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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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you asked for it.

9 hours sleep until the neighbour baby decided to wake me up. Buschenschank breakfast and coffee and now I hopefully get a steak. After that I will open a bottle of wine and watch Sportschau. Then I guess some movies and whiskey will seal the deal for today.
If you're running FireFox, you can get the FoxClocks add-on to display world times in your browser. That's what I've got. Helps me a lot when there's press conferences in Japan or Europe, or USA.


Great weather today. Just came back from a meetup with a bunch of friends. It's definitely warm enough to just sit by the river and have a couple of beers. Can't wait for summer to come back!


Hah. I wish. Australia.
Damn, we should definitely get more international GAFfers to Germany.

I've only ever met one other person from GAF. Great experience, we're hanging out on a regular basis, drink and party whenever he's in town. There's probably a picture floating around of him, his wife, me and my girlfriend drinking. Pretty sure he'll read this but he doesn't post often.

Btw, Brotkasten, what's your connection to Germany anyway? Your user name is German and you always seem to be empathizing with Germans (at least in the Windows Phone Thread where I was constantly bitching about Microsoft not being able to make Podcasts available in Germany) but you never speak German and don't seem to be from Germany either?


Looks delicious.

What's everyone's opinion on cheap beer? I've recently had beer from Aldi (sixpack about 1.6€) and it wasn't bad at all. However, all other cheap beers I've tried were absolutely horrible.

hate it. and hate Mettbrötchen.
ich mag mett aus reiswaffeln :p wie kann man nur rohes fleisch essen? brrr
da würd ich allein aus prinzip krank von werden. all die bakterien und keime und sonstiger shit :(


Deutsch-GAF zerlegt sich hier gerade selbst. Wie kann man bitte Mettbrötchen hassen ?

1. genetische Veranlagung
2. aus reinem Überlebenstrieb

Nicht umsonst haben Österreich und die Schweiz nicht einmal ein Wort für diese Grauslichkeit... ;)
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