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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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I think that's correct. Freihung is close by, but for some reason you can't buy those tickets online? Weiden is the next closest non-artarded route.

Looks like I'll have to taxi to Weiden, the take the RE to Nuremberg. I think that's correct.

Yeah, that seems like your best bet. Seems like the trains from Nuremberg to Weiden run for a long time.

Also, tickets not being available online usually either means that it's a bus where you have to pay at entry or that it's a train that's run privately, where you usually have to buy from a machine at the station. Neither should scare you, just have some coins ready.


Looks like I'll have to taxi to Weiden, the take the RE to Nuremberg. I think that's correct.
Yes, unless you want to have fun with the ticket vending machine in Freihung, that seems to be the case. Usually they have an option to switch to English, so it should be possible to deal with it.

A bit weird why you can't book the ticket online, but that's what you get for being in the middle of nowhere ;)
Gestern hab ich noch zu "Ja" tendiert, heute schaut es aber eigentlich recht gut aus. Wenn jetzt über das Wochenende nicht der große Aufschrei kommt, wird es wohl wie bei jedem neuen Produkt im Elektronikbereich sein: 3% Fehlerquote sind mit im Preis dabei.

Beim Start der PS3 und Dreisechzig gab es zudem ja auch noch kein Twitter und Facebook war da auch noch nicht so groß. Heute brauchen nur 10 Menschen oder zwei F-("gaming-")Promis ein Problem zu haben und schon bricht die Hölle wieder aus.
ach, es gibt probleme? hab den start bislang gar nicht verfolgt..

Also gestern haben 8 von 5000 oder in der Größenrichtung ne defekte Konsole bekommen. Stecker im HDMI Port verbogen (Danke Foxconn) könnte man selbst auch hinbiegen, Update mittendrin abgebrochen (Danke Hausverstand) und sonst noch ein paar Sachen. Aber ich sag Mal so - da jetzt feder Twitter, Facebook, etc hat und sofort in nem Forum postet wundert mich erst einmal gar nichts.

Wenn es nicht 360 Ausmaße annimmt und jede 3 Konsole defekt ist kann man eigentlich nur von einem normalen Launch sprechen.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Yeah, that seems like your best bet. Seems like the trains from Nuremberg to Weiden run for a long time.

Also, tickets not being available online usually either means that it's a bus where you have to pay at entry or that it's a train that's run privately, where you usually have to buy from a machine at the station. Neither should scare you, just have some coins ready.

Yes, unless you want to have fun with the ticket vending machine in Freihung, that seems to be the case. Usually they have an option to switch to English, so it should be possible to deal with it.

A bit weird why you can't book the ticket online, but that's what you get for being in the middle of nowhere ;)

Danke. The help is appreciated. My German is good enough now where I can order in a restaurant. I had an entire conversation in (broken) German yesterday at the markt. I ordered pretzels, brot and schokoladekuchen all by myself. Like a retarded Junge!

I start official classes in December. I've run into a few Americans who have been here for decades and still refused to learn German. It's pathetic, tbh.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Just as the typical german teenager, so things are fine. ;)

German teenagers don't learn German???!?1?

But seriously, a bit of difference between teens and adults working in, what is to them, a foreign country.

PS - seriously, the train system here is as advertised. So clean.
Of course kids in Germany learn the language from the cradle on. But if they grow older, some of them consider it to be 'swag' to speak a kind of pidgin with set pieces of foreign language in in, e.g. English, Turkish, falsely prounounced German, etc. It often sounds kind of odd, but that's how a lot of teenagers roll nowadays. At least those I met in public spaces such as busses, trains, supermarkets.

On the other hand, the future is now. Just remember how cool it was to listen to Gaff's pidgin in Blade Runner!


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Of course kids in Germany learn the language from the cradle on. But if they grow older, some of them consider it to be 'swag' to speak a kind of pidgin with set pieces of foreign language in in, e.g. English, Turkish, falsely prounounced German, etc. It often sounds kind of odd, but that's how a lot of teenagers roll nowadays. At least those I met in public spaces such as busses, trains, supermarkets.

On the other hand, the future is now. Just remember how cool it was to listen to Gaff's pidgin in Blade Runner!

Ah, yes. Teens being teens. This seems universal.

oh yes, Germans like to complain about the Deutsche Bahn, but if we are honest compared to most other countries it is spectacularly good :)

It should be a point of national pride!
Haha, I'm becoming the angry old man.

aren't we all.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Rot was a nice town for the Christmas market last year. Felt like you were living in a snow globe.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Older than the United States or built before any European (except the Vikings) reached America? Well, buildings fulfilling both aren't that uncommon, especially if they're castles or churches ;)

Contrary to popular belief, we are taught history over in the colonies. :) Also, why would the first visit from Europeans be anything special? Huh? WHY U HATE NATIVE AMERICANS BRAH?? Besides, Ancient Nordic people were fucking around on the continent in the B.C.'s. http://www.faculty.ucr.edu/~legneref/bronze/bronze.htm

But yeah, older than the country America. It was neat! Especially where Ye Olde Shitter had been turned into a wishing well.


If you want to see the probably best stadium atmosphere in Europe, you have to attend a match at the Westfalenstadion (Signal-Iduna-Park) in Dortmund.

Imo the most interesting teams play in the 2. Bundesliga and lower. E.g. 1. FC Kaiserslautern, 1. FC Union Berlin, Fortuna Düsseldorf, Dynamo Dresden, Hallescher FC, Hansa Rostock, LOK Leipzig, 1. FC Magdeburg, RW Essen, Waldhof Mannheim
I fixed that list for you.
Come on ... especially LOK ... really?


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
well then let me extend that invitation should you come to Munich ;)

See, now you fucked up, because after I take the wife to all the stereotypical Christmas -esque towns this holiday season, Munich is my first choice of cities to visit next. It's only 2 hours on the train.

I'll bring Popeyes chicken....lol


the piano man
I want to buy a WiiU and a 3DS XL in my nearest Saturn and there's this ad saying they have Finanzierung 0.0%...

I'd love to pay around 100 euro each month for 5 months but Germans stores HATE credit with a passion... I remember asking long ago and they said "you need to have a job and bring proof of it for us to give you the Finanzierung".... I though, woah, holy shit, was he trolling? did I look like an Obdachloser or something??

can't they just make a once in a month abzug from my bank account?

anyone tried that 0.0% Finanzierung in Saturn or Media Markt?
If you're not a german citizen, 'Finanzierung' will be rather complicated.

The procedure for Germans is that they check you financial credibility by a score that thirdparty companies estimate according to your past 'Finanzierungskäufe' (buys through loan), you mobile phone contract payments, your monthly rent etc. Most known (or infamous) is Schufa, but there are others such as Infoscore, Creditreform, etc.

If you are not German, don't have regular address in Germany, are on student visa here, or don't have a credible job contract, those Finanzierungskauf guys will become suspicious and it will be hard to do some Finanzierung.

German banks tend to be quite conservative in regard of loans/credits, so don't be too surprised.


the piano man
risking to sound like a dick: why not put those 100€ aside in the months before you plan on buying something?

I have the money right now, I just don't want to hand 500 euro in someone's hand in one go,

its 100% psychological.

why offer finanzierung 0.0 if they are going to be such dicks about it. I have a job and have plenty of money to spend, I have no kids, no wife, I live in a 2er WG


the piano man
If you are not German, don't have regular address in Germany, are on student visa here, or don't have a credible job contract, those Finanzierungskauf guys will become suspicious and it will be hard to do some Finanzierung.

German banks tend to be quite conservative in regard of loans/credits, so don't be too surprised.

not directed at you but really what the fuck.... really,

"If you are not German"...... awesome....

what the hell is "credible Job contract"??

It's not like I want to buy a house or a car, I want 2 freaking videogame consoles that cost around 500 euro together and would like to pay in 5 months if possible.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Things really are different...lol. There is no financing in the entirety of NA that wouldn't make you prove you have a source of income.

Saturn is glorious though. Five stories!
what the hell is "credible Job contract"??

Something that earns you enough money - from the bank's perspective. ;)
I would guess that irregular employment (temp. worker, small scale freelancer) might turn out to be a problem often.

I think it's solely a security thing and they want to make sure that they get their money. Since a lot of low-income households and sometimes even no-income households by stuff per loan/credit, things became pretty thight.


Something that earns you enough money - from the bank's perspective. ;)
I would guess that irregular employment (temp. worker, small scale freelancer) might turn out to be a problem often.

I think it's solely a security thing and they want to make sure that they get their money. Since a lot of low-income households and sometimes even no-income households by stuff per loan/credit, things became pretty thight.

Yeah. Tried to get a small credit (2000€) for an internship in London, no dice due to me not having a regular income back then. Didn't even give a shit about me owning a paid off car as security.


the piano man
Something that earns you enough money - from the bank's perspective. ;)
I would guess that irregular employment (temp. worker, small scale freelancer) might turn out to be a problem often.

I think it's solely a security thing and they want to make sure that they get their money. Since a lot of low-income households and sometimes even no-income households by stuff per loan/credit, things became pretty thight.

I understand but let's put an example here.

(the following isn't me, at all, it's just an example)

there's this 23 year old guy from Brazil on a student visa and family in Brazil that is filthy rich and the guy owns 2 houses that are currently being rented. he gets just from that about 1100 euros transfered monthly to his account. On top of that, he has a nebenjob that gives him about 500 per month.

monthly expenses (wohnung, nebenkosten,etc.) are 500 euro, the rest 1100 are there for him to buy videogames, go on vacation or throw em in the toilet.

he goes to media markt/saturn and wants to use that finanzierung 0.0 to buy stuff and pay in months, for whatever reason.

in your opinion, what will MM/Saturn tell this brazilian guy??


I understand but let's put an example here.

(the following isn't me, at all, it's just an example)

there's this 23 year old guy from Brazil on a student visa and family in Brazil that is filthy rich and the guy owns 2 houses that are currently being rented. he gets just from that about 1100 euros transfered monthly to his account. On top of that, he has a nebenjob that gives him about 500 per month.

monthly expenses (wohnung, nebenkosten,etc.) are 500 euro, the rest 1100 are there for him to buy videogames, go on vacation or throw em in the toilet.

he goes to media markt/saturn and wants to use that finanzierung 0.0 to buy stuff and pay in months, for whatever reason.

in your opinion, what will MM/Saturn tell this brazilian guy??
I don't know, but I know what I'd do if I were him: Buy a 3DS XL with A Link Between Worlds this month and a Wii U with Super Mario 3D World next month.
It might work, bank's have discretion, sometimes their employees have it, too. I would recommend to always, really always, avoid Finanzierungskauf in Germany (contract, monthly deduction, you don't own the stuff until it's fully paid etc).

But if you have that much money, why waste so much time and hassle trying to get your foot into Finanzierungskauf?
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