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Gafia 2.5: The Bachelor Party |Mafia OT| One Last Override


Flush, I'm not sure what you're trying to propose here. If you're saying that he should full claim when he's in serious danger of getting lynched, that seems like the fairly obvious thing to do. Otherwise you just seem to be fishing for a reason for scum to nk him.

Squidy has been a little more aggressive but he seems awfully focused on knowing what team Stanley is on as opposed to the other people he mentioned. Squidy is there any particular reason for this? The whole "are we on the same team" wording still strikes me as strange wording. It's also possible that this question is meant as a way of asking Stanley what his read on Squidy is, but something about this question and the specificity of it rubs me the wrong way.

I also found Stanley's response to it strange:

depends on what you mean by 'team'
is this a trick question?
Feels like there is little reason for a town to respond this way. It seems to me that the answer that should immediately come to mind for a non-scum is "I don't know". In what way would the answer depend on squidy's definition of 'team'?

Cabot's poem was definitely a little weird. Even though he claimed to have Googled it and taken one of the poems from the first result, why? Could be random fluff, could be him trying to signal someone. The strange focus on 'eyes' in the poem gets me too. Out of all love poems, why this one?

Also, an aside but I'm not feeling so great about Starsketch atm. Seems like she's been blending.


I thought it was pretty funny, to be honest.

Some good rhymes in there!

I also had a poem in my claim, so let's not pretend its the first.

I've been signalling from the beginning.
idk, I know it's day 1 so we don't have too much to go on, but the poems do just feel like fluff playing up the role. If a scum player flips with reference to a lost partner in their role PM, then it might be worth revisiting, but right now there's no reason to entertain that. Doesn't feel like much of a lead right now.

The Stanley/Squidy discussion I think is just a call back to the Matrix game, where Stanley copped Squidy. I don't get much from that on Squidy's end, although it is true that Stanley's response reads kind of oddly.


He did it in Love Boat too, but I remember his behaviour being quite different in MGS and HP.

I guess I just don't think he has a specific single way of play, like seath. You expect certain things of seath. I do not have similar expectations of Gorlak.

He's not ringing any alarms for me.


I don't have anything that I feel comfortable asking him about in view of the scum, so no. I imagine he's not being entirely truthful, regardless of his alignment, so I'm fine with him right now.

This is a weird post to me, what are you so afraid of asking?


I feel like the people who are going after the ice cream or cabot's poem are going for easy pickings tbh. Not really sure what to make of it tho.

I'm sorry for not having been around at the start, I'll try to comment on posts in greater detail after I go through them more carefully.

Re Cabot claim, I mostly agree with Sophia. I'd rather let it be a non-factor in how I treat Cabot over trying to talk in circles about the merits of claiming within the first five minutes. In any case, I think the only scenario that's sort of been eliminated has been role cop checking him, so other roles should be safe to interact with him. I'm sure we'll have enough to interact with there if it comes to it.

I'll be back after I get some ice cream.

Could I ask what you don't agree with me on? Just for clarity's sake?

Are you serious? You think somebody is suspicious because he hasn't explicitly denied a blatant call-out? What did you expect? A lame excuse?

It was an observation, not a claim of suspicion.

So, the Miller thing... At this point I'm actually wondering if it could be a good idea for Cabot to claim weather he is an Ordinary Miller or a PR that has the Miller as a drawback. Because if we don't have a strong suspect within the next 60 hours lynching a Vanilla Miller would be the third best outcome we can have (after lynching Scum and lynching Neutral). However, if he is a powerful PR the correct play I think would be to let him alive and let Scum take over. That way we safe ourselves a "wasted" lynch or he can do whatever he does for quite some time until we had to revisit him because he's still not dead...

As I said, I'm not sure that that is the correct line of action and I would like to hear more opinions on this before Cabot even considers claiming further.

Hmm... the biggest drawback I can see to this line of action is that it gives scum an easy chance to fish for power roles, with relatively little risk to themselves. And of course, a lot can change in 60 hours, so it's not guaranteed we'll even be considering a cabot lynch.

I don't see the it tbh. How could a mechanical clue (that is not the absence of a role cop, and you never will know of the absence of a cop until the very end game because that would require the cop to claim if he was there) look like? Oh, and Cabot being scummy isn't a mechanical clue but Cabot being scummy and then getting lynched.

No comment to this question right now, because I can't think of an answer that satisfies me. I will concede to your point of view for the moment.


It'd be a bad move on a gameplay scale to try and ask you these questions, me asking them right now will only help scum.



That's a weird position, Flame. Can you not think of some other questions to ask that maybe would at least help town then?

Do remember mafia are the ones at an information advantage. Town needs that good good info.


Flame what are you doing? I initially backed off because I thought flame was trying to hint he was a PR but if he's not scum it seems like mafia's gonna know what he's doing by now anyways so there's no point in not calling attention to him.

Vote: Droplet
When she said she was going out for ice cream she also said she'd come back with some reads. She didn't show up again until much later, didn't show up again until people were talking about her. When she did show up she didn't have any reads, she didn't have anything to say whatsoever.


Stanley, "I don't know" is the correct answer or "I'm town, I don't know what the fuck you are". Incorrect answers include "yes" and whatever it was that you did. It's a simple question that merely asks you to represent the information available to a town player at this point in time. It's asking if you're town but giving you the option to fumble the question if you're not.
FEP asking for a mass claim? StarSketch agreeing? What's wrong with you? What would be the benefit? You really think mods didn't provide fake names? Come on, this isn't hp, lessons were learned and nin isn't hosting.

FEP already clarified that that wasn't a mass claim request. I didn't read it as one, either. Even if it was, I wasn't agreeing. I said "it would be fine, (as names probably aren't a 1 to one match with roles) but there's no point (...because names aren't a 1-1 match with roles)"

Mods probably did give fake names, but seeing as apparently "swamped's fiancé" is a role I don't think we'll get anything informative from name/role association. Aside from a few vague guesses. We might get like one correct guess, but that's as likely to be a town player's role as it is scum.

I'd like to bring something up which is mildly meta but I support meta play so screw you all.

This game was partly created by Palmer, and the title is One Last Override. Woof 2 was 'Was It All Just A Dream' and had the three sleepwalkers in there. I am now leaning more to the existence of an override here for the current day phase. I will probably be a lot less certain if we get to day two without one.

Any thoughts? #day1speculation

You've not checked in since the game started. Thoughts on my claim? Thoughts on reactions to my claim? Thoughts on my reactions to reactions of my claim?

Thoughts on my reactions to reactions to reactions to reactions of my pants?

Nah just kidding, feel free to speculate on my override point as well.

Sounds interesting, but I'm pretty sure using an override D1 is a horrible idea ( unless it's a scum player saving a teammate or something. Really hope none of the overrides are on scum if there are any to begin with.)


Well, it's happened.

I'm not exactly sure of the best way to use an override, but we had Camjo use his in Batman on D1.

Eh, trying to get some conversation going, the game has been quiet so far.


Guys... GUYS... G U Y S... I do not want to have a repeat of Love Boat here, Miller claim and Cop claim which was a "joke". ugh.

squidyj... do I like castlevania? Wait. Don't answer, I'll read the thread some more.

Droplet, my problem with ice cream is that only a few in this game like vanilla flavour. And they should hide this fact as best as they can! While there is a chance you just went to get something to eat, I doubt that somebody brings up this special topic randomly. It's simply handicapped and not to be joked with.

(is handicapped the right word? non-native speaker here ~ german: "vorbelastet")


Guys... GUYS... G U Y S... I do not want to have a repeat of Love Boat here, Miller claim and Cop claim which was a "joke". ugh.

squidyj... do I like castlevania? Wait. Don't answer, I'll read the thread some more.

Droplet, my problem with ice cream is that only a few in this game like vanilla flavour. And they should hide this fact as best as they can! While there is a chance you just went to get something to eat, I doubt that somebody brings up this special topic randomly. It's simply handicapped and not to be joked with.

(is handicapped the right word? non-native speaker here ~ german: "vorbelastet")

Handicapped is technically the right word, but it's use in your sentence is incorrect. I guess another way of wording it might be "It's simply a handicap on someone, and not something you joke about..."


It has been a pretty quiet game so far.... hmm...

Some quick reads from me, if you all don't mind.

cabot - His miller claim is consistent with the usual strategy of claiming Day 1, as I mentioned earlier. At this current moment, I don't want to lynch him. He's provided some pretty good commentary, including a reads list in regards to his role claim. Don't think there's anything to his poem right now; it was indeed possible to find it with a quick Google search.

CrimsonFist - He's a hard read. He plays a bit passively, but asks the right questions. So I'm not sure what to make of Crimson right now.

Droplet - Usually if you're gonna mention ice cream as a meta hint, you're also gonna mention a flavor. So right now I don't think there's much relevance to that. Still interested in hearing what Droplet didn't agree with me on tho.

Flame_AC - I don't care for his policy lynch attitude. This post really doesn't sit right with me either, upon further reading of it. It's kind of weird to say you don't want to ask someone anything at all, when the whole point of the game is asking people questions and debating over who is scum.

flatearthpandas - Asked if there was any point to keeping our role names a secret. Said he wasn't asking for a mass role name claim there, which I believe him. Not sure I want players revealing their role names right now myself tho.

Gorlak - Gorlak gonna Gorlak. Don't have a strong read right now, but there's still time for that to change. Thought his vote against squidyj was interesting, but I'm not sure what to make of it like most early votes.

Kawl_USC - Probably the most interesting person to me. Been very active, and asked a lot of questions. Engaged with squidyj's silliness a few times. He's the kind of person you don't really expect a reads list of because he's so active of a poster. Someone to keep an eye on.

nukedeggs - Don't have a strong read on her yet... First game played with her I believe, so a bit of a wildcard. In favor of keeping cabot alive for now. Inclined to agree with her that it seems like squidyj is deflecting pressure a bit.

Royal_Flush - One big post so far, seemed really aggressive. I conceded to him on one point for the moment, as my train of thought that I was running with last night is not filling me with confidence now. His idea doesn't seem like a good one tho.... Hmm...

Squidyj - Quickly jumps out of the gate with a vote on cabot. Had a lot of useless posts early on, but is starting to be more proactive. There was that really weird question where he asked Stanley if he was on the same team. Not sure if anything ever really comes of these questions, but it's something to keep in mind for the future. Is it just me or was there some odd aggression in this post regarding the question tho...?

StanleyPalmtree - Don't have a strong read. First game I've played with Stanley, so he's a bit of a wild card to me. Some commentary about the role powers in relation to role names

StarSketch - First post out of the gate was balance commentary in regards to miller being a bastard role. Probably the person I'm most curious to see a reads list from.

Zippedpinhead - Said this before, but I find it fascinating he jumped out of the gate with the suggestion that cabot was running a gambit. He did answer Kawl's questions tho, and gave similar answers to me. Gonna keep a close eye on him.


Are any of you even playing?


I mean...uh....

Vote Count

cabot (1)

squidyj (1)

StarSketch (1)

Royal_Flush (1)

Droplet (1)

8 votes are needed for majority.

Day 1 ends in:


Are any of you even playing?


I mean...uh....

Vote Count

cabot (1)

squidyj (1)

StarSketch (1)

Royal_Flush (1)

Droplet (1)

8 votes are needed for majority.

Day 1 ends in:

It's Thursday. Daddy gets his drink on on Thursdays. Leave me alone.
Right and I get that.

I'm just asking/wanting to bring it to every one's mind that, maybe just maybe, we can go ahead and think about what each of us would do if we are on the chopping block at days end. Getting lynched as town sucks, but it might be a bit better to take your lumps instead of creating a claim train and exposing multiple PRs versus just the one, yea?

Want to respond to this with a nope. I get where it's coming from but preventing MLs is an important part of the game. Unless your lynch is going to expose a scum, I don't think accepting your lumps is a good strategy when there are 12 other potential scum out there you could try and push that vote onto instead. And the last minute vote swings are the most important source of day 1 info for town imo. Most of the early votes are straight garbage but in the last hour or so when motherfuckers are gonna get lynched, the votes are real. Just quietly letting town lynch you as a power role loses town a pr, guarantees we don't hit a scum or neutral, and robs the town of potentially important information as a new target is found or not found.
Stanley, "I don't know" is the correct answer or "I'm town, I don't know what the fuck you are". Incorrect answers include "yes" and whatever it was that you did. It's a simple question that merely asks you to represent the information available to a town player at this point in time. It's asking if you're town but giving you the option to fumble the question if you're not.

oh this was a serious question? i honestly thought you were just fucking with me.
i mean, did you think that i would fall for something like that? that if i was scum i would just kneejerk answer and give the whole game away?


Are you seriously putting stock in a question that basically amounts to "Are you town?"

And grilling the guy for thinking you're being silly and not answering you in the way you want?

says the person who is really worried about how hostile my tone was in repeating my question or concerned with the fact that i didn't respond directly to her asinine fucking comments.


says the person who is really worried about how hostile my tone was in repeating my question or concerned with the fact that i didn't respond directly to her asinine fucking comments.

Your train of logic is bizarre, Squidyj.

How exactly do you intend to scum hunt that way?

You asked him if he was on the same team

He thinks you're joking around.

You repeat the question, this time making it clear you're not joking, and imply the lack of an an answer means he's scum.

He blows you off.

You proceed to tell him what the acceptable answer is.

I'm not certain where you're trying to go with this. If this is some sort of in-joke, then it's lost on me. It looks like you're trying to direct the conversation a certain way. I definitely don't see his answer as "pretty bad" myself, just neutral with a hint of sarcastic blowing off.


Squidyj - Quickly jumps out of the gate with a vote on cabot. Had a lot of useless posts early on, but is starting to be more proactive. There was that really weird question where he asked Stanley if he was on the same team. Not sure if anything ever really comes of these questions, but it's something to keep in mind for the future. Is it just me or was there some odd aggression in this post regarding the question tho...?

I think the aggression there is actually warranted. If somebody answered my question of "are you on the same team as me" with anything but "I don't know", then it would pretty strongly indicate that they know something about whether or not I'm on their team. With the simplest explanation being that they're scum and they know I'm not on their team. I'm not sure if this indicates that squidy's town though, since it could just be some scum distancing themselves.

Honestly, with squidy, I'd been suspicious of him due to his weird tone and lack of aggression, but that's started to change. His strange wording in his question towards Stanley ends up making sense (and actually paid off), so I can't really hold that against him either. He's been more aggressive in the recent posts, which is what I'm more used to from him, but that puts his earlier posts in an odder light. Not sure about the reason for the tone switch again but it could be because of how people have been commenting on it.

At this point, I'm getting a bit of a "too scummy to be scum" feeling from Stanley, but that feeling might be influenced by what happened during WWE, where Kawl and Stanley were both acting pretty scummy in my eyes but they both ended up being town.


I think the aggression there is actually warranted. If somebody answered my question of "are you on the same team as me" with anything but "I don't know", then it would pretty strongly indicate that they know something about whether or not I'm on their team. With the simplest explanation being that they're scum and they know I'm not on their team. I'm not sure if this indicates that squidy's town though, since it could just be some scum distancing themselves.

What's to say they just won't lie about the answer? Especially now that you and squidyj have made your apparent criteria for acceptable answers? What's to say that a town person might consider something else other than acceptable response?


Hmm personally I got a confused feeling from Stanley here as opposed to him thinking that Squidy's joking around. So it seems to me that he doesn't start with the sarcasm and blowing off until squidy pushes harder, at which point it seems that Stanley already knows what the correct answer should be. That could be due to him asking scum team for advice on what to say now that it had become a problem, or it could just be a legitimate truthful answer.

What's to say they just won't lie about the answer? Especially now that you and squidyj have made your apparent criteria for acceptable answers? What's to say that a town person might consider something else other than acceptable response?
There's nothing to say that they won't lie, but that's the idea - town should be saying that they don't know, and scum should pretend to be town and also claim that they don't know. I don't really see much of a reason for town to indicate that they may have some knowledge of who else is on their team.


What's to say they just won't lie about the answer? Especially now that you and squidyj have made your apparent criteria for acceptable answers? What's to say that a town person might consider something else other than acceptable response?

......i guess that's why i'm not going to ask the question again? what the hell is this reasoning?


Hmm personally I got a confused feeling from Stanley here as opposed to him thinking that Squidy's joking around. So it seems to me that he doesn't start with the sarcasm and blowing off until squidy pushes harder, at which point it seems that Stanley already knows what the correct answer should be. That could be due to him asking scum team for advice on what to say now that it had become a problem, or it could just be a legitimate truthful answer.

There's nothing to say that they won't lie, but that's the idea - town should be saying that they don't know, and scum should pretend to be town and also claim that they don't know. I don't really see much of a reason for town to indicate that they may have some knowledge of who else is on their team.

Hmm.... I took the "is this a trick question?" to mean that he thought squidyj might be joking. Either way, I'm not sure there's much to actually take from it except for the fact that Stanley didn't want to answer the question. And you could probably make an interpretation that Stanley's original answer was a variation of "I don't know" anyhow.

Honestly, I think I've gotten a better read of you than I have from the Squidyj/Stanley discussion. Though part of me is seeing Squidyj's aggressiveness as town too. Still neutral on Stanley.


One thing I really want to know is what Gorlak is like. It feels like everybody here seems to think that he plays in an unusual manner, and that he's been consistent with their expectations so far. What is typical Gorlak play? It feels to me that he's playing relatively normally as an inquisitive town, yet everyone seems to be treating his play as something that's generally non-conventional.

Hmm.... I took the "is this a trick question?" to mean that he thought squidyj might be joking. Either way, I'm not sure there's much to actually take from it except for the fact that Stanley didn't want to answer the question. And you could probably make an interpretation that Stanley's original answer was a variation of "I don't know" anyhow.

Honestly, I think I've gotten a better read of you than I have from the Squidyj/Stanley discussion. Though part of me is seeing Squidyj's aggressiveness as town too. Still neutral on Stanley.

Yeah, I can see that too. Regarding squidy, I've poked at him earlier regarding his tone not being as aggressive as I would expect, so I wouldn't take his aggressiveness now as anything particularly town. Now that I think about it, if anything it feels like he might have started overcompensating. Actually, Kawl, what's your opinion on that possibility?

Squidy is getting more aggressive and falling more in line with his previous play. Feeling better about him at the moment.


Wouldn't put it past Squidy to evolve his game from be aggressive form start, to begin semi friendly then turn the agression on and see how people react.

But could also just his trying to avoid spotlight and then realize that wasn't working. We did lay out what he was doing that was not sitting well with us so there's that...

It's kind of similar to the issue of squid providing the answe he wants.

I'd say he's at least being active and stirring the pot, potentially creating discussion we an look at once some flips come in.

Non drunk em thoughts tomorrow at dork point


One thing I really want to know is what Gorlak is like. It feels like everybody here seems to think that he plays in an unusual manner, and that he's been consistent with their expectations so far. What is typical Gorlak play? It feels to me that he's playing relatively normally as an inquisitive town, yet everyone seems to be treating his play as something that's generally non-conventional.

From what I've played with him, Gorlak is prone to bouts of anti-town behavior here and there even when he's town. I think Crimson summed it up pretty well when he described Gorlak's play so far as "odd lines of enquiry" As a result of this, he can be a hard read at times. Hence why I mean by "Gorlak gonna Gorlak"


Vote: Droplet
When she said she was going out for ice cream she also said she'd come back with some reads. She didn't show up again until much later, didn't show up again until people were talking about her. When she did show up she didn't have any reads, she didn't have anything to say whatsoever.

I don't like to reply with nothing. As I said earlier, I went over all the other posts and didn't have anything else to add at the time. You said make some reads, so I tried to come up with something while literally falling asleep. If you think I haven't said anything of value then that's fine, but I'm clearly going to answer if somebody is asking me a question.

Droplet, my problem with ice cream is that only a few in this game like vanilla flavour. And they should hide this fact as best as they can! While there is a chance you just went to get something to eat, I doubt that somebody brings up this special topic randomly. It's simply handicapped and not to be joked with.


I don't really care about this anymore than the fact that you seem to keep talking about it after I said it was nothing, but I'm not sure I understand, if you thought I was actually hinting at something with it, why even bother bringing it up? Continually badgering about it seems to only be trying to get me to claim, and from where I'm standing that sounds like a terrible idea for town.

@Sophia: I wasn't saying I necessarily disagreed with anything you said, I just added a little more to my thoughts on Cabot. That's all.

Anyway, I have an important real life decision to make tonight so I hope you all can forgive me for not being the most present.
I'm glad to see discussion has shifted off the dead horse of yesterday.

On play styles, yeah Gorlak gotta Gorlak. Especially coming off last game where after being lynched I could just watch in horror as he was mislynched. At some point you realize that people like to play these standoffish roles so that they can get a rise out of people. It tends to work (by revealing scum on their death), but often gets a mislynch (because town tends to not like that kind of behavior).

Case in point: squidyj: trying to get some information by quick answers and stand-off-ish posts. Asking questions that most everyone will answer the same way (lie or not), and then complaining about the non-answer. I can see the benefit, as later on we can look back at this and think "maybe squidyj was onto something" or "scum trying to throw shade". Either way it helps get us information.

Day 1 is always a very important day for getting reads. A lot of time people type the wrong thing, or vote weird and it becomes apparent after lynching a scum or two.


Love rules. Love laughs. Love marches. Love
is the wolf that guards the gate.
Love is the food of music, art, poetry. It
fills us and fuels us and fires us to create.
Love is terror. Love is sweat. Love is bashed
pillow, crumpled sheet, unenviable fate.
Love is the honour that kills and saves and nothing
will ever let that high ambiguity abate.
Love is the crushed ice that tingles and shivers
and clinks fidgin-fain for the sugar-drenched
absinth to fall on it and alter its state.
With love you send a probe
So far from the globe
No one can name the shoals the voids the belts the
zones the drags the flares it signals all to
leave all and to navigate.

VOTE: Flame_AC

I don't like Flame right now, I'm unsure of Kawl, Flush, nukedeggs. I am perpetually unsure of Zipped. Others will have to judge him.
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