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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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There's got to be more to the story though than they were in love.

I know running away from your betrothed is frowned upon, but she put her entire family at war and risked their lives. I guess we know nothing about her character, but it seems strange to me that she wouldn't send a Raven to Ned or something.

Look what Robb being in love did to him.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Watched the episode again. Got a better look at all the different house sails on the boats in the very last scene - obviously Targaeryen and Sunspear (Dorne). Saw some Tyrells there too, which is a little goofy considering the Reach is adjacent to King's Landing, so sailing from Highgarden all the way around damn Westeros is to attack from the east doesn't make much sense.

But it made a badass visual, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There's quite a bit of time that's gone by within the episode itself.


To clear your confusion ;)
When the hell was the last time a Stark, other than Sansa,met a Lannister anyways? Arya and Tywin? A Stark needs to butt heads with Cersei and/or Jaime.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
So questions:

1. I forget but why would Arya have Meli on her kill list? I know they met a few seasons ago but I'm forgetting why Arya wants her dead.

2. What's the theory about the sword the camera zoomed in on during the flashback to the tower of Joy scene?

3. ToJ is in Dorne?

4. Also there was a scene in season 1, after Ned is killed in believe, where Arya over hears a conversation between the man who was helping Dany and her brother across the sea and either Varys or LF. Can someone recap that scene and conversation? I think it was Varys which means he was setting up Dany with the Dothraki?

1- Because of the Gendry being given to her by the Brotherhood thing.

2- Don't know

3- Yes, the maps show that it is in Dorne

4- The scene actually happens while Ned is still alive and still hand. She overhears Varys and Illyrio discussing something about the wolf and the Lion soon to be at each other's throats.

When the hell was the last time a Stark, other than Sansa,met a Lannister anyways? Arya and Tywin? A Stark needs to butt heads with Cersei and/or Jaime.

Arya was just recently making googly eyed faces to Jaime lol.


Here's the scene.

This was quite a bit before Ned was killed, from episode 5. Illyrio and Varys are discussing how the Starks and Lannisters are fighting already, and Ned has almost figured things out in regards to Robert and Cersei's kids, and war will start soon, but Illyrio is concerned that the Targaryens and Dothraki aren't ready for war yet. It essentially shows that Varys has been working to reinstate the Targaryens into power from the beginning.

Yet he executed the assassination plot against her and also iirc he ratted out Jorah for his role because Tywin wanted to fuck with her
Do people honestly think Dany will let North become independent from the rest of Westeros? I mean, her basic ideal of returning to Westeros to take the throne and the whole continent is pretty much in opposite of what the rest of North wants. And the Targaryens has always had the rest of kingdoms under their banner.
Don't worry once she finds out that there's a targaryen sitting in the throne in winterfell. She will be cool with it.


Am I the only one who thought the Arya reveal was the worst part of an overall amazing episode? I've commented on it once and no one really responded, so I'm afraid I'm the only one who thinks her reveal and subsequent kill of Frey wasn't very impactful. Maybe it was the way it was filmed or something...I don't know.

Nah, it wasn't just you. Also felt the same, the way it was shot felt very flat for me, same with the reveal that he was eating his own sons, none of it had any impact. weird. Think Arya needed to say a few more words for it to have more weight, like talking about her mother and losing her brother, like when she went all out in killing that dude that was doing those young girls and blinded him below killing him. Just let it linger a bit longer.


Do people honestly think Dany will let North become independent from the rest of Westeros? I mean, her basic ideal of returning to Westeros to take the throne and the whole continent is pretty much in opposite of what the rest of North wants. And the Targaryens has always had the rest of kingdoms under their banner.

Won't matter if she marries Jon


so I assume the way characters find out (aka how Jon finds out he's half Targ) is when Bran gets over the wall right? he's the only one that knows, so either has to tell them himself, or send a raven from castle black or something.

The GOT Map has always interested me not a book reader but has there been any mention of there being more continents?

yep, Sothoyros, south of Essos, as well as islands and such. Summer Isles is in Sothyros, and I think is referred to in the show at some point, maybe not
You know who would make a great Lady Jessica in Dune?

Lena Headey

I've been saying it for the past decade. Even before I knew of Game of Thrones.


so I assume the way characters find out (aka how Jon finds out he's half Targ) is when Bran gets over the wall right? he's the only one that knows, so either has to tell them himself, or send a raven from castle black or something.

I think there is a decent chance Varys would know considering he was the mad kings spymaster at the time


semen stains the mountaintops
You know who would make a great Lady Jessica in Dune?

Lena Heady

I've been saying it for the past decade. Even before I knew of Game of Thrones.

I'm currently watching Jodorowsky's Dune, it's making me want to read the Dune books and I'm definitely gonna get The Metabarons and The Incal.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Do people honestly think Dany will let North become independent from the rest of Westeros? I mean, her basic ideal of returning to Westeros to take the throne and the whole continent is pretty much in opposite of what the rest of North wants. And the Targaryens has always had the rest of kingdoms under their banner.

Did you miss the scene with the Greyjoys? Dany isn't closed to the idea of semi-independent kingdoms that will still recognise the integrity of the realm. Plus, the North's current reason to push for separation is sitting on the Iron Throne as we speak. All of this matters little if Jon and Dany negotiate and join forces. With Tyrion as hand, that's the most likely outcome.


Do people honestly think Dany will let North become independent from the rest of Westeros? I mean, her basic ideal of returning to Westeros to take the throne and the whole continent is pretty much in opposite of what the rest of North wants. And the Targaryens has always had the rest of kingdoms under their banner.

This again? Everything so far has Jon in the lead for Danny marriage material. The North will have their King and Danny will have her 7 kingdoms. After Danny exerts a lot of her forces taking KL, and then becoming aware of the impending White doom, the only sensible thing to do is approach the North from a diplomatic angle... Unless she's a complete fucking idiot... Luckily, Tyrion is there. So that can't happen.
Did you miss the scene with the Greyjoys? Dany isn't closed to the idea of semi-independent kingdoms that will still recognise the integrity of the realm. Plus, the North's current reason to push for separation is sitting on the Iron Throne as we speak. All of this matters little if Jon and Dany negotiate and join forces. With Tyrion as hand, that's the most likely outcome.
That was the motivating factor, but they declared their own independence from the rest and now they want to stay that way. I don't see why the rest of north would just bend down their knee to another Targaryen just because the Lennisters got knocked out of the throne.

This again? Everything so far has Jon in the lead for Danny marriage material. The North will have their King and Danny will have her 7 kingdoms. After Danny exerts a lot of her forces taking KL, and then becoming aware of the impending White doom, the only sensible thing to do is fear her to approach the North from a diplomatic angle... Unless she's a complete fucking idiot... Luckily, Tyrion is there. So that can't happen.
Hah, so basically a fanfiction becoming truth. I give writers more credit than that. It's way too obvious and feels everything is fine and dandy. Plus Littlefinger is still in the north and he wants his throne. I theorize that he will complicate things more between north and south and cause both of them to go to war.
I think there is a decent chance Varys would know considering he was the mad kings spymaster at the time
There's a part of me that is genuinely curious if Jon will never find out. Maybe one of those moments where Bran is going to tell him, and realizes it would change his life so much and leaves it alone.


There's a part of me that is genuinely curious if Jon will never find out. Maybe one of those moments where Bran is going to tell him, and realizes it would change his life so much and leaves it alone.

If Bran doesn't tell anyone though then what was the three eyed ravens point in showing it to Bran? Other than as a storytelling device for us

I mean surely the Raven had some plan before Bran fucked it all up, right?


Did you miss the scene with the Greyjoys? Dany isn't closed to the idea of semi-independent kingdoms that will still recognise the integrity of the realm. Plus, the North's current reason to push for separation is sitting on the Iron Throne as we speak. All of this matters little if Jon and Dany negotiate and join forces. With Tyrion as hand, that's the most likely outcome.
also, I think Dorne was independent during Targaryeon rule until they married in (which in turn ended up leading to Lannisters and the Mountain killing/raping Ellia Martell
If Bran doesn't tell anyone though then what was the three eyed ravens point in showing it to Bran? Other than as a storytelling device for us
I mean...I doubt he won't find out. But they could hold it back and force some tragedy from our perspective. Jon fighting a cause he doesn't' full understand, if he turns on Dany?


"playing" dumb? unpossible
That was the motivating factor, but they declared their own independence from the rest and now they want to stay that way. I don't see why the rest of north would just bend down their knee to another Targaryen just because the Lennisters got knocked out of the throne.

Because the North will follow what Jon does. These are the same blokes who sat on the sidelines when the Boltons murdered key members of House Stark and took Winterfell. What is more likely in your mind with Jon. Him fighting to prevent Dany from taking the North without negotiating, or Jon and Tyrion working something out in exchange for help against the White Walkers? Jon parlayed with Ramsay Bolton of all people. You don't think he'll have a non aggressive face to face with dany?

also, I think Dorne was independent during Targaryeon rule until they married in (which in turn ended up leading to Lannisters and the Mountain killing/raping Ellia Martell

That first marriages was a long time in the past from the current timeline of the show. Interestingly enough, it was
another Daenerys whose marriage brought unity between Dorne and the Targ realm.

The House Martell Lore video:


Lady Olenna's remark about the last time a Tyrell visited Dorne, is explained here.
Will the north follow Jon once little finger tells them his lineage? He knows and I'm sure he will try and use it against them. Even if he knows she wasn't kidnapped and raped he will probably go with the lies.
Because the North will follow what Jon does. These are the same blokes who sat on the sidelines when the Boltons murdered key members of House Stark and took Winterfell. What is more likely in your mind with Jon. Him fighting to prevent Dany from taking the North without negotiating, or Jon and Tyrion working something out in exchange for help against the White Walkers? Jon parlayed with Ramsay Bolton of all people. You don't think he'll have a non aggressive face to face with dany?
And why would Jon agree with everything what Dany propose? I never implied that Jon won't parley with Dany. But here's my counterpoint. Jon did parley with Ramsay, but did they agree to terms? No. They both fought in the end. Both Jon and Dany are stubborn characters and not much bright without their own councils.
Hah, so basically a fanfiction becoming truth. I give writers more credit than that. It's way too obvious and feels everything is fine and dandy. Plus Littlefinger is still in the north and he wants his throne. I theorize that he will complicate things more between north and south and cause both of them to go to war.

The issue with the argument of a Jon/Dany marriage or alliance being "way too obvious" is that the show is now officially in the homestretch. The show runners are planning to have thirteen episodes from here on out.

There is literally no time available for the show to throw in a new additional war subplot of Jon vs Dany, when the remaining thirteen or so episodes are already set to be dealing with Cersei, Euron and Littlefinger and then finally taking on the White Walkers in an epic war for the fate of mankind.


Because the North will follow what Jon does. These are the same blokes who sat on the sidelines when the Boltons murdered key members of House Stark and took Winterfell. What is more likely in your mind with Jon. Him fighting to prevent Dany from taking the North without negotiating, or Jon and Tyrion working something out in exchange for help against the White Walkers? Jon parlayed with Ramsay Bolton of all people. You don't think he'll have a non aggressive face to face with dany?

That first marriages was a long time in the past from the current timeline of the show. Interestingly enough, it was
another Daenerys whose marriage brought unity between Dorne and the Targ realm.

The House Martell Lore video:

thus why I said "in turn led to" there had been a marriage tie in the past, and the Mad King could have married Rhaegar to Cersei (with Tywin as the Hand and Jamie Kinsguard) but went with Dorne/Elia


"playing" dumb? unpossible
And why would Jon agree with everything what Dany propose? I never implied that Jon won't parley with Dany. But here's my counterpoint. Jon did parley with Ramsay, but did they agree to terms? No. They both fought in the end. Both Jon and Dany are stubborn characters and not much bright without their own councils.

Are you seriously equating a Dany parley to Ramsay's? Dany and Jon aren't going to go to war against each other. I can almost certainly guarantee that. Dany's stubbornness was in the face of slavery. The first time she had to deal with people who weren't that, she made a spirited deal. I'm going to base my arguments on that.


The issue with the argument of a Jon/Dany marriage or alliance being "way too obvious" is that the show is now officially in the homestretch. The show runners are planning to have thirteen episodes from here on out.

There is literally no time available for the show to throw in a new additional war subplot of Jon vs Dany, when the remaining thirteen or so episodes are already set to be dealing with Cersei, Euron and Littlefinger and then finally taking on the White Walkers in an epic war for the fate of mankind.

Yeah. At this point, you can make predictions based on 'Not enough time!'
Are you seriously equating Dany to Ramsay? Dany and Jon aren't going to go to war against each other. I can almost certainly guarantee that. Dany's stubbornness was in the face of slavery. The first time she had to deal with people who weren't that, she made a spirited deal. I'm going to base my arguments on that.
No, but there are chances where both Jon and Dany doesn't agree to terms during the parley.
At least I think they will have some kind of a conflict of interest to the point where they both become hostile with each other. I'm still gonna guess that they both go to war at some point and then white walkers comes down to the wall.


Water is not wet!
Are you seriously equating a Dany parley to Ramsay's? Dany and Jon aren't going to go to war against each other. I can almost certainly guarantee that. Dany's stubbornness was in the face of slavery. The first time she had to deal with people who weren't that, she made a spirited deal. I'm going to base my arguments on that.

im imagining that Jon initiates contact with Dany once he hears about dragons. Hes going to understand that they would be a monumental weapon against the undead legions.
im imagining that Jon initiates contact with Dany once he hears about dragons. Hes going to understand that they would be a monumental weapon against the undead legions.

^ Bingo.

Jon doesn't give a crap about taking the Iron Throne, but making an alliance with Dany is going to be absolutely vital for him to take on the White Walkers. Meanwhile, Dany is going to want to get the North supporting her rule down South.

On top of that, one of the main brokers for whatever sort of alliance they might make together is going to be Tyrion, who basically became a friend of Jon's early on in the beginning of the show and is now Dany's most trusted advisor. He'll push for them teaming up, especially if he's made aware of what's happening over the Wall.

Jon and Dany are almost definitely going to team up in the final stretch of the show, in order to unite the kingdoms and take on the White Walkers. Said team-up is probably going to be through a political marriage.


Water is not wet!
^ Bingo.

Jon doesn't give a crap about taking the Iron Throne, but making an alliance with Dany is going to be absolutely vital for him to take on the White Walkers. Meanwhile, Dany is going to want to get the North supporting her rule down South.

On top of that, one of the main brokers for whatever sort of alliance they might make together is going to be Tyrion, who basically became a friend of Jon's early on in the beginning of the show and is now Dany's most trusted advisor. He'll push for them teaming up, especially if he's made aware of what's happening over the Wall.

Jon and Dany are almost definitely going to team up in the final stretch of the show, in order to unite the kingdoms and take on the White Walkers. Said team-up is probably going to be through a political marriage.

Maybe while Dany and everyone is locked in battle for the Iron Throne im thinking the North isnt going to really give a shit. "As long as they dont come north, its all Southerner problems." Even massive societal upheaval that would occur from having what is essentially the Vatican being blown up in the Middle Ages would have little effect on the North because they dont worship the new gods as much. Jon Snow and the North has bigger problems and in the first half of the next season the entire North is going to go into full-on war mode in preparation for the undead army. After/while Dany and Co. are settling the Cersei/Kings Landing situation their scouts will come back from the North with news of this massive war build-up thinking the North means to march on Kings Landing. Before Dany gets ready to prepare a war party to march to Winterfell an envoy from Jon will come to her first with talk of diplomacy and a request for help for the Long Night battle.

Another point you bring up is the advisors. Everyone knows each other and they are all friends. When they find out who is on each side its going to smooth things over quickly.


Finally caught up on the last two episodes, holy shit that is how you end a season. This year really redeemed the show after the abysmal season 5.


^ Bingo.

Jon doesn't give a crap about taking the Iron Throne, but making an alliance with Dany is going to be absolutely vital for him to take on the White Walkers. Meanwhile, Dany is going to want to get the North supporting her rule down South.

On top of that, one of the main brokers for whatever sort of alliance they might make together is going to be Tyrion, who basically became a friend of Jon's early on in the beginning of the show and is now Dany's most trusted advisor. He'll push for them teaming up, especially if he's made aware of what's happening over the Wall.

Jon and Dany are almost definitely going to team up in the final stretch of the show, in order to unite the kingdoms and take on the White Walkers. Said team-up is probably going to be through a political marriage.

Theon could also play a role in bringing them together

Btw pretty sure Tyrion knows about the threat beyond the wall at least to some extent. He was the only person on the small council to believe Lord Commander Mormonts raven


Water is not wet!
So I guess we're no longer going to see Jaqen are we?
We'll see Jaqen the next time we'll see Gendry but only because he'll be wearing Gendry's face.

Theon could also play a role in bringing them together

Btw pretty sure Tyrion knows about the threat beyond the wall at least to some extent. He was the only person on the small council to believe Lord Commander Mormonts raven

Theon. Sansa. Tyrion. Even Varys. Thats a pretty solid clique.


I thought it was a great scene but was brought down by everything that had come before it in Arya's story. I mean, I didn't even realise she could do the faceless men stuff and if she could, why didn't she use that against the Waif? She went from a complete dumbass a couple of episodes back to a master assassin. I wish we had seen that progression over the course of this season but they really dropped the ball.

What do you mean? She didn't have access to the faces when the Waif was hunting her.
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