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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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Well, how many German students do you know outside of GAF? I think there's still a big overlap of gaming enthusiasts and people interested in engineering.

As for numbers, last year one third of German male first semester students chose engineering. (81.600 of 249.600)

I also found this slightly old article, which says that 48% of all students starting engineering don't finish it. Average for universities overall is 35%, for Fachhochschulen 19%.

Of course I'm just basing my observations on GAF Germans ;)

Nonetheless, those are some impressive numbers, especially if you add up all the Science-related students.
You know what I noticed over the past weeks? Lots of Spaniards, everywhere. Old and young, students, whole families. Awesome :)
(/I'm assuming they're relocating, come here to work due to the dire circumstances in Spain)
How exactly is that awesome? I thought you guys didn't like much the idea of immigration

Most engineers are so damn boring, I met lots who can't hold a conversation about anything but their little ass niche that no one else cares about and computer games (especially the comp. science ppl.) Natural sciences students are way better in this regard, but they often have that, sometimes forced, misfit attitude about them.
I'll also be the first to admit that lots of law/business students are just straight up dumb. Dumb people who sit down, learn the stuff by heart and then spit it out in the tests or cheat like mofos (Medicine students too). They're only outdone by sports students who also do pedagogy, languages or religion on the side and then end up teaching our kids..
Media sciences students are those indecisive, careless "Hauptsache was mit Medien" people. So are pure language students, except with more hot girls.
So I guess you don't study any of the stuff you mentioned?
So that leaves... business/economics/politics students as acceptable discussion partners? ;-)
Hmm, no business ppl. are dumb too, pure econ students can resemble natural sciences students in their behavior, while political students are often dogmatic and stick to their preferred world view :p

How exactly is that awesome? I thought you guys didn't like much the idea of immigration
We the Germans, lol. I like it, but I also don't think many oppose intra-EU immigration.

/I finished business/econ not too long ago.


Hmm, no business ppl. are dumb too, pure econ students can resemble natural sciences students in their behavior, while political students are often dogmatic and stick to their preferred world view :p

Haha. Well, my mirror is the only thing that can keep up with me intellectually, too ;-)


Well, Electrical Engineering is not very popular amongst the students. There a few who enrol in this discipline and the number of people who don't finish their studies should be around the numbers Milchjon posted. Around 60 people started my specific programme and we were about 15 in the last semester. So two third never saw the finish line.
A combination of business and engineering seems to be lot more popular, but as far as I'm able to judge about it (two of my friends study/studied it) I think it's more about the business point of view than engineering.

And hey, I'm not damn boring :(


I guess it's pretty easy to get pissed at Germany these days.

Nur die Ösis haben's noch besser. Wie können unter solchen Umständen xenophobe Parteien überhaupt so einen Erfolg haben?

u.a. weil wir unsere Nazis nie richtig losgeworden sind. die BRD hat aufgeräumt, bei uns wurden sie in die neuen Parteien eingegliedert (gerade bei den sozialisten!)
die nähe zum eisernen vorhang, der minderwertigkeitskomplex gegenüber deutschland und der typisch österreichische neid (bzw die angst davor zuwenig vom kuchen von der mehlspeise abzubekommen) haben dann ihr übriges getan.

aber immerhin haben wir in den letzten monaten ein paar fortschritte gemacht, zB das Bundesland Kärnten von dem orange-blauen (BZÖ und FPÖ, also eigentlich braunen) sumpf befreit.
im sommer 2011 wäre die rechtsextreme FPÖ bundesweit noch stimmenstärkste partei geworden...


u.a. weil wir unsere Nazis nie richtig losgeworden sind. die BRD hat aufgeräumt, bei uns wurden sie in die neuen Parteien eingegliedert (gerade bei den sozialisten!)
die nähe zum eisernen vorhang, der minderwertigkeitskomplex gegenüber deutschland und der typisch österreichische neid (bzw die angst davor zuwenig vom kuchen von der mehlspeise abzubekommen) haben dann ihr übriges getan.

aber immerhin haben wir in den letzten monaten ein paar fortschritte gemacht, zB das Bundesland Kärnten von dem orange-blauen (BZÖ und FPÖ, also eigentlich braunen) sumpf befreit.
im sommer 2011 wäre die rechtsextreme FPÖ bundesweit noch stimmenstärkste partei geworden...

Als Unbeteiligter muss ich ja zugeben, dass ich mich immer wieder über HC Straches unterirdische Raps freue.

Schön auch, dass er im Titel einen Zwinker-Smiley platziert, als ob der alles wieder gut macht.

Und dieser klassische takedown ist auch einfach immer wieder schön. Richtig schön reingelaufen.


Als Unbeteiligter muss ich ja zugeben, dass ich mich immer wieder über HC Straches unterirdische Raps freue.

Schön auch, dass er im Titel einen Zwinker-Smiley platziert, als ob der alles wieder gut macht.

Und dieser klassische takedown ist auch einfach immer wieder schön. Richtig schön reingelaufen.

sehr schön ist auch die Mathe-Nachhilfestunde die der Grüne Van der Bellen der FPÖ im Nationalrat gegeben hat:




kein scherz, original partei-werbung.
How do you feel about Der Fuhrer?

He among others threw the world into a dark age which still affects us today. What do you want to hear? I am just sick of the corruption and money wasted on MANY politicians - why not waste it only on a few. I believe that as long as we have a illusional democracy nothing will change - for that we need a dictatorship until then it is always a compromise, internal political struggles, pleasing the common people with fairy tales to gain their trust until the next election.


He among others threw the world into a dark age which still affects us today. What do you want to hear? I am just sick of the corruption and money wasted on MANY politicians - why not waste it only on a few. I believe that as long as we have a illusional democracy nothing will change - for that we need a dictatorship until then it is always a compromise, internal political struggles, pleasing the common people with fairy tales to gain their trust until the next election.

Only partly related to your opinion, but I never liked the fact that compromise seems to carry a fundamentally negative connotation for most people.
In a world of seven billion people, with all of them trying to improve their wellbeing, compromise is a simple necessity.
Of course there's a slippery slope problem, and there's always areas where the compromise is just as bad a solution as (one of) the extremes, but it shouldn't be a bad thing.
You may have your benevolent dictator, but even if he's omniscient and morally perfect, there's still a huge probability of you hating his "non-compromise" decisions.


quite frankly - i think that everyone who thinks dictatorship > democracy should relocate to Iraq or Afghanistan, where people get bombed for/while voting and still 80% take the risk, because they finally can.
we've come a long way and paid with a lot of blood to achieve democracies all over the globe and while it may not be perfect, it certainly is the best possible option atm.

the change i'd like to see is of a different nature: politician shouldn't be a full time job, but a hobby. if you are elected into an office serve 1 or 2 terms but then go back to where you came from. the biggest problem we have IMHO is politicians/parties working more towards their own re-election and not towards the "greater good".


quite frankly - i think that everyone who thinks dictatorship > democracy should relocate to Iraq or Afghanistan, where people get bombed for/while voting and still 80% take the risk, because they finally can.
we've come a long way and paid with a lot of blood to achieve democracies all over the globe and while it may not be perfect, it certainly is the best possible option atm.

the change i'd like to see is of a different nature: politician shouldn't be a full time job, but a hobby. if you are elected into an office serve 1 or 2 terms but then go back to where you came from. the biggest problem we have IMHO is politicians/parties working more towards their own re-election and not towards the "greater good".

Then you run a big risk of people entering politics simply to serve their own business...

Honestly, I kinda like the Mario Monti model. Too bad that scientists/technocrats a) can be way too rational for real empathy, in my experience (although that might not be a bad thing, but it makes it harder for them to get votes), and b) his struggles highlight how many of these people with a (successful) background in other areas might just give up and go back there when the going gets tough.


Then you run a big risk of people entering politics simply to serve their own business...

C'mon. as if that wasn't the case right now. rotating them quicker would at least add some diversity, compared to the same fat ass sitting in his office for (random number) 30 years.


C'mon. as if that wasn't the case right now. rotating them quicker would at least add some diversity, compared to the same fat ass sitting in his office for (random number) 30 years.

I think that's one of the reasons why I actually admire Merkel. Her background, her boring, slow, but rational (at least it looks like it) way to approach politics, and while I'm sure there's some outside influence, you never get the feeling that she's doing it for her own profit. Maybe she's hiding it better than Steinbrück (or Schröder)...
History will show how big her failures were, and I never voted for her, but the longer she's at it, the more I like her for her pragmatism and her willingness to challenge her own party's views (Atomausstieg o.Ä.).


She's like Kohl and without a doubt as corrupt as the others. I don't think she's willing to challenge her own party's views, but simply doing what it takes to stay in power. Populism at its best.

Well, that's the cynic's interpretation ;-)

You may be right, but I'll try to stay naive.

I think, in the end, politics are inherently so complicated that there's probably no perfect solution.
I just don't like the "everything sucks, every other solution/system/politician would be better than [status quo]" view that many people seem to hold when it comes to politics. Because IMO that's a pretty destructive way of thinking that usually leads nowhere. I prefer evolution over revolution. I particularly despise guys like Beppe Grillo.
quite frankly - i think that everyone who thinks dictatorship > democracy should relocate to Iraq or Afghanistan, where people get bombed for/while voting and still 80% take the risk, because they finally can.
we've come a long way and paid with a lot of blood to achieve democracies all over the globe and while it may not be perfect, it certainly is the best possible option atm.

the change i'd like to see is of a different nature: politician shouldn't be a full time job, but a hobby. if you are elected into an office serve 1 or 2 terms but then go back to where you came from. the biggest problem we have IMHO is politicians/parties working more towards their own re-election and not towards the "greater good".

I don't want to wage war and oppress the people but I want one ruler or small group of people who has the best intends for his people. That means he will have advisors and listen to others but he is not bound by any other influence.

In Austria political parties are always internally fighting for their agendas and not the people - this starts from the local major to the EU government. How many unneccessary pay checks are commissoned each month for them? Even with part time politicians you would have the problem of corruption and lobbyism - why do we save the salary of bank managers instead of reducing the hours a doctor/nurse has to work. There are only a handfull true politicians with the best in mind for the people - in an ideal world they would decide alone.

Basicly I want that: http://simpsonspedia.net/index.php?title=Die_Stadt_der_primitiven_Langweiler


I think that's one of the reasons why I actually admire Merkel. Her background, her boring, slow, but rational (at least it looks like it) way to approach politics, and while I'm sure there's some outside influence, you never get the feeling that she's doing it for her own profit. Maybe she's hiding it better than Steinbrück (or Schröder)...
History will show how big her failures were, and I never voted for her, but the longer she's at it, the more I like her for her pragmatism and her willingness to challenge her own party's views (Atomausstieg o.Ä.).

agreed. i like Merkel too, but she is quiet the exception.
Whenever I feel like complaining about politicians, I go to il Corriere della Sera, check what's going on in Italy and then try not to shoot myself.


It'll be a damn shame if Italy ends up like Spain.

She's like Kohl and without a doubt as corrupt as the others. I don't think she's willing to challenge her own party's views, but simply doing what it takes to stay in power. Populism at its best.
Yeah, Mutti is pretty opportunistic all told. Works out great for her, but all this crap about "marktkonforme Demokratie" and the current course Europe is taking has me shuddering. The measures we're helping to exact on the south aren't exactly helping matters and how we dealt with Cyprus doesn't make me any more confident of our government's mindset. Scaring people into pulling even more money out of their banks was apparently meant to help the situation somehow.


It'll be a damn shame if Italy ends up like Spain.

One key difference between Italy and all the other Southern countries in question is the huge amount of private wealth. So unlike those, Italians could at least theoretically bail out their country.

I think I took a pic of some graphic in an issue of Stern a few months ago, let me see if I still have that:

(Sorry for the embarassingly bad quality, let's just say I was drunk or something)

And keep in mind that there's about 20 million less Italians than Germans, so the difference is even bigger.

Of course, in the end the money will just be taken somewhere else.
Wait, I now get it! The Germans did all of this on purpose just to lure Spaniards into their country so they can improve the Nationalmannschaft and finally beat Spain in the World Cup/Euro!!!!


Wait, I now get it! The Germans did all of this on purpose just to lure Spaniards into their country so they can improve the Nationalmannschaft and finally beat Spain in the World Cup/Euro!!!!

Finally, someone agrees with me that soccer is the root of all evil and will lead our downfall.
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