source???? ahahha
Barely Lethal.
source???? ahahha
I think I just threw up in my mouth a lil bit.Sansa is the true ruler of Westeros, all 7 kingdoms will bow down to our queen.
How could Bran be the NK if Bran is alive right now?
Its called the twin paradox theory where 2 people can exist within the same time frame. Of course physics state as potentially feasible but nobody has ever proven it. Lets just go with the GOT fantasy physics instead![]()
Bran is obvs going to warg into the Zomby Dragon and save Westeros.
Ok haha. I've seen some of the theories behind this Bran=NK thing. Why would Bran follow himself with ravens, and why would NK immediately kick those ravens out of warging? I mean it was to stop Bran from seeing his position.
I don't like them either, but before killing plotlines just kill the people and be done with it.
Everything else feels untold..
Maybe because current Bran isn't full evil yet
While I enjoyed the episode, couldn't Dany have just flown north on a dragon, snatched up a wight in drogons claws and flown back. Seems like she could have done it in a couple of days at most.
Seems like he's already losing his human component at a gradual rate. He's becoming less and less emotional. His sense of empathy is almost all but lost at this point.Full evil?
Bran isn't even remotely evil, he's one of the least evil characters on the show! lol
Yes, that's my bet.So are we assuming the Night King will use Wight!Viserion to melt a section of the Wall?
Did we ever get any additional details on the NK turning babies into white walkers? Has that ever been touched upon after the scene?
Yes, that's my bet.
I wonder if the Nigh King will ride Viserion or only command him with his mind tho...
...because they're sisters.You're sisters for fucks sake! Why are you fighting over stupid obvious shit?!
One person running with no gear or weapons will move a shit-ton faster than a group of people carring supplies and heavy swords and hammers. Dragons travel a shit-ton faster than boats and people on foot.People always bring up the first episode of the show as a example of bad portrayal of time. Yet we have them receive notice of the king coming, we are told that they traveled for 30 days and we have the visual image of the direwolves growing considerably from puppies and Cat saying 'they grow so fast'.
The time portrayal this season has been poor, no matter how you put it. Im not asking for scenes showing travel but in this episode it was stupid as hell. It seemed they'd been travelling for a while as they reached the lands of always winter (what i perceived it as atleast) where the nights king was first transformed. Then Gendry managed to run back to the wall and send for a raven to Dany. Dany managed to fly back just in the nick of time as the fighting started. Stupid as hell man.
My wife and I traded anxiety while watching this episode. She kept wanting to look away at the zombie fighting...and I didn't want to see Sansa and Arya fighting. You're sisters for fucks sake! Why are you fighting over stupid obvious shit?!
...because they're sisters.
SoProbably thought there was too much risk involved in sending the friggin' Queen and top weapon up to unknown territory against an unknown enemy with unknown forms of attack?
What additional details do you even need? Besides learning more about motives, I guess, which is probably coming up?
Bran = Night King is the dumbest fan theory in the history of fan theories. And the best "proof" is a gif showing them wearing outfits that are shaped similarly but otherwise not alike at all?
Just no.
Seems like he's already losing his human component at a gradual rate. He's becoming less and less emotional. His sense of empathy is almost all but lost at this point.
One thing I wonder is why did it take them 8000 years to come back.
I dunno, maybe it's just part of me that wants to believe there's more to the Night King than simply a single-minded villain that wants to lay waste to everything. It'd be nice to have more complexity to it, given how layered this show likes to make its characters.
I was driving home from work, maybe it was to work, and I had a realization.
Man, the biggest ROMANCE the storyline has and the authors FUCKED IT. I have so much vested into Dany and John and they just fucking fucked up their romance. They just FUCKED IT. I'm so angry. There should be an entire goddamn season devoted to this and they are rushing everything. So angry.
Because Jon and Dany should be banging already, obviously.May I ask why you think they've botched it?
There's an entire season left. But it's been great imo. Honestly a bit too good, I wasn't on the Dany/Jon train earlier, but they have enough chemistry that it's kinda redeeming Dany for me. I get that it's a bit unrealistic that they haven't banged already, but they're taking their time with it which is fine.I was driving home from work, maybe it was to work, and I had a realization.
Man, the biggest ROMANCE the storyline has and the authors FUCKED IT. I have so much vested into Dany and John and they just fucking fucked up their romance. They just FUCKED IT. I'm so angry. There should be an entire goddamn season devoted to this and they are rushing everything. So angry.
People always bring up the first episode of the show as a example of bad portrayal of time. Yet we have them receive notice of the king coming, we are told that they traveled for 30 days and we have the visual image of the direwolves growing considerably from puppies and Cat saying 'they grow so fast'.
The time portrayal this season has been poor, no matter how you put it. Im not asking for scenes showing travel but in this episode it was stupid as hell. It seemed they'd been travelling for a while as they reached the lands of always winter (what i perceived it as atleast) where the nights king was first transformed. Then Gendry managed to run back to the wall and send for a raven to Dany. Dany managed to fly back just in the nick of time as the fighting started. Stupid as hell man.
Sansa is the true ruler of Westeros, all 7 kingdoms will bow down to our queen.
Yeah. They needed to cut one of those out. It would have been much better if the 2nd dragon came down and picked up Jon. More natural then Benjen coming again.Dragons getting there just in time, Jon surviving the ice lake and then Uncle whatever getting there just in time.. yeh it was one beat too many.
those fire swords did jack shit, no bonus damage no extra splash just regular swords on fire.
I was driving home from work, maybe it was to work, and I had a realization.
Man, the biggest ROMANCE the storyline has and the authors FUCKED IT. I have so much vested into Dany and John and they just fucking fucked up their romance. They just FUCKED IT. I'm so angry. There should be an entire goddamn season devoted to this and they are rushing everything. So angry.
Personally I would have been pissed if Benjen just sat around twiddling his thumbs while this massive battle is taking place beyond the wall. You have to figure he was watching the events unfold and was ready to step in when the moment was right. Dany risking another dragon to pick up loverboy who she has no idea was even alive after falling into the water would be ridiculous.Yeah. They needed to cut one of those out. It would have been much better if the 2nd dragon came down and picked up Jon. More natural then Benjen coming again.
Grendy has been rowing for years. He has the stamina to run that far.
...because they're sisters.
One person running with no gear or weapons will move a shit-ton faster than a group of people carring supplies and heavy swords and hammers. Dragons travel a shit-ton faster than boats and people on foot.
None of it seemed unreasonable to me.
Dany is actually emoting this season which is besides her one or two looks she had for the first few seasons. She's laughing, crying and showing vulnerability. I'm liking this season's Dany quite a lot. And yeah she and Jon look and sound quite natural together.There's an entire season left. But it's been great imo. Honestly a bit too good, I wasn't on the Dany/Jon train earlier, but they have enough chemistry that it's kinda redeeming Dany for me. I get that it's a bit unrealistic that they haven't banged already, but they're taking their time with it which is fine.
I had this complaint initially but it's not that tough to give their location. North of eastwatch, etc. The giant army shouldn't be hard to miss.Heck dany happened to know EXACTLY where to find them? Was she given bearings and coordinates? How? Idk man, there's some leaps in logic for this to not be unreasonable.
Maybe because current Bran isn't full evil yet, and NK knows that his old self still wants to stop this terror in the North, because he doesn't yet realize whatever "turning point event" will happen.
I was originally a Bran=NK skeptic, but it's starting to actually make some sense to me.
Personally I would have been pissed if Benjen just sat around twiddling his thumbs while this massive battle is taking place beyond the wall. You have to figure he was watching the events unfold and was ready to step in when the moment was right. Dany risking another dragon to pick up loverboy who she has no idea was even alive after falling into the water would be ridiculous.