Hey German-GAF, so we have this little problem in my parking garage at my appartment in that some of the spots have been rented by a local hotel, but even though they have huge signs with the hotel logo, alot of the (mostly German) guests still park in the spots that have signs with exact license plates above them. So I want to put up a sign in proper grammar up, could one of you help me translate this?
"Dear Hotel Guests,
Kindly check if your car is parked in a spot assigned to Hotel Dux. All other spots belong to residents and are not free to park. Please only park in assigned hotel spots. Thank you."
Werte Hotelgäste,
Das Parken ist nur auf den dem Hotel Dux zugewiesenen und als solchen beschilderten Parkplätzen gestattet, sämtliche anderen Parkplätze befinden sich in Privatbesitz. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständniss.
Vielen Dank.
Though it's rather long and too polite
Parken für Gäste des Hotel Dux nur auf ausgewiesenen Hotelparkplätzen.
Bei Nichtbeachtung erfolgt eine Besitzstörungsklage.
(Private Property - Parking for guest of Hotel Dux only in assigned slots. We'll sue.)