Reading posts here, it would satisfy some viewers cause you know she supposedly hated Sansa when they were kids.
Anyway, putting aside my issues with the last two episodes, getting hyped for this last episode.
What I'd like to see, won't, and then will be upset about again:
- Jon and Co. stopping at Winterfell before going to KL
- Jon to set his bickering siblings straight - somehow some way LF gets killed or kicked out
- Jon at least mentioning to Danny that hey I was at the wall with your great uncle, he mentored me and was a cool dude
- Hound going back to KL and setting up his battle with his brother
- Dorne army showing up in support of Danny
- Euron dies - Theon finally does something and rescues Yara
- Jamie finally turns on Cersei after he finds out the baby was Euron's baby
- Jon and Dany marriage proposal
- NK uses the dragon to break the wall
- Benjen is a WW commander now
On your wishlist:
- I don't think they'll head to WF. They are shown to be on a ship, the logical thing to do is head straight down to Dragonstone and organize the armies to surround KL as a preambule to negociations and the showing of the Wight.
Let's hope that Jon will remember to at least send a Raven.
- Jon and Dany talking some more about their respective families is probable. Just wish Varys would finally spill the beans on what happened with Ned, as I doubt Jon knows.
- Not just Hound, but seeing like 80% of the main (surviving) cast assembled in KL will be amazing. I don't see any "Cleganebowl" happening though.
- I somehow doubt we will see or hear much of Dorne anymore, at least not this season.
They have the following plot lines to cover:
Meeting in KL
Convincing Northern lords to follow Dany
Arya/ Sansa/ LF Winterfell bullshit
Theon/ Euron/ Yara Greyjoy bullshit
Sam/ Gilly/ Lineage/ Maesters bullshit
Cercei/ Jaime/ Bron / Tyrion bullshit
The (probable) breaking of the wall. Only 6 ep next season after all, gotta get the ball rolling
That's a lot to wrap.
- Mariage? Nah. If it happens so fast it'll be for political reasons, and we know it's not how they're framing it so far
I also don't think we'll hear anything about Benjen anymore, except maybe a quick mention that he saved Jon