ich versuche heute von west- nach ostösterreich zu fahren.
wish me luck.
ich versuche heute von west- nach ostösterreich zu fahren.
wish me luck.
Nun, ich weiß ja nicht, von wo bis wo genau raindoc fährt, aber eventuell erfährt er ja ein kleines Stückchen Glück...Glück ist das doch erst, wenn Du aus Österreich rausfahren solltest.
Hey, Guten rutsch Euch allen. Bleibe in Berlin und muss heute Nacht wieder durchs Kriegsgebiet nach Hause laufen.
Everything according to keikaku.
Hier sieht man vor lauter Rauch kaum mehr was.
Frohes Neues an alle in good old Deutschland.
Stimmung Top nach dem Mega-Feuerwerk neben uns. Jetzt ein wenig getrübt vom brennenden Nachbarhaus. Feuerwehr war in knapp 10 Minuten da.
Hallo GermanGAF! I just came back from my first visit to Berlin. I just wanted to stop by and say what an amazing city it is. So much history just out in the open. I've seen so much in three days but I know I've barely even scratched the surface.
What stuck with me most is the tour we did at a former secret Stasi prison in east berlin. I was surprised I didn't know about this at all before visiting. It was quite a depressing but very impacting tour and we had a very passionate guide.
We also did an "alternative tour" which was quite a pleasant surprise. It was a three hour walk through Berlin where the guide would teach us historic events by showing us street art and the message they portray. It was a great way to kind of taste a bit of the underground scenes in the city and how the imprisonment from the Berlin wall created a need to express oneself though these art forms.
Then at the end of our trip we celebrated "Silvester" at the Siegessäule and I have to say after experiencing the stories of struggle Berlin has been through for it's freedom it felt rather special to celebrate together with the germans at the Straße des 17. Juni. So thanks for the hospitality!
Was your guide also a former prisoner? Really powerful stuff. It's the thing I remember best from my school trip to Berlin quite some years ago.What stuck with me most is the tour we did at a former secret Stasi prison in east berlin. I was surprised I didn't know about this at all before visiting. It was quite a depressing but very impacting tour and we had a very passionate guide.
Hallo GermanGAF! I just came back from my first visit to Berlin. I just wanted to stop by and say what an amazing city it is. So much history just out in the open. I've seen so much in three days but I know I've barely even scratched the surface.
What stuck with me most is the tour we did at a former secret Stasi prison in east berlin. I was surprised I didn't know about this at all before visiting. It was quite a depressing but very impacting tour and we had a very passionate guide.
We also did an "alternative tour" which was quite a pleasant surprise. It was a three hour walk through Berlin where the guide would teach us historic events by showing us street art and the message they portray. It was a great way to kind of taste a bit of the underground scenes in the city and how the imprisonment from the Berlin wall created a need to express oneself though these art forms.
Then at the end of our trip we celebrated "Silvester" at the Siegessäule and I have to say after experiencing the stories of struggle Berlin has been through for it's freedom it felt rather special to celebrate together with the germans at the Straße des 17. Juni. So thanks for the hospitality!
Glotzt jemand "Die Mannschaft" im Ersten? Ich berfürchte den einen oder anderen Gaucho Moment.
Glotzt jemand "Die Mannschaft" im Ersten? Ich berfürchte den einen oder anderen Gaucho Moment.
Hallo GermanGAF! I just came back from my first visit to Berlin. I just wanted to stop by and say what an amazing city it is. So much history just out in the open. I've seen so much in three days but I know I've barely even scratched the surface.
What stuck with me most is the tour we did at a former secret Stasi prison in east berlin. I was surprised I didn't know about this at all before visiting. It was quite a depressing but very impacting tour and we had a very passionate guide.
We also did an "alternative tour" which was quite a pleasant surprise. It was a three hour walk through Berlin where the guide would teach us historic events by showing us street art and the message they portray. It was a great way to kind of taste a bit of the underground scenes in the city and how the imprisonment from the Berlin wall created a need to express oneself though these art forms.
Then at the end of our trip we celebrated "Silvester" at the Siegessäule and I have to say after experiencing the stories of struggle Berlin has been through for it's freedom it felt rather special to celebrate together with the germans at the Straße des 17. Juni. So thanks for the hospitality!
Jo, ist schon komisch, wenn man zufälligerweise am ersten Werktag des neuen Jahres da so viele neue Gesichter sieht.Gute-Vorsätze-Leute im Studio nerven...
Ab 15. Januar afaik.Wann soll jetzt eigentlich nochmal der Twitch-Channel von den Rocket Beans Leuten anfangen?
Danke. Da freu ich mich schon drauf.Ab 15. Januar afaik.
"Are you content?"
Kann mir das jemand übersetzen?
"Are you content?"
Kann mir das jemand übersetzen?
Hallo zusammen! Kann jemand ein günstiges Hotel in Munich empfehlen?
There's a trend in the last few years of disregarding rules of when to put (parts of) verbs at the end of a sentence, both in spoken as well as written German. As a stupid example, "Sie hat ihn gefunden mithilfe eines ausgeklügelten Systems" ("She found him with a sophisticated system", and yes, "ausgeklügelt" is a great word) instead of "Sie hat ihn mithilfe eines ausgeklügelten Systems gefunden".And fuck German for pushing back verbs to the end of subordinate clauses. Don't make me wait 10 years to know what your talking about, goddammit
You should also learn the great verb 'beinhalten'.
Was schreibt die Lügenpresse auch solche Artikel? lolMeine Güte, die Kommentare zu den aktuellen Pegida-Artikeln sind ja haarsträubend...