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GAF's iOS Weekly Challenge: HARD LINES

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
-Pyromaniac- is the new Numble :p
I would LOVE to see a youtube video or something of you top spots guys playing a game of >200k points
There must be something I'm not getting, usually in these challenges even if I'm far from the highscore I can still see how it might be achieveable with godly skills, but with Hard Lines I'm lost. Can't get out of my 100k shell for the life of me.

Btw, I don't understand why we should give up Koodo, unless that is just a figure of speech, I don't think the point should be to reach #1 at all costs: just to compete with that one gaffer who's scored higher than us and possibly have fun. Same happened to the lot of us when you won the Mr.Ninja contest with that insane score :)


For people having serious trouble (i.e. if you are scoring less than 100,000), my advice would be to keep in mind you want to be increasing your multiplier as quickly as possible, so you should always be trying to take the shortest & quickest path to gobbling more pills and gobbling them all, so more appear. Try to place your line, especially early on, in position to get to the next row of pills fast - it's much better to be in the center of the board than trapped on the edges, where you might have to traverse too far to get to the next pills, wasting precious seconds. Another time saver is if a pill row is side by side, go down the middle to gobble both rows at the same time. Just always be trying to clear pills as quickly as possible.


Ok, let's try this shit.
Back to iOS high score hunting after Tiny Wings burnt me out...

50k for the first try, but I'm not really sure how the game works, does the red power up do anything?
jlevel13 said:
multipliers are always cool, thanks
Red power up let's u break other lines
ok, thanks :)


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I hate it when an enemy line gobbles all the pills in a row except a single one, then all the other lines proceed to ignore that last piece until I go all the way to the other side of the screen to get it so more can appear.


More extremely basic stuff (for people having trouble)?

1. Don't die... you lose too much of the multiplier. If you screw up in the first minute, just re-start. As you get better, pretty much any deaths will wreck your game. Also, early on if you've had poor pill placement and there is a long gap where you haven't been able to eat enough, just restart.

2. If another line has blocked your path don't race its head to get where you have to go, try to go around the tail instead... you'll get where you need to go faster that way.

3. Early in the game, red pills are unimportant. Basically treat them like other pills. It's a waste of time to grab a red pill then run off to kill other lines, because at most you will only kill 2 or 3, if you will still have to cut back to grab more pills where you just were. Early on, only kill lines if they are on your way to more pills.
If it makes you guys feel better my 376K score was beaten last night....

...by me, lol. Got 383K I think it was. Could have done a lot better too but once again I got a stupid death with 20 seconds left. If I could record a video and play at the same time I'd happily do it but I can't :(

jlevel's tips are pretty spot on. The only thing I have to add is that you have to become proficient at killing lines on the way to more pills without detouring much. If you're heading one way and a line is heading the other and you're about to cross each other, cut it off. cutting off lines is the easiest way to kill other lines. Later in the game it's easy to just follow them and pass them then cut them off because of how fast you're going, but before then you just have to cut them off at the right time. It's a bit risky but you get the timing down eventually.

If you die at any point just reset. Also keep resarting the game until the yellow pills start closer to you at the very beginning. Your multiplier should be at 15-20 by the 2:35-2:40 mark. That's not a requirement but that's how you know you're definitely on a solid pace.
I'm still confident someone will cream my score, probably gonna be numble out of nowhere.

Also I've come to the realization after playing many games that the top score is either:

1) somehow fake
2) the person must have hit about 10-15 red pills in a ROW in the really late game with a multiplier of 90-120.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
-Pyromaniac- said:
If it makes you guys feel better my 376K score was beaten last night....

...by me, lol. Got 383K I think it was. Could have done a lot better too but once again I got a stupid death with 20 seconds left. If I could record a video and play at the same time I'd happily do it but I can't :(

jlevel's tips are pretty spot on. The only thing I have to add is that you have to become proficient at killing lines on the way to more pills without detouring much. If you're heading one way and a line is heading the other and you're about to cross each other, cut it off. cutting off lines is the easiest way to kill other lines. Later in the game it's easy to just follow them and pass them then cut them off because of how fast you're going, but before then you just have to cut them off at the right time. It's a bit risky but you get the timing down eventually.

If you die at any point just reset. Also keep resarting the game until the yellow pills start closer to you at the very beginning. Your multiplier should be at 15-20 by the 2:35-2:40 mark. That's not a requirement but that's how you know you're definitely on a solid pace.

Very useful tips, thanks! Also to jlevel13.


Damn was on my way to 100k easily, I had a minute left and was on 70k with a high multiplier. En three stupid deaths later a new high of 85k :(

Mega Man

Just entered in at 117,000 :) under the tag: dontshoot86
Hard to find time with college starting n all... I find if you roam around the top or bottom u can pick up a lot of spawn kills at the beginning of a round or after a death. Cheap but effective lol


works for Gamestop (lol)


I hate this game... I came out of the gate hot with a great score. Now for the life of me I can't breat 40k what the fuck is happening fffuuuuuuu


I've started playing. I don't think I will do well though. The last 2 games were quick repetitive reaction games, unlike this one.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Wario, how the hell are you able to use imgur from your phone/ipod?
Never worked for me, seems to need flash. That's why I'm stuck with abload.de... Photobucket has an ipad app but the bandwith is scarce.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Dash Kappei said:
Wario, how the hell are you able to use imgur from your phone/ipod?
Never worked for me, seems to need flash. That's why I'm stuck with abload.de... Photobucket has an ipad app but the bandwith is scarce.
I posted it from my computer actually, hah. Posted it on my Twitter originally, then rotated and saved the image. Or email it to myself...probably doing more trouble than I really need to


Wario64 said:
Oh nm, I was looking at 'today' scores, I thought the #1 2 mil guy was gone. Oops, lol

There's definitely something screwy about that guy's scores... Some of them seem reasonable, but in snake mode he has almost two hundred million points, while the next highest score isn't even two million.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Damn for a moment I hoped imgur had re-released an iOS app :(

Btw, Spilt Milk Studios should definitely investigate that score.


Dash Kappei said:
Wario, how the hell are you able to use imgur from your phone/ipod?
Never worked for me, seems to need flash. That's why I'm stuck with abload.de... Photobucket has an ipad app but the bandwith is scarce.
There's an app for that.

This game is damn random by the way. I got 160k on one of my first playthroughs,now I struggle to get over 100k.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
numble said:
There's an app for that.

This game is damn random by the way. I got 160k on one of my first playthroughs,now I struggle to get over 100k.
What app? Imgur app isn't on the appstore anymore. Are there others? :O that would made my life a lot easier.

I don't think the game is randome any more than the others we did (less so than mr.Ninja, I reckon). I only had 2 red dots in match I plaued a few moments ago and nontheless I posted my all time highscore:

162k, yay! :)


Dash Kappei said:
What app? Imgur app isn't on the appstore anymore. Are there others? :O that would made my life a lot easier.

I don't think the game is randome any more than the others we did (less so than mr.Ninja, I reckon). I only had 2 red dots in match I plaued a few moments ago and nontheless I posted my all time highscore:

162k, yay! :)
Is "imgurfree" still on the App Store?

Seriously I played for like 2 hours afterward and got nothing close.


Just scored 313k. Fifth on the all time list and there are still two people ahead of me in this challenge.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
numble said:
Is "imgurfree" still on the App Store?

Seriously I played for like 2 hours afterward and got nothing close.
There's a bunch of different (imguploader, imguraploader, imgurmobile..)paid apps (different name, same skin!) all by the same dude, but they seem fishy. And they're not universal nor they have iPad support. Should I go for one of them? I think they are like $3, not much after all. I'm a bit weary after I kinda "wasted" >$10 on dvdprofiler.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
GAF's iOS Weekly Challenge: HARD LINES DAY 2


-Hard Lines on iTunes (Universal app, $0.99/€0.79/£0.69) 

Yay, we've beaten Mr.Ninja's number of Gaffers in the challenge! Our eyes are onto FKF's contest now (utterly impossible but hey ;)

Remember, this scores might be from a few hours ago!
Any score mistakenly validated during the week will be wiped out for the final results on Day7.

#Current Results - 79 players total (score holders listed as Game Center profiles)





Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
LOL Dave, I could never play THIS game when hangover, you're a stronger man than I.

Damn, can't beat my 162k... 151k, 144k and 135k. With the latter I could have easily scored 190/200k but I dropped my iPas from my bed while playing


I had 150k with 1min left and totally blew it, only ended up with 168k or something lol

My strategy has been to stay in pacifist mode until the multiplier is really high and then go into kill mode later. I also don't go for dots if it's obvious other lines are going to get them (oh how frustrating it is to see another line get a red dot!)

I'm not sure if the devs of this game know about this thread? I will try messaging them on Twitter.


Sweet holy moly

Okay maybe the 2million score isn't fake after all ;)

There have been some pretty badass moments in my games here and there when you think of lightcycles crashing, I imagine any Tron fan is getting way more enjoyment out of playing this game than anyone else
I died BEFORE I hit 400K so if I hadn't died I think I maybe could have hit 550-600, obviously that's assuming a red thing popped up or I was in a position to kill a lot of lines. I still think the 2.6 million is mad sketchy. Who knows, may have been the luckiest game ever.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I've been playing on a borrowed iPad today and I was going to try to get over 300k but welp, I'm not sure I feel like trying for much longer. Now that I'm basically not making any mistakes while I play, the randomness in the game is getting increasingly irritating. It doesn't matter if I play like a ninja dodging the wind, if the game doesn't "want" me to crack the score I simply won't. It either makes it hard as hell for you to rise the multiplier with the pills dropping in annoying patterns (1 full line and 2 single dots scattered far from it, making the rows appear consecutively on opposite edges of the stage, etc) and/or just decides to not drop red things at all. At one moment I had a multiplier of 109 and it was all for nothing because even if I kept dodging and trying to get more kills, without a red at that point there's no way you'll get a considerable score. After playing a lot of sessions without a power up dropping after the 2 minutes mark, it just became frustrating to me. And when I feel I got close enough, I know it's because the computer decided to give me better drops and positioning.

I feel like I'm skillful enough at this point but instead of having fun retrying like before I feel like I'm wasting my time waiting for the luck fairy to come. Maybe I'll give it another go before the deadline but for now I'll just sit and watch how higher you guys can get.
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