People expect logical consistencies. You can't just say "This show has dragons and magic, so nothing has to make sense". It's a cop out.
I didn't. I said that it has dragons and magic, so why do ravens have to fly the same speed as our earth ravens
People expect logical consistencies. You can't just say "This show has dragons and magic, so nothing has to make sense". It's a cop out.
Yeah I cant defend this. It just seems beyond stupid to not utilize Bran in the fight against Night King. Perfectly logical use of Bran would have avoided the stupid Gendry>Raven>Dany and also help push the overall narrative of 3ER vs NK forward.I mean, I personally couldn't care less about the logistics of Dany reaching them, but this just introduces the problem of how they survived four full days and nights of complete exposure to -20 weather without shelter.
The intention certainly did not seem to portray them as having been there for four days. They didn't even have a fire going.
I didn't. I said that it has dragons and magic, so why do ravens have to fly the same speed as our earth ravens
Yeah I cant defend this. It just seems beyond stupid to not utilize Bran in the fight against Night King. Perfectly logical use of Bran would have avoided the stupid Gendry>Raven>Dany and also help push the overall narrative of 3ER vs NK forward.
I suppose the bigger problem with the dragon showing up and carrying a wight out is that if it is that fast, why not simply have that be the plan in the first place?
For all you fucking whiners:
For all you fucking whiners:
I'm kind of wondering if the die-hards could ever be pleased with the final clashes of this story. Unless the "real" hook is more and more unexpected things happening.
Dany losing a dragon and having it turn sides is a huge and unexpected event. I wouldn't call it fan service or writing what people want to happen.
Arya and Sansa are in real danger and don't have plot armor to me. Jon and Dany do seem to have plot armor though, which should be obvious after Jon was brought back to life last season and the series being named after Ice and Fire which suggests that the largest plot point is about Jon/Dany vs white walkers.
I mean, you could fix both of these things by having them bring fucking wagons and a real team to do this correctly, then have Dany get antsy and say fuck it and go north to see things.
And I think you make things throughout the last few episodes make even more sense by having Sam and Jorah talk about the white walkers and such. Jorah then goes back, tells Dany about Sam and that the guy that saved him (and happens to be Jon's good friend) also saw and believes this stuff. Then it makes more sense that Jorah goes up north (I found this to be really weird), and it would soften Dany up to believing them and saying fuck it to go help. You still get the cool ass battle and you still get Dany saving them but without the dumb crap that takes you out of it and makes you question the reality this all is happening in.
That's what makes me so freaking angry this season. They keep ruining what should be good scenes with dumb stuff that really isn't that hard to fix. But they want even more unearned hollywood drama and tension, and that just sucks. That's not what this show was built on...
Sansa really is the only smart Stark.Could not understand Arya, so much for her "game of lies".
Because in the prophecy of the Witch, Cersei was told "You will wed the king, be Queen until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear
the King will have 20(?) children and she will have three, gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds, they will all die young painful deaths - all of that was mentioned in the flash back in the show, but it crucially left out "And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you." The valongar being Valerian for the little brother
Everything has come to pass, so next is the death of her at the hands of the little brother, the obvious choice being Tyrion, but its a little too litteral, she obviously fears and hates him as she sees him as the one fortold to kill her, but Jamie is her brother and born second so is also a little brother.
Jamie has gone to great length to show he loves his children, he's grown over the series immensely and there have been many hints he is growing increasingly concerned with the tactics of Cersei and their inevitable defeat
Cersei cannot be pregnant, that much seems obvious, its not prophesised and is the perfect ploy to keep Jamie in line, when he finds out? he's going to be pissed, he already knows she brought about their childrens deaths through her actions, it seems reasonable he'd snap and thrust a sword into her.
It could be that at this meeting he finds this out, that the dead are real and that Cersei is mad, willing to brun all others to maintain her power.
Everthing has been telegraphed from the early series, the same can be said of Jon's lineage, which again conveniently didn't have bits from the book in, like internal monologues of Eddard, it stands to reason the same could be at work here
I guess we can assume Jon and the rest are basically super heroes then, since they can apparently survive in the freezing cold with no food for four days and still be in shape to fight.
I didn't. I said that it has dragons and magic, so why do ravens have to fly the same speed as our earth ravens
Or, for that matter, why not have Dany fly north to the Wall and await them there? Apparently it's not a particularly taxing trip for her, so she could have at least been a sis and given Ser Friend Zone a ride.
Then your Time to Dany just becomes the time it takes to get a rider to the Wall plus a few minutes, and you basically have the Frozen Lake scene be an overnight affair, which seems to be the intention based on the way it was shot.
Meanwhile, at Casterly Rock.
Are we talking Charles or the douchebag evil version of him? I guess Charles since Bran isn't mind raping random people.Jon hasnt been back to Winterfell since Bran arrived. Though Jon knows he is now there i doubt he could even guess that Bran has become Professor X complete with wheelchair.
Seriously, in a show with dragons, the Night King, women that can't be burned, giants, people being brought back from the dead, children that can control animals with their minds, the ability to wear someone else's face after they're dead, etc etc etc, the fact that ravens and dragons might fly a little faster than expectations is a bother? (also, they never showed how much time they were on the could have been 36 hours+)
Why does Jon need to know where Bran is? Bran knows everything. He could have called for Dany's help even before they set out beyond the wall. Bran could have indirectly fought NK.Jon hasnt been back to Winterfell since Bran arrived. Though Jon knows he is now there i doubt he could even guess that Bran has become Professor X complete with wheelchair.
There should be a fan edit where in between each scene is:
Meanwhile, at Casterly Rock.
Are we talking Charles or the douchebag evil version of him? I guess Charles since Bran isn't mind raping random people.
According to next week's episode trailerMeanwhile, at Casterly Rock.
Would it really have been that hard to show time passing while they were trapped on the island? Show two days passing with them trapped on the island becoming more weary and desperate, it'd also be a good time for them to have the conversations the episode opened with.
Shit. Wait, didn't Dany confirm the Unsullied took Casterly Rock? Presumably, in the current timeline, the battle has already taken place between Euron/Unsullied, right?
Or did they just destroy the ships and peace out?
That KD next chapter viserion chop has me dead af
This gets brought up almost every week now.
HBO wants MORE MORE MORE. They wanted 10 seasons, each with 10 eps, if possible.
The show runners have said they only had enough story for another 10-13 episodes and that is why we have this 7 ep season and next season is only 6 episodes.
Also, I only knew which Dragon out of the 3 was hit because I had the captions on. They never actually mention by name which dragon is hit right?
The Benjen scene might be one of the goofiest things I've seen in all of GoT. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
OK. I never blamed any particular party before, but if thats true then the show runners are massively at fault.
There's more than enough source material to work with for a start. And even if there wasn't, the direction and writing (and acting) this season have been far below par.
According to next week's episode trailerthe unsullied are back with Dany.
I didn't. I said that it has dragons and magic, so why do ravens have to fly the same speed as our earth ravens
Preview talk:
Guess they are just going to ignore the Unsullied/Casterly Rock situation?
Well you're wrong about that. It was in the show.Nope, part of that is from the books. Shouldn't be here.
Correct. People are forgetting this.The three prophecies were shown in a past flashback two season ago I believe. Have to rewatch it again. The witch even prophecied that Cersei's friend was already dead soon and it happened.
Shhh no logic allowed here.Are people saying that those who theorised about the Ice Dragon were spoiling?
That's been talked about for years..
From watching the preview for the finale, one major complaint people have seems addressed:
Jon and company don't meet Cersei in Kings Landing, they go to a neutral site.
It's at the Dragon Pit in Kings Landing.
Link?Well you're wrong about that. It was in the show.
Well you're wrong about that. It was in the show.
Shhh no logic allowed here.
People want to complain and assume any theories that turn out correct are people who have read spoilers previously, wtf. These theories have been around way longer than any leaks.
Well you're wrong about that. It was in the show.
Did people miss before that D&D are too busy gearing up to make a show where blacks are still slaves. Because that's going to go down well.
Well you're wrong about that. It was in the show.
For all you fucking whiners: