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It’s time for Universal Game Trophies


Gold Member
It sounds as if someone is losing to people who actually got the time to play and get trophies in every system...


I love universal achievements and would welcome a universal system but know it would never happen due to costs, developer circumstances etc.


I remember thinking Achievement points as some kind of currency when they implemented it on Xbox, imagine my disappointment when I realized they were absolutely useless.

Just like any implementation of it.
I’m not sure if you know this, and others here might not since they have moved on to other systems, but some Xbox achievements actually do give you rewards points.

They have a diamond symbol next to them.


Once upon a time, completing challenges unlocked "cheats" or gear that could be used in-game. Now they sell you those things via microtransactions or, even better, lottery and give you a little digital banner or trophy instead.

Trophies are just one more little dopamine bait and switch that let them cut out chunks of what mame games fun to sell back to us.
How does that apply to games that do both and are without said blight?

Achievements/Trophies are icing on the cake, nobody told you you had to eat shit.


I like the idea, but I don't think there is incentive for the platform owners to get onboard and actually talk about it.

It's just an additional activity that exists alongside the game that is completely optional. Folks who don't like them should be able to disable them, but personally I enjoy a good trophy hunting game. Don't expect everyone to like them though.
I appreciate the angle you see it from, but to say it is optional isn't a universal truth for gamers that previously played and beat a game, blissfully ignorant a game had more busy work to do, meaning that optional thing actually steals that enjoyable moment and reduces it to a trophy completion list for the game at 27% or whatever, which can massively detract from that previous lasting feeling of satisfaction that kept gamers happily elated and stoked for buying the next game or even playing a game demo to expand their horizons, every game you try nowadays adds to the trophy list of dissatisfaction, discouraging gamers like me to even try games unless I can be sure I've got the time and inclination to at least finish it .

Even great games (like remastered critically acclaimed games) don't leave me feeling elated anymore on completion because of the shitty trophy shadow of incompletion , thankfully Nintendo haven't been drawn into this generic trophy model.


Gold Member
I appreciate the angle you see it from, but to say it is optional isn't a universal truth for gamers that previously played and beat a game, blissfully ignorant a game had more busy work to do, meaning that optional thing actually steals that enjoyable moment and reduces it to a trophy completion list for the game at 27% or whatever, which can massively detract from that previous lasting feeling of satisfaction that kept gamers happily elated and stoked for buying the next game or even playing a game demo to expand their horizons, every game you try nowadays adds to the trophy list of dissatisfaction, discouraging gamers like me to even try games unless I can be sure I've got the time and inclination to at least finish it .

Even great games (like remastered critically acclaimed games) don't leave me feeling elated anymore on completion because of the shitty trophy shadow of incompletion , thankfully Nintendo haven't been drawn into this generic trophy model.

If trophies are keeping you from playing games then that is something you need to work on with a therapist. I certainly cannot help with you with that and others should not be deprived of the entertainment trophies bring due to issues like these for an extreme minority.
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I have seen the excuse by some that “Just knowing that they exist causes me anxiety!” They can’t just ignore it, they need it systematically removed.
If trophies are keeping you from playing games then that is something you need to work on with a therapist. I certainly cannot help with you with that and others should not be deprived of the entertainment trophies bring due to issues like these for an extreme minority.

This is why we can't have nice things, people with problems trying to make other people life as miserable as theirs instead of working it out.


Gold Member
That will never happen.

Unless we end up with a monopoly and only one major player remains these features will always be separate as they compete with each other.

I don’t care for them though, waste of dev time to even make them.


I really hope not. At least on Nintendo consoles devs aren't forced to put them in the games and so they can focus on more important things.

And yes, I know they can be "deactivated" for users. I'm saying this more from a dev perspective.
Trophies/Achievements can be a fantastic way to extend your playtime with a game that you love, giving you a good excuse to try new playstyles or challenging yourself.

I think for that reason, some people love the fact that they can get them on multiple platforms for the same game.

I say keep it that way.

Except for Epic, the Epic launcher and it's achievement system sucks and they should be embarrassed about it.


This would require universal accounts, which is actually a really cool idea, which is why it will never happen.

Imagine you have some sort of universal account system with which you can subscribe to ecosystems like Steam or Playstation or whatever. The next step would be that a game bought on one ecosystem is also playable on another. I.e. if I buy FF16 on Xbox, I can also play it on Playstation or PC. That would be fairly consumer-friendly. Which, again, is why it will never happen.

K' Dash

I’m not sure if you know this, and others here might not since they have moved on to other systems, but some Xbox achievements actually do give you rewards points.

They have a diamond symbol next to them.

I’ve had every Xbox console and didn’t know this.


Gold Member
I’m not sure if you know this, and others here might not since they have moved on to other systems, but some Xbox achievements actually do give you rewards points.

They have a diamond symbol next to them.

Also, daily quests include earning an achievement to get points. Each of those daily quests count toward weekly and monthly quests which can earn around 2k rewards points a month. Microsoft does a really good job incentivizing achievements for Rewards members.
I never cared about 1000Ging a game, trophies when sony eventually added them were so poorly implemented initially and also never gave a shit.

I'm so glad I'm immune to the "gamification" of playing a fucking game. Imagine playing games over and over just to get a miserable virtual trophy. Dear lord.


Because what this world needs is more strict divides. That'll make things better.
This, and ya beat me to it calling out that part of the OP. I couldn't take anything seriously after he actually typed that sentence and thought it was somehow a good thing. Wild.


They dont bother me at all- nor do i really hunt them anymore.
I did for a time early on.

A Universal one. Lol- no


it's time to abolish the concept of trophies
I have never understood this... why?
cause its dumb to begin with

Every gamer... every single gamer out there that take or has ever taken gaming remotely seriously, always do these in-game feats on their own anyways. Try and only take head shots, try and play through the game without getting detected, finish the game without dying, play on the hardest difficulty.... etc. We all did that shit before trophies even became a thing. I can't understand why anyone would take issue with a literal marker that you have done that thing. Or take issue with something that for the most part, can be considered as "challenges" the devs set out for you to take on.

I get some of them are stupid, eg. giving me a trophy for basically finishing a level or chapter, but overall I see no issue with it.

As for OP... No. Our games are broken enough as they are.


Gold Member
Are people who hate trophies/achievements people who once found themselves addicted to chasing them, therefore need to make them the enemy so they maintain a strong reason to hate them and not relapse?

I can't think of any other reason why people hate them and want them removed, since we can mute them and remove pop up across all platforms.


Gold Member
cause its dumb to begin with
Its part of the theatrics of gaming for me. “Yo you did this!” *pop* trophy and a little sound to add to it. Feels special.

Hell, I love how Sony takes videos of when you pop Plats. I sometimes go back and watch them for nostalgia 🤷‍♂️
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I have never understood this... why?
every single gamer out there that take or has ever taken gaming remotely seriously,
Taking gaming seriously defeats the purpose. Those self-imposed challenges we did? It was for fun. Whoever does these because they want to won't care about a hollow notification on their UI to begin with. All trophies and achievements do is create a bunch of try-hards, posers and trigger OCD in some.

Its so bad we even have people now asking for these trophies to be "easier". Like, wtf is even the point then?
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Because they're literally dumb and aren't creative in the grand scheme of things.

"Finish level 1"
"Beat the boss!"
"Collect 100% of items in the game"

I also hate how some people say these are the "replay value" of a game.
I like trophies as milestones. I loved those in smash melee. I also like to see when I did something for a game. Like finishing a game and the date.

but those trophies that are dumb, those suck.


To each their own of course, but all achievements have done is lead to checklist hunting as gameplay. It's one of the main contributors to the bloated Ubification of games. It's bullshit and shouldn't be encouraged.


Gold Member
To each their own of course, but all achievements have done is lead to checklist hunting as gameplay. It's one of the main contributors to the bloated Ubification of games. It's bullshit and shouldn't be encouraged.
I always do the first playthrough how I want. Once im done the main game, then i’ll peak at the trophies to see if I want to go after the rest. Always worked well for me.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
The concept of trophies/achievements are great. You confirm that you did something that back in the day you mostly could say and one could believe in you. But as soon it was released, a lot of shit was also introduced, like

- a lot of games: start the game and you get a achievement. I mean, seriously?! Finishing the stages have meanings, winning something just for starting doesn't mean shit
- 1000 combo in God of War Ascension?! Dumb thing to do since a combo it's not real merit of how you play and you can easily cheat on it by spamming weak splash attacks
- Five years without playing The Stanley Parable?! Probably the stupidest to achiev ever since you don't need any effort at all to get, and it's also easily cheated by changing the clock on the OS
- buying some DLC, loot box or whatever. It's the obvious opposite of achievement since you fucking didn't achiev shit
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I don't think most platform holder would get on board with this idea, but it does sound like something that could be done with a thrid party website. You can login thru your different accounts and upload trophy info and have the website arrange it how ever.


Im always offended when people use the term Trophy instead of Achivement.

OP also reminded me that the Xbox 360 had gamerzones?
Did we ever find out what that shit did, cuz as far as i could tell, it actually didnt matter and you still met people from every gamerzone regardless of what you chose?

And yes I purposely chose an image of the NXE instead of Blades.......seeing Blades makes me sad because I remember how good the X360 actually was.
I believe gamer zones preferences would be weighted in matchmaking. But the matchmaking system would always prioritise getting games anyway. Bit like when you could provide positive feedback or prefer people you met online. Then it increased chances of being matched with them or against them again.


Okay perfect, you turned them off and personally don’t like them.
They influence game design as well. It's pretty obvious how much you can tell certain things are designed around the idea of trophy hunting. I'm playing Mad Max on my Steam Deck currently and I have to say you can quite literally see where the entire upgrade structure is built around collecting stuff and trophy hunting because the "achievements" are literally there. The last of us has trophies built around the story that exist during the credits and upgrading weapons, you know, to NOT disturb the gameplay and are bare minimum things.

I have about 300hrs in Demons Souls PS3 but you'd never know it from my trophy percentage because those aspects of the game just don't interest me enough to go out of my way to experience something that's enjoyable for the sake of saying I "100%" a game.

They're just dumb


They influence game design as well. It's pretty obvious how much you can tell certain things are designed around the idea of trophy hunting. I'm playing Mad Max on my Steam Deck currently and I have to say you can quite literally see where the entire upgrade structure is built around collecting stuff and trophy hunting because the "achievements" are literally there. The last of us has trophies built around the story that exist during the credits and upgrading weapons, you know, to NOT disturb the gameplay and are bare minimum things.

I have about 300hrs in Demons Souls PS3 but you'd never know it from my trophy percentage because those aspects of the game just don't interest me enough to go out of my way to experience something that's enjoyable for the sake of saying I "100%" a game.

They're just dumb

What you're saying is full of caca and you know it. You think the entire premise of TLOU was made on a trophy list when it changed the gaming hemisphere. Give me a break. And WB Games have a very basic checklist. You my friend are full of it.
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