I think this season pretty much explains why Martin isn't finishing the books.
He has written himself into a corner and will need more that 2 books to tell the remaining story.
D&D just want this to be over soon so they can move on to other things since they haven't done anything but work on GOT since 2010. They have run out of time and budget and will take any shortcut necessary for this to be over by early 2019.
Any gif of that Snow/Night King stare down after the dragon falls? Dat pose.
Seriously tho when Jon said "my Queen" I almost passed out from the beauty of that moment.
Come on..really?
Even with its flaws.. this season has been phenomenal and really produced some classic GoT moments. I hope they stay on track
It makes one wonder why D&D even bothered sticking with the show? They might have been able to leave it to better hands and let them go off and do their dumb Confederate series that no one wants apparently. And with the negative critical and fan reaction at the pace of this show, I wonder if HBO pushes back against D&D rushing the end and instead makes them do like 2 hour episodes to get this done that satisfies everyone. You can say it's too late for that but HBO probably doesn't to lose their opportunities with this franchise to do spinoffs. They can't do that if the showrunners poison the well before this is even over in S8.
Has anybody called her Danny on the show before? Or is it just the real world calling her that for short.To be honest, Jon needs to be taught some respect.
You dont call a Dragon Queen "danny lol" like she's your pal.
Yes really. I mean that old tarly guy and the why he would side with Cersei after she wiped out the sept and killing Margery. "Cos he racist of Dothraka, regicide and sacrilege is ok" - just a foil made red shirt to die in fire to justify "she might be crazy" dialogue.
Look at the Sansa Vs Arya drama. It's just a poorly telegraphed setup to kill off Littlefinger as he's not relevant anymore.
And we just killed off a dragon in order to find a Zombie to show Cersei. Despite already displaying zero fucks about anything, destroys her own son, baelor and a chunk of her people, that's someone rational we can work with to justify a dead dragon.
Oh please, no one talk to Bran yet cos he'll ruin all our contrivances wheel him into a cupboard whilst we crap out this drama.
yep. drogon can kill everyone around him with one tail swipe.
the fact that they didnt even try to go for the night king is frustrating. despite discussing it beforehand. you could end the fight right then and there. just have dany turn a dragon around or order one to fry the night king. they dont know if he's impervious to fire. at least try it. hell, it wouldve made for a great scene when they think they won the war and then night king comes out of the fire and impales the dragon anyway.
would've made more sense for the night king to kill a dragon attacking him than just randomly picking a flying dragon instead of one sitting right in front of him.
poor writing, poor setup, it's like they didnt think anything through. they had a year to write just 7 episodes and they come up with this. breaking bad and mad men's last seasons were so well written because of the shortened seasons, i assumed we would see similar writing quality here. but i guess now that they dont have any George R.R Martin writing to go buy, they have to actually write stuff themselves and they just dont have good writers on this show.
It makes one wonder why D&D even bothered sticking with the show? They might have been able to leave it to better hands and let them go off and do their dumb Confederate series that no one wants apparently. And with the negative critical and fan reaction at the pace of this show, I wonder if HBO pushes back against D&D rushing the end and instead makes them do like 2 hour episodes to get this done that satisfies everyone. You can say it's too late for that but HBO probably doesn't want to lose their opportunities with this franchise to do spinoffs. They can't do that if the showrunners poison the well before this is even over in S8.
Here you go
Has anybody called her Danny on the show before? Or is it just the real world calling her that for short.
Has anybody called her Danny on the show before? Or is it just the real world calling her that for short.
God, I love Jon's angry face. You can see the bloodlust! Jon and Night King better have a sword fight of epic proportions.Here you go
To be honest, Jon needs to be taught some respect.
You dont call a Dragon Queen "danny lol" like she's your pal.
Here you go
Here you go
Martin has had 10 years since the show was first optioned to finish his story and he didn't.
What's the better name, Loot Train Attack or Frozen Lake Battle?
"I've looked into his eyes....twice"
Yeah the episode had tons of lame shit in it as it's been pointed out by everyone but the Night King just standing by for what seemed like a couple of days doing nothing is preposterous. He couldn't have known the the dragons were coming, right! (Because he apparently needs them in his undead army).Yeah this bothered me. Instead he just watches them for apparently 4 days lol.
didn't she say to jon nobody has called her that apart from her brother?
Possibly because D&D are under a contract with HBO to finish the series. HBO would love if GoT, their biggest flagship series in history, would continue for another 10 years. But D&D found a workaround to finish the show haphazardly and just blame "lack of source material". The truth is that they want to end the show quickly. Benjen was such a cool mysterious character who could have given much needed perspective, but he's done in such a bad way. That moment broke the camel's back for me.It makes one wonder why D&D even bothered sticking with the show? They might have been able to leave it to better hands and let them go off and do their dumb Confederate series that no one wants apparently. And with the negative critical and fan reaction at the pace of this show, I wonder if HBO pushes back against D&D rushing the end and instead makes them do like 2 hour episodes to get this done that satisfies everyone. You can say it's too late for that but HBO probably doesn't to lose their opportunities with this franchise to do spinoffs. They can't do that if the showrunners poison the well before this is even over in S8.
Yup, blame DnD all you want but this is all on GRRM, dude created a very convoluted story and left them with scraps to put together and finish the work on. The hardest part, the conclusion.
DnD aren't writers, plain and simple. There is a reason why they're behind the camera and he's behind the pen.
After seeing those abs, her decision was a wise one. She knew what was waiting under that cloak. You don't just give that up.Dany flies away looking back at Jon surrounded by thousands of whites. And drowning in a lake....but she is waiting on the wall for him to miraculously show up. Ok
These are great. I wish they would slow it down when it got to kid though. Let them sit on him a bit longer.LOL, I knew someone would do this.
After seeing those abs, her decision was a wise one. She knew what was waiting under that cloak. You don't just give that up.
Dany flies away looking back at Jon surrounded by thousands of whites. And drowning in a lake....but she is waiting on the wall for him to miraculously show up. Ok
Guys can we stop blaming GRRM or not having source material for the poor writing?
Season 6 was post books and even if you don't think its the best season, it certainly was one of the better season. To me it was the best.
This has less to do with these same writers not knowing how to write all of a sudden and more about just wrapping up a story by rushing through it.
Dany flies away looking back at Jon surrounded by thousands of whites. And drowning in a lake....but she is waiting on the wall for him to miraculously show up. Ok
It makes one wonder why D&D even bothered sticking with the show? They might have been able to leave it to better hands and let them go off and do their dumb Confederate series that no one wants apparently. And with the negative critical and fan reaction at the pace of this show, I wonder if HBO pushes back against D&D rushing the end and instead makes them do like 2 hour episodes to get this done that satisfies everyone. You can say it's too late for that but HBO probably doesn't to lose their opportunities with this franchise to do spinoffs. They can't do that if the showrunners poison the well before this is even over in S8.
Dany flies away looking back at Jon surrounded by thousands of whites. And drowning in a lake....but she is waiting on the wall for him to miraculously show up. Ok
Guys can we stop blaming GRRM or not having source material for the poor writing?
Season 6 was post books and even if you don't think its the best season, it certainly was one of the better season. To me it was the best.
This has less to do with these same writers not knowing how to write all of a sudden and more about just wrapping up a story by rushing through it.
Yup, blame DnD all you want but this is also on GRRM, dude created a very convoluted story and left them with scraps to put together and finish the work on. The hardest part, the conclusion.
DnD aren't writers, plain and simple. There is a reason why they're behind the camera and he's behind the pen.
Sure, some shit is stupid and inexcusable, but there is plenty that isn't as well.
Guys can we stop blaming GRRM or not having source material for the poor writing?
Season 6 was post books and even if you don't think its the best season, it certainly was one of the better season. To me it was the best.
This has less to do with these same writers not knowing how to write all of a sudden and more about just wrapping up a story by rushing through it.
I'm really upset after last night. It now seems like D&D are in JJ Abrams & Lindolf situation from Season 6 of Lost: you have all these moving parts that you started very nicely, but you land on your ass in trying to resolve everything in the last season and fans start screaming WTF???!! after ever subsequent episode from the last couple of seasons. It pains me to make the comparison because GoT never quite fell into the ridiculous tv trappings of "how in the world...?". I was willing to give GoT slack for timejumps and fast travel but last night I couldn't defend. D&D are out of ideas and just think they can free ride to the easiest resolution.
What makes it worse is that they never showed both remaining dragons in the same frame after the fight, so I thought the second one was lost and she was waiting for it. Not for Jon to miraculously survive freezing water, an army of the dead, and the ride home. Not only horribly written, but also horribly conveyed to the viewer.Dany flies away looking back at Jon surrounded by thousands of whites. And drowning in a lake....but she is waiting on the wall for him to miraculously show up. Ok
Why then dont start the attack the moment Gendry is out of sight? Why engage in a 3 days staring contest?
Yup, blame DnD all you want but this is also on GRRM, dude created a very convoluted story and left them with scraps to put together and finish the work on. The hardest part, the conclusion.
DnD aren't writers, plain and simple. There is a reason why they're behind the camera and he's behind the pen.
Sure, some shit is stupid and inexcusable, but there is plenty that isn't as well.
I'm gonna ask the real questions: Will Gendry get his hammer back?
George RR Martin said:I can't think of any other instance where the movie or TV show came out as the source material was still being written.
GoT is basically anime now and people should accept it.
Possibly because D&D are under a contract with HBO to finish the series. HBO would love if GoT, their biggest flagship series in history, would continue for another 10 years. But D&D found a workaround to finish the show haphazardly and just blame "lack of source material". The truth is that they want to end the show quickly.
She is in love.Dany flies away looking back at Jon surrounded by thousands of whites. And drowning in a lake....but she is waiting on the wall for him to miraculously show up. Ok
Guys can we stop blaming GRRM or not having source material for the poor writing?
Season 6 was post books and even if you don't think its the best season, it certainly was one of the better season. To me it was the best.
This has less to do with these same writers not knowing how to write all of a sudden and more about just wrapping up a story by rushing through it.
She is in love.
The Night King laying a trap would have made the scene make a lot more sense, but theres nothing there that indicates he was doing that. Its pure head canon.I don't like the episode, but the reasons are this:
- The NK/Walkers realised that the ice was thin and halted the wights from rushing them. They were standing watching and waiting for the ice to freeze up enough that they could start to approach - when the Hound threw the second rock and it landed on the ice, this indicated to the NK that it was safe to move forward. This is all kind of stupid but that's the logic.
- The NK was probably keeping them alive to lure Dany and her dragons, which he probably had a psychic vision of coming, down so that he could get a good shot at one of them and convert it. If they were all dead, Dany might just have flown on. Waiting was the point.
Could be a combo of both.