What is Bran is Warged into the Ayra mask that Waif is wearing trapping her inside, forcing Waif to become Ayra by implanting Ayra's memories in Waif....

What is Bran is Warged into the Ayra mask that Waif is wearing trapping her inside, forcing Waif to become Ayra by implanting Ayra's memories in Waif....
I can't believe "is Arya secretly the Waif" has made a comeback.
Now who's going to make that low-hanging waifu joku?Arya may not be the waif, but she is certainly a waif. Check. Mate.
Now you guys have me thinking about how stupid it was that Arya beat the Waif by luring her into the dark and killing her with her magic Daredevil powers.
Are we to assume that the Waif never underwent blind training?
Are we to assume that the Waif never underwent blind training?
Are we to assume that the Waif never underwent blind training?
I mean, I'm pretty sure that's what they established in Arya's never-ending training subplot. If both of them have their eyes open, the Waif wins. When neither can see, Arya wins.
She seems like the type to never not kill someone, so probably not. It didn't seem to be training, but more of a punishment that turned out for the best for Arya.
Arya is not the waif, it's very obvious they played it straight, but I think everyone wants there to be "more" to it because the way they handled the end of Arya's arc in season 6 was so disappointingly stupid. After like two seasons of training, it would be far more satisfying to show how much she has learned and how she has changed in her approach to assassination. Instead she does the exact same straightforward obviously bad things, gets punished for it, and survives due to having lvl52 plot armor, and wins in the end because... the script said so. It's very weird!
Are we to assume that the Waif never underwent blind training?
It seemed like a fundamental stage of training since they continued training even when she was blinded. So I have to assume the Waif also underwent blind training. I don't imagine there's an accelerated course in the House of Black and White where the Waif is so good that she skips Daredevil 101.
Dany don't learn from her mistakes, if she had both her and the 3 dragon would have had on armor after they encountered Bronn a few episodes back.
The writers of the show really don't how to make tension and setbacks without it completely obliterating the character's arc. It would be great for Tyrion to be putting into place everything he's learned and show just how much of an asset he is now.. but he fucked literally everything up, yay!
And who pray tell runs a dragon armoury to outfit her dragons lol? Plus, you think armour is a concern for a guy that can throw a spear over 80 yards and hit a target dead on?
I know its been pointed out a million times, but Tyrion killed a lot of people and never showed remorse for it. He killed Davos' son and didn't even apologize or comment on it when Davos brought it up. Why is he so worried about Dany going into war? Just kill him off - I'm tired of his shitty leadership.
Imagine wanting the best character to die.Theon needs to die already. He was interesting when Ramsay was around, but now his time is up.
There's no reason for him to exist if he does nothing.Theon ain't doin' nothin'
Well that's your assumption, not anything ever shown in the series.
I only assume that cause the Waif is mocking of Arya for not being able to spar with her while blind. She had an air of arrogance as though she herself underwent that phase of training and aced it.
From Reddit.
Imagine if every time we saw Jon, Ghost was beside him?
I know its been pointed out a million times, but Tyrion killed a lot of people and never showed remorse for it. He killed Davos' son and didn't even apologize or comment on it when Davos brought it up. Why is he so worried about Dany going into war? Just kill him off - I'm tired of his shitty leadership.
Gendry invents mithril, didn't you know?
All of those were in the heat of battle or far away. We've seen him look away at an impending death many times.
this is fantastic
It's crazy how much jon has developed throughout the show. Say what you will about him, but he is through and through a badass warrior.
All of those were in the heat of battle or far away. We've seen him look away at an impending death many times.
I only assume that cause the Waif is mocking of Arya for not being able to spar with her while blind. She had an air of arrogance as though she herself underwent that phase of training and aced it.
Well no one asked him to be there when the invasion happens. He didn't have to go with Dany to the Loot Train attack either.
But then, what exactly does Tyrion want Dany to do? If it was up to Tyrion; Jon Snow, Jorah, Beric, the Hound, and Tormund would all be dead. He basically gives up on his own plan to bring the wight back after risking several peoples' lives. And he was against attacking the loot train, which was Dany's only major victory so far.
Pretty much all of season 6, Arya was telling them information, she kept failing in her quests, kept getting her ass handed to her. Then she gets an assassin on her, and the result is off screen. Then she has a completely confusing conversation with Jaqen which doesn't make sense considering how strict he has been on defining when someone is no one and ever since that point there's been tons of inconsistencies. Starting off with her walking perfectly normal when leaving the house of faces when she was badly injured. Her demeanour also changed completely from that point on.
Like Nymeria not recognizing her at first or seeming confused, her conversation with the lannister soldiers regarding King's Landing responding "it's not so bad, is it?" despite being there before. the entire hot pie conversation, the mention of Jon elicits little emotion, misstated events, doesn't mention who is left on her list (obvious misdirect as the waif doesn't know all the names on the list), her abilities suddenly becoming god tier (she never trained with a dagger) when she was merely ok. The one thing that also threw me off was the conversation with the winterfell guards, when she asked who was lady stark, like she didn't know the entire hierarchy of the Stark family, just the most immediate names. Because Arya would know that the only person that could be lady stark is Sansa, but to someone imitating her it could not be immediately clear. The only other starks left outside of sansa is bran, rickon (unaware of death) and benjen. the waif would not know all details, just enough to get by. In terms of a potential mates, Bran was crippled, rickon was far too young and benjen took the black. You may think she was playing with the guards but it came across as oblivious.
So far the reference to luwin and rodrik and recognizing hot pie are the only things going in the favor of not waif, but this information was potentially told through the game of faces. They were going into a lot of detail in that game in the glimpses we had.
A big thing is under the many faced God, you cannot kill someone that you want to kill, only be asked of it. (death not hers to take) This supports how Arya is killing the people on her list. She wished it, waif wouldn't care for it. But doing it is also following in her footsteps.
The theory can still be wrong, but I'm starting to believe it's far more likely to be real than not. It also falls in line with the potential for the big WTF in the final part of the series. There's just way too many subtle hints and inconsistencies.
He's fucking pissing me off. We're in a medieval world, and he suddenly wants to fight wars like he's advising the Federation or something. Dude, if she keeps civilian casualties to a minimum by just attacking the Red Keep, she's already an ocean width apart from her predecessors. Even today, there isn't a military commander worth their salt that wouldn't take that shot on Cersei.
Are you fucking kidding me with this pacifist shit? Hey let's not go for the jugular and get a quick victory, and instead get more civilians killed, lose our allies, and cry because we don't have the balls to do what needs to be done. Throw this loser out Dany, and get a military person in charge.
He was never against attacking the loot train. We never saw her even present that plan to him. He wanted her to proceed with the siege of KL and she accuses him of siding with his family and then nothing. Theon comes looking for the queen, Jon says she's gone, and it's only then that we find out what she plans to do.
Here's the one big one: Waif would have ZERO reasons to go through all that trouble to kill the entire Frey House. The killing of Walter Frey was very personal, like how Arya killed Meryn Trant. Waif wouldn do that.
And Bran is not going to be giving a Valyrian dagger to Arya. He would have known it isn't her because he knows of her travels.
Here's the one big one: Waif would have ZERO reasons to go through all that trouble to kill the entire Frey House. The killing of Walter Frey was very personal, like how Arya killed Meryn Trant. Waif wouldn do that.
And Bran is not going to be giving a Valyrian dagger to Arya. He would have known it isn't her because he knows of her travels.
Tyrion should have never stopped drinking, haven't seen him with a single cup of wine all season and he's been dumb as shit since.
I know its been pointed out a million times, but Tyrion killed a lot of people and never showed remorse for it. He killed Davos' son and didn't even apologize or comment on it when Davos brought it up. Why is he so worried about Dany going into war? Just kill him off - I'm tired of his shitty leadership.
King's Landing was being invaded by Stannis, not sure what this recent push back is about where Tyrion should feel bad about defending King's Landing. Pretty sure Tyrion was experiencing shock over Davos' son, it's a bit of a stretch to assume he didn't care. He's worried about Danerys possibly dying if she fights on her dragons and if she dies, it's quite possible her armies will be scattered to the wind, especially when there is no clear successor. Also, how was he to know that Casterly Rock was bankrupt? That information was hidden from him so obviously caught off guard by the bait and switch.
I don't know, I don't think there has been much to hate him for, outside of suggesting that he try to convince his sister by capturing the wight. Even in that case, I always found that plan was more about establishing an armistice so that Danerys could potentially help with the real war. Danerys, Tyrion none of them were completely sold on how serious of a threat the White Walkers are, they had never seen it first hand. Hell, the only people that seemed that convinced about it were those that had actually seen the real threat.
It's not the wine....
How long since he was last with a woman?
The God of Tits and Wine is losing his power.
One episode he admits to Jaime that the move Jaime pulled to abandon Casterly Rock caught him by surprise. Next episode he is telling Dany that he's all about taking his enemies view points so that he could better maneuver around their plans and plots. Dude is running around in circles being out played. The guy used to be great, but right now he's like Rafael Benitez being given the Madrid job, and he's fucking tanking us. We need Zizu in here ASAP! Sack his ass so he can go run House Newcastle, and get him away from the big boy's table.
King's Landing was being invaded by Stannis, not sure what this recent push back is about where Tyrion should feel bad about defending King's Landing. Pretty sure Tyrion was experiencing shock over Davos' son, it's a bit of a stretch to assume he didn't care. He's worried about Danerys possibly dying if she fights on her dragons and if she dies, it's quite possible her armies will be scattered to the wind, especially when there is no clear successor. Also, how was he to know that Casterly Rock was bankrupt? That information was hidden from him so obviously caught off guard by the bait and switch.
I don't know, I don't think there has been much to hate him for, outside of suggesting that he try to convince his sister by capturing the wight. Even in that case, I always found that plan was more about establishing an armistice so that Danerys could potentially help with the real war. Danerys, Tyrion none of them were completely sold on how serious of a threat the White Walkers are, they had never seen it first hand. Hell, the only people that seemed that convinced about it were those that had actually seen the real threat.
Is Waif pronounced like vanilla wafer or wife?
Maybe the Waif when she was holding a dying Arya in her arms, made a promise to Arya to avenge her family.
"Promise me Waif, promise me!"
Arya with the last of her dying breath, quickly recapped who was on her list that needed to be killed, all the people she met on her journey, the members of her family that were still alive, and she asked the Waif to prioritise going back to Winterfell if given the chance because that's what the real Arya would do. The Waif being so rigid and dickish, would also explain the narrow minded attitude towards Sansa. She's pulling from what Arya told her about her feelings towards her sister, but is dialing it to 11. This also explains why Nymeria didn't join up with her. She looks like Arya but doesn't have her scent. So Nymeria can't figure her out so she bounces.
I've turned around on the plan. I think it actually works. Tyrion was one of the few people in the South to know about the White Walkers. I think his plan to capture one and bring it to Cersei was earnest and not a ploy to get both sides to agree to an armistice. I think he takes the threat seriously, even if he didn't want to tell Daenerys that.