Or maybe it is something to be relearned in a different way?I figure the book will still be divergent enough that it won't matter if I learn that Jon Snow is really a dragon savior who will impregnate Dany to breed the stallion that will mount the world.
This is the exact scene that pushed me to read the books. It wasn't just Jame's rape, but Cersei's non-reaction to it that made no sense to me. I could not believe that Cersei, who is such a vindictive person, would not immediately push Jamie away. It made more sense once I found out that wasn't in the books and the show creators thought they portrayed a consensual sex scene.
I was hoping for this, two different endings.wow, so much book readers' hate here.
I think George shouldn't have shared the ending with D&D, unless it was a contract thing, and in both cases I think it's a very bad decision. There's nothing wrong in having the show with one ending and the books with another.
Or maybe they are lying, who knows.
Either way, as I said before I don't care, I will enjoy the last books in any case for sure.
wow, so much book readers' hate here.
I think George shouldn't have shared the ending with D&D, unless it was a contract thing, and in both cases I think it's a very bad decision. There's nothing wrong in having the show with one ending and the books with another.
Or maybe they are lying, who knows.
Either way, as I said before I don't care, I will enjoy the last books in any case for sure.
I have no problem whatsoever with this.
When is the sixth book coming out?
Wait for the Euron = Daario reveal.
If it really ends up like FMA then GRRM's ending will be the one looked down upon.
Pretty sure it is the coming season. Wasn't there a teaser that spoiled stuff that wasn't in the books yet? Even towards the end of the last season there was stuff not yet in the books I heard.Is the new season the one that will start showing "spoilers" for the books or will it be next year's season (season 6)?
I want to continue watching the show but I'm willing to wait for the books. I don't do social media at all and none of my friends watch the show so I'm not too worried about someone ruining it for me.
I wonder how Martin feels about this. I remember back to him being a TV writer at first and a motivation for him getting into novel writing was the inability to do large scale things on screen. Maybe he's mentally shrugged his shoulders and saying "I guess this is what I wanted all along anyway."
Got me chuckling. It does kind of suck, but it's not a surprise. I wonder if this what effect this will have on book sales though.
Yeah, pretty much this season will mostly wrap up AFFC and ADWD, and will likely have some of the sixth book in it as well.
Why even bother finishing the book at this point, GRRM? No one's going to want to buy a book forty years after they know the entire story.
That's the problem, once you've read the books you suddenly understand how much worse so many things are in the show.
Based on current timescales (the show has what, 2-3 years airtime more?), the final book will release at around 2020, or even later. Martin will change the ending simply to have the last laugh, if not to also give a necessary boost to the book's sales, and everyone will be happy.
In fact I wouldn't be surprised if he simply gave a different ending to the show producers from the start, so they could just cannibalize on the story as they'd like.
Is the new season the one that will start showing "spoilers" for the books or will it be next year's season (season 6)?
I want to continue watching the show but I'm willing to wait for the books. I don't do social media at all and none of my friends watch the show so I'm not too worried about someone ruining it for me.
Spoilers are overrated. If a story's ruined by finding out what happened vs seeing how it happened, the story is trash.
I mean look, this is not my first encounter with a book adaptation before. There are plenty of times where I've read the book and then the movie, and either disliked the movie or liked but thought it fundamentally misunderstood some things. Gone Girl would be the most recent example off the top of my head. I guess technically every comic book/superhero movie falls into this too.
But my point is I don't "how much worse so many things are in the show" compared to the book. If the books are really heads and shoulders that much better than the show, then great, I have something to look forward to once the series wraps. But I don't consider "this isn't what happened in the books" a problem with the show. Whether something is good or bad about the show shouldn't depend on whether or not it happened in the books. And while I'm sure most people would agree too, you also get plenty of posts -- like in this thread -- that conflate the two, maybe without realizing it.
Hasn't he already said that some fans have already figured out a major future plot reveal but that he won't change it because that's the story he out to write? I don't know why he would change the ending.
GRRM has said on more than one occasion that while he told Benioff and Weiss the broad strokes of the ending, there will be plenty of other deviations between then and now. I'm sure that's enough to satisfy him in giving book readers their own version of the ending.
Whilst this is shit and somewhat expected, I have serious doubts that the endings will be all that similar. The show is wildly different and lacks a huge number of storylines and characters I'm not sure how they could end the same way.
The show will start spoiling the series almost immediately with some of its omissions this season. The removal of a character (or the death of a character that doesn't happen in the books) is a pretty clear indication that they do not matter going forward.
Just from the casting,are the biggest spoilers so far.Arianne, Victarion, & Aegon
Lmao, absolutely not. Why would you assume this? Even GRRM has come out and said this is horrible thinking. They literally drop characters on the show for all kinds of reasons, it has absolutely no relevance to their importance in Ice and Fire. This is a horribly naive assumption to make man.
Edit: Did you read Dance with Dragons? Do you honestly believeis unimportant just because he wasn't cast on the show? Think hard about now different the books and the show are at this point. You really think nothing is going to come out his presence? Come on.Aegon
Lmao, absolutely not. Why would you assume this? Even GRRM has come out and said this is horrible thinking. They literally drop characters on the show for all kinds of reasons, it has absolutely no relevance to their importance in Ice and Fire. This is a horribly naive assumption to make man.
Edit: Did you read Dance with Dragons? Do you honestly believeis unimportant just because he wasn't cast on the show? Think hard about now different the books and the show are at this point. You really think nothing is going to come out his presence? Come on.Aegon
Don't hope, editor said "not in 2015"
I wonder if the show will lose a lot of popularity from the next season on. Not only because the writing is getting bad but also because apparently a portion of fans don't really like the fantasy elements.
When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east...
It has to be hurting in some way. But at the same time, the show has gained him more fame and money than the books alone would have done.
Yes, *Winds of Winter Speculation and minor spoiler*I think the fact that Aegon is being dropped entirely indicate that he has no part in the end game. He'll probably die early on in WoW. With Arianne at his side somehow, since she's looking for him at the moment, and she's kind of an idiotic female version of Theon. The show simply does not have the time to go through the entire Blackfyre Rebellion arc. Victarion is the bigger disappointment.
It's almost like becoming a new parent, but someone shows up a few years in and says "I'm taking this over for you, you can have it back when she graduates".
Yes, *Winds of Winter Speculation and minor spoiler*I think the fact that Aegon is being dropped entirely indicate that he has no part in the end game. He'll probably die early on in WoW. With Arianne at his side somehow, since she's looking for him at the moment, and she's kind of an idiotic female version of Theon. The show simply does not have the time to go through the entire Blackfyre Rebellion arc. Victarion is the bigger disappointment.
The show will start spoiling the series almost immediately with some of its omissions this season. The removal of a character (or the death of a character that doesn't happen in the books) is a pretty clear indication that they do not matter going forward.
Just from the casting,are the biggest spoilers so far.Arianne, Victarion, & Aegon
Twitch chat? Spoilers every fucking where in chat. Then theres the sneering jerks in the threads across the internet with their shitty vague 'hints' and crap.
More like someone driving a dumptruck of money into your driveway and saying that in a few years they'll be taking over, and you saying sure.
This was the worst. It even happened on GAF. Fucking assholes who go into the show threads and "predict" what would happen next with the exactness only someone who read the story could have.
Yeah wow we are all so impressed by your ability to "predict" the outcome of the next episode. More like, welcome to my ignore list.
bengraven said:You could say it's his own fault that he writes slow, but he's writing huge, dense stories. I think if you fault him with anything, it's assuming the show wouldn't catch up with his writing and let's be honest: if you're creating something, you don't know when you're going to be finished. some people talk about how Clash came out a year or two after Game, but he was writing Game in bits and pieces for years - maybe even a decade. He wrote the first chapters while still working in TV if I remember correctly.
Source 2 (Oxford Union Press video)
I wish they'd just got on a hiatus and gives us a Robert's Rebellion mini arc for a season or 2 instead, but given the logistical nightmare that could've been, it probably simply wasn't worth the time, risk or effort.
On the bright side, beware, book readers.