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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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Will either of them even know at that point? Given her rather soft stance on the iron islands, I could see her being okay with the Starks so long as they support her claim to the crown.
Is Bran going to ruin 2 more lives breaking up Dany and Jon by telling them they're related?


alright, really good seasn, just one quick question. Why was Varys on the boat in the last scene? He was in Dorne just right before.. He can teleport all of a sudden?
I dont understand.



]blacky[;208606959 said:
What does GAF think will happen, when Daenerys meets Joh Snow?

I think I'm almost more interested in Jon and Theon coming face to face again. Or Bran and Theon. Or Tyrion and either of his siblings. A lot of shit to unpack between those pairings.


Unconfirmed Member
]blacky[;208606959 said:
What does GAF think will happen, when Daenerys meets Joh Snow?

If the White Walkers haven't already invaded by then I'm assuming he'd tell her about them. She's surrounded by people who actually like the Starks as well, so I'm guessing she wouldn't immediately burn them alive.
alright, really good seasn, just one quick question. Why was Varys on the boat in the last scene? He was in Dorne just right before.. He can teleport all of a sudden?
I dont understand.

If Varys is shown in one place early in an episode and in another in the final scene, is the logical conclusion that he teleported, or that time passed?

Lots of time had already past before that last scene. If you look closely, both the Martels and Tyrells's have ships in that fleet.
Yeah. It's safe to assume anyone within a pretty large radius is either dead or severely injured even if inside buildings because that was a hell of an explosion. And everywhere the Wildfire splashed caused even more damage. It's basically fallout radiation that doesn't stick around afterwards but still melts anything it touches until it burns up.

They all ded.

What's the layout of King's Landing? Are there civilians in the buildings around the Sept? Or are they all Sept-related buildings in that area?
I could be wrong but I think that's where a good portion of the sparrows and the beggars would hang out. They're always portrayed as milling around in the blocks around the building whenever someone important visits (or when cersei did her walk).
If I was the head of programming for HBO, Which I'm not, After GoT I would put that money and spotlight on a completely different genre (most likely Sci Fi).

As good as Witcher could be as a TV show any HBO fantasy series replacing GoT will get shit on from second one.
After the Sprawl trilogy and some extra bits are done then do Witcher.
The Foundation Series on HBO would be incredible.


If I was the head of programming for HBO, Which I'm not, After GoT I would put that money and spotlight on a completely different genre (most likely Sci Fi).

As good as Witcher could be as a TV show any HBO fantasy series replacing GoT will get shit on from second one.
After the Sprawl trilogy and some extra bits are done then do Witcher.

Game of Thrones 40k. Starks in space.


This is kind of adorable:
What was the most difficult or complicated shot to get in this episode?

The final sequence of seeing the armada on its way to Westeros was complicated because it involved so many different ships, and we only had one that we had to redress and shoot again and again. It was also raining and freezing when we shot it, and it was meant to be a Mediterranean climate. Emilia [Clarke] got so cold, her jaw started shaking uncontrollably and she totally lost her thread as far as what she was meant to be thinking in that moment (the cold will do that). She asked me to help, so I suggested that she just hum the theme to Game of Thrones in her head while we were rolling the cameras, and apparently that worked because it’s the take we used in the final cut!


All 26 hours. Multiple times.
Time passed between scenes. There were also Dorne and Tyrell ships in the fleet at the end.

There were also several other parts of the episode where obvious time skips occurred. We saw the white ravens leaving the Citadel at Oldtown when Sam arrived, way in the south of Westeros. Then we see a white raven arriving at Wintefell, way in the north of Westeros. Jaime is at the Twins and travels back to King's Landing. Arya has had time to travel from Braavos to the Twins. Varys had time to travel from Dorne, along with the Dorne and Tyrell armies, to meet Dany's fleet.

yeah the former all good an all. But all the way to meeren is way farther then anything in westeros.
but ok, time skips. Didnt catch the queen of thornes on the ship too, or tyrell and dorne ships even..

a bit to hasty for my taste. but other then that a phenomenal episode. on of the best overall even.

edit: also thanks to anyone else' replys and the cogman tweets


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Loved the finale, some observations:

LF learns about the size of the army Daenerys commands, uses connection to Lady Olenna (#Joffrey) to get admitted in team Dragons. Sand Snakes will be a problem down the road.

Loved the little detail of renaming Slavers Bay. Leaving the Second Sons to control Meeren and Daario made sense.

Amazing work with the sound throughout the episode. Joining different themes to put a twist on the song of ice and fire was cherry on top. Just excellent work.

Littlefinger ain't coming within a mile of Dany. Varys and Tyrion are her advisors, and neither one of them is in with that shifty bastard.

I'm getting some bad mojos from the way Daario reacted to Dany's request. His outburst of "fuck Mereen! Fuck the people!" really makes me worried that this shithead might act out.

Yep, loved the mixing of the themes. The theme playing during Jon's "King of the North" scene I felt referenced his Targ/Stark heritage, and it playing again right after Dany's closing theme I felt foreshadowed those two's future. Dany has family again, and this time it isn't an awful brother who only wanted to use her for his gain.

Amazing finale, I had tears in my eyes during the Tower of Joy seen. Brilliantly shot and acted. One thing that is bothering me though, why did Lyanna whisper his name to Ned? Why didn't she just say it out loud? From what I can gather she says "His name is Aejon, promise me you will protect him, Robert will kill him - you know he will!" Although the name is a bit hard to hear you can sort of lip read her and it's definitely not just "Jon".

How do you even pronounce Aejon? A-juh-on?

Yeah I also made out Aejon as well. Which further cements that Rhaegar did not kidnap and rape Lyarra. After All, why give their son a Targaryen name if that indeed was the case?

Tullys are still around. Edmure was in the dungeon as of the finale and he has a kid. Baratheons, Boltons, Freys are wiped out. Tyrells and Lannisters have no heirs. Were the Umbers/Karstarks wiped out?

e: O yeah, the Martells are wiped out this season too

Are they though? Those were Martell sigils on those ships sent to help pick up Dany and her group. With Ellara now almost certainly regent of Dorne (probably holding the throne for her eldest daughter), it's fathomable that she legitimised one or all of the Sand Snakes. I mean she did kill off Doran and his heir and no one in Dorne seems to care, what's stopping her from changing some names on her children's birth certificate? And before any of you say, "well KL has to approve!" Let's not forget that Dorne gives no shit to anyone not a Targ.


I think a lot of people missed those Martell and Tyrell sails in Dany's fleet. Seeing them better might have made the time skip a bit less jarring.


I think a lot of people missed those Martell and Tyrell sails in Dany's fleet. Seeing them better might have made the time skip a bit less jarring.

It would. Pan left to right across painted sails: Rose, Flaming Sun, Kraken, Shield & Crossed Spears, Horse's Head, Dragon. Pan down to Dany's entourage on the lead ship.
First thought from that last ep was that Cersei's gone off the deep end, and is likely gonna end up being taken out by Jamie same way as the mad king come the final ep of the series (Or sooner).

Though... what was the point of reintroducing the Brotherhood without Banners angle at this point a couple of eps ago if it wasn't going to go anywhere this season?
First thought from that last ep was that Cersei's gone off the deep end, and is likely gonna end up being taken out by Jamie same way as the mad king come the final ep of the series (Or sooner).

Though... what was the point of reintroducing the Brotherhood without Banners angle at this point a couple of eps ago if it wasn't going to go anywhere this season?

Them and Hound, Ayra, and Meli seem to be heading to to the the same place.


Why isn't there a Star Wars RPG? And wouldn't James Bond make for a pretty good FPS?
Early on in the show I was so excited about Dany's invasion and wanted to see the most epic battle of all time between Dany, her dragons and the Unsullied against the Lannister and Tyrell forces and their allies. I thought that was going to be the focus of the second last season before dealing with the WW situation in the last season.
But with my expectations from the beginning of this show, the invasion will be the most anticlimatic thing ever. I mean who's gonna stand in Dany's way? Cersei and who?


Early on in the show I was so excited about Dany's invasion and wanted to see the most epic battle of all time between Dany, her dragons and the Unsullied against the Lannister and Tyrell forces and their allies. I thought that was going to be the focus of the second last season before dealing with the WW situation in the last season.
But with my expectations from the beginning of this show, the invasion will be the most anticlimatic thing ever. I mean who's gonna stand in Dany's way? Cersei and who?

I expect infighting will do more damage than an enemy. The dothraki won't like being told they can't rape and enslave.


Early on in the show I was so excited about Dany's invasion and wanted to see the most epic battle of all time between Dany, her dragons and the Unsullied against the Lannister and Tyrell forces and their allies. I thought that was going to be the focus of the second last season before dealing with the WW situation in the last season.
But with my expectations from the beginning of this show, the invasion will be the most anticlimatic thing ever. I mean who's gonna stand in Dany's way? Cersei and who?


Dany's invasion isn't even the main event.



Motherfucking Dune

It's fantasy x sci-fi. It's perfect.

Get D&D to do it.

Finished the Dune audiobook last year, and loved it. I thought that it felt like Game of Thrones in space lol. I think it would make for great television.

Witcher would also be awesome. Would kill for a solid tv series.


I would love to see an HBO adaptation of Wheel of Time.

I could see that series working well for a series, although the magic battles might be difficult to translate to screen. I'd pity the actress playing Nynaeve as she'll tug at her braid enough to give herself a concussion.


The white walkers better win. If the show ended with a shot of the Night King sitting on the iron thrown, and then panned out to show the entire world has been engulfed by winter, I would be very satisfied!

I read that in her voice. It's perfect.
Early on in the show I was so excited about Dany's invasion and wanted to see the most epic battle of all time between Dany, her dragons and the Unsullied against the Lannister and Tyrell forces and their allies. I thought that was going to be the focus of the second last season before dealing with the WW situation in the last season.
But with my expectations from the beginning of this show, the invasion will be the most anticlimatic thing ever. I mean who's gonna stand in Dany's way? Cersei and who?

I don't want to get your hopes up, because Dany vs. Westeros probably will be pretty disappointing, but keep in mind her army is basically the worst army ever when it comes to siege. Dothraki are horse nomads. Reavers are pirates. They have no supply train (since their holdings are across the ocean) and indications are they're going to be a foraging army during winter. The dragons are great, but there's only three of them; they can't be very many places at once.

Realistically? Her army should fail, spectacularly. They should hit their first major castle siege, strip the nearby land bare of forage, then starve to death from lack of supplies while having no real meaningful way of cracking a hard inland target with their horse-archers and pirate ships.

That probably won't happen, I'm fully expecting a steamroll due to Deus Ex Draco, but in a "realistic" situation she actually has a pretty shit army for the war she wants to fight, not counting the possibility of being gifted a kingdom outright to use as a foothold.


I don't want to get your hopes up, because Dany vs. Westeros probably will be pretty disappointing, but keep in mind her army is basically the worst army ever when it comes to siege. Dothraki are horse nomads. Reavers are pirates. They have no supply train (since their holdings are across the ocean) and indications are they're going to be a foraging army during winter. The dragons are great, but there's only three of them; they can't be very many places at once.

Realistically? Her army should fail, spectacularly. They should hit their first major castle siege, strip the nearby land bare of forage, then starve to death from lack of supplies while having no real meaningful way of cracking a hard inland target with their horse-archers and pirate ships.

That probably won't happen, I'm fully expecting a steamroll due to Deus Ex Draco, but in a "realistic" situation she actually has a pretty shit army for the war she wants to fight, not counting the possibility of being gifted a kingdom outright to use as a foothold.
I feel like you're forgetting she's got Dorne and Tyrell forces now too. Not to mention you shouldn't discount the dragons when it comes to a siege situation. We saw how easy it was for a single giant to prevent a siege at Winterfell, now imagine three dragons just straight up flying over the courtyard and literally melting the stone walls around the gate of a castle, blasting fire at any building turning it into an oven and roasting those inside.

Reminder that Harrenhal is in perpetual ruin because of a dragon attack. The spires of the castle look like melted candles:


I wonder what happened to the rest of Edmure's men from Riverrun.

If I were Cersei, I'd be planning to invade Highgarden. They have ample food and they're well off monetarily, and after the Green Trial they're probably already fomenting rebellion.


I don't want to get your hopes up, because Dany vs. Westeros probably will be pretty disappointing, but keep in mind her army is basically the worst army ever when it comes to siege. Dothraki are horse nomads. Reavers are pirates. They have no supply train (since their holdings are across the ocean) and indications are they're going to be a foraging army during winter. The dragons are great, but there's only three of them; they can't be very many places at once.

Realistically? Her army should fail, spectacularly. They should hit their first major castle siege, strip the nearby land bare of forage, then starve to death from lack of supplies while having no real meaningful way of cracking a hard inland target with their horse-archers and pirate ships.

That probably won't happen, I'm fully expecting a steamroll due to Deus Ex Draco, but in a "realistic" situation she actually has a pretty shit army for the war she wants to fight, not counting the possibility of being gifted a kingdom outright to use as a foothold.

The Tyrells will supply them with food, as they did the Lannisters. If anyone will be starving, it will be King's Landing. I also think 3 dragons as they are shown, is enough to open a path into the city for the troops. No need for seige weapons then, but if they do need them, they can always be built. I'm sure someone in Westeros knows how to build them.
I feel like you're forgetting she's got Dorne and Tyrell forces now too.

That's why I said, "the possibility of being granted a kingdom outright to use as a foothold", though Dorne is probably the worst one to have for those purposes. (Okay, the Iron Isles would be the worst, but Dorne's a close second. Proximity and crop yield are ridiculously important factors for medieval warfare.)

Not to mention you shouldn't discount the dragons when it comes to a siege situation. We saw how easy it was for a single giant to prevent a siege at Winterfell, now imagine three dragons just straight up flying over the courtyard and literally melting the stone walls around the gate of a castle, blasting fire at any building turning it into an oven and roasting those inside.

... and that would be why I said "Deus Ex Draco". I fully expect them to treat the dragons as a narrative solution to anything and everything.

Though, again, realistically: there are three of them, and they aren't immortal. If she splits them up, the chances of losing them increases dramatically, and one dragon per castle doesn't put her very deep into Westeros before she stalls out. If she keeps them together, she can only roll over one castle at a time; she's basically got a roving rape-gang, not an actual conquering army. If she burns castles to the ground, she's got no way to hold onto the lands she's taken short of leaving massive numbers of troops behind to occupy them.

Taking over a large amount of territory and actually holding it with infantry is incredibly difficult; Daenerys couldn't even successfully hold more than one city in Slaver's Bay at a time, for reference. As should surprise no one, at some point it's going to come down to politics whether or not she can actually conquer Westeros as opposed to just wrecking everyone's shit and then getting bored and going home.


That's why I said, "the possibility of being granted a kingdom outright to use as a foothold", though Dorne is probably the worst one to have for those purposes. (Okay, the Iron Isles would be the worst, but Dorne's a close second. Proximity and crop yield are ridiculously important factors for medieval warfare.)

While The Reach is the best one possible, and that's the other one that they have, which you conveniently omitted.
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