As always, Hamburg proves to be superior.
Truly the Carribean of the future.
Sunny in Munich.
As always, Hamburg proves to be superior.
Truly the Carribean of the future.
As always, Hamburg proves to be superior.
Truly the Carribean of the future.
That fucking mexican dish. Still the grossest looking thing Ive consumed.
As always, Hamburg proves to be superior.
Truly the Carribean of the future.
I dislike hot weather.
I like three of the seasons. Summer is not one of them.
Although at least Hamburg has wind. Summers in Stuttgart were one of the reason why I still can't help myself shitting on that city on every occasion even a few years later.
I dislike hot weather.
I like three of the seasons. Summer is not one of them.
27°C is the natural limit of pleasant temperatures, everything above that can go fuck itself. Of course, if it's humid, the limit is more around 22-23°C.27°C is not hot, it's warm at best. Especially at the coast. And it's beautiful.
It would be a Masters in Computer Science.
Also, my German is really really basic, would I be fine speaking English in these small cities? For some reason I think all Germans are pretty well educated and can speak at least 3 languages including English... but that's just my assumption.
Of course, I would be willing to learn as much German as possible...
As always, Hamburg proves to be superior.
Truly the Carribean of the future.
This pleases me. I have been offered a job there at Vattenfall and have never been there despite living just across the Danish border. Now I have 1 month to refresh my German skills by watching Lola Rennt and Napola on repeat.
I just had to pause for a moment to realise you meant a handegg, but even then I find that somewhat surprising. Don't you have Sportarena or something similar? I'm pretty sure mine has them.It's a city of almost 2 million people and I still have to order a football online.
liebe Freunde,
gebt mir bitte einen Link wo ich Bayonetta 2 First print edition vorbestellen kann.
Danke schöne, alles liebe, tschüss baba
Ich glaube das ist noch nicht zum Vorbestellen freigegeben. Kannst dich bei Amazon anmelden, sodass du eine Mail bekommst, sobald du vorbestellen kannst.
I just had to pause for a moment to realise you meant a handegg, but even then I find that somewhat surprising. Don't you have Sportarena or something similar? I'm pretty sure mine has them.
Bahnstreik mal wieder...
Gut, dass ich mein Studium beendet habe.
Ich musste jeden Tag über 2 Stunden im Zug sitzen damals.
Mir reichen schon die 15-25 Minuten, weil die Bahnen auch einfach so dermaßen überfüllt sind.
Um 14 Uhr ist noch ne Vorlesung, ich glaub die setz ich mal spontan aus
Welcome to ma ciddy, Milchjon. Enjoy some Kölsch!Edit: Best place in Germany for beer though.
This pleases me. I have been offered a job there at Vattenfall and have never been there despite living just across the Danish border. Now I have 1 month to refresh my German skills by watching Lola Rennt and Napola on repeat.
So, it's settled then, TheFeedingHand goes to Saarbrücken! No, seriously, check out if the respective computer science departments offer courses in English, so that you won't have any hassle with the language at the university.
Watch "Werner Beinhart" instead. It greatly shows the local dialect of Northern Germany.
Welcome to ma ciddy, Milchjon. Enjoy some Kölsch!
Ich glaube das ist noch nicht zum Vorbestellen freigegeben. Kannst dich bei Amazon anmelden, sodass du eine Mail bekommst, sobald du vorbestellen kannst.
For your information, that's only used in Austria AFAIK.
Freie Bahn mit Marzipan.
I said beer, though.
just make sure to not touch 'Sion Kölsch'. Maybe try some 'Mühlen Kölsch' it's a little 'beerier'...for koelsch at least
Well, Mühlenkölsch is rather 'malzig', but has distinguished and nice taste. Sion Kölsch is also my least favorite one. But if you want a more 'beerish' taste, you should try Gaffel Kölsch. Quite 'herb' for an 'obergäriges' beer. And then you have the golden standard, Reissdorf Kölsch - which recently got their price raised.
Oh, I see it coming, we all need a 'Kölsch-Verkostung'. So, next time you are in Cologne, just holler!
habe ich getan, aber ich befürchte die Vorbestellung war vor einigen Tagen bereits möglich, die ..10 oder 20 kopien waren alle weg in 10 Minuten und jetzt ist es dafür zu spät.
haha, yeah I know, I lived in Austria 6 years ^_^ sorry, no austrian in this thread.
only the Austria with the Kangaroos that one's cool.
We all know the best German movie ever produced is Schtonk!
Yea I'd also be curious to know how you arrived at Bonn and Saarbrücken.
Not really the first Universities that come to mind when I think Computer Science.
I studied in Paderborn.
IMHO, if you studied CS you should not end up just hacking away at code. Other countries are much cheaper for that. That being said there is a huge market for qualified CS grads and I'm sure many of them will do loads of programing in one form or another.Well, I'm only considering universities that offer programs in English (Bonn is one of them)
And from what I've read Saarbruecken is supposed to have a really good MSc. in CS program, and apparently some good research going on too.
Of course, I'd also like to apply to TU Munich, but it seems that admission is really competitive there, so I'd also like to have some other options.
I still need to do more research about German universities though.
Also, one more question, since it seems that there are a bunch of people that studied CS in this thread, how's Germany for the software development job market right now?
IMHO, if you studied CS you should not end up just hacking away at code. Other countries are much cheaper for that. That being said there is a huge market for qualified CS grads and I'm sure many of them will do loads of programing in one form or another.
I'm an electronical engineer and I program something most days of the week.
Job market is good at the moment, in 3 years it will probably still be good.
Qualified people will always find work.
What on earth are you doing up so early?
Also, I did not know you coded. We have so much to talk aboot now, you an I. I too am coding in a field that is wholly unrelated.
Welcome back, keep your tongue in check and you might stay.
I've been up since 0545.![]()
Never gonna happen.
I too am coding in a field that is wholly unrelated.
Pls don't NSA us, bro.
Whatever are you talking about?
On an unrelated note, boy those German national radicals who were protesting in Munich last weekend...what a bunch of jokers! You guys know their names or anything? I'd love to send them a gift basket!
Can you specify that in any way? There are so many different crackpot organisations.
Wait, don't you live on Munich?!?
That does no mean I am intimately aware of every activity and social unrest within the city limits.
There was an anti TTIP demonstration, you might mean that?
That does no mean I am intimately aware of every activity and social unrest within the city limits.
Deutsch GAF Meet up?
BTW, top-fermenting styles can be quite bitter. Pretty sure the most bitter beers are all top-fermenting.ärige_HefeKölsch, Alt, Weißbier, Gose, Dampfbier, Berliner Weiße und Ale