The Artisan
Yeah the show started with the death of Jon Arryn which we learn 3 seasons later that it was Petyr's doing.What? He's responsible for, like, everything that has happened in the show except the existence of the White Walkers.
Yeah the show started with the death of Jon Arryn which we learn 3 seasons later that it was Petyr's doing.What? He's responsible for, like, everything that has happened in the show except the existence of the White Walkers.
The finale should have a reveal where Tyrion's been secretly sabotaging Dany the whole time on purpose to save Kings Landing from Dany. It would make a lot of his garbage advice and relentless failure make way more sense. He may hate Cersei, but he loves Jaime and loves Kings Landing. Think about Tyrion's advice so far:
- Send Jorah away a second time
- Trust the Masters
- Leave the Second Sons behind (not just Dario, but the whole mercenary army)
- Never attack the Red Keep
- Spread his forces, leaving Highgarden defenseless and losing 2 of his allies
- Told Dany not to attack the Lannister Loot train, which was her big victory
- The whole kidnap a Wight mission was his idea
- He told Dany not to fly to save Jon, but at this point he knew she wouldn't listen
He's been sabotaging her from day 1!
The finale should have a reveal where Tyrion's been secretly sabotaging Dany the whole time on purpose to save Kings Landing from Dany. It would make a lot of his garbage advice and relentless failure make way more sense. He may hate Cersei, but he loves Jaime and loves Kings Landing. Think about Tyrion's advice so far:
- Send Jorah away a second time
- Trust the Masters
- Leave the Second Sons behind (not just Dario, but the whole mercenary army)
- Never attack the Red Keep
- Spread his forces, leaving Highgarden defenseless and losing 2 of his allies
- Told Dany not to attack the Lannister Loot train, which was her big victory
- The whole kidnap a Wight mission was his idea
- He told Dany not to fly to save Jon, but at this point he knew she wouldn't listen
He's been sabotaging her from day 1!
In the preview we dont see Danny, i think this time Cersei will try something but Danny will be 5 steps foward and outsmart her, i doubt Cercei will die this season ofcourse they will use her in season 8. I predict they will outsmart her, try to judge her for her crimes on the spot and she says the words we all want to listen " TRIAL BY COMBAT "
Guys, guys... reading this post some of you, think that Arya is a brat and she is complaining because her sister send a letter, etc. And she is annoying. Maybe we are all underestimating her training and all of this is an act, so she can kill LF. Remember Arya is like an actress with her faces. She is misleading both, Sansa (Sister/Ally) and LF (Creep/enemy). Expect the dead of Master Creep (LF) in season finale.
All the Evidence Arya and Sansa Are Plotting Against Littlefinger on Game of Thrones
Guys, guys... reading this post some of you, think that Arya is a brat and she is complaining because her sister send a letter, etc. And she is annoying. Maybe we are all underestimating her training and all of this is an act, so she can kill LF. Remember Arya is like an actress with her faces. She is misleading both, Sansa (Sister/Ally) and LF (Creep/enemy). Expect the dead of Master Creep (LF) in season finale.
All the Evidence Arya and Sansa Are Plotting Against Littlefinger on Game of Thrones
Littlefinger hasn't done anything interesting in a long time. Since Joffrey I guess.
Hopefully he has one last mean punch in him before he goes though.
I can only hope Dany's heel turn is as good as Heshinsi's!
This has been a strange season, though. Spoils of War is probably a top 10 episode for me(even before the battle), and Queen's Justice top 15-20. The characters and world building is what I love most about Thrones/ASOIAF, so I did temper my expectations going into what's essentially Act 3 of the story. Still, the combo of late game story telling which I find less satisfying in pretty much anything, mixed with the general inconsistency and the reduced number of episodes will put S7 down there with S5 for me. Seasons 1-4, and 95% of S6 are all stellar IMO. The show didn't have an outright bad episode until the fifth season which is impressive.
I'd still rather watch Thrones than most things. Let's hope they finish the season off with a bang.
The finale should have a reveal where Tyrion's been secretly sabotaging Dany the whole time on purpose to save Kings Landing from Dany. It would make a lot of his garbage advice and relentless failure make way more sense. He may hate Cersei, but he loves Jaime and loves Kings Landing. Think about Tyrion's advice so far:
- Send Jorah away a second time
- Trust the Masters
- Leave the Second Sons behind (not just Dario, but the whole mercenary army)
- Never attack the Red Keep
- Spread his forces, leaving Highgarden defenseless and losing 2 of his allies
- Told Dany not to attack the Lannister Loot train, which was her big victory
- The whole kidnap a Wight mission was his idea
- He told Dany not to fly to save Jon, but at this point he knew she wouldn't listen
He's been sabotaging her from day 1!
He didn't tell her not to attack the loot train.
But he did look bumm hurt watching it. Dude, you sailed to Westeros with three dragons, a massive army, and an armada. The fuck did you think was going to happen Tyrion? The Lannisters were the enemy, the Lannisters got fucked after you gave them some freebies, stop crying about it.
But he did look bumm hurt watching it. Dude, you sailed to Westeros with three dragons, a massive army, and an armada. The fuck did you think was going to happen Tyrion? The Lannisters were the enemy, the Lannisters got fucked after you gave them some freebies, stop crying about it.
Guys, guys... reading this post some of you, think that Arya is a brat and she is complaining because her sister send a letter, etc. And she is annoying. Maybe we are all underestimating her training and all of this is an act, so she can kill LF. Remember Arya is like an actress with her faces. She is misleading both, Sansa (Sister/Ally) and LF (Creep/enemy). Expect the dead of Master Creep (LF) in season finale.
All the Evidence Arya and Sansa Are Plotting Against Littlefinger on Game of Thrones
It was very much in character. He wanted to take on the NK singlehandedly. Jon hasn't cared about his own life for quite some time now, and even before his first death he was pretty eager to put himself in harm's way.
I think in an intellectual level he understands but he also doesn't enjoy battles or killing people, so all of this is still hard for him to watch directly. He once told the slave masters -
"It always seems a bit abstract, doesn't it, other people dying?"
I think that's something that can also apply to him, too.
Argh, you're still on about that nonsense? And what do you mean my heel turn lol?
Season 7 is magnitudes better than season 5, and it is better in my opinion to Season 2 for everything but the KL plotline. Nothing beats peak Tyrion/Bronn + peak Varys/Littlefinger + not so nutty Cersei/Joff.
Surely LF has plot armor? He hasn't had enough of an impact on the show. There must be a pay-off. I'm pretty certain he has some big plans that will come to fruition. Arya has plot armor to for the same reason; she has a bigger role to play. Sansa doesn't seem to have the same plot armor though imo.
Yeah. Search for Game of Thrones bloopers on Youtube and it should be one of the top results for sure.
Except when he isn't though eh? He wasn't brooding when he ordered the pyromancers to make wild fire, and he wasn't brooding when he used said wild fire to burn thousands of men alive, and he didn't seem conflicted when he led the charge to circle around and hit Stannis' army from the rear. It just seems weird to me. The only answer is that he doesn't want it happening to his family, which makes Dany's concerns all the more true. Would he be as brooding if this was say Littlefinger's army they had to wrestle the throne from? I don't think he would be.
I don't actually think Dany will turn, just talking shit giving you a hard time.
S2 is still my favorite season. It's Dany's 3rd best season so I didn't hate the Qarth stuff, certainly better than Meereen. Stannis' plotline is amazing. The Craster's Keep stuff and Theon in Winterfell were both great up North. Everything involving King's Landing and Arya on the King's Road and at Harrenhal was incredible. And Robb's story had its moments in spite of Robb.
Also, at worse, Blackwater is the second best episode of Thrones ever.
Lol is this truck in the background in the snow real?
Would explain so much if there are trucks in Westeros.
What part of it? Seems like some pretty obvious conclusions, if you paid attention during the episodes that is. Which is something I severly doubt many people do after this week's episode.That reads like spoiler.
What part of it? Seems like some pretty obvious conclusions, if you paid attention during the episodes that is. Which is something I severly doubt many people do after this week's episode.
From the behind the scenes featurette.
But... Both The Hound and Brienne hate Cercei's guts?If Brienne went south then I can't imagine Dany picking the Hound over the woman who beat the Hound if there was a trial by combat situation.
He killed Lysa.
I think he had the hope that a massive demonstration of power (Seeing the assembled armies of Dorne, Tyrells, Dothrakis, Unsullied and the North at KL's doors, alongside 3 dragons) would have pushed Cercei/ Jaime to surrender without blood being spilled.But he did look bumm hurt watching it. Dude, you sailed to Westeros with three dragons, a massive army, and an armada. The fuck did you think was going to happen Tyrion? The Lannisters were the enemy, the Lannisters got fucked after you gave them some freebies, stop crying about it.
Of course it being a Lannister army plays a role into it but I don't think Dany's concerns are valid since he is still helping her, even after he saw that. It makes sense for him to be a bit shocked at "his" people being burned by dragon fire, by means that he helped construct.
As much as I would hate this and how it directly contradicts his character development, it IS interesting when Danny tells him that his advice has failed her multiple times in the past.
Can someone refresh my memory: who orchestrated the Lannisters and Tyrell army coming together for King's Landing defense?
I know Tywin charges in but was it Littlefinger who told Margery to unite houses so she can be The Queen?
He didn't tell her not to attack the loot train.
That reads like spoiler.
Yep, Littlefinger. They gave him Harrenhal for his work, and then later sent him to bring the Vale back into the fold.
His general tone during the scene was not to aggressively attack. He insisted that they stick to his plan throughout the whole thing, saying he underestimated his enemies, which Dany immediately calls him out on. His plan is so obviously bad and not working, but he wanted them to stick to it, if he had his way, they would not have flown to attack the loot train.
His general tone during the scene was not to aggressively attack. He insisted that they stick to his plan throughout the whole thing, saying he underestimated his enemies, which Dany immediately calls him out on. His plan is so obviously bad and not working, but he wanted them to stick to it, if he had his way, they would not have flown to attack the loot train.
Nah, he didn't want her to attack the Red Keep because of the many innocents who could die as collateral damage. He never showed any signs of being against her attacking a military target where no civilians were around.
well that might explain why Cersei didn't have him killed when he talked to Jaime... That would be one hell of a twist tbh. It's been the one, jarring constant this season that annoys me. All 3 of the smartest characters in the show don't seem as intelligent/mysterious anymore, with Tyrion being consistently dumb as fuck.
What part of it? Seems like some pretty obvious conclusions, if you paid attention during the episodes that is. Which is something I severly doubt many people do after this week's episode.
Nah, he didn't want her to attack the Red Keep because of the many innocents who could die as collateral damage. He never showed any signs of being against her attacking a military target where no civilians were around.
Guys, guys... reading this post some of you, think that Arya is a brat and she is complaining because her sister send a letter, etc. And she is annoying. Maybe we are all underestimating her training and all of this is an act, so she can kill LF. Remember Arya is like an actress with her faces. She is misleading both, Sansa (Sister/Ally) and LF (Creep/enemy). Expect the dead of Master Creep (LF) in season finale.
All the Evidence Arya and Sansa Are Plotting Against Littlefinger on Game of Thrones