i dont know apart from each scene not having little box in every scene with GPS location, exact date and time and summary of all the people on the scene. And to be sure on every line ... possible reference points to pevious episodes .... i was able to suspend my believe petty fine for it to make sense .... and gladly there was not traveling montage which is what fucked the books for me
I like that people angry with those that can't suspend their disbelief at this ridiculous apparently can't think of any better ways of directing an episode to make this stuff better than "GPS locations and time/dates."
You do realize that this is kind of a basic skill a director should have, right? Scriptwriters should take this sort of stuff into account. You portray passage of time through wear on the characters, through believable dialogue, and other cues. It's called good writing and directing. This show used to do that.
This could also serve to increase tension. Now by any standard of research those people were on the ice island anywhere from 2 to 4
days yet the actual direction barely took that into account at all. Have people waking up in shifts. Show increasingly paranoid dialogue. Have them wonder what the ever-loving-fuck is going to happen while the Night King is staring them down
for days. Show what fucking happened. That scene could have been amazingly deep and tense but instead they went for cheap hollywood tension.
My other complaint about the episode is that they actually went the other direction when doing the scenes leading up to ice island. You felt like time was passing relatively much, and perhaps because of how quickly time was going in this episode and others that they spend a while out there. The only indication that they may not have comes suddenly when they tell Gendry to fucking run to east watch. Put in dialogue that really discusses this and grounds the character. You could have someone complaining about them spiraling in circles not finding shit while they look for that mountain The Hound saw. Do something that shows they're taking time but not really moving far. Establish what's happening. But no, instead of establishing what's happening and making this all more believable we get dialogue about Tormund wanting to fuck Brienne. Clearly important character development there.
That's why this all feels fanfic level. Because that's what fanfics focus on instead of what matters. Don't get me wrong, Tormund wanting to fuck Brienne is fine if you have the fucking time to do that dialogue and get everything else right. But they didn't.