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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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Apparently it is the official mascot of the Arena?! That sucks balls.

Ya, it's especially odd to have the "mascot of the arena" not be the same as the mascot of the biggest team that plays there... It was just very strange when I saw it and was thoroughly confused why there was a guy dressed a hamster skating around the ice before the game.
NRW is the most populated area in Germany, I think that's why.

Mach ich. Wobei ich in den nächsten Monaten wohl kaum aus Stuttgart rauskomm. Blödes Studium :-(

haha jup, dasselbe für mich in Konstanz. Ich bin aber vor einer Woche in Stuttgart gewesen, toll Staat, insbesondere mit den singende rumänische Zigeuner im Zug. Aber wirklich sie ist richtig cool, will zurück gehen.

Metropolis was awesome this night. It would be interesting to see it remade with today's technology.

WAS. Wo?
wir haben ein cool(es) gemeinschaftes Kino in Konstanz, gemeinnützig. Es spielt hauptsächlich 'Indie' oder wie man das nennt, vor ein Paar Woche war Filmen wie Dial M for Murder, The Big Sleep und Bronson aufgeführt worden.


Metropolis was awesome this night. It would be interesting to see it remade with today's technology.

WHAT!? HELL NO! Imagine what a CGI 3D shitfest it would be.

Anyways. Preparations done for today. Too much beer, Wodka-Wackelpudding, Chips. My part is done for the party.

I hope I can remember anything tomorrow :D


Frohes neues.Party Note to self bis 1 uhr alles ok.etwas Flirty aber Not Too drunk, hope to remember instructing. Swype suckt
Is Guten Rutsch a regional thing? I said it last night and everyone thought I was crazy... Then again I think I may have been saying Guten Rausch instead. :/


Is Guten Rutsch a regional thing? I said it last night and everyone thought I was crazy... Then again I think I may have been saying Guten Rausch instead. :/

As far as I know it is not a regional thing. It might depend on when you said it though. Normally you say "Guten Rutsch" (like "Slide well") to someone in order to wishing him/her/them a good, hm, transition into the new year. So if you ran around shouting "Guten Rutsch" after midnight, then I would not be surprised people were looking odd at you. :p

Pronounciation could have also been the case obviously.

P.S. Frohes neues Jahr 2012, GAF.


Is Guten Rutsch a regional thing? I said it last night and everyone thought I was crazy... Then again I think I may have been saying Guten Rausch instead. :/

I would have welcome a good Rausch as well.

Anyway Frohes neues Gaf :>

Auch wenn in Gütersloh mal wieder wenig los war , ein schöner Abend.
Selbstgemachte Frikadellen und was feines zu Trinken waren eine gute Kombination und nicht zu vergessen Singstar Amped.


Frohes Neues. Ich hab alles gegeben.

Cologne is ugly though. Who ever came up with the Domplatte in its current form probably rots in hell.


Hey "foreign-deutsch-GAF" ;) i'd like to recommend watching "Die Feuerzangenbowle" today on Kabel1 at 20:15.

fuenf said:
Frohes neues.Party Note to self bis 1 uhr alles ok.etwas Flirty aber Not Too drunk, hope to remember instructing. Swype suckt

rofl drunk posting ftw, well at least no hangover and i think that i even remember everything. :) *yay!-me*
I don't know if it was the drinking or I caught a cold but I feel like such complete shit today.

Edit: And ya, I guess I pronounced it wrong but I was trying to think of similar sounding words to Rutsch and ask if there's something like that and they all said no. I will say I do believe that your german improves now after drinking. :lol I talked in german pretty much the whole night with no problems and the girls there I was talking to taught me to how to say bitch.


I don't know if it was the drinking or I caught a cold but I feel like such complete shit today.

Me too. I thought I was alright at first but it got worse as the day went by. Just stepped into the Sauerkraut thread and almost threw up. To think that I will have to go into work tomottow makes my head spin. To top things off: I made out with a girl last night but looking at the number she gave me now - I think I got fake-numbered :(
Me too. I thought I was alright at first but it got worse as the day went by. Just stepped into the Sauerkraut thread and almost threw up. To think that I will have to go into work tomottow makes my head spin. To top things off: I made out with a girl last night but looking at the number she gave me now - I think I got fake-numbered :(

Damn, that sucks. :( Getting fake-numbered is the worst. I think I got a cold from having to walk in the rain to the party but I'm not sure. When I first woke up and felt shitty I blamed it on the alcohol but after it not getting better I'm afraid I'm actually sick. :/


Me too. I thought I was alright at first but it got worse as the day went by. Just stepped into the Sauerkraut thread and almost threw up. To think that I will have to go into work tomottow makes my head spin. To top things off: I made out with a girl last night but looking at the number she gave me now - I think I got fake-numbered :(

Deswegen versucht man ja auch nicht Tussis auf Parties rumzukriegen.
I remember a couple lines from my German class workbook (from way back in 1996!):

"Möchtest du das Wurstbrot essen?" und "Ich heisse Sabine Sauer, ich bin die Reiseleiterin." (Weird as these lines pop out in my mind once in a while for no obvious reason.)

That's it. Four intensive courses and all I can remember are these two pathetic lines (and a slew of random words like "der Popo", "die Busen", "das Fenster"). I still remember how to say the numbers though.
Auf jedenfall sollte man versuchen Tussis auf Parties rumzukriegen, wozu gibt es sonst Parties? Morgen werde ich mal die Nummer anrufen.

Like a European version of Mac'n'Cheese. Check it out!

Ya, I got too hungry for a response so I already ate it. :p

"It passed the first test, I didn't go blind"
Ich bin kein Fan davon :p

fand es richtig Furchtbar, aber ich vermute, es könnte meine Kochen Fähigkeit (oder ein Mangel daran) gewesen sein.

Maultauschen wiederum ^_^
.79 Euro! ein ganzer Pack davon! Frühstücken, Mittagessen, Abendessen, Nachspeise... oh bin ich in verliebt
I'm going to search through whole Lower Saxony after a guy named Fritz!

*Avatar quote*

Ich bin kein Fan davon :p

fand es richtig Furchtbar, aber ich vermute, es könnte meine Kochen Fähigkeit (oder ein Mangel daran) gewesen sein.

Maultauschen wiederum ^_^
.79 Euro! ein ganzer Pack davon! Frühstücken, Mittagessen, Abendessen, Nachspeise... oh bin ich in verliebt

Was? Spätzle? Ich habe das nur in Restaurant gegessen. Es ist wirklich gleich als mac and cheese für mich.

I remember a couple lines from my German class workbook (from way back in 1996!):

"Möchtest du das Wurstbrot essen?" und "Ich heisse Sabine Sauer, ich bin die Reiseleiterin." (Weird as these lines pop out in my mind once in a while for no obvious reason.)

That's it. Four intensive courses and all I can remember are these two pathetic lines (and a slew of random words like "der Popo", "die Busen", "das Fenster"). I still remember how to say the numbers though.

It sort of worries me the only words you remember is breasts and "butt" when referring to a child... Awkward. :|

And the first thing I think of when I hear Popo still is police.
I don't know, that's how the professor taught us the human anatomy. Are "das Knie (sp)" and "die Augen" "knee" and "eyes" for children too? Because I remember those as well...

Nah, the rest are normal. Popo is the only one I can think of that's mostly used for children. Hintern is what I was always taught for saying butt for anatomy.


Nah, the rest are normal. Popo is the only one I can think of that's mostly used for children. Hintern is what I was always taught for saying butt for anatomy.

Popo is just the "cuter" version of hintern. It's not even specifically used for children, it's just part of the baby talk. I think its usage comparable to the word "pee pee" in english.
Popo is just the "cuter" version of hintern. It's not even specifically used for children, it's just part of the baby talk. I think its usage comparable to the word "pee pee" in english.

Ah, ok. I mean obviously you can use it when not referring to a kid but I was told it's used mostly when talking about children. I always associated it with "tushy" in english where you're most likely saying it when talking about a kid or using it sarcastically.

I have a question though, is schoen only for women and huebsch for men? I've heard conflicting definitions. When I studied at a language institute in germany I was told huebsch is for men and schoen is for women but at the new years party some people said you can use them interchangeably and others said you would only say schoen when talking about a guy if you were implying he's gay.


I have a question though, is schoen only for women and huebsch for men? I've heard conflicting definitions. When I studied at a language institute in germany I was told huebsch is for men and schoen is for women but at the new years party some people said you can use them interchangeably and others said you would only say schoen when talking about a guy if you were implying he's gay.

Puh that's a tough one. First of all they dont really mean the same thing: hübsch = pretty, schön = beautiful. Both can definitely be used for women but i dont think many men would use them when talking about another guy and there's no specific rule as far as i now. I think most of the time it really depends on the context.


Puh that's a tough one. First of all they dont really mean the same thing: hübsch = pretty, schön = beautiful. Both can definitely be used for women but i dont think many men would use them when talking about another guy and there's no specific rule as far as i now. I think most of the time it really depends on the context.

I'd say "schön" implies some more feminine features (pretty boy), while the usage of "hübsch" is more like cute and it leaves more of the perceived masculinity intact.

Sometimes "stattlich" is used to describe a handsome man (with the slightly demeaning connotation of him being a "stud"). Used for a woman on the other hand it would imply portliness.


Ich bin kein Fan davon :p

fand es richtig Furchtbar, aber ich vermute, es könnte meine Kochen Fähigkeit (oder ein Mangel daran) gewesen sein.

Maultauschen wiederum ^_^
.79 Euro! ein ganzer Pack davon! Frühstücken, Mittagessen, Abendessen, Nachspeise... oh bin ich in verliebt

What?!?! Kässpätzle are the food of gods! Maultaschen are pretty good too, though.
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