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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Ja, ich denke das ist sehr gut. Du kannst viele Woerter von beide lernen aber du wisst die Grammatik oder nicht? Grammatik ist auch sehr wichtig fuer Deutsch.
Haha, "ein bisschen" :) Vier Kasus ist drei mehr als im Schwedisch, das ist ganz schwer! Verdannte Dativ und Genitiv...

Fritz said:
Wenn Ihr Euch eine richtig gute Serie auf Deutsch holen wollt, holt Euch "Im Angesicht des Verbrechens". Die DVDs sind mit Deutschen und Englischen Untertiteln und die Serie ist saugeil!


cloudwalking said:
Ich wohne ungefähr 20 Minuten von Zürich. :) Wo wohnst du?

Mein Mann ist Schweizer, er ist auch ein GAF-Mitglied (jarosh). Ohne ihn wäre es viel schwieriger gewesen, Deutsch und Schweizerdeutsch zu lernen! Er hat mir immer geholfen und meine Fragen immer beantwortet. Natürlich hat er auch viel Geduld. :)

Is that the same jarosh that I am following on Twitter? *Checks who he is following* *sees cloudwalking* I guess so. Married-GAF, so cute. ;)
Servus! Wiener hier. Es ist komisch, hier auf Deutsch zu posten. Was für deutschsprachige Foren besucht ihr hier so? Ich bin inzwischen auf keinem mehr.. die Moderation hier ist viel besser als in den meisten Foren.


lo escondido said:
I think the fact that is ALL in german might hurt it. The japanese thread is mostly english last I looked.

Also is this just about the language or can I ask about the country?

Sure you can ask about the Country, and Austria and Switzerland as well!


Xater said:
Ok wenn du noch Österreich und die Schweiz gut drauf bekommst wird der Banner bestimmt auch übernommen. Ich hab' ja nichts gegen unsere lieben Nachbarn :)
Lichtenstein gibt es auch noch ^^


fuenf said:
let's hope fot the best. shouldn't we be fine if the focus of this thread shifts towards stuff about germany / the german language and not chatting in german (at least not by native speakers)? or maybe we can ask them about having a "German Thread" in the Community Forum? I mean most threads in the OT get killed because of too much chatting.

Yeah I am changing back to English just to be safe. Everyone learning german should of course ask stuff. We can help. Having a thread for the language and about Germany would be nice.

Enosh said:
Lichtenstein gibt es auch noch ^^

I give up....
Ich wohne in Heidelberg, Germany aber im September habe ich eine Deutsche Kurs gemacht. Es gab vier Frauen und drei Maenner von der Schweiz. Die Frau dass ich besser kennen gelernt habe kommt aus Genf und sie weiss ein kleines bisschen Deutsch aber sie spricht franzsoesisch viel besser.

Ich moechte nach die Schweiz gehen waehrend ich in Deutschland bin.


Xater said:
I give up....
well they are also part of the german speaking realm :D
althrough never actualy heard someone from there, so no idea what kind of accent they use, is the same butchered german that the swiss use or something more "normal"?


ElTopo said:
In der Tat fällt mir irgendwie kein deutsches Forum ein dass ich noch besuche, ausser Quotenmeter (für Serien). Fairerweise muss man sagen dass es aber auch verdammt schwer ist, mit einem Forum wie Neogaf mitzuhalten.

Ich war mal bei TV-Foren.de, die absolute Internet-Hölle.

Okay Xater, you're quite probably right. I guess we'll get some kind of confirmation from the mods soon enough.

lo escondido

Apartheid is, in fact, not institutional racism
Fritz said:
Sure you can ask about the Country, and Austria and Switzerland as well!

Sweet. Well I was going to make a travel-gaf thread since I'm thinking about heading up to your country from the 28th to the 1st and wanted to know how easy it is to get around the country without knowing the language (I'd have a handbook).

I'd definently go to berlin but I also have no idea what else I can get to in a day or so.


Endlich mal ein Thread, in welchem meine Sprachkünste nicht von jedem 5-jährigen Kindergartenkind übertroffen werden!

Sind hier zufälligerweise Bielefelder anwesend? Studiere dort seit Neuestem.

Xater said:
Yeah I am changing back to English just to be safe. Everyone learning german should of course ask stuff. We can help. Having a thread for the language and about Germany would be nice.
It's nearly impossible to moderate a thread if no one of the mods speaks the language it's written in, so, yeah, chaning back to English is probably a wise idea.


Fuck Cancer
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Ich wohne in Heidelberg, Germany aber im September habe ich eine Deutsche Kurs gemacht. Es gab vier Frauen und drei Maenner von der Schweiz. Die Frau dass ich besser kennen gelernt habe kommt aus Genf und sie weiss ein kleines bisschen Deutsch aber sie spricht franzsoesisch viel besser.

Ich moechte nach die Schweiz gehen waehrend ich in Deutschland bin.

Heidelberg is great. I always visit it for the Weihnachtsmarkt.


close to the edge said:
Servus! Wiener hier. Es ist komisch, hier auf Deutsch zu posten. Was für deutschsprachige Foren besucht ihr hier so? Ich bin inzwischen auf keinem mehr.. die Moderation hier ist viel besser als in den meisten Foren.

Das maniac-forum war meine Einstiegsdroge. Hat mich auch zu NeoGAF geführt, damals. Ich glaube aber, dass es sehr darunter gelitten hat, dass es nicht mehr das aktuell offizielle Forum der M! Games ist. Die Leute, die da posten, sind die selben wie vor 6 Jahren.


close to the edge said:
Servus! Wiener hier. Es ist komisch, hier auf Deutsch zu posten. Was für deutschsprachige Foren besucht ihr hier so? Ich bin inzwischen auf keinem mehr.. die Moderation hier ist viel besser als in den meisten Foren.

Only hardedge.org, it's THE place for the German fighting game community.

Heidelberg sounds like a nice place to study, but I would probably prefer anything to Bochum. ;)
ronito said:
It makes me sad. German was one of my minors in college and I was pretty fluent. But I've gotten severely out of practice all I can really do now is understand what people are saying and ask how Klaus is doing.
I had three years of German in high school (am now redoing my first year of college). My German (and incidentally, my French) are rusty as hell. I'm trying to remember what "rusty" is in German now. :lol

Oh well, my new study course includes courses for English, Dutch and French in the first year and a choice between German and Spanish in the second. I'll probably go for German, so beware, German-GAF... I will be back!

... I think. :lol


Schon seltsam so viele deutsche Beiträge zu lesen hier. :)

Um nochmal auf den Eingangs erwähnten Claude M. Moyse zu sprechen zu kommen: Der Mann ist Kult! Das Club Nintendo Magazin seinerzeit, seine deutschen Übersetzungen ("Lindenstraße fängt an")... dem Mann hab ich so viele Kindheitserinnerungen zu verdanken. ;)


Fuck Cancer
Blue Ninja said:
I had three years of German in high school (am now redoing my first year of college). My German (and incidentally, my French) are rusty as hell. I'm trying to remember what "rusty" is in German now. :lol

Oh well, my new study course includes courses for English, Dutch and French in the first year and a choice between German and Spanish in the second. I'll probably go for German, so beware, German-GAF... I will be back!

... I think. :lol

Rostig. :)
lo escondido said:
Sweet. Well I was going to make a travel-gaf thread since I'm thinking about heading up to your country from the 28th to the 1st and wanted to know how easy it is to get around the country without knowing the language (I'd have a handbook).

I'd definently go to berlin but I also have no idea what else I can get to in a day or so.

Unless you're going to really small places I think most people can speak english or if they can't they can find someone pretty quickly that can. It's obviously always a little better if you can say some basic phrases to get around but I don't think Heidelberg where I live is that huge of a place and there are plenty of people who can speak english (although broken at times) you can definitely communicate what you want to say to each other. If you're going to Berlin, or Munich, or some other major city I can't see you having too hard of a time. Don't get to frustrated if you don't find someone who can right away speak in english but all major places should have someone and if you need help on the street younger people (teenagers and such) have a higher likely hood of knowing english in my experience than older people do but that's not to say they won't also be able to speak english.

If I could get around France without literally knowing how to say hello and goodbye in French, I think you'll be ok in germany. Just take you're time and don't get frustrated if the first person you talk to can't speak english.


lo escondido said:
Sweet. Well I was going to make a travel-gaf thread since I'm think about heading up to your country from the 28th to the 1st and wanted to know how easy it is to get around the country without knowing the language (I'd have a handbook).

I'ld say you should be just fine. The general populace did learn at least basic English at school. Especially younger folks will be happy to help you out. Obviously it will be easier to get around in big and touristy cities with an adequate touristic infrastructure.

Okay, so you're coming to Berlin! Good choice! May I refer you humbly to tagrat's thread where I went all crazy with Lokalpatriotismus! That might be a good start!


Fritz said:
I'ld say you should be just fine. The general populace did learn at least basic English at school. Especially younger folks will be happy to help you out. Obviously it will be easier to get around in big and touristy cities with an adequate touristic infrastructure.

Don't forget university cities. Those are also always well equipped with people who know all kinds of different languages.


kamorra said:
Es gab sicherlich einige Dichter und Denker im deutschsprachigen Raum. Das heißt aber nicht, dass dieses Thread ein solches der Dichter und Denker sei. Meine Frage bzw. Anmerkung ging eher in diese Richtung.


I think Loriot is very difficult to understand for people outside of Germany, Austria and the German speaking part of Switzerland. Not the language, but more the context.


Fuck Cancer
farnham said:
Es gab sicherlich einige Dichter und Denker im deutschsprachigen Raum. Das heißt aber nicht, dass dieses Thread ein solches der Dichter und Denker sei. Meine Frage bzw. Anmerkung ging eher in diese Richtung.

Well, I'm sure it was just a tongue-in-cheek remark. Obviously Italy is the land of poets and thinkers. :p


kamorra said:
Obviously Italy is the land of poets and thinkers. :p
ElTopo said:
Gut, es war doch technisch gesehen eine Bezeichnung für 'das deutsche Wesen' und nicht bezogen auf die Tatsache, dass wir so viele Dichter oder Denker haben. Ausserdem ist es doch wohl erlaubt, dass wir uns ein wenig über den grünen Klee loben.
Ich war nur etwas beschämt mich als Dichter oder Denker rühmen zu müssen um in diesen Thread etwas zu schreiben, da es sich um ein Thread der Dichter oder Denker handeln soll.


ElTopo said:
Well, it's a common saying in Germany that came up in...19th century ?
It's a shame that most people are thinking of Weimar and its complacently prim lovebirds (Goethe & Schiller who both wrote fantastic poems and a single great Shakespeare play [Götz von Berlichingen and Die Räuber] in their youths -- and went on to do nothing* of worth) instead of their much more venerable and modern contemporaries Kleist, Hölderin and Büchner.

* exception: Iphigenie auf Tauris

lo escondido

Apartheid is, in fact, not institutional racism
Fritz said:
I'ld say you should be just fine. The general populace did learn at least basic English at school. Especially younger folks will be happy to help you out. Obviously it will be easier to get around in big and touristy cities with an adequate touristic infrastructure.

Okay, so you're coming to Berlin! Good choice! May I refer you humbly to tagrat's thread where I went all crazy with Lokalpatriotismus! That might be a good start!

Nice. That thread has some great info. I mainly ask because I might be going solo.

One more question. What is the nearest major city (or small city) with lots to do. I know munich but I have no idea how much time or money that would take to get to (I'd perfer to go by train or bus).
Fritz said:
There are lots of vids with English subtitles as well on youtube. Start here, so good!

Holy shit, are there any with german subtitles? I didn't know those existed! I've been stocking up on cheap german dvds so I can watch them with german/english subtitles.

lo escondido said:
Nice. That thread has some great info. I mainly ask because I might be going solo.

One more question. What is the nearest major city (or small city) with lots to do. I know munich but I have no idea how much time or money that would take to get to (I'd perfer to go by train or bus).

IIRC Bus is a little cheaper but slower to get there and train is more expensive but a lot faster when you take a faster train like the ICE which you will have to depending on the distance. If you do take the train, booking in advance helps you save a good amount of money too. As far as attractions go, I'll let actual German people help you since they have a much better idea than I.


lo escondido said:
Nice. That thread has some great info. I mainly ask because I might be going solo.

One more question. What is the nearest major city (or small city) with lots to do. I know munich but I have no idea how much time or money that would take to get to (I'd perfer to go by train or bus).

Nearest to Berlin? Definitely Potsdam which is almost a part of Berlin. Then I'ld say Leipzig and Dresden. Also Hamburg is not too far away and is amazing. Munich is well worth a visit and one of the most beautiful German cities but it's basically as far as it gets when you're coming from Berlin. We are still speaking about a rather small country though, I believe the train takes like 5 to 6 hours? Maybe someone can confirm that?

I am also off to bed now. I hope the mods can clarify on how we should handle this thread?! Will check back tomorrow. Gute Nacht!

lo escondido

Apartheid is, in fact, not institutional racism
Fritz said:
Nearest to Berlin? Definitely Potsdam which is almost a part of Berlin. Then I'ld say Leipzig and Dresden. Also Hamburg is not too far away and is amazing. Munich is well worth a visit and one of the most beautiful German cities but it's basically as far as it gets when you're coming from Berlin. We are still speaking about a rather small country though, I believe the train takes like 5 to 6 hours? Maybe someone can confirm that?

I am also off to bed now. I hope the mods can clarify on how we should handle this thread?! Will check back tomorrow. Gute Nacht!

I didn't know Munich was that close. I could always do a over night journey.


lo escondido said:
I didn't know Munich was that close. I could always do a over night journey.

Germany really isn't that big. If you take the ICE, it's probably impossible to travel more than 10h from border to border.

And yes, Munich is amazing. And so different from Berlin that it's definitely worth the trip.
bin gerade in Konstanz, um die Uni zu gehen. Kann noch gar nicht mit meinen Mitbewohnerin sprechen, ihre Akzenten sind soooooooooo dick, gar nicht wie Deutsche Welle oder die schöne Frau auf der Bank ;)

ich habe aber die Angst, dass mein Verständnis der Sprache nie gut genug wird. alltags kann ich ja "oh ja es ist gerade da" "zwei Brötchen bitte trolollol" aber auf der Bank? gar nicht. Ich übe allerdings jeden Tag, schau mal an meinen Sprachen Thread! i just pump damn german into my brain as much as i can

Es ist mir peinlich, wenn die erste Sprache, dass mir meine Bitbewohner spricht, ist englisch. er kennt! :'(


Alpha-Bromega said:
bin gerade in Konstanz, um die Uni zu gehen. Kann noch gar nicht mit meinen Mitbewohnerin sprechen, ihre Akzenten sind soooooooooo dick, gar nicht wie Deutsche Welle oder die schöne Frau auf der Bank ;)

ich habe aber die Angst, dass mein Verständnis der Sprache nie gut genug wird. alltags kann ich ja "oh ja es ist gerade da" "zwei Brötchen bitte trolollol" aber auf der Bank? gar nicht. Ich übe allerdings jeden Tag, schau mal an meinen Sprachen Thread! i just pump damn german into my brain as much as i can

Es ist mir peinlich, wenn die erste Sprache, dass mir meine Bitbewohner spricht, ist englisch. er kennt! :'(

How do you like Konstanz? The Bodensee region is one of the most beautiful in Germany, especially in the summer and fall.

And what's your major? (If that's the right word? How do I ask this?) I have several friends that attend(ed) that university.
Fachstudium, i believe

meine Fachstudium (?) ist Soziologie, vielleicht auch die deutsche Sprache :lol
ich habe schon viele krediten bekommen, und muss noch mehr Sprache Kursen nehmen... also warum nicht?

I am looooooooving Konstanz, it's like a dream city man. especially right now this second, the place is beautiful the fall is just making it a dream.

let's put it like this, i was coming home from doing some business, and in the park not far from Hyperia, was a man playing piano. just in the middle of the park, the ground was completely covered in red and gold leaves, and this guy was playing beautiful music. It was like a dream, it's redundant but the only way i can express how i felt
Has anyone done the online hitchhiking that you can do in Germany? The two I was told about mitfahrzentrale.de and mfz.de. Is it ever ok or is it usually always really sucky being stuck with people in the car?


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Has anyone done the online hitchhiking that you can do in Germany? The two I was told about mitfahrzentrale.de and mfz.de. Is it ever ok or is it usually always really sucky being stuck with people in the car?

Ja, ich hab's schon ein paar mal gemacht. Viele Studenten schwören darauf.

The concept is great and green and it always worked in that you get from A to B for a really fair price. I always had okay to decent people on board. Nothing really bad or weird but no one really cool either. Most of the time we had some polite small talk and then everybody went on reading a book or you know concentrate on the driving part. When I think about it, I have never heard anybody telling any horror stories about it but lots of people tell me they actually have had some cool entertaining company on their trips.
Fritz said:
Ja, ich hab's schon ein paar mal gemacht. Viele Studenten schwören darauf.

The concept is great and green and it always worked in that you get from A to B for a really fair price. I always had okay to decent people on board. Nothing really bad or weird but no one really cool either. Most of the time we had some polite small talk and then everybody went on reading a book or you know concentrate on the driving part. When I think about it, I have never heard anybody telling any horror stories about it but lots of people tell me they actually have had some cool entertaining company on their trips.

Cool, that might not be too bad then. Ya, I was wondering if the people you were stuck with usually suck and it's less of a hassle to just take the train or bus.


It's definitely worth checking out.

I had another idea about ways to learn German and listen to some native speaker. There is this webpage vorleser.net/, where you can legally listen to and download German audio books. They have a pretty good assortment there. Might be worth checking out!
Fritz said:
It's definitely worth checking out.

I had another idea about ways to learn German and listen to some native speaker. There is this webpage vorleser.net/, where you can legally listen to and download German audio books. They have a pretty good assortment there. Might be worth checking out!

Sweet, I'll have to look at it later today when I get a chance. Thanks! I'm assuming I can put these on my kindle since they're just mp3s. That would be awesome.
mmhhh delicious thread

Red zwar ka deutsch aber so wos ähnliches wie bayrisch, nur noch mehr verwoardackelt.

Eine meiner Lieblingsbands hatte übrigends ein "deustches" Tourplakat:

ps: Wenn mal irgendwer eine gratis Übernachtungsmöglichkeit in meiner Gegend(steiermark) braucht, pm't mir, meine bude steht jederzeit offen.
(engrish: If anyone(backbag tourists etc) needs an (free) overnight accommodation here in my area (styria/Austria), PM me. My couch is yours.
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