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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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I learned Spanish because I told myself it is the most used language after english, and although it's rather easy I never really "got" it because I couldn't get into the culture. In retrospect I would have loved to learn Italian, which is arguably the most "useless" of the bigger European languages. But I just dig the Italian style ten times more.
So my advice would be to get an idea of the culture behind it, and if it's only via Wikipedia. As long as you find something you like and that will keep you going it will be worth the effort.
I know, that's pretty much what you were saying and I guess it's something we all can agree on.


ich hab ja dasselbe Problem. Trotzt der riesige Herrschaft der Sprache hab ich fast keinen Anreiz, außer die große Herrschaft, sie zu studieren, und die Sprache selber hat für mich keinen Reiz. Katalanisch interressiert mich mehr, ist sie aber eine Minderheit Sprache

ach, so, ähm, habt ihr je 'nichtsdestotrotzt' benutzt?
wie wird das benutzt? ist es ein komisches üppiges Wort?


300chf ain't shit to me
Absolutely not. You just substantiated your point with two countries who combined don't add up the the total Oberfläche of Arizona, and whose linguistic presence is isolated within them. Using English doesn't even begin to draw a fair comparison because it's the global lingua franca who is dispersed far beyond Native Anglophoniq but gewissermaßen as an Amt und die Verkehrsprache der Welt.

Again, German is not an international language. It's a (the) working language of EU, it's of course the Amtsprache of the Germanophone countries. But by fact, simply a fact, not an international language like Spanish, Portugese, French and English are.

you specifically mentioned in your previous post, though, that german is not a practical language outside of "central" germany (this statement really puzzled me -- why only central germany anyway? why not the rest of germany?) which is inherently wrong.

and now that i see you elaborating on your post i believe by "international" language you actually mean a world language. you could argue that german is not a world language because it is not spread out widely across several continents, but you simply can't argue that's it's not international. the word international, by definition, means pertaining to two or more countries. german is an official language in seven.

you could say for example that polish isn't an international language. it's only spoken in poland except for small minority groups or immigrants, and it's only official in one country: you guessed it, poland.

This doesn't reduce the inherent quality of the languages or whatever you want to say, of course not, but when the end goal doesn't involve extended stays in Germanophone countries or a career in Engineering then there is little pragmatic use unless you want to read German literature or really like Tatort, which i assume isn't the main reason Retorno is considering German.

i find that most people (even german-speakers) tend to underestimate the importance of german as a major human language. i don't think it right that someone be discouraged from learning it because it is not globally widespread (not calling you out here, i've noticed people tend to discourage themselves from learning german for this reason). for me, it doesn't seem like some sort of limitation just because it's not like spanish and i can't take off to another continent and speak their native language. i look at it like "hey, i speak german, so i have the opportunity to work and live in numerous beautiful, fascinating countries where it's an official language." knowing german opens up opportunities, it's up to the person learning it to decide whether or not they are the opportunities that they want!

And clearly German and French aren't related, but French and Spanish are, and as i said before, the amount of effort needed to become decent at German far exceeds a comparable effort for French even without previous Romance knowledge, and with it it is almost a cake walk and a matter of rearranging puzzle pieces. Again, I'd rather spend a year on French and get great and then have that under my belt before i tackle german, then slog through german for years. I personally don't regret my decision in any capacity, but when he is choosing between the two, French is the way to go in my opinion.

i understand totally where you are coming from, but my point was that the easiest path is not always the right one! it may be really easy for him to learn french, but you could argue that that's a good reason for him to learn it later on in life, and he should focus on the difficult ones while he's still young ;) and don't forget, some people like a challenge. if i didn't like a challenge i wouldn't have studied japanese first which, in comparison to german, is waaaay harder for an english speaker to come to grips with.


And clearly German and French aren't related, but French and Spanish are, and as i said before, the amount of effort needed to become decent at German far exceeds a comparable effort for French even without previous Romance knowledge, and with it it is almost a cake walk and a matter of rearranging puzzle pieces. Again, I'd rather spend a year on French and get great and then have that under my belt before i tackle german, then slog through german for years. I personally don't regret my decision in any capacity, but when he is choosing between the two, French is the way to go in my opinion.

Well, technically, German and French are related.
Germanic and Romance are both members of the indo-europea language family...

Tschuldigung, ich musste kurz klugscheissen ;)




ach, so, ähm, habt ihr je 'nichtsdestotrotzt' benutzt?
wie wird das benutzt? ist es ein komisches üppiges Wort?

"Nichtsdestotrotz" once was a humorous modification of "nichtsdestoweniger", which has the exact same meaning (and is about as "üppig") as nevertheless.
In my experience "nichtsdestotrotz" has replaced "nichtsdestoweniger" in pretty much all instances it would be used, of which there are only about as many as for nevertheless in English.


Junior Member
I'm just trying to keep up German because it's my best chance at knowing another language. Living in Bavaria for a couple years made me decide to learn it in school and I just kept taking classes through high school and college. The problem is that this thread might be the only place I ever really get to use it.
Oh, die sind sogar ziemlich gut synchronisiert. Eine der (Film-)Serien, die auf deutsch ähnlich viel Spaß macht wie auf englisch. Wobei sie glaube ich nicht wortwörtlich übersetzt ist, was aber wohl ein Grund ist, dass es so gut ist.

Ja, es war eine Überraschung dass es so synchronisiert war. Ich habe andere Dinge gesehen und manchmal es ist sehr schlecht. Die letzte zwei oder drei Tage, gibt es viele gute Programme und Filme.
Is it normal for TV programs to use incorrect grammar? I was watching Raumschiff Enterprise and at one point Spock said, "Sie mussen beeilen" but isn't beeilen a reflexive verb? Or is that still correct?
Is it normal for TV programs to use incorrect grammar? I was watching Raumschiff Enterprise and at one point Scotty said, "Sie mussen beeilen" but isn't beeilen a reflexive verb? Or is that still correct?

"Sie müssen sich beeilen" would be correct.

Wikipedia tells me that in military language, it's acceptable to leave the "sich" out.
"Sie müssen sich beeilen" would be correct.

Wikipedia tells me that in military language, it's acceptable to leave the "sich" out.

Ah, ok. Ya, I figured it would be like you said since it was reflexive and remember that as being one of the verbs I was taught in school was reflexive so it just sounded weird when I heard them not include the reflexive pronoun (In this case sich). Thanks!

Edit: Rudolph mit der roten Nase 2 ist so schlecht dass jetzt ich weiss warum ich habe das nie frueher gehort... (<-- Is there a better way to word this sentence?) I still struggle to express myself with stuff like that, it seems like too many little sentences in one and so I start getting confused on the positioning of the subject and verb but it's not a sentence that makes sense to split into multiple short sentences. :/
Well, technically, German and French are related.
Germanic and Romance are both members of the indo-europea language family...

Tschuldigung, ich musste kurz klugscheissen ;)

lolololol na klar, so in diesem Fall soll er ja die beste IE Sprachen, Sanskrit und Altgriechisch, lernen!


Ah, ok. Ya, I figured it would be like you said since it was reflexive and remember that as being one of the verbs I was taught in school was reflexive so it just sounded weird when I heard them not include the reflexive pronoun (In this case sich). Thanks!

Edit: Rudolph mit der roten Nase 2 ist so schlecht dass jetzt ich weiss warum ich habe das nie frueher gehort... (<-- Is there a better way to word this sentence?) I still struggle to express myself with stuff like that, it seems like too many little sentences in one and so I start getting confused on the positioning of the subject and verb but it's not a sentence that makes sense to split into multiple short sentences. :/

Rudolph mit der roten Nase 2 ist so schlecht, jetzt weis ich, warum ich das früher nie gehört habe.
Haha, thanks for the help! Has anyone watched the bond movies in german? Are they any good? They have the complete set for 70 euros on amazon which isn't bad considering it's 22 movies to watch...


Haha, thanks for the help! Has anyone watched the bond movies in german? Are they any good? They have the complete set for 70 euros on amazon which isn't bad considering it's 22 movies to watch...

As it's such a long running series dub quality might vary but should be good overall. I reckon bond isn't particularly hard to translate either. And then the DVDs should have the original track as a bonus. So if you'd be willing to pay that price for a us box it should be absolutely worth it!
As it's such a long running series dub quality might vary but should be good overall. I reckon bond isn't particularly hard to translate either. And then the DVDs should have the original track as a bonus. So if you'd be willing to pay that price for a us box it should be absolutely worth it!

Well, it's really cheap if you think about per DVD so I think I might. That's what I was hoping was that since it's a relatively big long running series (at least in the US) that the dubs should be pretty good. I was going to get a Pixar box set but they raised the price yesterday so I might get this instead now.


Well, it's really cheap if you think about per DVD so I think I might. That's what I was hoping was that since it's a relatively big long running series (at least in the US) that the dubs should be pretty good. I was going to get a Pixar box set but they raised the price yesterday so I might get this instead now.

I think it's a pretty good deal yeah. Bond has always been super popular over here as well (as probably everywhere), so dub should be fine. I've seen all of them and nothing ever struck me as off or anything. Though dub quality back in the days was obviously lower on average than it is today. I wonder if Connery or Moore or any Bond had a very memorable voice, cause that might be strange.
I think it's a pretty good deal yeah. Bond has always been super popular over here as well (as probably everywhere), so dub should be fine. I've seen all of them and nothing ever struck me as off or anything. Though dub quality back in the days was obviously lower on average than it is today. I wonder if Connery or Moore or any Bond had a very memorable voice, cause that might be strange.

It's a little weird since I saw one with Connery but the weirder part is the voice actor changes from movie to movie which makes it sound awkward. Not necessarily bond since I don't know about that but I watched the Hitchcock movie Marnie with Sean Connery in it and then I saw Dr. No and they sounded different and I think that bothered me more than not hearing Sean Connery's voice. I'm curious how Jimmy Stewart will should once I watch those since I think his voice being different will bother me more.
zu ihrem Leidweisen (der Deutschen lol) i'm going to say not study German. Hables Español, si?

By the time you are just a lingual baby in German you'll be wooing chicks in French, reading Molier or whatever the hell.

Unless you secretly already know some hard ass language as an L2, like Arabic, then i'd skip German (not forever!) until you've got French and Portugese at least.

But idk, it depends on your wishes as well. I am a diehard fan of german culture, history, the land(s) itself, i plan on living here to some extent in my life after already being here for so long, and i think you need to have this hardcore Leidenschaft in order to become even a decent speaker.

and if it's some business purposes you want for german, don't even fucking bother unless you plan to become a C2 Master Level as the germans at that level are way too pragmatic to dick around in your bad (german's don't like mistakes..... :'( ) german when proceedings could be in English

and what's more, is that German simply is not a "practical" language outside of central Germany, when practical is defined by a pragmatic use of day-to-day communication. It's not an international language like Spanish and French, you simply get more people over a wider Campus Linguae and with far less effort.

I'm definitely not saying to NOT study german ever, i could kiss ass about the qualities of it but that's a given, just simply be smart and practical with your assumed knowledge of Spanish and your end goals.

Sí, hablo español (o castellano)

Well It boils down to the fact that I'd really like to live in europe (I´m american) so I'd like to learn both in the next ten years.

I was leaning more towards german just becuase it seems germany is a bit easier to get in to (job, visa, etc). I would assume whatever I was doing I'd probably be working in english still. I've just heard stories about France forcing college graduates out and being a bit harder to get into.

And your comment about german´s not liking grammer mistakes reminds me of the fact that I´ve never met a people so perturbed by slight misprounciations than the french. I sware everytime I try to say something I say it wrong. I have no doubt that I am but I´m 99% sure they can still understand me.

I really plan on learning both (I really want to always be learning a language till I die, arabic and portuguese (not really interested at this time in portuguese)) would probably follow) so its just a matter of which to throw myself into now. I realize french is going to be a bit easier to get grammer and vocab wise though.

it's hard to give you any solid advice without knowing what exactly your plans are after college, and what kind of degree you have. can you elaborate?

have you looked into the possibility of working in germany at all?

Poli Sci, International Studies and few minors (I know its no Science or Engineering degree). I´m graduated but living at home and saving. I´m looking towards getting a higher degree which I figured I might be able to use a foot in the door (make contacts and the like). Though I know its nigh impossible to get into the EU without certain degrees.

I'm just trying to keep up German because it's my best chance at knowing another language. Living in Bavaria for a couple years made me decide to learn it in school and I just kept taking classes through high school and college. The problem is that this thread might be the only place I ever really get to use it.
There are hundreds of places to find people to do languages exchanges on the internet. And with skype you can even practice speaking. Also TV shows and movies are now more available than ever.




from my lower-saxon hometown (not a recent pic).

Hope everybody has a jolly good time - specially our guests from overseas. In the few months this thread is running you guys already made major progress. Glückwunsch und weiter so!


It's a little weird since I saw one with Connery but the weirder part is the voice actor changes from movie to movie which makes it sound awkward. Not necessarily bond since I don't know about that but I watched the Hitchcock movie Marnie with Sean Connery in it and then I saw Dr. No and they sounded different and I think that bothered me more than not hearing Sean Connery's voice. I'm curious how Jimmy Stewart will should once I watch those since I think his voice being different will bother me more.

Yeah, that is so off-putting. Usually they keep one voice, at least after an actor became somewhat popular.


from my lower-saxon hometown (not a recent pic).

Hope everybody has a jolly good time - specially our guests from overseas. In the few months this thread is running you guys already made major progress. Glückwunsch und weiter so!

Ich wuensche dass Heidelberg kleiner war. Diese Fotos sehen immer besser als grosser Staedte aus. Ich denke es ist schoener als einen grosser Stadt

Und ich habe noch eine Frage. Was bedeutet die Buchstaben vor einem Zeitungsartikel?



elo. Berlin

Ich weiss natuerlich was die Name der Stadt aber was bedeutet "elo" oder "Her"? Nicht jeder Zeitungsartikel hat diese Dinge aber manchmal gibt es.


Das sind wharscheinlich die Abkürzungen der Autorennamen. Wenn du meinetwegen "Meier" heißt würde dort wahrscheinlich "MEI" als Kürzel stehen. Manche Abkürzungen stehen auch für Nachrichtenagenturen, bspw. "dpa". Normalerweise stehen die aber eigentlich am ENDE eines Artikels...
beaten by Thrakier

must be the shortened names of the reporter and where he/she reports from. As to why they do it - no idea, maybe to uhh, hide their identity?

Also the bigger the better! Here's the biggest Christmas tree in the world (once again in Dortmund; obviously not a single/natural tree):


Actually I agree with you, Christmas markets are way nicer in smaller cities

Merry Christmas from Dortmund
Is it normal for TV programs to use incorrect grammar? I was watching Raumschiff Enterprise and at one point Spock said, "Sie mussen beeilen" but isn't beeilen a reflexive verb? Or is that still correct?

When you watch comedy always take the grammar with a grain of salt. Often the deliberate wrongness of it is part of the joke, especialy when there are characters in it with accents and dialects.
When you watch comedy always take the grammar with a grain of salt. Often the deliberate wrongness of it is part of the joke, especialy when there are characters in it with accents and dialects.

Ya, but the they were trying to get off the ship before it exploded so I assumed it wasn't joking. :p Oddly enough I haven't seen too many commedies on tv so far but the movie selection so far has been awesome, I'm just sad they're usually not on until really late at night but at least I don't have school anymore so it really doesn't matter when I sleep. They had Rope on last night.

Also, do stores close early on christmas eve? I need some food and curious whether I have to rush out or they usually close at normal time.


beaten by Thrakier

must be the shortened names of the reporter and where he/she reports from. As to why they do it - no idea, maybe to uhh, hide their identity?

lol, no, not to hide their identity. Journalism is about transparency. It's just more comfortable I guess. Normally you can look up which Kürzel belongs to an author.
^ Monday, 26th is the second Christmas day - also an official holiday - therefore everything should be closed...youarealreadystarved :O

lol, no, not to hide their identity. Journalism is about transparency. It's just more comfortable I guess. Normally you can look up which Kürzel belongs to an author.
Yeah, I wasn't being serious. But I still don't know why not to put the whole name in the article + some newspapers don't provide a table of abbreviations/names.
^ Monday, 26th is the second Christmas day - also an official holiday - therefore everything should be closed...youarealreadystarved :O

Yeah, I wasn't being serious. But I still don't know why not to put the whole name in the article + some newspapers don't provide a table of abbreviations/names.

FUUUUUUUUU If I don't post on Monday you'll know why. :'(
Frohe Weihnachten, alle! :)

Gestern Frühmorgen, als ich zum Bahnhof ging, war der Markt abgebaut worden. Ich war ganz traurig, nie zuvor hatte ich derartige Erfharung wie ein Weihnachtsmarkt! In Phoenix haben wir einfach einen kleinen Park, die mit Leuchten geschmückt wird. Nicht vergleichbar.

Morgen die wenige Auslandwandern, die hier stehenbleiben, haben ein bescheidener Mahl und trinken. Ich koche dafuer Maultaschen lololol
I started my lessons in October. It's going really well and more importantly, I'm quite enjoying it, although it's much harder than English. On the other hand, I was exposed to a lot of English while growing up, so that helped, but I think I'll manage to learn German successfully as well.
This is a good counterargument to everyone claiming Americans are dumb(er than us/Europeans). I know a hell of a lot of people like that.
They are not necessarily Anti-American, but they sure like to indulge in what they perceive as cultural/intellectual superiority. Yet none of them ever been to US and they don't really abstain from gobbling down US culture when it comes to tv series or movies, hehe
This is a good counterargument to everyone claiming Americans are dumb(er than us/Europeans). I know a hell of a lot of people like that.
They are not necessarily Anti-American, but they sure like to indulge in what they perceive as cultural/intellectual superiority. Yet none of them ever been to US and they don't really abstain from gobbling down US culture when it comes to tv series or movies, hehe

:lol Now, you know europeans are superior to us dumb americans in every way. ;)

And ya, I kind of felt like I became stupider after watching that video. She made my brain hurt. :(

Edit: I have that same kaufland milk! :D

Edit 2: It gets funnier the more I watch it. :lol Especially it ending with the kindermilch, it just builds up so nicely.


Frohe Weihnachten, hoffe ihr hattet nen angenehmen Heiligen Abend!

/german (it's kind of weird writing German here)

And a quick post of this (I miss my holiday specials):


... so it get's used at least once this year.


Neo Member
Moin moin alle,

kennt jemand Ulrich Schnauss? Ich mag ihn sehr und will alternative Interpreten finden, die seinen Stil auch mitteilen, und sie sind ziemlich schwer zu finden aus meiner eignen Erfahrung. Vorschläge? Würd mich auch freuen, falls dass jemand herauf ab und zu auf Deutsch quatschen will, da ich ein amerikanischer Student bin, der Deutsch als Hauptfach studiert. Was man nicht übt, verliert man langsam auch, nee? Es ist nicht immer so leicht, um Übung mit Deutsch mitten in den Staaten zu kriegen. :)


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