total uncool.


i'm wondering whether or not i should get the new tomb raider... was denkt deutschGAF?

It's awesome. Das Spiel ist wirklich super und schlägt vom Gameplay her sogar Uncharted. Die unausgereiften Nebencharaktere sind die größte Schwachstelle des Spiels aber ansonsten macht es eigentlich alles richtig. Natürlich ist es ein Shooter aber der Bodycount liegt trotzallerdem "nur" bei 300-400 Gegner und kratzt nicht wie Uncharted an der 1000er Grenze. Lara ist sehr sympathisch und eine der besten und interessantesten Spielfiguren dieser Generation. Ja, ich will sie beschützen!

Würde ich nicht kaufen. Sieht ziemlich langweilig und stark linear auf. Ausserdem sind der hohe Gore Grad + diese ganzen "HEADSHOT +!01918181 XP" Geschichten total uncool.

Vollkommener Schwachsinn.


Würde ich nicht kaufen. Sieht ziemlich langweilig und stark linear auf. Ausserdem sind der hohe Gore Grad + diese ganzen "HEADSHOT +!01918181 XP" Geschichten total uncool.

hab's mir jetzt mal aus der videothek geholt. für groß inszenierte action titel bin ich empfänglich.
hab's mir jetzt mal aus der videothek geholt. für groß inszenierte action titel bin ich empfänglich.

Bei welcher Videothek in Graz borgst du dir denn die Spiele aus und wie schauts dort preislich bzw. mit der Auswahl aus? Ich kenn nämlich keine, die ein halbwegs gutes Sortiment hat und die Preise vernünftig sind :)
Nostalgia is a beautiful thing, but sometimes it's time to try something new, something different. I've grown up a lot since I played those game and nowadays I appreciate a more mature and entertaining take on the franchise.

no. fuck change. change is always bad. I don't want that.


Well Uncharted was just a bad tomb raider with stunning graphics, so I think it is ok.
Yeah... no.

old Tomb Raider: 50% platforming, 40% puzzles, 10% shooting
new Tomb Raider: 40% platforming, 10% puzzles, 50% shooting
Uncharted series: 20% platforming, 10% puzzles, 70% shooting
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