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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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Deleted member 98878

Unconfirmed Member
War heute bei Aldi und bin das erste Mal in meinem Leben mit 'Spekulatius Creme' konfrontiert worden.

Kennt das jemand von euch? Kann das schmecken?

Spekulatius finde ich normalerweise super, aber als Creme? Ich weiß ja nicht.
War heute bei Aldi und bin das erste Mal in meinem Leben mit 'Spekulatius Creme' konfrontiert worden.

Kennt das jemand von euch? Kann das schmecken?

Spekulatius finde ich normalerweise super, aber als Creme? Ich weiß ja nicht.

Sounds revolting
and yes I like Spekulatius,


hat sonst noch jemand "probleme" mit den spoiler tags auf GAF? "one click" funktioniert nicht mehr, ich muss die wieder zur gänze markieren um den text lesbar zu machen...



edit: does anyone else simply refuse to read German in which the nouns aren't capitalized?

When I see a post in here where people put forth the minimum effort, I just skim over it.

yea i mad

drauf geschissen

Edit: My sleep cycle is seriously fucked up/non-existent.

Going from being up til 2, then 3, then 4 AM, sleeping about 8h. Then sleeping 6h to get up for class on Monday. Falling asleep at 11 PM. Waking up at 2:30, been up since then. Now I'm debating whether I should just go to class. Feeling pretty much awake, actually.

edit: does anyone else simply refuse to read German in which the nouns aren't capitalized?

When I see a post in here where people put forth the minimum effort, I just skim over it.

yea i mad
Well you don't seem to be too hot on capitalisation either, considering one does that a bit in English too. :p
yea but it's not as important in english.

besides, you Deutsch boys are already good in english so it doesn't matter what i do with my grammar

why ya'll hatin on me?


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
yea but it's not as important in english.

besides, you Deutsch boys are already good in english so it doesn't matter what i do with my grammar

why ya'll hatin on me?

Well, it's absolutely as important in English. Well, if you want to appear to be above 10 years of age, that is. Poor capitalization is seen as a mark of somebody of lesser intelligence, for the most part.

But y'all capitalize every goddamn thing in German. I keep getting docked points for not capitalizing random ass nouns.
Yea I mean I can capitalize properly in English.
But English is English.

In German, when bulls don't capitalize, it's extra-detrimental, ya dig?

edit: Sorry, I'm drunk.


I recently got a new roommate and her boyfriend slept here last night. She went to work a couple of hours ago but he's still here, hiding. I think he's too afraid to leave her room. What's the etiquette here? Should I offer him coffee or something? Go for a walk so he can at least use the bathroom? Ignore everything and pretend I don't know he's here?

She's not coming back for at least 8 hours so just waiting is not an option.


I'd just do my thing. I mean both he and you should expect to run into each other in a WG situation, and if he's being weird about it, that's not your problem.

I'd maybe offer a coffee if you meet him in the kitchen, but not "initiativ".


Mir war gar nicht richtig bewusst, dass die Xbox hierzulande ja zuerst rauskommt.

Hab heute auch das erste Werbeposter gesehen. "Das All-In-One Entertainment System". Keine Erwähnung von Spielen oder irgendwas.
I recently got a new roommate and her boyfriend slept here last night. She went to work a couple of hours ago but he's still here, hiding. I think he's too afraid to leave her room. What's the etiquette here? Should I offer him coffee or something? Go for a walk so he can at least use the bathroom? Ignore everything and pretend I don't know he's here?

She's not coming back for at least 8 hours so just waiting is not an option.

One time I didn't realise my flatmates girlfriend was still in the flat, I left, locked the door and she was trapped in the flat all day. xD
Mit Blaulicht den Leberkäse äh die Spenderleber abholen. Keine Ahnung wie realistisch der Film ist aber "Komm, süßer Tod" ist zumindest für mich recht interessant und unterhaltsam.
Mir war gar nicht richtig bewusst, dass die Xbox hierzulande ja zuerst rauskommt.

Hab heute auch das erste Werbeposter gesehen. "Das All-In-One Entertainment System". Keine Erwähnung von Spielen oder irgendwas.

Bei der Xbox handelt es sich vermutlich um eins der wertlosesten Systeme die man hier für den Preis kaufen kann.


My roommate came back just now. I didn't speak a word with her boyfriend and I only heard him when he went to the bathroom once. I forgot about him in the afternoon and went to play some games thinking he'd have left by now. Nope; he hid in her room all day. Gotta defuse this situation somehow or it's going to be really weird.


"I would like a beer"
"Ich will ein bier"


"Ich hätte gerne ein Bier" is what I would say, as in "I would like a beer".

But as long as you say it in a friendly tone, "Ich will..." would be understood too. Of course "Ich möchte..." would work perfectly too, and in this case would sound a bit more humble.


"Ich hätte gerne ein Bier" is what I would say, as in "I would like a beer".

But as long as you say it in a friendly tone, "Ich will..." would be understood too. Of course "Ich möchte..." would work perfectly too, and in this case would sound a bit more humble.

this. and/or just add a "Bitte" (please).
Es kommt wie es kommen musste, am 29 kommt meine PS4 und zum 1.12 muss ich umziehen -.-

Wie viel könnte ich dafür u.U. via ebay Kleinanzeigen(!) bekommen? Was schätzt ihr?
Es kommt wie es kommen musste, am 29 kommt meine PS4 und zum 1.12 muss ich umziehen -.-

Wie viel könnte ich dafür u.U. via ebay Kleinanzeigen(!) bekommen? Was schätzt ihr?

Wieso nicht behalten? Aber ich tippe auf 499/599 je nach dem wie stark die Nachfrage bzw. Versorgung tatsächlich ist. Einfach am US Markt orientieren.

My roommate came back just now. I didn't speak a word with her boyfriend and I only heard him when he went to the bathroom once. I forgot about him in the afternoon and went to play some games thinking he'd have left by now. Nope; he hid in her room all day. Gotta defuse this situation somehow or it's going to be really weird.



Xbone's voice control language is region locked?

Noooooooooooo. That's the worst gaming news of the past few weeks for me personally. Huge bummer, I didn't want to use German at all...


Importing from UK wouldn't be too expensive would it?

I think it's tied to the Marketplace setting? So I dunno how much of a hassle it would be to set all that up.

Oh well, in the end it's not a dealbreaker. Just dampening the excitement a bit. Which is gould because I'm scared I might buy one on impulse when I don't really have the time and money to get the full value out of it.


I think it's tied to the Marketplace setting? So I dunno how much of a hassle it would be to set all that up.

Oh well, in the end it's not a dealbreaker. Just dampening the excitement a bit. Which is gould because I'm scared I might buy one on impulse when I don't really have the time and money to get the full value out of it.

probably won't happen until the slim model arrives, if we're lucky.


So not worth it
Hey German-GAF, so we have this little problem in my parking garage at my appartment in that some of the spots have been rented by a local hotel, but even though they have huge signs with the hotel logo, alot of the (mostly German) guests still park in the spots that have signs with exact license plates above them. So I want to put up a sign in proper grammar up, could one of you help me translate this?

"Dear Hotel Guests,
Kindly check if your car is parked in a spot assigned to Hotel Dux. All other spots belong to residents and are not free to park. Please only park in assigned hotel spots. Thank you."
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