Germans don't like to be hugged.
I wanted to say not true (it isn't for me and most people I know), but I decided to research first.
Outside Looks at your culture like this are really interesting. And sometimes a bit sad :-D
I wanted to say not true (it isn't for me and most people I know), but I decided to research first.
Outside Looks at your culture like this are really interesting. And sometimes a bit sad :-D
"Don't greet people with 'how are you', unless you want to spend the next fifteen minutes listening to their personal problems."
That made me chuckle.
Only in formal environments. Much of that guide is more like a "How to not look like an idiot in front of business partners".
In private, I eat like a pig.
Still, we value our personal space. Not as much like the Scandinavians, and it's definitely a bit different among younger people, but in general it's
I give a short Twitter-like update about how I've been recently and try to return the question as soon as possible. I always feel like I'm wasting the other person's time with my rambling.
What if it's a cute girl trying to hug you or greet you with a kiss on the cheek?
Of course it all depends on your personal relationship with the person in question. But we're a much more hands-off culture when it comes to greeting.
Never visit Argentina then. Even men (that don't know each other previously) greet each other with a cheek kiss.
Well, the thing is, for Americans "how are you" is basically "hello", and you are kinda expected to answer "fine". For Germans, it seems to be an actual question.
Never visit Argentina then. Even men (that don't know each other previously) greet each other with a cheek kiss.
Wenn sie es überhaupt schaffen, aus der Sauerkrautküche zu entfliehen!#Aufschrei
Von dem Link vorherige Seite:
"Never get drunk, as public drunkenness is not acceptable."
LOL! Wo genau in Deutschland?
"When invited for dinner, never be late. You don't have to show up exactly at the allotted time. A delay of 10 to 15 minutes will do. If you will be later than 15 minutes, call up and explain the delay. However, never arrive early."
Gerade letzteres machen eindeutig zu viele Deutsche. Ich hasse es, wenn jemand zu früh an meiner Haustür steht.
Dachte ich auch, aber dass es toleriert wird (Karneval, Fußball, sonstiges) heißt nicht unbedingt, dass es auch akzeptiert wird. Mein eigentliches Problem ist, dass es universell ist, wie andere Punkte auf der Liste.Von dem Link vorherige Seite:
"Never get drunk, as public drunkenness is not acceptable."
LOL! Wo genau in Deutschland?
- Take off your shoes before entering the house, unless advised otherwise by the host.
- Do not begin eating, until your host says 'guten appetit', which means good appetite or 'bon appetit', which means enjoy your meal.
Viele unterschätzen einfach wie wichtig diese letzten 5 Minuten bei der Vorbereitung sein können. :/
Never get drunk, as public drunkenness is not acceptable.
Well, in the Rheinland (acquainted) men and women greet each other with hugs and kisses on the cheek, while men greet men with a handshake.
Guckt irgendjemand Formel 1 auf RTL? Die gehören alle gefeuert. Langweiliger kann man ein Rennen gar nicht kommentieren. Die tun das nur weil sie müssen. Die sollten sich was von BBC abgucken was die Präsentation angeht. Kotzt mich richtig an.
Hallo! Ich lerne Deutsche in Duolingo. Vorname ist Akira. Ich bin ein Mann. Ich mag Bier, es ist gut. Tschüss!
(my progress after 3 days, 2 hrs total)
Hallo! Ich lerne Deutsche in Duolingo. Vorname ist Akira. Ich bin ein Mann. Ich mag Bier, es ist gut. Tschüss!
(my progress after 3 days, 2 hrs total)
Proof that you can learn all the German you need in 2h.
What is everyone complaining about?
Yeah, even France was kind of a culture shock when it came to that.
Check out this website for comparison of different prepaid, volume and speed options:
Thanks GunslingerVit, I will check it out.
Do you know what's the free wi-fi situation is in Frankfurt (maybe in some parks, or in the centre of the city...)?
Don't know about Frankfurt, but in general free wi-fi hotspots are very rare. There are some Telekom Hotspots that you have to pay for, and you get free wi-fi in restaurants or coffee shops, but it's not comparable to the situation in other countries.
You don't get free wi-fi in the park like in Boston for instance. Also not on trains.
Hi guys. In the next few weeks I will probably fly to Frankfurt (from Italy) for 3 months.
Do you know if there's a way to have a "flat" and cheap internet connection in Germany that I will be able to use?
I will bring with me a laptop (a Mac) and I was hoping for a way to connect it to the web. I will probably stay in an apartment or something like that.
Free internet is a bit sketchy around here. Like the others mentioned, some food/shop chains have them. If you're staying in an apartment, maybe you can ask your neighbour to let you log into his network?
I'm based in Ffm so let me know if you need any pointers.
Edit: Given it some thought, here are two options that kind of shed a blurry drinker's light on my behavioural patterns:
Murphy's Irish Pub has free Wifi. Smack in front of the Hauptbahnhof. It's a dive and a tourist trap but it's big and it's free, and central.
Thanks Wrayfield: I will check the Murphy's Irish Pub.
And maybe I will bother you again if I will be in trouble: I have a friend in Frankfurt, but maybe I'll need some extra help. I will be sure to offer you a beer or two, in that case
Yeah, I also get hugs & kisses from female friends. But barely any hugs from dudes (unless I haven't seen them for a long time or such) and definitely no kisses, ever. But I never initiate any of that, Einzelkind-Mentalität..
Summertime, my Kumpels - 20° & sunny for the most part - fick ja!
I was treated to a Nogger today ("Nogger dir einen"). Can't believe they still sell those..
Don't know if it was posted yet, but do you guys know the blog from wash echte?
It's a survival guide for us art school students that move to Berlin.. Written by an expat, that knows "how to blend in with zu germans".
When first coming to Germany, foreigners are often startled by the sheer amount of palpable poor taste in clothing, hair cuts, movies, art, and career choices German people display.
The merit of using irony was to come out of every situation as cool, easy-going, and edgy, and at the same time 1-up you, that complex-laden, boring person who cant be spontaneous. By becoming masters of irony, they hacked the Matrix of social interaction, becoming completely invulnerable to argument or stuck up concepts such as commitment, straightforwardness, or the non-purchase of the latest David Hasselhoff album.
So what are the implications for you, struggling to blend in with the Germans? Easy - use irony wherever. Its the key to understand and endure most of the preferences and habits Germans display. Even Berlin-Prenzlberg will start to make sense to you. Among German people, its considered the epicenter of the ironic lifestyle, and moving there will make you part of the German ironic elite.
As an added bonus, your ironic approach to life will be gladly mistaken by your German friends as having a great sense of humor. You will be able to truly get close to them, and become emphatic of things they treasure, like gay Star Trek parodies, riding skateboards after turning 30, or wear those quaint hard rock band t-shirts from the thrift store.
Theres a catch though - while theoretically, irony can enable you to emerge as the winner of any given argument, it is important to remember that it will not help you with matters German people entirely disapprove of, like: Tasty food, clothing without a paw logo, the Unites States of America, having no DJ skills, or living in a house built after 1920.
This is really good.
Germans have poor career choices? Those are some big words coming from an Arts student