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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

How has Danny just completely forgotten about her unsullied army? They're still under siege at Casterly Rock. She kind of needs that army to siege castles and hold castles, fight naval battles and basically do anything other than fight armies in open fields on the mainland.

They weren't under siege. The fleet was destroyed, but the Iron Born aint doing shit on land.


Really Really Exciting Member!
They can sail directly from Eastwatch to Kings Landing. Winterfell would be a huge detour.

Did you forget that last episode we had Gendry running to Eastwatch, sending a raven to DragonStone and Dany flying from Dragonstone to north of Eastwatch, all while the group was surrounded by the undead doing nothing. That lake should have re-frozen quite fast too.

I'm not sure how fast Westeros ravens and dragons can fly, or how fast Gendry can run(lol), but it sure as hell shouldn't happen in less than a day.

They can make Jon going to Winterfell happen, even if it doesn't make sense.


Did you forget that last episode we had Gendry running to Eastwatch, sending a raven to DragonStone and Dany flying from Dragonstone to north of Eastwatch, all while the group was surrounded by the undead doing nothing. That lake should have re-frozen quite fast too.

I'm not sure how fast Westeros ravens and dragons can fly, or how fast Gendry can run(lol), but it sure as hell shouldn't happen in less than a day.

They can make Jon going to Winterfell happen, even if it doesn't make sense.

This is really gonna bite them in the ass. Everyone I've talked with was angry at that plot hole.


Water is not wet!
This is really gonna bite them in the ass. Everyone I've talked with was angry at that plot hole.

Why would Jon need to go to Winterfell? He knows Bran and Arya are there but he is busy getting people organized against the undead army and they are safe at Winterfell.

They should have got a bunch of undead, put them in cages on wagons, and sent them all over Westeros on a "The Undead Are Coming" tour.

Just realized that Benjen said that the wall is magicked so the undead cant pass. The S1 wight was reanimated on the other side of the wall but what about the one they just brought back. It flew over though. If they were to bring it back on sled would it just fall apart?

Beyond The Wall is rocking 9.4 at imdb, even higher than Eastwatch for... some reason.

I doubts it.
Deserved for one of the best episodes of the entire series.
Did you forget that last episode we had Gendry running to Eastwatch, sending a raven to DragonStone and Dany flying north of Eastwatch, all while the group was surrounded by the undead doing nothing. That lake should have re-frozen quite fast.

I'm not sure how fast Westeros ravens and dragons can fly, or how fast Gendry can run)lol), but it sure as hell shouldn't happen in less than a day.

They can make Jon going to Winterfell happen, even if it doesn't make sense.

They showed at least one night passing. However, they really should have showed them basically camping out multiple nights. Would have been a great time to actually have some neat conversations between the group.

That's basically my gripe with this entire season. It's not hard to make people buy into the suspension of disbelief if you actually make an actual effort in showing the details of time passage.

Where did that fleet come from? Well, it was a secondary fleet, possibly split off, you can tell because the flagship wasn't present in the ambush of Casterly Rock.

How long has passed overall? Well, that's a good question, but if you compare scenes from Dragonstone and Kingslanding, you can see the area rapidly changing due to winter accelerating and crops/plants hibernating and dying. As well as character features like hair, beards growing as they travel. (This would have been pretty useful with Jamie going back to Kings Landing, I don't remember noticing anything different than his armor, that for some reason he was still wearing, being messed up)

How far did they actually travel beyond the wall, how did Gandry get back so fast? Well, we don't know the exact distance, but you can see the sled has been getting smaller with every scene, showing that they have been exhausting what supplies they have brought for the trip. Maybe they could have been laying spikes as they traveled, marking every mile of travel and an easy track to get back to Eastwatch in the event of a hasty retreat. Or bringing horses, like they always do with The Watch.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Why would Jon need to go to Winterfell? He knows Bran and Arya are there but he is busy getting people organized against the undead army and they are safe at Winterfell.

They should have got a bunch of undead, put them in cages on wagons, and sent them all over Westeros on a "The Undead Are Coming" tour.

Just realized that Benjen said that the wall is magicked so the undead cant pass. The S1 wight was reanimated on the other side of the wall but what about the one they just brought back. It flew over though. If they were to bring it back on sled would it just fall apart?

Deserved for one of the best episodes of the entire series.

I'm guessing that magic barrier doesn't go too much higher than the wall itself. Meaning the wights obviously can't climb the wall, but nothing stop them from flying over it.

Which mean undead Vyserion is going to be quite helpful.
Thanks. That is clear and I agree with you.

I do think they will not clearly explain the religions, but I also feel like the Lord of Light and his adversary have some significance yet to be expanded upon perhaps. The Lord of Light has been a main driving force for many events troughout most seasons and I expect there to be a little more to the WW's revival than simply being force of evil.
It's called magic.
There's literally been no confirmation of "God's" working in the series, it's clear that their religion is sprung from their magic and not the other way around.


Water is not wet!
I'm guessing that magic barrier doesn't go too much higher than the wall itself. Meaning the wights obviously can't climb the wall, but nothing stop them from flying over it.

Which mean undead Vyserion is going to be quite helpful.

That makes sense. Just fly over the fucker.
To be honest, if the Night King wasn't so bad at everything, he could have probably just tunneled under the wall. He's got a ready supply of free labor that never tires, eats, or sleeps, and according to Ben the Wall's magic was laid into the foundations.
How has Danny just completely forgotten about her unsullied army? They're still under siege at Casterly Rock. She kind of needs that army to siege castles and hold castles, fight naval battles and basically do anything other than fight armies in open fields on the mainland.

Maybe she hasn't forgotten about them, but literally everyone has forgotten that the Dornish army is completely untouched, yet they were written off as a loss because their leaders died apparently.


Reading posts here, it would satisfy some viewers cause you know she supposedly hated Sansa when they were kids.

Anyway, putting aside my issues with the last two episodes, getting hyped for this last episode.

What I'd like to see, won't, and then will be upset about again:

  • Jon and Co. stopping at Winterfell before going to KL
  • Jon to set his bickering siblings straight - somehow some way LF gets killed or kicked out
  • Jon at least mentioning to Danny that hey I was at the wall with your great uncle, he mentored me and was a cool dude
  • Hound going back to KL and setting up his battle with his brother
  • Dorne army showing up in support of Danny
  • Euron dies - Theon finally does something and rescues Yara
  • Jamie finally turns on Cersei after he finds out the baby was Euron's baby
  • Jon and Dany marriage proposal
  • Jon learns his lineage
  • NK uses the dragon to break the wall
  • Benjen is a WW commander now

On your wishlist:

- I don't think they'll head to WF. They are shown to be on a ship, the logical thing to do is head straight down to Dragonstone and organize the armies to surround KL as a preambule to negociations and the showing of the Wight.
Let's hope that Jon will remember to at least send a Raven.
- Jon and Dany talking some more about their respective families is probable. Just wish Varys would finally spill the beans on what happened with Ned, as I doubt Jon knows.
- Not just Hound, but seeing like 80% of the main (surviving) cast assembled in KL will be amazing. I don't see any "Cleganebowl" happening though.
- I somehow doubt we will see or hear much of Dorne anymore, at least not this season.
They have the following plot lines to cover:
Meeting in KL
Convincing Northern lords to follow Dany
Arya/ Sansa/ LF Winterfell bullshit
Theon/ Euron/ Yara Greyjoy bullshit
Sam/ Gilly/ Lineage/ Maesters bullshit
Cercei/ Jaime/ Bron / Tyrion bullshit
The (probable) breaking of the wall. Only 6 ep next season after all, gotta get the ball rolling

That's a lot to wrap.

- Mariage? Nah. If it happens so fast it'll be for political reasons, and we know it's not how they're framing it so far

I also don't think we'll hear anything about Benjen anymore, except maybe a quick mention that he saved Jon :(
Maybe she hasn't forgotten about them, but literally everyone has forgotten that the Dornish army is completely untouched, yet they were written off as a loss because their leaders died apparently.

Uh... wasn't the Dornish army on the fleet of boats that Euron sank or captured when he took their leaders?
When Martin talks about how the ending to the story is going to be "bittersweet" i dont think that there just going to be a couple deaths that people will be sad over. My feeling is that characters that people have grown to love will do things that people dont agree with. For example Sansa dying to the Night King is not bittersweet.. her murdering Dany after the war is won because they hold too much power could though.


In general, I believe you're right. It's deaths, events and actions through characters that won't be as the masses want that will make the ending bittersweet.


Junior Member
Miss the high sparrow. My boy could talk-no-jutsu his way outta any situation.

Also watching old episode, Craster was on terms with the WWs?


Miss the high sparrow. My boy could talk-no-jutsu his way outta any situation.

Also watching old episode, Craster was on terms with the WWs?

Oh boy that's one plot thread we won't see resolved I'm sure...

What do they do with the babies? Do they have kids white walkers walking around? Is one staying home to look after them? Like a nanny white walker?
Craster apparently sacrificed his sons to the Night King in exchange for not getting rekt, yeah.

From the way it was shown, it seems possible that's the way he creates actual White Walkers as opposed to Wights.
When Martin talks about how the ending to the story is going to be "bittersweet" i dont think that there just going to be a couple deaths that people will be sad over. My feeling is that characters that people have grown to love will do things that people dont agree with. For example Sansa dying to the Night King is not bittersweet.. her murdering Jon and Dany after the war is won because they hold too much power could though.

Agreed, defeating ultimate evil only to be swept aside because the wheel can't be broken and game of thrones will never stop is pretty damn bittersweet.

Things like Sansa running off with Littlefinger, or wiping out Jon and Dany, or the show closing with Dany showing signs of madness is the type of ending I'm expecting.


It's called magic.
There's literally been no confirmation of "God's" working in the series, it's clear that their religion is sprung from their magic and not the other way around.

Yes, that is true. We don't know if there is an actual Lord of Light actively doing some things(or even if there is an actual Lord of Light, it is unknown if he/she is "divine" and not just some person with powerful magic). This religion seems prominent in the plot despite not being mainstream in Westeros and there being other religions as well, which is why I wouldn't be surprised if there is some lore yet to be expanded upon in regards to this.

Also, do we know if the priests can just revive anyone? (we have only seen succeeded cases). Or is there some force at hand deciding in which cases it will work?


Yes, that is true. We don't know if there is an actual Lord of Light actively doing some things(or even if there is an actual Lord of Light, it is unknown if he/she is "divine" and not just some person with powerful magic). This religion seems prominent in the plot despite not being mainstream in Westeros and there being other religions as well, which is why I wouldn't be surprised if there is some lore yet to be expanded upon in regards to this.

Also, do we know if the priests can just revive anyone? (we have only seen succeeded cases). Or is there some force at hand deciding in which cases it will work?

The priests can't revive. They call for LoL's judgement and then LoL deem if they can still serve as his tool
Also, do we know if the priests can just revive anyone? (we have only seen succeeded cases). Or is there some force at hand deciding in which cases it will work?

None of the priests who have raised people for the Lord of Light seem to understand how or why they're able to do it, and do not appear to have been expecting it to work the first time they did it. (Thoros has gotten somewhat confident in his ability to keep bringing back Beric, but doesn't seem anywhere near as confident in his ability to bring back anyone else.)

There's something of an implication there that they don't really get to choose; they ask the Lord of Light to bring someone back, and he either says, "lul k" or "nah dawg".


Oh boy that's one plot thread we won't see resolved I'm sure...

What do they do with the babies? Do they have kids white walkers walking around? Is one staying home to look after them? Like a nanny white walker?

Yes. They call her Old Jan. At night she tells the white walker children tales of the terrible humans that murder babies at weddings and blow up churches full of their own kind. They live in the lands of light, plotting to spread their fire across the world.

Both sides!


Lol the director said the reason Jon didn't get on the dragon was in it is in Jon's nature to be this dumb. Jon's action was a while nother level of stupidity. Let's not being that guy back on to direct.


Oh boy that's one plot thread we won't see resolved I'm sure...

What do they do with the babies? Do they have kids white walkers walking around? Is one staying home to look after them? Like a nanny white walker?

They did resolve it... There was a scene showing White Walkers performing some sort of a ritual with the baby and turning its eyes blue. Obviously they weren't making it a wight, as creepy as that would be a baby wight would be useless in combat, so it was meant to tell us 'this is where the WWs come from' (other than the NK). Craster was sacrificing his boys to the WWs so that they leave him alone.
You know, everybody is predicting LF is dying next episode. I can't help but think of how unjust of a death that will be.

Dude has always been a tricky snake, and for him to go out to two kids, in Winterfell, in between a lame ass period of time where Sansa is casually holding down the fort before her bro comes back.... it's going to suck lol. Went from a really important player in the background to a thorn in the side that's going to get brushed off.
They did resolve it... There was a scene showing White Walkers performing some sort of a ritual with the baby and turning its eyes blue. Obviously they weren't making it a wight, as creepy as that would be a baby wight would be useless in combat, so it was meant to tell us 'this is where the WWs come from' (other than the NK). Craster was sacrificing his boys to the WWs so that they leave him alone.

He's supposedly been sacrificing generations of kids no? Yet we only see like 3 white walkers.
You know, everybody is predicting LF is dying next episode. I can't help but think of how unjust of a death that will be.

Dude has always been a tricky snake, and for him to go out to two kids, in Winterfell, in between a lame ass period of time where Sansa is casually holding down the fort before her bro comes back.... it's going to suck lol. Went from a really important player in the background to a thorn in the side that's going to get brushed off.

perfect for such a shit character


You know, everybody is predicting LF is dying next episode. I can't help but think of how unjust of a death that will be.

Dude has always been a tricky snake, and for him to go out to two kids, in Winterfell, in between a lame ass period of time where Sansa is casually holding down the fort before her bro comes back.... it's going to suck lol. Went from a really important player in the background to a thorn in the side that's going to get brushed off.

I can't believe how Bran just disappeared in that last episode. He's probably the most important player in that equation at Winterfell.
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