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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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No, it isn't and other viewers agree with me.

33% Funny

Try again, Jon.

Now 31% funny.

I'm sorry, sensei. I have failed.

Raided the German bakery again. This time I grabbed a Berliner filled with custard and an almond Bretzel, or something. I was planning to buy some bread to take home but would have had no way to get it there for like seven hours.

The stuff was good but v. sweet.


Raided the German bakery again. This time I grabbed a Berliner filled with custard and an almond Bretzel, or something. I was planning to buy some bread to take home but would have had no way to get it there for like seven hours.

The stuff was good but v. sweet.

If there's one thing we're really fucking good at, it's baked goods. I start to miss German bakeries, especially the hearty breads, wherever I go. (The French act like they can bake, but they have no idea what good bread is all about.)

Too bad the overall quality of German bakeries seems to have gone down in the past decade or so, way too much premade stuff. You really need to look around for an old school bakery.

More than 4 hours of sleep is silly anyway.

I wish I could do this, I really do. But my body reacts pretty violently to this stuff. More than 2 days in a row, and I'm a walking corpse that can't add up 1+2.

might as well start preparing for school. Make yourself some hot coffee and walk to campus.

This thread's been quite btw. Are melk patriot and trab gonna be unbanned soon?

Trab is back. But she forgot where she came from ;-)
I wish I could do this, I really do. But my body reacts pretty violently to this stuff. More than 2 days in a row, and I'm a walking corpse that can't add up 1+2.

My secret? I'm always a walking corpse.

I work up to 12 hours per day (or 13, like yesterday) and trying to maintain a social life, see friends and all that can be really hard during the week, so I gladly sacrifice some sleep for that.


Picking maths was your first mistake.

They made me do it :-(

The first thing I'll do when time travel is invented is suffocating Cauchy, Hadamard, Banach and all the others.
Of course that would probably take away our ability to time travel, but I think that's a fair trade.
They made me do it :-(

The first thing I'll do when time travel is invented is suffocating Cauchy, Hadamard, Banach and all the others.
Of course that would probably take away our ability to time travel, but I think that's a fair trade.

I guess there is always a chance it might work. However the chance might be only for a Epsilon arbitrarily small but still > 0 ;-)


They made me do it :-(

The first thing I'll do when time travel is invented is suffocating Cauchy, Hadamard, Banach and all the others.
Of course that would probably take away our ability to time travel, but I think that's a fair trade.

i'm going to woodstock. fuck saving the world by killing hitler, studying dinosaurs etc.


I am back. I just spent Eastern with my family and I can't be bothered to hang out at the computer room at home. My parents don't heat it lol.


Ich schreibe gerade eine Bewerbung für einen casual job. Da reicht auch ein Passfoto oder?

Ich finde bei Bewerbungen kann man fast nicht zu perfektionistisch sein. ich würde auf jeden Fall immer Bewerbungsbilder machen lassen.


Ich schreibe gerade eine Bewerbung für einen casual job. Da reicht auch ein Passfoto oder?

Bedeutet "Passfoto" "aus dem Automaten" oder wirklich "das Foto, das auch in meinem Pass ist"?

Im zweiten Fall wäre ich, wenn ich mir so die Pässe meiner Freunde und Bekannten anschaue, extrem vorsichtig :-D

Wenn's ne reine Format-/Druckfrage ist, sollte das denk ich kein Problem sein. Kannst ja selber bewerten, ob du darauf wie ein ehrenhafter Mitbürger aussiehst.

I've never seen photos in resumes/CVs (if that's what you mean), but it wouldn't hurt to put it.

In some countries, photos aren't allowed for discriminatory reasons. In Germany they're the norm :-D


Ich habe auch kein Foto auf meine Bewerbungen als Praktikant/Bachelorant gepackt und eine Stelle bekommen. Solche Buden wie EADS (dort hat es allerdings nicht geklappt :D) zum Beispiel haben in ihren Portalen nicht mal eine Option zum Hochladen eines Bildes. Finde es eh albern ein Bild draufzupappen. "Casual Job" klingt ja auch eher nach Pommesbude oder Klamottenladen. Demnach würde ich eher gar kein Foto dazu legen.

Ich schreibe auch gerade eine Bewerbung. Intern. Schlimmste Bewerbung, die ich je schreiben musste. Jeder angefangene Satz klingt so, als wäre ich ein eingebildetes Arschloch ...
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