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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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I'd suggest something without meat :p
don't you have some typical tasmanian dishes?

We're a state of 500,000 people who have only been here 200 years and spent most of that time wishing we were British. There's not much in the way of exclusively Tasmanian cuisine. Local food specialties are usually seafood like Salmon or Oysters, but tbh I don't like much seafood at all.
We're a state of 500,000 people who have only been here 200 years and spent most of that time wishing we were British. There's not much in the way of exclusively Tasmanian cuisine. Local food specialties are usually seafood like Salmon or Oysters, but tbh I don't like much seafood at all.

ugh sea food :S that's the worst.
hmm I had bratkartoffeln today :D
but why don't you make an awesome lasagna or something like that?

Cola gummies are disgusting. :/

not the ones I just had :D they're much smaller and better and prettier
ugh sea food :S that's the worst.
hmm I had bratkartoffeln today :D
but why don't you make an awesome lasagna or something like that?

not the one I just had :D they're much smaller and better and prettier

Haribo is amazing and even those are disgusting. Those sugar coated ones he posted made me cringe though. I can't see that getting better by adding sugar.

Edit: Hey mutes, this is off-topic but did australia used to have a shitty immigration policy? I was listening to wall street journal and apparently some senator or statements or something said something like "two wongs don't make a white" or something like that. Was this like in the 1950s or so or more recent? It didn't specify when it happened but I assume a while ago. I'll try to find the article again if you don't know what I'm talking about.
Sugar? I thought they were sour.

ugh sea food :S that's the worst.
hmm I had bratkartoffeln today :D
but why don't you make an awesome lasagna or something like that?

Not sure what bratkartoffeln are. Pan fried potatos according to google. I'm not so good a chef that I can make Lasagne unfortunately. We'd have to go back and find Tekky310, the bastard, he's a professional chef.

Edit: Hey mutes, this is off-topic but did australia used to have a shitty immigration policy? I was listening to wall street journal and apparently some senator or statements or something said something like "two wongs don't make a right" or something like that. Was this like in the 1950s or so or more recent? It didn't specify when it happened but I assume a while ago. I'll try to find the article again if you don't know what I'm talking about.

When Australia gained independence in 1901, the first act of parlimanet was the "White Australia Policy". It basically consisted of a very unfair "test" that non-European people had to pass to migrate to Austrlia. It was designed specifically to make sure that very few of them would get in. There was originally just going to be an outright ban on all non-white immigration, but they decided to go for the stupidly-hard test instead because a blanket ban would have offended Britain's Japanese allies. Shortly after WWII the policy started to be relaxed, and it doesn't exist anymore today. However Immigration is still a hot button issue, usually related to refugee status. Australia gets quite a lot of refugees coming in on boats or planes illegally, and a lot of the public don't want to let them in. Sometimes you might see somebody protesting immigration with signs using the slogan "fuck off, we're full!"

In the 1950's, Australia started promoting immigration from places that weren't the United Kingdom. Although these days we're cool with most of Europe (even the previously hated Italian and Greek immigrants can now band together with British Australians to be racist against Asians, Africans, Arabs etc), this wasn't always the case. The Australian government actually ran advertisements during the 50's and 60's to warm people up to the idea of Norwegian immigrants, because we needed an influx of skilled engineers and other laborers to work on huge hydroelectric projects.

Modern Australia thinks of itself as very multicultural, however it's pretty average regarding ethnic diversity compared to other Western nations. Tasmania in particular is basically the whitest state of Australia, because it hasn't been a popular destination for migrants and there are no "full-blooded" Tasmanian natives left.
Not sure what bratkartoffeln are. Pan fried potatos according to google. I'm not so good a chef that I can make Lasagne unfortunately. We'd have to go back and find Tekky310, the bastard, he's a professional chef.

When Australia gained independence in 1901, the first act of parlimanet was the "White Australia Policy". It basically consisted of a very unfair "test" that non-European people had to pass to migrate to Austrlia. It was designed specifically to make sure that very few of them would get in. There was originally just going to be an outright ban on all non-white immigration, but they decided to go for the stupidly-hard test instead because a blanket ban would have offended Britain's Japanese allies. Shortly after WWII the policy started to be relaxed, and it doesn't exist anymore today. However Immigration is still a hot button issue, usually related to refugee status. Australia gets quite a lot of refugees coming in on boats or planes illegally, and a lot of the public don't want to let them in. Sometimes you might see somebody protesting immigration with signs using the slogan "fuck off, we're full!"

In the 1950's, Australia started promoting immigration from places that weren't the United Kingdom. Although these days we're cool with most of Europe (even the previously hated Italian and Greek immigrants can now band together with British Australians to be racist against Asians, Africans, Arabs etc), this wasn't always the case. The Australian government actually ran advertisements during the 50's and 60's to warm people up to the idea of Norwegian immigrants, because we needed an influx of skilled engineers and other laborers to work on huge hydroelectric projects.

Modern Australia thinks of itself as very multicultural, however it's pretty average regarding ethnic diversity compared to other Western nations. Tasmania in particular is basically the whitest state of Australia, because it hasn't been a popular destination for migrants and there are no "full-blooded" Tasmanian natives left.

Interesting, it was an article criticizing the US and how they're losing highly skilled talent due to their immigration laws and it was saying that US didn't have to worry before because most other countries had crappy immigration laws so there was pretty much no competition and gave australia as one of the examples. They said australia has a much better immigration system now and is starting to see highly skilled workers go there more and more. They didn't give numbers on how much though but they said it's been increasing.
Not sure what bratkartoffeln are. Pan fried potatos according to google. I'm not so good a chef that I can make Lasagne unfortunately. We'd have to go back and find Tekky310, the bastard, he's a professional chef.

yep that's right :) + they're easy to make
meh no don't do that
I don't like tekky :S

When Australia gained independence in 1901, the first act of parlimanet was the "White Australia Policy". It basically consisted of a very unfair "test" that non-European people had to pass to migrate to Austrlia. It was designed specifically to make sure that very few of them would get in. There was originally just going to be an outright ban on all non-white immigration, but they decided to go for the stupidly-hard test instead because a blanket ban would have offended Britain's Japanese allies. Shortly after WWII the policy started to be relaxed, and it doesn't exist anymore today. However Immigration is still a hot button issue, usually related to refugee status. Australia gets quite a lot of refugees coming in on boats or planes illegally, and a lot of the public don't want to let them in. Sometimes you might see somebody protesting immigration with signs using the slogan "fuck off, we're full!"

In the 1950's, Australia started promoting immigration from places that weren't the United Kingdom. Although these days we're cool with most of Europe (even the previously hated Italian and Greek immigrants can now band together with British Australians to be racist against Asians, Africans, Arabs etc), this wasn't always the case. The Australian government actually ran advertisements during the 50's and 60's to warm people up to the idea of Norwegian immigrants, because we needed an influx of skilled engineers and other laborers to work on huge hydroelectric projects.

Modern Australia thinks of itself as very multicultural, however it's pretty average regarding ethnic diversity compared to other Western nations. Tasmania in particular is basically the whitest state of Australia, because it hasn't been a popular destination for migrants and there are no "full-blooded" Tasmanian natives left.

hah! I remember doing a presentation about this stuff in school!

thanks for ruining gelatin-stuff for the rest of my life for me :(

success! try vegan gummi bears :3
Interesting, it was an article criticizing the US and how they're losing highly skilled talent due to their immigration laws and it was saying that US didn't have to worry before because most other countries had crappy immigration laws so there was pretty much no competition and gave australia as one of the examples. They said australia has a much better immigration system now and is starting to see highly skilled workers go there more and more. They didn't give numbers on how much though but they said it's been increasing.

These days you're likely to get approved regardless of your ethnicity if you are a scientist, engineer, dentist, doctor, surgeon etc. Even in Whitesville Tasmania, I see a lot of foreign-born (often Indian, as I believe members of the British Commonwealth get preferential immigration status) doctors and engineers. My childhood Orthodontist was thoroughly Indian. I have three East Asian and one Indian professors that I personally know in my Faculty at the University.

so that means I can move in?

I never said that :p

yep that's right :) + they're easy to make
meh no don't do that
I don't like tekky :S

You'll have to make it for me one day.

He's my best friend :( Even though he's mean sometimes!

hah! I remember doing a presentation about this stuff in school!

You did presentations on Australian Immigration policy? I can't imagine what class that would have been for.
You'll have to make it for me one day.

He's my best friend :( Even though he's mean sometimes!

You did presentations on Australian Immigration policy? I can't imagine what class that would have been for.

ok :D
yeah I know that much! but as your best friend he gets a pass I guess.

haha yes and I thought the topic was boring as hell. if I only knew some australians at that time :p it was for my english class! :D

So does icecream.

... and do we need to see the pig skin on the tray?



I alway get up at 8.30 at Saturdays doesn't matter what happened the night before.. and last night I was awake till 4am... I'm so tired I could sleep while standing


epic morning. it's almost sunny here an i got a blueberry muffin, an insanely large cup of coffee and the new Nick Cave album in the stereo.

life's good.
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