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Galleon - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


"When all is said and done, Galleon: Islands of Mystery fails to live up to its incredibly lofty aspirations, but it does so in spectacular fashion. Everything the game brings to the table--the way Rhama handles and his many abilities, as well as the dearth of challenging puzzles and huge level environments--are brilliant in concept. Unfortunately, after five years of development time, it seems as though no amount of tweaking could quite make Galleon into the game the developers had originally envisioned. In fact, at times you can actually picture the people working on this game finally just collectively throwing their hands up in utter prostration and simply saying to hell with it all. Yet, regardless of the game's mechanical failures, if you're a fan of games that fall into the genres that Galleon attempts to dabble in, it is worth playing just to experience what it tries to do. It's probably not worth a purchase, but it's a solid rental that will show you some very cool ideas."


Everything the game brings to the table--the way Rhama handles and his many abilities, as well as the dearth of challenging puzzles and huge level environments--are brilliant in concept.

He... he does know what dearth means, right?

In similar news, I haven't found a single retail store -- Target, EB, TRU, GS, BB, KB, 'Coconuts' -- that has this game in stock. Is this a straight to Sam's Club deal or internet only special or what.


Most TRU stores should have gotten in 4 or more of them(surprisingly we sold two the first day).
Kobun Heat said:

I've seen a LOT of people make that error with dearth. WTF!!!

Also I thought you had steady employment as one of the most important new young voices in gaming journalism??


rod furlong said:
freakin' "utter prostration"? That's 10x worse than dearth.
yes. i think he meant 'frustration' and thought 'prostration' is some awesome vocab word that's like even more frustration. prostrate means, like, lying down / throwing oneself emphatically on the ground (as in reverence) etc. so throwing one's hands up, downward. i guess. oops.
Alex Navarro English Grammar - GAF Review


"With an extra year of English language study, Alex might have been able to find a more appreciative audience. Sadly, this was not to be."


Haha, gameplay same score as graphics?

Gameplay, controls and camera are where this game REALLY shines.

GS shouldn't have given this review to the trainee...


segasonic said:
Haha, gameplay same score as graphics?

Gameplay, controls and camera are where this game REALLY shines.

GS shouldn't have given this review to the trainee...
i used to freelance for them years ago, and there's actually a formula that results in the final score by averaging all of the individual scores. now, you either just submit the individual scores that you think each facet of the game deserves -- which is what i did, and i didn't know what the final score would be (things aren't all weighted evenly.) and then you let the score work itself out.

on the other hand, if you look sometimes you can see people fudging the individual scores because they want a certain final score to come out. now that i know, whenever i read a gamespot review where the score seems off, i look at the individual scores to see which one seems out of whack.

and that's my lesson in 'how to read gamespot' for today.


people should give it ago, dont be put off by the graphics as its pretty decent besides the iffy combat.
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