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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]






Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Oh shit. It just hit me that Sandor, Brienne and Zombie-Mountain are all going to be at King's Landing soon. Do we have our 3 way Clegane-bowl now ? :eek:


I fucking loved the music during Dany's arrival and dragon rampage. Night King killing Viserion was definitely a fuuu moment but it was all so awesome to watch. Despite the pace of the season, the set pieces have been a true marvel this year.

Also Dany's winter armor was badass.
Crazy that these two are together. Never in my wildest thoughts did I think this is how the story would be when I started watching the show from the beginning.

I knew they'd be paired up for the stupidest reason: their images from the Season 2(?) fold-out Blu-ray case; Dany and Jon were on opposite ends but if you folded it right they were facing each other, almost looking longingly at one another.
They had the conversation. Arya thinks Sansa should have let herself be killed than to write that letter. She doesn't think she was actually aligned with the Lannisters and helped them kill Ned, she's pissed that Sansa didn't try hard enough to resist and sold out her family with seemingly little provocation.

i meant more like a background conversation on what they both had to do to survive. rather than them both saying "you have no idea" sansa could say "i was tortured by joffrey, forced into marriage with tyrion, etc" and arya could say "i had to travel westeros posing as a boy, then escape to braavos where i trained as an assassin" and they both would have said "geez, our lives were hard, maybe we shouldnt take it out on each other." now it just feels like the show still needs littlefinger involved so its contriving this nonsense.


That episode was so poorly written (possibly the worst of the series) that almost none of it made sense.

Thoros dying from the cold whilst there's two of them who can conjure fire. The whole group freezing as well.

The whole 'grab a zombie' plan was just dumb from the start but then to not just fly up there with a dragon and grab one?

The night king using his spears only at the end.

The only redeeming things about that episode were the visuals and the Tormund and The Hound banter. Everything else was just dumb as fuck and they treat the audience like dummies with the shit they come up with.
This whole season has been akin to a dumb action movie, tbh.
Dumb writing, with amazing visuals and set pieces tacked on.

Still worth watching tho, the bear attack, the night king v the dragon, it's all just great entertainment still.

If you start thinking about the story though, it all falls apart rather quickly.

The length of the season also made sure so much was rushed through.

They had the conversation. Arya thinks Sansa should have let herself be killed than to write that letter. She doesn't think she was actually aligned with the Lannisters and helped them kill Ned, she's pissed that Sansa didn't try hard enough to resist and sold out her family with seemingly little provocation.
Yes, and yet her extreme psychopath attitude (especially when Sansa finds her masks) makes her out to be possessed, more than angry.
They seemed to have established that she maintained her humanity despite her training in Braavos, but i guess not.

Unless she's just playing everyone.
The time spent being brave was more than enough time for them to get outta there, literally a few wing beats. I'd definitely be feeling survivor's guilt if I were Jon right now lol.

Viserion's flight pattern wasn't going to change. Jon's heroics aside, Viserion was dead.
I guess he'll get survivor's guilt, but it wasn't his fault.


That was a lot of stupid. Well-made, big budget stupid.

When they announced that they only needed 15 or so episodes to finish the story, I assumed that was because they only had 15 episodes worth of story left. It seems much more evident now that they just want to wrap this shit up. Their idea of a satisfying conclusion is to turn the show into a big, dumb fantasy epic.
The end game was always going to be coalition of the willing + dragons vs undead army and ice undead beasts.

Not sure how you make that not epic and black and white, or if one should.




The time it would take for Gendry to return to Eastwatch, a raven to reach Dany, Dany to fly from Dragonstone to beyond the Wall would be at least ~2 days +

I'll take your word for it, I don't know what the mph on a raven or a dragon are.

Thoros dying from the cold whilst there's two of them who can conjure fire. The whole group freezing as well.

What are they making a fire out of, rocks?

i meant more like a background conversation on what they both had to do to survive. rather than them both saying "you have no idea" sansa could say "i was tortured by joffrey, forced into marriage with tyrion, etc" and arya could say "i had to travel westeros posing as a boy, then escape to braavos where i trained as an assassin" and they both would have said "geez, our lives were hard, maybe we shouldnt take it out on each other." now it just feels like the show still needs littlefinger involved so its contriving this nonsense.

Why would she care? Arya was pretty clear: "I would've rather died than betray my family like that."


That episode was so poorly written (possibly the worst of the series) that almost none of it made sense.

Thoros dying from the cold whilst there's two of them who can conjure fire. The whole group freezing as well.

The whole 'grab a zombie' plan was just dumb from the start but then to not just fly up there with a dragon and grab one?

The night king using his spears only at the end.

The only redeeming things about that episode were the visuals and the Tormund and The Hound banter. Everything else was just dumb as fuck and they treat the audience like dummies with the shit they come up with.
Almost walking dead levels of dumb.


semen stains the mountaintops
What are they making a fire out of, rocks?

And it's not like he died because he froze, he died because he had gotten chewed up by the polar bear. He was a goner unless they could've gotten a Maester to look over his wounds.


No Scrubs
That was a lot of stupid. Well-made, big budget stupid.

When they announced that they only needed 15 or so episodes to finish the story, I assumed that was because they only had 15 episodes worth of story left. It seems much more evident now that they just want to wrap this shit up. Their idea of a satisfying conclusion is to turn the show into a big, dumb fantasy epic.

This is what the show was always going to turn into. Anyone paying any kind of attention to what was going on with the overarching plot lines should have seen this turn coming. Jon and Dany were always played straight in regards to fantasy epic rules, as their plots came into the forefront it's only logical that the rules guiding their plot lines would as well.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Also the random redshirts appearing to die in the episode were funny

Were they shown earlier? Or just when they were killed?


Wow. On behalf of all of HBO, the world and common decency in the citizens of Earth, let me apologize to Neogaf. What a ridiculously stupid episode. It CLEARLY should have been spread out across 10 seasons with bonus material only found online. I cannot believe these assholes at HBO thought they could get away with giving us an episode like this.

Episode was pretty great morans.


Wow, what a messy episode. Up until now, every episode of this series ranged between solid-fantastic to me, but honestly this was pretty bad. Sure, I enjoyed some elements of it but the episode made about as much sense as a failed summer blockbuster everybody makes fun of. I hope it is the odd one out.
Also the random redshirts appearing to die in the episode were funny

Were they shown earlier? Or just when they were killed?
Yeah, I counted a total of ten early in the episode when traveling. Making 3 red shirts. But like 6 died, so on red shirt death #4. I was like oh shit, who was that? Another red shirt, da fuq?


You dont think theres a time limit on how long that fire on the sword will stay lit?

It is a magic sword that as far as i recall isn't fully explained how it works. So I guess we just don't know if that would work or not. The episode had bigger problems/plot holes than this anyway.
The swords weaken the more they burn.
Thoros used to piss off the blacksmith because of how much swords he wasted by lighting them on fire.(think it was from one of the extras).

There's a limit, think back to when the Hound killed Beric in S3.


The magic swords that can catch fire whenever they want?

But if you want to make a fire, you need something to set fire to...

Also the random redshirts appearing to die in the episode were funny

Were they shown earlier? Or just when they were killed?

You can see them briefly behind the main group at the end of episode 5. It's just that most of that scene is shot from behind so you only see the main characters walking into the show; the red shirts would've been behind the camera.
We all know their gonna hook up. Danny cant have kids and Jon doesn't want kids (doesnt want to pass on the snow name). So Jon probably thinks Dany would be perfect for him because of this. It will be hilarious if he knocks her up, and then on top of that also learns shes his aunt.

Jons brooding would be over 9000.


Why does he wear the mask!?
It's actually a pretty huge difference.

I knew the difference, I simply wrote the wrong thing. Correct me if I'm wrong:

It was a white walker Jon killed earlier, which caused all the wights to drop down dead, right? Because that WW had turned them?

See, I do understand the difference, I simply made a mistake. It happens to everybody, Dany chose Tyrion as her hand for example.


Yeah, I counted a total of ten early in the episode when traveling. Making 3 red shirts. But like 6 died, so on red shirt death #4. I was like oh shit, who was that? Another red shirt, da fuq?

I was thinking the same thing. Jon must've been sending Gendry back to the wall to get more redshirts in between scenes.


This is kinda hilarious , when the ep leaked , everyone was like "best episode ever" and now when it aired people say exact the opposite thats "Worst episode ever" :-D

Does it have different scenes or just people who watched the leaks value different things in the series?
I understood the reason Jon delayed getting on the dragon was not only to give them time, but also him thinking about going after the Night King after Beric put that in his mind earlier.


Why does he wear the mask!?
This is kinda hilarious , when the ep leaked , everyone was like "best episode ever" and now when it aired people say exact the opposite thats "Worst episode ever" :-D

Does it have different scenes or just people who watched the leaks value different things in the series?

NeoGAF is down on everything

I loved the episode tbh, yeah I suppose the pacing requires a suspension of disbelief, but there's also dragons and zombies, so...


This is kinda hilarious , when the ep leaked , everyone was like "best episode ever" and now when it aired people say exact the opposite thats "Worst episode ever" :-D

Does it have different scenes or just people who watched the leaks value different things in the series?

The people who watch the leak wants to claim its the best and they saw it first.

Its definitely an entertaining episode, but i gotta adjust my expectations on the show now. Its a blockbuster tv show.


Why does he wear the mask!?
The people who watch the leak wants to claim its the best and they saw it first.

Its definitely an entertaining episode, but i gotta adjust my expectations on the show now. Its a blockbuster tv show.

Then they proceed to spoil it for others


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
This is kinda hilarious , when the ep leaked , everyone was like "best episode ever" and now when it aired people say exact the opposite thats "Worst episode ever" :-D

Does it have different scenes or just people who watched the leaks value different things in the series?

Hmm, interesting question. I think that when fans view something early, there is an added value in the exclusivity of the experience and they tend to rate it higher because of that. That's why every comic book movie release is the same thing. Fans see it in preview screenings, talk about how it's "The best thing since The Dark Knight" and then reality comes in with a splash of cold water when everyone else watches it.

Critics see lots of things early, so it isn't going to impact them.

Its become a running joke here on GAF. If a movie is good, it'll have positive reaction tweets before release. If a movie sucks, it'll have positive reaction tweets before release.


I understood the reason Jon delayed getting on the dragon was not only to give them time, but also him thinking about going after the Night King after Beric put that in his mind earlier.

That's how I took it too. Like Jamie and Dany at the loot train attack, Jon saw an opportunity to end the war quickly... then realized, unlike Jamie, that that plan sucked.


Saint Titanfall
This is kinda hilarious , when the ep leaked , everyone was like "best episode ever" and now when it aired people say exact the opposite thats "Worst episode ever" :-D

Does it have different scenes or just people who watched the leaks value different things in the series?
Episode was always Shi. Had been wanting to vent on gaf wbout it for a while. Pure fan service devoid of creative vision Shite.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
This is kinda hilarious , when the ep leaked , everyone was like "best episode ever" and now when it aired people say exact the opposite thats "Worst episode ever" :-D

Does it have different scenes or just people who watched the leaks value different things in the series?
The episode had great spectacle, but once you start thinking about what actually transpired you realize how stupid it is.
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