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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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I believed in the LoL, but moved away from it recently. I now share the belief there are really no gods and it's all just magic done by witches and priests who don't believe in their own abilities and think the LoL does it. Of course it's sort of unlikely a drunken ass Thoros of Myr would be able to bring someone back while others presumably can't. So that speaks for the LoL existing. But if so he really screwed up by sending Mel confusing messages that indicated to her that Stannis was the chosen one, when he never really was :p

I'm not sure what to think of the LoL. There's clearly something there, as we've directly seen Thoros and Melisandre do some pretty incredible things. Maybe there is a god, maybe not. Perhaps something in between. Thoros and Melisandre seem to have radically different views, though. Thoros probably would have burned/sacrificed the Brotherhood rebels if he was like Melisandre.

To give the LoL characters credit, Melisandre, Beric, and Thoros all recognize that the major threat is coming from the North. Melisandre was an "ends justify the means" type who was willing to do anything to get Stannis prepared. Unfortunately for her, he wasn't the "one" and she ended up getting him and a lot of other people killed. Thoros is content to stay with Beric, and it sounds like they'll be there when the Whitewalkers finally make their move.
I can't believe Dany is willing to get married to some stranger to reach her goals. What happened to her? She could get there just by conquering, as she has been doing this whole time, but I guess she wants a shortcut?
Probably wants to avoid another Harpy situation by creating more alliances immediately, so she is welcomed nearly everywhere. Saves troops too for the eventual KL attack

To give the LoL characters credit, Melisandre, Beric, and Thoros all recognize that the major threat is coming from the North. Melisandre was an "ends justify the means" type who was willing to do anything to get Stannis prepared. Unfortunately for her, he wasn't the "one" and she ended up getting him and a lot of other people killed. Thoros is content to stay with Beric, and it sounds like they'll be there when the Whitewalkers finally make their move.
Yeah, regardless of prophecies or whatever, Beric is gonna play a part in the battle with the WW together with the hound.


Neo Member
I noticed that, but they might change their rules temporarily once they find out that the Wall was destroyed and an army of the dead is coming for them.

Sam might also find something interesting regarding what Dawn is made of. It might be even more potent than Valyrian against the White Walkers. I don't see the Night King going out in just one hit of Valyrian/Dragon Glass like the other White Walkers.

Maybe, maybe not. I don't know if the characters would take such a gamble, though. Right now Jon knows the White Walkers are susceptible to Dragonglass and Dragonsteel. If he's going to look for alternative weapons against them, the logical conclusion is for him to look for more Dragonstuff.
I can't believe Dany is willing to get married to some stranger to reach her goals. What happened to her? She could get there just by conquering, as she has been doing this whole time, but I guess she wants a shortcut?

No, the purpose of Dany making an alliance through marriage is that she wants to establish order on the seven kingdoms. Better public image, I think, for her to unify the lands through a political marriage rather than conquering everything.


the king in the north scene gives me goosebumps, lyanna's speech "But House Mormont remembers. The North remembers...", the background music, the "king in the north" chants... shiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeetttt.

Yeah, that was super hype. I especially loved this,

"Jon Snow avenged The Red Wedding! He is the White Wolf! The King in the North!!!"

King in the North!!!
Does anyone remember this fun little conversation between Ned and Robert?

Robert: What if she (Dany) sails across with her horde? There will be war
Ned: She won't, she has no ships. If she does, we will kick her right back where she came from

Didn't pan out so well, now did it. I doubt anyone is able to kick her back now. It also highlights again how much worse their intel is nowadays compared to S1. Back then they knew exactly what Dany was up to and reacted to it. Now they don't know shit and she is basically at their doorsteps. I guess Varys leaving really messed them up. Kinda funny though there hasn't even been rumours or anything
Am I the only one who thought the Arya reveal was the worst part of an overall amazing episode? I've commented on it once and no one really responded, so I'm afraid I'm the only one who thinks her reveal and subsequent kill of Frey wasn't very impactful. Maybe it was the way it was filmed or something...I don't know.
Yeah, that was super hype. I especially loved this,

"Jon Snow avenged The Red Wedding! He is the White Wolf! The King in the North!!!"

King in the North!!!
This was pretty cool, but at the same time I was like "Did any of you give a shit about the Red Wedding?" because they sure as shit snuggled up to the Boltons, even if out of fear. But I guess Lady Mormont made them do a 180 real quick.
Also too bad Pycelle died without revealing he was just faking it. I half expected him to suddenly start running and get away somehow lol
Also too bad Pycelle died without revealing he was just faking it. I half expected him to suddenly start running and get away somehow lol
Yeah. He ever-so slightly revealed it when he backhanded that first kid. I like how subtle it was that they didn't focus on the fact he suddenly stood straight and acted normal while he defended himself. The moment was just so quick though before they got him down.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I would really love it if HBO showed us a flashback that gave us a glimpse of the People's Prince:


I want to hear him play music for the common folk :(


Does anyone remember this fun little conversation between Ned and Robert?

Robert: What if she (Dany) sails across with her horde? There will be war
Ned: She won't, she has no ships. If she does, we will kick her right back where she came from

Didn't pan out so well, now did it. I doubt anyone is able to kick her back now. It also highlights again how much worse their intel is nowadays compared to S1. Back then they knew exactly what Dany was up to and reacted to it. Now they don't know shit and she is basically at their doorsteps. I guess Varys leaving really messed them up. Kinda funny though there hasn't even been rumours or anything

I always read that as thinly veiled defensiveness on Ned's part since I became suspect of Jon's origin since at least season 2. He REALLY wanted Robert to come off it with his Targ blood fixation, and for damn good reason. lol


Am I the only one who thought the Arya reveal was the worst part of an overall amazing episode? I've commented on it once and no one really responded, so I'm afraid I'm the only one who thinks her reveal and subsequent kill of Frey wasn't very impactful. Maybe it was the way it was filmed or something...I don't know.

I thought it was a great scene but was brought down by everything that had come before it in Arya's story. I mean, I didn't even realise she could do the faceless men stuff and if she could, why didn't she use that against the Waif? She went from a complete dumbass a couple of episodes back to a master assassin. I wish we had seen that progression over the course of this season but they really dropped the ball.

Burlington Bar posted their part 1 reaction video of the final.

I wonder how crazy they get at r+l=j and the King in the North scenes. My guilty pleasure is watching reactions to the big GoTs episodes.


This is totally standard Ye Olde Tymey Medieval stuff. Marriages are for making alliances, not love.

Further proved by her lover saying he doesn't care if she has a husband as long as they are together. Emotional love and marriage are very different things in the land of Westeros especially for noble born.

Ser Loras is also a good example. He would have happily fathered a few children and continue his heritage and his family was a-ok with him taking it up the bum.

Which reminds me. We are out of gay bros in GoT :(
Daenerys and Yara can fix that


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I always read that as thinly veiled defensiveness on Ned's part since I became suspect of Jon's origin since at least season 2. He REALLY wanted Robert to come off it with his Targ blood fixation, and for damn good reason. lol

Going back to those earlier scenes armed with the information we now have, does add more layers to them.


So many juicy bits here. Robert stating he'd kill every Targaryen he can get his hands own, and Ned responding with, "well you can't get your hands on this one." The double meaning in that he could also be referring to Jon as well. It's also telling how there's no look of malice on Ned's face when Robert starts stating that Rhaegar raped Lyanna.


Yeah, I'm gonna hold you to that, look forward to eating crow.... in two years ;)

There's no possible way this story ends on a sour note, you think the show is going to end with the White Walkers conquering westeros? Please, there may be some unexpected losses but the show is undoubtedly going to end with a new "good" status quo installed for this universe.

I fully expect it to end how GRRM has it in his head that it will end. Perhaps it'll be bitter sweet.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
izzat rhaegar?


A drawing of the Prince, yeah.

Sir Barriston told Dany her brother was beloved by many, yet Robert the Manwhore of Westeros was adamant he kidnapped and raped Lyarra. We obviously know that's not true, but I would love to see how this all went down.
A drawing of the Prince, yeah.

Sir Barriston told Dany her brother was beloved by many, yet Robert the Manwhore of Westeros was adamant he kidnapped and raped Lyarra. We obviously know that's not true, but I would love to see how this all went down.

i also would like to see that

o yes

rhaegar and lyanna is my favourite back story


Neo Member
A drawing of the Prince, yeah.

Sir Barriston told Dany her brother was beloved by many, yet Robert the Manwhore of Westeros was adamant he kidnapped and raped Lyarra. We obviously know that's not true, but I would love to see how this all went down.

I normally wouldn't correct someone over getting the name of a character wrong. But Lyarra Stark is a character that exists, though the show hasn't mentioned her. Rhaegar "kidnapped" Ned's sister Lyanna, not his mother lol.
I normally wouldn't correct someone over getting the name of a character wrong. But Lyarra Stark is a character that exists, though the show hasn't mentioned her. Rhaegar "kidnapped" Ned's sister Lyanna, not his mother lol.

tbh name correctness is one of my lesser annoyances too XD haha
Watch Troy but imagine Orlando Bloom is wearing his Legolas wig.


not orlando bloom

*brain bleach*

thanks for that >:O

edit: lol didnt mean to come across that harshly ... i actually like orlando as legolas. but ... not as rhaegar. no.
While I do appreciate the armor designs and the look of GoT, I do wish the various armies wore the bright tabards as that's always been a really cool look to my mind.

Armor with tabard and the leather sword belt hugging it tight to the body is just a boss look.

For how wild Targaryen armor is always depicted in artwork the only time I think we've seen it on the show it was very grounded.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Is my punishment going to be listening to Danny telling me all her titles for an hour? I take all my facts back if that's the case.

Worse. You'll be made to write out her titles on a chalkboard till all the venom has drained from your tired hands.

I normally wouldn't correct someone over getting the name of a character wrong. But Lyarra Stark is a character that exists, though the show hasn't mentioned her. Rhaegar "kidnapped" Ned's sister Lyanna, not his mother lol.

Lol Thanks for pointing that out.


Going back to those earlier scenes armed with the information we now have, does add more layers to them.


So many juicy bits here. Robert stating he'd kill every Targaryen he can get his hands own, and Ned responding with, "well you can't get your hands on this one." The double meaning in that he could also be referring to Jon as well. It's also telling how there's no look of malice on Ned's face when Robert starts stating that Rhaegar raped Lyanna.

Exactly. That's one of the scenes I probably watched 40 times over... I fucking smelled something going on subtextually in that conversation. Something about Ned's replies just seemed 'spicious. lol The way he AGGRESSIVELY retorts in the face of what should be *factual* statements by Robert. Who talks that way to a king in the context of this discussion? I don't care that they've been BFFs, Ned (at face value) had *no reason* to talk to Robert like that.

Damn well acted by Sean Bean. Everything he did in that scene was just spot on what it needed to be to fit into the bigger picture.


Watched the episode again. Got a better look at all the different house sails on the boats in the very last scene - obviously Targaeryen and Sunspear (Dorne). Saw some Tyrells there too, which is a little goofy considering the Reach is adjacent to King's Landing, so sailing from Highgarden all the way around damn Westeros is to attack from the east doesn't make much sense.

But it made a badass visual, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



not orlando bloom

*brain bleach*

thanks for that >:O

edit: lol didnt mean to come across that harshly ... i actually like orlando as legolas. but ... not as rhaegar. no.

It's cool :)

I think he would be a terrible Rhaegar as well.


For how wild Targaryen armor is always depicted in artwork the only time I think we've seen it on the show it was very grounded.

Yeah that armor stood out to me as a bit drab especially considering those dudes are Kingsguard. I guess considering they were at war rather than in ceremonial garb it makes sense though.

At the same time, the normal Kingsguard gear is pretty utilitarian and seems like it would be fine in war times and it looks soooo good.



Watched the episode again. Got a better look at all the different house sails on the boats in the very last scene - obviously Targaeryen and Sunspear (Dorne). Saw some Tyrells there too, which is a little goofy considering the Reach is adjacent to King's Landing, so sailing from Highgarden all the way around damn Westeros is to attack from the east doesn't make much sense.

But it made a badass visual, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I took it more as the Tyrells had enough wealth to also allow them to maintain a well run naval armada. That naval armada then just met up with Danny's and the Iron born.
Watched the episode again. Got a better look at all the different house sails on the boats in the very last scene - obviously Targaeryen and Sunspear (Dorne). Saw some Tyrells there too, which is a little goofy considering the Reach is adjacent to King's Landing, so sailing from Highgarden all the way around damn Westeros is to attack from the east doesn't make much sense.

But it made a badass visual, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

They were most likely there to help bring Dany's forces over, the more ships the better. Then they'll probably land safely in Dorne or wherever. An amphibious assault doesn't really make sense with all those horses.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Exactly. That's one of the scenes I probably watched 40 times over... I fucking smelled something going on subtextually in that conversation. Something about Ned's replies just seemed 'spicious. lol The way he AGGRESSIVELY retorts in the face of what should be *factual* statements by Robert. Who talks that way to a king in the context of this discussion? I don't care that they've been BFFs, Ned (at face value) had *no reason* to talk to Robert like that.

Damn well acted by Sean Bean. Everything he did in that scene was just spot on what it needed to be to fit into the bigger picture.

I changed the video I originally linked to one that starts the scene a little earlier. First of all, Robert would have made an awful husband, as he is here reminiscing about all the women he bedded. In fact he asks Ned if they should just leave right now and go hit the road and adventure, and bed "wrenches." Second, Ned's face when Robert asks him the name of the woman who bore him Jon, betrays a great deal. Why would Ned get all defensive, and refuse for this long to say who the mother is? He won't even describe how she looked like. well now we know why. But all the details are so masterfully laid out prior to the reveal.


Unconfirmed Member
There's got to be more to the story though than they were in love.

I know running away from your betrothed is frowned upon, but she put her entire family at war and risked their lives. I guess we know nothing about her character, but it seems strange to me that she wouldn't send a Raven to Ned or something.


I would really love it if HBO showed us a flashback that gave us a glimpse of the People's Prince:

I want to hear him play music for the common folk :(
I wouldn't be surprised if we get something like that next year, with the Tower of Joy stoking Bran's curiosity.
Yeah that armor stood out to me as a bit drab especially considering those dudes are Kingsguard. I guess considering they were at war rather than in ceremonial garb it makes sense though.

At the same time, the normal Kingsguard gear is pretty utilitarian and seems like it would be fine in war times and it looks soooo good.


i like the kingsguard armour

very nice


So questions:

1. I forget but why would Arya have Meli on her kill list? I know they met a few seasons ago but I'm forgetting why Arya wants her dead.

2. What's the theory about the sword the camera zoomed in on during the flashback to the tower of Joy scene?

3. ToJ is in Dorne?

4. Also there was a scene in season 1, after Ned is killed in believe, where Arya over hears a conversation between the man who was helping Dany and her brother across the sea and either Varys or LF. Can someone recap that scene and conversation? I think it was Varys which means he was setting up Dany with the Dothraki?
Do people honestly think Dany will let North become independent from the rest of Westeros? I mean, her basic ideal of returning to Westeros to take the throne and the whole continent is pretty much in opposite of what the rest of North wants. And the Targaryens has always had the rest of kingdoms under their banner.


I changed the video I originally linked to one that starts the scene a little earlier. First of all, Robert would have made an awful husband, as he is here reminiscing about all the women he bedded. In fact he asks Ned if they should just leave right now and go hit the road and adventure, and bed "wrenches." Second, Ned's face when Robert asks him the name of the woman who bore him Jon, betrays a great deal. Why would Ned get all defensive, and refuse for this long to say who the mother is? He won't even describe how she looked like. well now we know why. But all the details are so masterfully laid out prior to the reveal.

Robert: "Never told me what she looked like."

Ned: "Nor will I." As he looks away dismissively.

God damn. Those details. Sooo good. Those were like words of treason. Not just from a hand to a king, but from a friend to another. A betrayal of comradery. Ned was really pushing it.
Yeah that armor stood out to me as a bit drab especially considering those dudes are Kingsguard. I guess considering they were at war rather than in ceremonial garb it makes sense though.

At the same time, the normal Kingsguard gear is pretty utilitarian and seems like it would be fine in war times and it looks soooo good.


Tywin Lannister in armor though....Can't get more bad ass.


4. Also there was a scene in season 1, after Ned is killed in believe, where Arya over hears a conversation between the man who was helping Dany and her brother across the sea and either Varys or LF. Can someone recap that scene and conversation? I think it was Varys which means he was setting up Dany with the Dothraki?

Here's the scene.

This was quite a bit before Ned was killed, from episode 5. Illyrio and Varys are discussing how the Starks and Lannisters are fighting already, and Ned has almost figured things out in regards to Robert and Cersei's kids, and war will start soon, but Illyrio is concerned that the Targaryens and Dothraki aren't ready for war yet. It essentially shows that Varys has been working to reinstate the Targaryens into power from the beginning.
Please get your disparaging terms correct!

I mean, with the exception of the whole mess in the yurt with the Dothraki khals (thank god), pretty much any time the writers have Daenerys backed into a corner a god-like entity literally drops out of the sky to resolve the situation. I don't think you can really complain about that being compared to a dramatic device in which a god-like entity literally is lowered from the sky to resolve a seemingly intractable situation.

Foreshadowing is great, but you can only pull that particular plot beat so many times before the audience identifies that as the likely ending to any particularly tense moment involving the character.

Preferentially (for me at least), from here on the dragons are there and they're a major factor in what's happening, but we just go ahead and cut it out with the "Drogon does a Batman entrance at the last possible moment" scene-framing. To me, at least, that's the sort of thing that should be a one-off in a story that's supposed to be more grounded and less idyllic compared to Tolkien-style high fantasy.

The Mongols were great at siege warfare despite being horse archers. IIRC they recruited engineers from conquered populations and brought them along to build catapults and whatnot. If Dany didn't have dragons she could do the same.

Plus don't like half the ships Dany is using have siege weaponry on them already from the Harpy attack on Meereen? :p

The Dothraki are sort of the racist caricature version of the Mongols--or at least, the very limited western understanding of them at the time they were sacking cities in the Middle East--and we haven't seen them display any siege proficiency, not only in terms of siege weaponry but tactics (which is the more important half, as they tried to demonstrate narratively with the way Jaime castigated the Frey heirs for their half-assed siege on the Blackwater).

I'm not expecting Chainmail-esque medieval warfare porn since Martin's not going to be writing much of what's to come, though, so this is all just sort of blindly speculative. The point is that if they want reasons why it can be difficult for Daenerys to conquer Westeros for dramatic purposes, there are perfectly valid ones they can use.

I would expect them to employ at least some of them, because if she just rolls over everything that's going to be a rather unsatisfying conclusion and just make it feel like all the time spent politicking and army-building in Slaver's Bay was a waste of time.
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