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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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the piano man
bitte helft mir, wie zum Teufel übersetze ich das Wort "Kerlig" ins Spanisch oder English?

"Butch"? "Rough"? "Macho"? was anders?

welches Wort passt eurer Meinung nach besser da?


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Apparently, Christmas in Germany is basically the best thing on the entire planet. People from there or who have been are HATING on me something fierce, but they, without fail, have brought up how Christmas time over there is magic.


bitte helft mir, wie zum Teufel übersetze ich das Wort "Kerlig" ins Spanisch oder English?

"Butch"? "Rough"? "Macho"? was anders?

welches Wort passt eurer Meinung nach besser da?

Mir ist das Wort "kerlig" nicht wirklich ein Begriff (dem Duden auch nicht), aber wie wäre es mit manly, manful, virile, spunky, vigorous oder vivacious?

Persönlich würde ich virile empfehlen.


the piano man
Mir ist das Wort "kerlig" nicht wirklich ein Begriff (dem Duden auch nicht), aber wie wäre es mit manly, manful, virile, spunky, vigorous oder vivacious?

Persönlich würde ich virile empfehlen.

ja, ich habe gegogglt und da kam nichts, nicht mal in den internetseiten die sich mit der Umgangsprache beschäftigen. Mir war nicht klar ob "Kerlig" mit dem Aussehen oder Einstellung/Verhalten zu tun hat.

Wenn jemand sagt "Peter ist Kerlig", was ist Peter: Dominant (also, Macho Einstellung)? oder Männlich aussehend (Mit Bart, Muskeln, was auch immer)?

Deutsche ist nicht meine Muttersprache, deswegen sind mir die Nuancen des Wortes nicht klar...


Mir war nicht klar ob "Kerlig" mit dem Aussehen oder Einstellung/Verhalten zu tun hat.

Wenn jemand sagt "Peter ist Kerlig", was ist Peter: Dominant (also, Macho Einstellung)? oder Männlich aussehend (Mit Bart, Muskeln, was auch immer)?
Hängt stark vom Kontext ab, würde ich sagen. "Kerl", auch als Nomen, is nicht besonders eindeutig, wie Du ja schon festgestellt hast. Guck mal bei dict.leo.org nach Übersetzungen für "Kerl" (bloke, fella, guy, sogar lad, oder auch dude) und such Dir das Wort aus was im Kontext am besten passt. Da Du nicht direkt ein Adjektiv draus machen kannst würde ich eine Phrase wie "a proper bloke" benutzen, je nachdem.


bitte helft mir, wie zum Teufel übersetze ich das Wort "Kerlig" ins Spanisch oder English?

"Butch"? "Rough"? "Macho"? was anders?

welches Wort passt eurer Meinung nach besser da?

Do you probably mean kernig?

Apparently, Christmas in Germany is basically the best thing on the entire planet. People from there or who have been are HATING on me something fierce, but they, without fail, have brought up how Christmas time over there is magic.

Dude, Germany is basically a Christmas theme park. We invented Christmas. And apparently we now hold on to the spirit till eastern. This morning was winter wonderland total.


Do you probably mean kernig?

Dude, Germany is basically a Christmas theme park. We invented Christmas. And apparently we now hold on to the spirit till eastern. This morning was winter wonderland total.

i remember we had snow on last year's easter sunday. and that was 2-3 weeks later than this year.


(nvmd I don't want a post like that at the top of a new page)

Let's celebrate Easter!



No, stock Android keyboard. I don't like to swipe around.

Swiftkey only recently added swipe functionality. I started out using Swype when I first got S2 but I quickly switched to Swiftkey because I liked typing words. It's an amazing keyboard, there should be a trial available on the play store. The German dictionary is great and using both the German and English dictionaries simultaneously works relatively well too. I can only recommend it, sure they added the ability to swipe words but you dont have to use it, I switch between the two methods all the time.
Swiftkey only recently added swipe functionality. I started out using Swype when I first got S2 but I quickly switched to Swiftkey because I liked typing words. It's an amazing keyboard, there should be a trial available on the play store. The German dictionary is great and using both the German and English dictionaries simultaneously works relatively well too. I can only recommend it, sure they added the ability to swipe words but you dont have to use it, I switch between the two methods all the time.

I'll give it a try, thanks.


you europeans are not even religious!

But we totally are! The preamble of our beloved, modern and trendsetting constitution even mentions God!

Plus we can't dance on Good Friday.

I always wonder though, do I violate the Tanzverbot if what I do doesn't technically qualify as dancing, try as I might?


Deutschen und .... GOTT?!?!?!

What, you think we're all heathens?

I am :-/

Actually, I think among most of my peers it's kinda fascinating. Religion is totally irrelevant to most of us. It's not something most people even thought about, it's just something that happened. Most of my friends and me were brought up kinda religious, but we all left it behind without a big debate or even fight.

The only time we ever take notice is when a) there's another case of abuse or b) members of a church embarass themselves in public discourse.


What, you think we're all heathens?

I am :-/

Actually, I think among most of my peers it's kinda fascinating. Religion is totally irrelevant to most of us. It's not something most people even thought about, it's just something that happened. Most of my friends and me were brought up kinda religious, but we all left it behind without a big debate or even fight.

The only time we ever take notice is when a) there's another case of abuse or b) members of a church embarass themselves in public discourse.

It's macabre and I probably shouldnt say it, but the WW2 aftermath helped us develop/ accelerated developing a modern society. The rebuilding was kind of like a reset button for us and allowed us to get rid of religion / old traditions, it kinda forced us to have an open mind towards different religions, people and cultures.
What, you think we're all heathens?

I am :-/

Actually, I think among most of my peers it's kinda fascinating. Religion is totally irrelevant to most of us. It's not something most people even thought about, it's just something that happened. Most of my friends and me were brought up kinda religious, but we all left it behind without a big debate or even fight.

The only time we ever take notice is when a) there's another case of abuse or b) members of a church embarass themselves in public discourse.

You europeans came to the Americas teaching us your religions and beliefs, now they're irrelevant to most of you.

We had our own Gods before you came here, YOU KNOW?!

I introduce you to Tlaloc, the God of Rain.


It's macabre and I probably shouldnt say it, but the WW2 aftermath helped us develop/ accelerated developing a modern society. The rebuilding was kind of like a reset button for us and allowed us to get rid of reiligion / old traditions, it kinda forced us to have an open mind towards different religions, people and cultures.

I'm still amazed and quite grateful that the winners left us off the hook rather easily and helped rebuild. I guess that was partly driven by our location right in front of the USSR, but still. They could've completely fucked Germany over, but they didn't, and it lead to (what I believe is) one of the more successful societies in human history.

TheFeedingHand, that's an awesome god. Should've kept that one.


I'm still amazed and quite grateful that the winners left us off the hook rather easily and helped rebuild. I guess that was partly driven by our location right in front of the USSR, but still. They could've completely fucked Germany over, but they didn't, and it lead to (what I believe is) one of the more successful societies in human history.

yep, I second that.
Do Australians even bother with religion?

According to census data we're 90% Christian. But most people are too lazy to go to church except on special occasions, and overall we're very laid back about everything.

I'm still amazed and quite grateful that the winners left us off the hook rather easily and helped rebuild. I guess that was partly driven by our location right in front of the USSR, but still.

Not just your location, but your potential as an ally also. The policy of appeasement set out by Chamberlain was not solely to prevent war with Germany, but also to preserve Germany as both balance and buffer-state to the USSR in Europe.


Not just your location, but your potential as an ally also. The policy of appeasement set out by Chamberlain was not solely to prevent war with Germany, but also to preserve Germany as both balance and buffer-state to the USSR in Europe.

That's what I meant, although your knowledge about these matters is probably far more substantial than mine ;-)


That's even less religious than I expected.
Even in Italy, religion is crumbling down. It's not as bad as Germany, but definitely going back.

Wer? Oh... that's a bad ass last name. Sort of like the one from a movie villain or a final boss, RATZINGER!

While everyone was celebrating the old new pope, the first thing I thought of when I saw him was Darth Sidious and I know I wasn't the only one.
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