1. Bayonetta 2
2. Uncharted 4
3. Legend of Zelda
4. Super Smash Bros
5. Farcry 4
6. No Man's Sky
7. Splatoon
8. Assassin's Creed Unity
9. Metal Gear Solid V
10. Bloodborne
Bayonetta 2 looks amazing, and it coming with the first one was the biggest surprise of E3 for me (and the best). UC4 looked beyond anything I ever imagined, as did Zelda U. Super Smash still looking incredible. Farcry 3 was one of my favorites of last gen, the fourth looks to be just as good, if not better. No Man's Sky, what can I say, the idea of it so great, if they can pull it off then I'd say it's going to go down as one of the best indie games ever. Splatoon looks delightful and so fun, one of the surprise games of E3. I've loved all the AC games, Unity seems to be taking a big step forward and I liked everything I saw. MGSV, well, it's MGS; I love it and I'll buy it day one. As for Bloodborne, I've been waiting to see it since the leaked images, and it didn't disappoint. All in all, great E3, certainly better than 2013. I'd also love to throw Destiny in there somewhere but I can't take anything else down so I guess that's out.
2. Uncharted 4
3. Legend of Zelda
4. Super Smash Bros
5. Farcry 4
6. No Man's Sky
7. Splatoon
8. Assassin's Creed Unity
9. Metal Gear Solid V
10. Bloodborne
Bayonetta 2 looks amazing, and it coming with the first one was the biggest surprise of E3 for me (and the best). UC4 looked beyond anything I ever imagined, as did Zelda U. Super Smash still looking incredible. Farcry 3 was one of my favorites of last gen, the fourth looks to be just as good, if not better. No Man's Sky, what can I say, the idea of it so great, if they can pull it off then I'd say it's going to go down as one of the best indie games ever. Splatoon looks delightful and so fun, one of the surprise games of E3. I've loved all the AC games, Unity seems to be taking a big step forward and I liked everything I saw. MGSV, well, it's MGS; I love it and I'll buy it day one. As for Bloodborne, I've been waiting to see it since the leaked images, and it didn't disappoint. All in all, great E3, certainly better than 2013. I'd also love to throw Destiny in there somewhere but I can't take anything else down so I guess that's out.