He's worried about them becoming distracted. Or becoming "afraid," as Greyworm would put it.
Lol9He was born in Dorne, but a Targaryen bastard should have been named Waters. So...Jon Waters.
Good grief.
Well duh. I was making fun of them using the same actor for Rhaegar.
Someone should photoshop Jorah in that. Daario, too.
Well duh. I was making fun of them using Viserys's actor for Rhaegar.
Because he's not a good person. He's back stabbing, self centered character and even though that makes him interesting, he's still a bad guy and people want to see bad guys get their just desserts.
Wait, really?
I thought the guy we saw was the guy who got killed by molten metal...in season 1 or 2.
So confused.
Dude, like Bran literally said it. I'm still not convinced you're serious.no, I've watched the show as it has aired
I still think this could have been explained better
This is either the face of betrayal or the face of jealousy:
Walking around the Wall? That's the only reason I can think of why they went towards Eastwatch and not Castle Black. Maybe they have ships? Someone had to make those chains that they pulled Viserion out with.Ill do you one better, wtf were the white walkers plannong on doing predragon?
Especially since right now he is known for being a bastard.
So no one is gonna mention the fact that the last we saw of Tyrion and Cersei was him realizing she's pregnant and then them cutting to him walking up to Jon and Dany, and then this is the next time we see a shot focused on him?It's the face of someone concerned that she's shacking up with someone that puts honor before reason.
Ill do you one better, wtf were the white walkers plannong on doing predragon?
This is either the face of betrayal or the face of jealousy:
They went really heavy on how upset he was about Cercei's kids deaths and then the realization that she was pregnant with his brothers child.
I would like to think this was to distract us, but this season has been beyond predictable so definitely betrayalthon coming
Varys won
Nope, different guy.
This is either the face of betrayal or the face of jealousy:
I think they were planning on getting one the whole time.Ill do you one better, wtf were the white walkers plannong on doing predragon?
This is either the face of betrayal or the face of jealousy:
They didn't talk about how dany had an older brother enough.
Am I crazy or did they completely gloss over the whole Grey Worm and Euron Casterly Rock Siege?
This is either the face of betrayal or the face of jealousy:
No they completely glossed over it. It lowkey pissed me off
No darrio at least got to hit itSomeone should photoshop Jorah in that. Daario, too.
So no one is gonna mention the fact that the last we saw of Tyrion and Cersei was him realizing she's pregnant and then them cutting to him walking up to Jon and Dany, and then this is the next time we see a shot focused on him?
Remember when he was talking to dany about her heir? That's what he probably thinking. If dany dies, then Jon becomes king, if both die, then the baby will be hidden, until saidt child is old enoughThis is either the face of betrayal or the face of jealousy:
Idk I didn't get a jealous vibe from Tyrion. I've never gotten the impression he views Dany in a romance light whatsoever.
Something was for sure off with that scene but I don't think its jealousy
My man Bran really pulled out that court record, Arya presented the murder weapon as decisive evidence, and Sansa hit Littlefinger with that OBJECTION. Sent that man to hell
I don't understand the complaints about things being somewhat predictable. Why does predictability have to be a negative?
Also Littlefinger's comeuppance is one of my favorite scenes of the entire series.
Then don't talk shit on the show for "poorly bringing it up" because you didn't listen or do any ounce of researchI bet they are and you will see a lot of it brought up on twitter and facebook
people on here just have a super high standard for knowing everything about this show because they like to discuss it on the internet.
most people were lost like me at that part.
And if the baby is conceived that'd mean it's a bastard.
We're to assume Euron is only capable of doing stuff at sea, and that Grey Worm and the rest of the unsullied marched from Casterly Rock to King's Landing.Am I crazy or did they completely gloss over the whole Grey Worm and Euron Casterly Rock Siege?
This is either the face of betrayal or the face of jealousy:
This is either the face of betrayal or the face of jealousy:
Am I crazy or did they completely gloss over the whole Grey Worm and Euron Casterly Rock Siege?
I'm excited that my Jon-Dany shipping is cannon, but I would bet Dany will be killed and her unborn child will be plucked from her stomach.
See... I told yall I'm not the only one confused.
I thought it was that guy for a second but realized he would of been a child then.
They didn't talk about how dany had an older brother enough.
I read a comment that made sense. Tyrion plotted with Cersei, that why he was sad in the end.