Research on you?
Yes. There is a team of researchers dedicated to finding out why I'm so cool and trying to replicate it in a laboratory setting.
Research on you?
Yes. There is a team of researchers dedicated to finding out why I'm so cool and trying to replicate it in a laboratory setting.
Yes. There is a team of researchers dedicated to finding out why I'm so cool and trying to replicate it in a laboratory setting.
are you so really so cool or is the country that surrounds just very hot?
More to the point, if I'm cooler than you, doesn't that mean that you're hotter than me?
Go away summer, I hate you. It's Autumn now, why are you still giving us 37 degree days?
37° sounds really hot! But I don't know, today and yesterday I had to wait 30 minutes at my train station at -10° because most of the trains where cancelled or came in late because of snow.
Spring would be nice. We have march already!
It is really hot. Took less than 5 minutes walking through town before I started sweating.
More to the point, if I'm cooler than you, doesn't that mean that you're hotter than me?
What if ... he is hotter than you?
Maybe if we transport your snow down to Australia your trains will run on time and our temperature will lower to something reasonable.
So whait.. my eastern neighbours have problems with trains being on time as well? Mind=blown
If you listened to what Germans talk about, you'd think that's the only problem we have.
That and the weather.
I need to become a millionaire so I can smash the iPad of each douchebag in my lecture who instead of listening or writing down notes plays stupid card games. I admit I am not a honor student but if I am not interested I rather stay at home - what is going on with all those people watching videos or playing games during a course? Y U NO stay at home?
Good luck - what is the subject?Speaking of millionaires. I can't believe how easy the questions on "Who wants to be a millionaire?" were:
No wonder that guy one it all.
Anyway, I'm was guilty of not attending / not listening to lectures too and next month I'll be giving my first lecture. Everybody is different, just let them be.
Good luck - what is the subject?
I don't mind not listening but playing in front of others is rude and why not sit in the cafeteria and play games, watch movies - but also drink coffee, eat something, smoke, etc. and leave the people who are interested alone.
13 von 15 Fragen richtig - mit Joker hätte ich es ohne Druck, etc. wohl auch zur Million geschafft ;-)
Can't sleep,clowns will eat meit's too goddamn hot.
Does GermanBeardGAF exist?
Are you a doctor, feunf?
The subject is Unternehmensbewertung.
You are right about playing games, that's rude. I still remember people playing World of Warcraft during lectures, but that didn't bother me too much I just felt sad for them. But still, I'll always prefer students doing stuff on their notebooks to them talking with their neighbours.
Uh I am really bad with finance related stuff (the wish to be a millionaire would solve that problem hopefully). Although it sounds so easy finding a proper algorithm to predict the stock market exchange.
I say 25% out of the students in my lecture today could have easily stayed at home or get a coffee instead of sitting through 90 minutes of probability theory, algorithms, etc. - I wrote about 5 pages down including "I will certainly ask those questions at the exam" but I guess to some that information is worthless.
Well it's certainly not worthless, you just need a friend who wrote it all down.Are you studying computer science? (or mathematics?)
Does GermanBeardGAF exist?
Can't sleep,clowns will eat meit's too goddamn hot.
Does GermanBeardGAF exist?
Does GermanBeardGAF exist?
Beards have been banned in Germany, after the whole Hitler thing.
Beards have been banned in Germany, after the whole Hitler thing.
this almost made me shave my beard (partially) for a pic.
then i remembered (one of those rare instances) that i'm already 30.
also: i need an upgrade for my car. some heavy artillery. a thanix cannon, preferably.
Sporting a beard since 2000. Will never go beardless!
yeah like raindoc implied that's not entirely true. Only the "Hitler portion" has been banned, you can still have a beard like this:
Isn't that Christoph Waltz? He's allowed to wear whatever he want, he's Australian.
The shortest my beard ever was:
The shortest my beard ever was:
I somehow always associate people with their avatars and then I'm always surprised they look so different![]()
I can tell you that I look nothing like my avatar. Sorry.
I thought you were Craig Ferguson but you look closer to Conan.
oh but it looks so sweet![]()
My avatar doesnt even get my skin colour right![]()
didnt want to search for a German with a full beard
I somehow always associate people with their avatars and then I'm always surprised they look so different![]()
Maybe I should put someone super attractive as my avatar.