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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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How did you get this message? It should mean to use your TAN #35 on a list of TANs you got from your bank. You probably have to call someone now that it's locked, though :( I'm not using Deutsche Bank myself, except to sometimes get some cash from their ATMs (for free thanks to Cash Group).

Ya, I never received a list though. :/ And the number they give you for help says it costs 10 EUR cents per minute. Why the fuck do you have to pay for the help line? And it's even more fucked up since I can't close my account without the magic TAN number either.


Ya, I never received a list though. :/ And the number they give you for help says it costs 10 EUR cents per minute. Why the fuck do you have to pay for the help line? And it's even more fucked up since I can't close my account without the magic TAN number either.

Be aware that the last couple of weeks a lot of spam mails have been send to german bank account owners. My gf got a mail about some mobiletan etc. and after some research it was a well known spam mail. Looked legit of course.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Do you guys have any ideas on where I should go on holiday? I have several 4 day weekends coming up this winter. It'll just be my wife and I. I'm thinking Paris/London for Christmas/New Year's. But they seem expensive during that time.

I also have 22-25 November off and I have no idea where to go. I'm thinking Palermo.


Do you guys have any ideas on where I should go on holiday? I have several 4 day weekends coming up this winter. It'll just be my wife and I. I'm thinking Paris/London for Christmas/New Year's. But they seem expensive during that time.

I also have 22-25 November off and I have no idea where to go. I'm thinking Palermo.

How much money do you want to spend? What do you want?
Beaches? City? Shopping? Relaxation? Skiing?

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
How much money do you want to spend? What do you want?
Beaches? City? Shopping? Relaxation? Skiing?

Mostly just traveling Europe. Nothing in particular. I want to make sure I have a great experience in the few years I'm here. I've got about a 500 euro budget per trip. Two people. I've been using airbnb.com for lodging.


Mostly just traveling Europe. Nothing in particular. I want to make sure I have a great experience in the few years I'm here. I've got about a 500 euro budget per trip. Two people. I've been using airbnb.com for lodging.

Malta is beautiful. Still warm down there, a lot of history, people speak English, some of the oldest free standing structures in the world. Could be on the expensive side (two way flight ticket should be around 300€ per person).

Alps are a good tip if you enjoy snow, mountains, have an interest in skiing or similar. Alps cover Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and France. Free choice there, should be similarly expensive (in your case rather cheap).

If you're interested in big cities try London, Paris or Berlin. Berlin should be the cheapest. Never been to London but Paris is very expensive. Berlin has a big "Weihnachtsmarkt":

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Wow, Malta is ridiculous expensive for a flight. Thanks for the suggestions. I think I'm settled on Palermo this month. I'll bug Deutsche GAF again in a couple of weeks for my Christmas trip. I just got back from the Zugspitz, as well.
Be aware that the last couple of weeks a lot of spam mails have been send to german bank account owners. My gf got a mail about some mobiletan etc. and after some research it was a well known spam mail. Looked legit of course.

My friend in germany said she'd call today to try and help me. Seems like Deutsche Bank is not liked by a lot of people...

Bah, and fuck your pictures Gustav, now I really want Glühwein. :'(


Junior Member
Damn. My German still seems to evaporate. My main problem is still vocabulary. Anyway to mitigate that with no regular contact with actual German speakers?


Damn. My German still seems to evaporate. My main problem is still vocabulary. Anyway to mitigate that with no regular contact with actual German speakers?

Well, since German TV/Pop/movies suck...

If you're ok with average hip hop, you might learn something from listening to KIZ or others.
If you like rock, maybe Rammstein.

Otherwise, reading German books seems like the best idea.

If you'd rather watch something, maybe documentaries.

Just consuming stuff in a foreign language always seems like the best way to me.


Well, since German TV/Pop/movies suck...

If you're ok with average hip hop, you might learn something from listening to KIZ or others.
If you like rock, maybe Rammstein.

Otherwise, reading German books seems like the best idea.

If you'd rather watch something, maybe documentaries.

Just consuming stuff in a foreign language always seems like the best way to me.

Yeah, just read. Read and then read some more. Also, there's a ton of stuff in Youtube. I am suscribed to several channels with newstories, documentaries and similar content and I try to listen in for at least 30 minutes a day.

Also, it doesn't hurt to try and read a book, cover to cover. I'm almost done reading "Der Zauberber". It's taken forever and it certainly wasn't easy, but I learned a lot and it would even get me thinking in German for a while after long reading sessions.


Also, start reading easy stuff. There's nothing wrong with children's books. For instance, even if the language is a bit dated, Grimm's Märchen (fables) are awesome.

One of the first books I read in English was Harry Potter, and I learned so much from that.


Ach, es gibt schon auch genug komische Österreicher. Gerade die Macho-Kultur, die bei euch noch weit verbreitet zu sein scheint, kann schon mal unangenehm sein.
Macho Kultur?! Erklärung bitte.
Glaub eher du wurdest Opfer des österreichischen Schmähs, darfst nicht alles ernst und wörtlich nehmen.
We have our fair share ouf douchebags in Austria but I am also not sure what is meant by Macho Kultur. Maybe something only happening in Vienna - would explain a lot ;-)
Make it yourself? A decent red wine, orange juice, cinnamon, cloves, some sugar and last but not least 60(++)% rum.

Maybe, I've just never done it so I'm afraid I'll make it awful. If I could find it already made I would pay extra to have it.

Damn. My German still seems to evaporate. My main problem is still vocabulary. Anyway to mitigate that with no regular contact with actual German speakers?

I know I'm late to this but like other said you just have to consume things in the language. Whether you read websites, books, listen to the radio (There's streaming on german radio station's sites and android apps and such), play games in german if the system allows it. Some of the german news sites even have easier articles and definitions at the end of the article to help you learn, most things like steam and the other systems let you set the language for the console/program to german and then if it's available let you play in german. I good amount of games in german on my xbox and PS3 that way and steam will update the games after you set the default language of that to german so almost all of the games will boot up and play in german. You have to use german in a way that you enjoy. If you hate listen to the radio or something and use that to keep it up then it will most likely be miserable for you. I love to read and play video games so I try to consume as much as that as possible in german.

Edit: I think I've made a terrible mistake. I just bought a book at a library sale called "Von Stufe zu Stufe: Geschichte einer Frau" by Anna Meyenberg. I can't even find a single thing about this person and I didn't realize it was an autobiography. I get the feeling I just wasted $6. :(
Maybe, I've just never done it so I'm afraid I'll make it awful. If I could find it already made I would pay extra to have it.

The problem with pre-made versions of "Glühwein" is that it is often a combination of very cheap red wine and a lot of sugar - more than one cup and you wake up the next day with a real bad hangover.

Basicly heat up a bottle of red whine (best if it is one you know/like - but not a 2L bottle for 1.99) add some spices (cinnamon, cloves - just a few), add orange juice (half the amount of wine you used), a few spoons of sugar (depending on how sweet you like it) and let it boil for a few minutes. Now you add as much rum as you like - from just a sip to "there is whine in my rum". You can't really make any big mistakes if you carefully add the ingredients - just always taste while "cooking" :)


Maybe, I've just never done it so I'm afraid I'll make it awful. If I could find it already made I would pay extra to have it.

Edit: I think I've made a terrible mistake. I just bought a book at a library sale called "Von Stufe zu Stufe: Geschichte einer Frau" by Anna Meyenberg. I can't even find a single thing about this person and I didn't realize it was an autobiography. I get the feeling I just wasted $6. :(

lol. Never heard about that woman. Googling it it seems like it is fiction though. And quite old being published in the 20s in Berlin. Sounds kinda interesting considering the times. Maybe it's something like Cabaret.

The problem with pre-made versions of "Glühwein" is that it is often a combination of very cheap red wine and a lot of sugar - more than one cup and you wake up the next day with a real bad hangover.

Basicly heat up a bottle of red whine (best if it is one you know/like - but not a 2L bottle for 1.99) add some spices (cinnamon, cloves - just a few), add orange juice (half the amount of wine you used), a few spoons of sugar (depending on how sweet you like it) and let it boil for a few minutes. Now you add as much rum as you like - from just a sip to "there is whine in my rum". You can't really make any big mistakes if you carefully add the ingredients - just always taste while "cooking" :)

Yeah, the pre-packed stuff is awful awful. Make it from scratch!

How is everybody doing anyway? Krasse Weihnachtsstimmung bei mir hier mit dem ganzen Schnee!
lol. Never heard about that woman. Googling it it seems like it is fiction though. And quite old being published in the 20s in Berlin. Sounds kinda interesting considering the times. Maybe it's something like Cabaret.

Yeah, the pre-packed stuff is awful awful. Make it from scratch!

How is everybody doing anyway? Krasse Weihnachtsstimmung bei mir hier mit dem ganzen Schnee!

I just found the publisher on the book and it's "Des Malik Verlag" which according to wiki was one of the biggest publishing companies from like ~1918-~1946 and they mostly printed communist literature. I don't see the book listed on the books they have listed that the company printed though. I wonder what the hell I bought? :lol

The problem with pre-made versions of "Glühwein" is that it is often a combination of very cheap red wine and a lot of sugar - more than one cup and you wake up the next day with a real bad hangover.

Basicly heat up a bottle of red whine (best if it is one you know/like - but not a 2L bottle for 1.99) add some spices (cinnamon, cloves - just a few), add orange juice (half the amount of wine you used), a few spoons of sugar (depending on how sweet you like it) and let it boil for a few minutes. Now you add as much rum as you like - from just a sip to "there is whine in my rum". You can't really make any big mistakes if you carefully add the ingredients - just always taste while "cooking" :)

Alright, I'll probably give it a try then. I've actually never had the bottled stuff, only the stuff from the stands in the Weihnachtsmarkt. (Which may or may not be the bottled stuff, I have no clue).
Deutschlands Mittelschicht schrumpft dramatisch

Hamburg - Deutschlands Mittelschicht gerät zunehmend unter Druck. Das ist das Ergebnis einer Untersuchung des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) und der Universität Bremen im Auftrag der Bertelsmann Stiftung. "Gemessen an den Reallöhnen, dem realen Haushaltsnettoeinkommen und dem Vermögen hat die Einkommensmittelschicht in Deutschland in den vergangenen Jahren zum Teil deutliche Einbußen erlitten", zitiert die "Süddeutsche Zeitung" (SZ) aus der Studie.

Den Forschern zufolge nimmt die Ungleichheit sowohl beim Einkommen als auch bei den Vermögen der Deutschen zu: Nur eine "Elite der Gesellschaft" habe in den vergangenen Jahren ihren Wohlstand steigern können. Das Versprechen "Wohlstand für alle", Titel eines berühmten Buches von Ex-Wirtschaftsminister Ludwig Erhard, werde "nicht mehr so eingelöst wie noch in der langen Phase seit den fünfziger Jahren".
Die Studie definiert die Mittelschicht als jene Bevölkerungsgruppe, die über 70 bis 150 Prozent des sogenannten Medianeinkommens verfügt. Das Medianeinkommen teilt die Bevölkerung in zwei gleich große Hälften - in die Menschen mit einem höheren und die mit einem niedrigeren Einkommen. Es lag 2010 bei 19.400 Euro. Zur Mittelschicht gehörten damit Alleinstehende mit einem Monatseinkommen von 1130 bis 2420 Euro oder Familien mit zwei Kindern unter 18 und einem Budget von 2370 bis 5080 Euro.

Absetzbewegung nach oben

Die Mittelschicht sei seit 1997 kleiner geworden und habe im Jahre 2010 "ihren bisherigen Tiefpunkt" erreicht, zitiert die "SZ" aus der Studie. Ihr Anteil an der Bevölkerung habe sich in diesem Zeitraum von 65 auf 58,5 Prozent oder um 5,5 Millionen auf 47,3 Millionen verringert. Als Ursache für die Entwicklung nennen die Wissenschaflter unter anderem die Zunahme von Haushalten mit Singles und Alleinerziehenden, die Zuwanderung "bildungsferner Personen", die Senkung des Spitzensteuersatzes und die ungenügende Angleichung von Sozialleistungen an die Inflation.

Neben der wachsenden Ungleichheit kritisiert die Untersuchung auch eine sinkende Chancengerechtigkeit. Für Einkommenschwache werde es schwieriger, gesellschaftlich aufzusteigen. "Eine soziale Durchmischung der gesamten Gesellschaft findet immer weniger statt", schreiben die Autoren. Dort, wo noch sozialer Aufstieg gelinge, handele es sich um eine "Absetzbewegung von wenigen aus der Mitte nach oben".

Die Frage, wie gerecht der Wohlstand in Deutschland verteilt ist, sorgte in den vergangenen Wochen einmal mehr für heftige Diskussionen. So ließ die FDP kritische Passagen aus einem Entwurf für den Armutsbericht der Bundesregierung streichen. Getilgt wurde dabei unter anderem die Aussage: "Die Privatvermögen in Deutschland sind sehr ungleich verteilt."


(^ that's from a Focus article)
Before that:

I've seen a better info-graph not too long ago, but I can't be bothered to look for it right now. Basically: real wages can't keep up with the inflation for like 10-15 years now.

I can definitely see that around here in Ruhrpott, almost reminds me of England with their societal classes now.
And the amount of people working 2,3 jobs is growing too (so we're becoming like the US in that regard). When I stated out jobbing as a waiter (like 7-8 years ago, when I was still in high school) some 95% of my colleagues were high school/uni students.
Some 2 years ago when I picked up waiting for a short while, some 20-30% were in their 40s, some of them came straight from a day job (Tourismuskauffrau, Industriekaufmann, even a uni graduate, IT support dude!), to work their ass off till 2-3h a.m. some 2,3 times per week to be able to make ends meet. Disgusting..
Is Johann Gottfried Herder a good author? They have a set of 5 books that are a collection of his writings for sale at my library so I was thinking about getting them.
Do any of you know of any good German-language video game forums?

It's recently come to my realization that a lot of people learn English by participating on English-language forums.
I thought that maybe I can benefit the same way by finding some German-language forums where I could become a member.


Do any of you know of any good German-language video game forums?

It's recently come to my realization that a lot of people learn English by participating on English-language forums.
I thought that maybe I can benefit the same way by finding some German-language forums where I could become a member.

Ok guys,
I need help :)

starting to work in Munich in February, so I will have to find a place to live by then.
Anyone here live in Munich and have a spare room? ;)

any other tips to find a flat, I wouldn't mind living with flat mates again :)


Ok guys,
I need help :)

starting to work in Munich in February, so I will have to find a place to live by then.
Anyone here live in Munich and have a spare room? ;)

any other tips to find a flat, I wouldn't mind living with flat mates again :)

From what I've heard it's really hard. A lot of the exchange students coming to Munich stay at a hostel at the beginning because it's easier to look for accommodation when you are actually in Munich (also less likely to get scammed when you actually can visit places and talk to people face to face).

Here are some links from my university: http://www.international.tum.de/en/welcome-at-tum/internationale-studierende/wohnsituation/tipps/
The list of terms and abbreviations as well as the links may be useful.

Also, keep in mind that it's also possible to look for a place in the area surrounding munich and commute via train (S-Bahn). Might not be the best option, but it might be easier to find something outside of Munich. At least it provides additional options.
From what I've heard it's really hard. A lot of the exchange students coming to Munich stay at a hostel at the beginning because it's easier to look for accommodation when you are actually in Munich (also less likely to get scammed when you actually can visit places and talk to people face to face).

Here are some links from my university: http://www.international.tum.de/en/welcome-at-tum/internationale-studierende/wohnsituation/tipps/
The list of terms and abbreviations as well as the links may be useful.

Also, keep in mind that it's also possible to look for a place in the area surrounding munich and commute via train (S-Bahn). Might not be the best option, but it might be easier to find something outside of Munich. At least it provides additional options.

thanks for the link.


Das alte Maniac-Forum war/ist super. Hat mich auch damals auf GAF gebracht. Leider ist es glaube ich gerade am aussterben.

Und ja, Wohnungssuche in München ist Horror. Wäre damals ohne entfernte Bekannte auf der Straße gestanden.


the piano man
You can always use the Subjunctive mood to be very polite.

Sollte ich mich irren, so täte mir das sehr leid.

This is right but so very few people use the verb in its subjunktiv form, that people might ask "wie, bitte?" if you say täte in that particular case.

eigentlich würde man " Tut mir leid (oder Sorry, sogar) wenn ich mich geirrt habe, war nicht absichtlich blablabla" sagen, :p.

Green Yoshi



How would you says something like, "I'm sorry if I'm mistaken" in german?

Would it be: "Tut mir Leid wenn ich irrten bin"?
Noch eine Möglichkeit: "Ich könnte mich irren, aber ..." oder "Könnte sein, dass ich falsch liege, aber ..." wenn du dich nicht unbedingt entschuldigen möchtest/musst.

Only use Trokil's suggestion in the most formal situations.
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