The only thing I know is that you shouldn't ask an Austrian if he's from Bavaria.
bavaria is just a prussian-occupied territory. they are more austrian than we are.
The only thing I know is that you shouldn't ask an Austrian if he's from Bavaria.
Und jetzt auch noch Disko Degenhardt hier.
Ich werd verrückt.
bavaria is just a prussian-occupied territory. they are more austrian than we are.
bavaria is just a prussian-occupied territory. they are more austrian than we are.
What the heck is a degenhardt?
Oh, no wonder translator didn't know it.
My last name is apparently Cornish for "Fortress with a ditch".
something else just struck my mind (again) when i read through the link "Cutes" provided in the "Space became less cool" thread... energy shields. i have no effing idea how such a thing could work, is there any theoretical basis for those?
There is no plausible theoretical basis for SF style shields. Sometimes they're called "force fields", which gives it a tenuous connection to real fields that act on objects, but they all act far too slowly to stop a bullet, or even redirect one around the ship. You cannot "project" a force to a remote location, they are always centered around some local thing creating it - as is the case for a magnet.
Real life sucks.
Ah that reminds me.
I assume that German-Austrian relations are very good - is there any animosity between the two modern states? Perhaps a little bit of sibling rivalry, similar to what we have with Australia and New Zealand? Do Austrians feel very nationalistic and independent, or would they be content with a union between the DFR and themselves? I understand that it could probably never happen politically because of historical comparisons to WWII, but I just wanted to know how the people in Austria felt.
that's what i knew
"I would rather be German"
Said no Austrian ever.
"I would rather be German"
Said no Austrian ever.
Yep ;_;
Is it not the case that Austrians are Germans, ethnically, linguistically and culturally (please don't kill me)? I don't mean that they don't have their own identity, but that they belong to the same closely related pan-national group. Germany was a union of Germanic states, but Austria did not join originally. Grossdeutchland arguments and all that.
I'd rather be austrian too. the accent is cute
we're all Germanic, but not really german - which is an aritificial construct like the EU.
there's no "austrian accent" and there are no "real germans", just as there's no real "austrian". germany consisted of dozens different small states, originating (not only) from the different germanic tribes. austria is/was part of that "fleckerlteppich" (patch-work).
the cultural differences between someone from bavaria and someone from Hessen, Sachsen, etc are about as strong as those between austrians and germans as a whole and the different austrians counties/states.
for example: i'm from the most western part of austria, Vorarlberg, right at the swiss border. we have an Allemanic heritage, like the "Schwaben" in germany for example, wheras the rest of austria has an Bavarii or Slavic background.
we're all Germanic, but not really german - which is an aritificial construct like the EU.
of course there is. half the time I don't even understand people from austria...bam oida fix oida
"I would rather be German"
Said no Austrian ever.
Hitler said it.
This reminds me, Prince-Elector is a badass title and if the EU federates, office names need to be based off the HRE. Kaiser Merkel!
of course there is. half the time I don't even understand people from austria...bam oida fix oida
Damn, it's been I while since I've heard that. Brings back some weird memories.
Meine Moves, die san möada,
Bam i geh o wia a G'störda.
I kroch bei da Tankn, kroch in da U-Bahn,
kroch in da Schicht und törn die Girls an.
nobody tells me that's hochdeutsch + that's not cute (the accent, not the video haha)
Meine Moves, die san möada,
Bam i geh o wia a G'störda.
I kroch bei da Tankn, kroch in da U-Bahn,
kroch in da Schicht und törn die Girls an.
nobody tells me that's hochdeutsch + that's not cute (the accent, not the video haha)
Oh shit, I remember it now.
krocha... blech. may i suggest the "Skispringerlieder" instead?
Christoph & Lollo
krocha... blech. may i suggest the "Skispringerlieder" instead?
Christoph & Lollo
EDIT: nothing against joking around, but do we really need pics of Adolf in this thread?
EDIT: nothing against joking around, but do we really need pics of Adolf in this thread?
Now that I think about it, Germany got all the "bad reputation" for Hitler, while Austria's reputation remained intact!
this doesn't even have the accent (
that's the biggest stunt we ever pulled - making the world believe that Hitler was German and Mozart from Austria.
Osterreich you magnificent bastards!
I prefer Osterreich than Austria
I prefer Osterreich than Austria
Frankreich is better than France too.
Uh oh, bed time for Deutschland.
why are you so damn concerned with our bed time?
i prefer austria. just in case we ever fuck up really seriously again, whoever will be pissed will invade australia. they always get it wrong. there's stealth on earth Mutes!
Frankreich is better than France too.
Uh oh, bed time for Deutschland.
I'm just a really caring person.
I'm just a really caring person.
This is true, although the downside is that you get AUT in the Olympic games, which bothers me for some reason :lol
Well, someone was saying the other day that Dracula was originally supposed to take place in Austria...
Well, someone was saying the other day that Dracula was originally supposed to take place in Austria...