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Game Informer's Excuse for Paper Mario's Score


works for Gamestop (lol)
EGM has a review in their latest issue, and that came out about 2 weeks ago. Does the exclusive agreement extend to other Ziff Davis mags?
Paper Mario2 is one of the best games I've played this gen. Love the art style, it's packed with great humor, has an awesome battle system... Luigi fucking rocks. GI can suck my balls.


chespace said:
i also heard that the early build of PM2 had incomplete or bad translations for the text/script? is this true?

the first preview version that went out to the mags had incomplete text, yep. villagers saying stuff like "I'm not ready yet, check back in a couple weeks!" and other amusing bits.
Late to the party and perfectly obvious, but: their Nightmare of Druaga review was absolute rubbish. Both reviews showed very well that they had no idea what kind of game it was or how to play it - just like what happened with Torneko 2. Pay no attention to it.

They also missed the entire point of SMT3's world - surprise, surprise. :p


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Cerebral Palsy said:
Paper Mario2 is one of the best games I've played this gen. Love the art style, it's packed with great humor, has an awesome battle system... Luigi fucking rocks. GI can suck my balls.

I agree, they missed it big time. I love this game



GI knows maturity when GI sees maturity.


Middle america has shit for taste. Game Informer is just reflecting its readership with its MK cock sucking. after all, they don't have any opinions of their own, right? Go back to making your Funco newsletter, you hacks.


Blame! said:
Middle america has shit for taste. Game Informer is just reflecting its readership with its MK cock sucking. after all, they don't have any opinions of their own, right? Go back to making your Funco newsletter, you hacks.




Lost all credibility.
I thought this article from Gamefan made sense for this thread. It's from volume 8 issue 10.


They gave Cannon Spike a 98/100 in this very same issue, man I loved this mag.
sykoex said:
I thought this article from Gamefan made sense for this thread. It's from volume 8 issue 10.


They gave Cannon Spike a 98/100 in this very same issue, man I loved this mag.

I always love it when people point to Gamefan as a source of integrity.


Gamfan had the balls to call FF8 for the heartless, fake turd it was. So, yes Gamefan had a few nuts, but they were honest nuts. They at least acted like they enjoyed games. I miss that in a reviewer.


Let's see....

-Condescending attitude
-Being "hardcore" used as a boast or "not hardcore" as an insult

Yup, that's late-era Gamefan alright. :D

Just havin' fun. There was a time when Gamefan was the best mag in the U.S, imo....
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