All right, finally got some free time. Man, you guys have been pretty quiet today.
Roytheone - Roy has been somewhat middle-of-the-road, and he claimed Ordinary, and so far it doesn't seem like he's moved (He was detected N4 by Terra, but Launch most likely was the one that moved, but it's not 100% certain he was the only one). Lean town on him, despite me getting slightly aggravated with him not arsonist-hunting with me. We got him though, so oh well.
Timeaisis - Time, as far as I can tell from previous games, always plays some blendy-type of player who doesn't really make any sort of major accusations until late in the game when it counts. He claimed Ordinary as well, but N1 may be problematic for that claim, depending on if Burb is telling the truth or if nin is telling the truth. Lean scum, but it also depends on nin's alignment.
Seath - Swapped in for RNH a few days in. Seath is...Seath. He seems a bit different than he was in the Disney game, where he was spot-on with his reads, but now he seems like he's regressed into pre-Disney Seath. Not a bad player per se, I mean, just kinda goofy and random. Null read.
AbsolutBro - After the Arsonist fiasco (sorry), AB has simmered down a bit. He's still pretty middle-of-the-road like Time though. Apart from his defensiveness during the Arsonist hunt, he's pretty quiet. It may be because he broke his hand, at least the quantity, but I don't think there are many posts of his that I can really pinpoint as influential. I'll give the thread another read (I only did a quick scan during my break in work), so I could be wrong. He claimed Ordinary, and in retrospect his defensiveness seems pretty warranted. Lean town.
Terrabyte20xx - Motion Detector. The only information we've gotten from him though is that Kingkitty died (lol), and Launch moved during N3/N4. No movement the other two nights, both nights of which Salva was there. I read Terra as town, but if Terra ever flips scum, we should look at Salva. Lean town.
Fireblend - Fireblend was really active D1, as many have noticed, but has considerably fallen off of the train since then. Him, Time, and AB are my main blenders in this game now. I feel Fireblend could go either way, honestly
, as I can see scum coming out the gate trying to appear involved and active, only to disappear a bit into the background, or he could just be genuinely out of sorts. Null read.
SalvaPot - Salva just claimed...Vote Counter? What? If he's a Town PR he just painted a target on his back since Launch is gone, or if he's scum he's just trying to make a claim. He didn't really give any information about his role, so if he has information, he may want to reveal it since he's on borrowed time. Slight scum read.
Xamtheking - Still want to strangle Xam for his Arsonist shenanigans. Pulled the fire alarm on D2 and D3. Claims a Town PR, but neutral utility. I honestly don't see how that role in any way benefits town. Town, by definition, doesn't know the roles/alignment of anyone else in the game until they claim/confirm/flip, so rearranging the tables AGAIN, DURING THE DAY, when no other actions happen (so far), doesn't really
do anything. Was slight town read, degraded to null read.
Ty4on - I think Ty4on and maybe Burb are the only players I have decent Town reads on. He generally brings decent points to the discussion. Claimed Ordinary. However, he was jailed on N4 and there wasn't a Night Kill. It doesn't directly implicate him, but obviously either Ty is scum, or Ty was targeted. I'm thinking the latter, simply because of the town read I have on him already.
Nin1000 - I still have concerns with Nin. Yeah, yeah, it's "nin being nin," but here's where my issue lies. Xam pulls the fire alarm, moving him into Bronx's chat with Camjo. It wasn't until after that, with some weird nin-like posts where he was talking to himself, that he claimed Ultron the Tracker (motion detector). Now, Bronx and Camjo aren't here to back up whatever went down in that chat, but it's just a bit odd to me. I know we discussed the utility a motion detector would bring to scum in this setup, but it's still something that's bothering me. Slight scum read.
CzarTim - There's a reason I killed Tim in Heist before he even entered the game. He's a pretty good player, regardless of the team he's on. I notice that he does take some time to get going though, and he shitposts like it's his job. If he's town, he'll probably be very useful in endgame cutting through the bullshit. If he's scum, well then we have to worry about him at some point. Tim was next to Terra last night, but apparently made no movement. Claimed Ordinary. Definitely a null read - he could go either way.
Burbeting - Burb has been pretty helpful in driving the discussion forward. I town read him, but the possibility exists that he claimed a commuter to cover for any movement he may be doing on even nights. He still hasn't been next to a motion detector on even nights yet, so his power is still unconfirmed. Town read.
My main suspicions are on the blenders (primarily Time and Fire...AB I have a slightly better read on now), but I'll thrown nin into the mix as well. Salva's claim is...odd, to say the least.