Well Jon's got zombie jizz, how's that gonna work out?Dany is barren as the Red Waste. Jon should shoot his dragonpups somewhere they won't be wasted.
As someone who hasn't read the books and made note of book talk I am pretty sure the witch said something that rhymed about how the sun sets and bearing children and Dany repeats it at some point, but I could be wrong and picked it up by osmosis.Lot of book talk happening in this no-book-talk thread.
I don't think the show's given any indication Dany can't bear children.
As someone who hasn't read the books and made note of book talk I am pretty sure the witch said something that rhymed about how the sun sets and bearing children and Dany repeats it at some point, but I could be wrong and picked it up by osmosis.
Lot of book talk happening in this no-book-talk thread.
I don't think the show's given any indication Dany can't bear children.
It could be a metaphor right? Like only a man who can love her like Drogo did, will she bear children for. So she comes to Westeros, breaks the wheel, and then goes and retires in Mereen?
Are you guys talking about this?
Dany: When will he be as he was?
Witch: When the sun rises in the west, sets in the east.
When the seas go dry.
When the mountains blow in the wind like leaves.
Her best hope is that Fire God you like to mock restoring her, otherwise it seems the future of the Targaryen bloodline rests on Jon.
Makes sense, must have jumbled it up with those that have done book talk. Thanks for the clarification.I honestly think that was in relation to Khal Drogo. I vaguely remember Dany asking something in regards to him, and then the witch making that reply. The thing she repeats is to Khal Not-Drogo when he mentions something about banging her. It could be symbolic and not literal.
From Reddit
I remember thinking, "Man, Daario is being such a dick to Jorah" but after the final, you really understood why those scenes were there. He thought he was hot shit cause he's with Dany and that Jorah is this poor old fuck who loves someone and they don't love him back but as we saw at the end, Dany cares more about Jorah than she has ever cared for Daario.
That or she's gotten better at saying goodbye. Probably both.From Reddit
I remember thinking, "Man, Daario is being such a dick to Jorah" but after the final, you really understood why those scenes were there. He thought he was hot shit cause he's with Dany and that Jorah is this poor old fuck who loves someone and they don't love him back but as we saw at the end, Dany cares more about Jorah than she has ever cared for Daario.
That or she's gotten better at saying goodbye. Probably both.
Is Jon's real name Aegon? I could swear when Lyanna whispers in Ned's ear she says "His name is Aegon".
Is Jon's real name Aegon? I could swear when Lyanna whispers in Ned's ear she says "His name is Aegon".
I think Raegar already has a son named Aegon in the show. I would laugh if they actually named him Azor Ahai.
The faith of the seven:
Father, Mother, Warrior, Maiden, Crone, Smith, Stranger
Sam, Dany, Jon, Brienne/Sansa, Meli, ???, Ayra
They need something like this guy for Rhaegar.
They need something like this guy for Rhaegar.
I think a lot of people will welcome Dany as a liberator that got rid of the mad queen at this point![]()
The people of KL just lost the rulers they loved and are now being ruled by the murderer. They'll embrace anyone that wants to come and take over.
If Cersei was in the Force Awakens, the Resistance would have been done and over with in the first 45 minutes lol.
PS. the video automatically plays once the page finishes loading. No need to click anything.
i started to think and since dany is the mother of dragons, and jon is a targaryen as well, he should be the father, soo it would be like
Father: Jon
Mother: Daenerys
Warrior: The Hound
Maiden: Brienne(Sansa is no longer a maiden)
Crone: Melisandre
Smith: Gendry
Stranger: Arya
Except Stannis.
Man I've just watched episode 9 and I felt super uncomfortable during the battle scene. I had to skip the last part of the battle because I was starting to feel claustrophobic. I thought it was horrible. I've watched a lot of war movies and never felt like this. Ugh.
So yeah I basically don't know what happened between the moment the wildlings started to retreat and Jon got knocked down and the moment the knights of the vale saved the day but eh I guess I didn't miss much.
Hannah WaddinghamEdit : Oh yeah I forgot to ask something. Does anyone know the name of the actress who plays the high septa (the one who was chained by Cersei) ?
So was Ned´s sister kidnapped and raped? I´m surprised by people in this thread implying she went Targaryen willingly, is there any evidence to support this?
So was Ned´s sister kidnapped and raped? I´m surprised by people in this thread implying she went Targaryen willingly, is there any evidence to support this?
Why would you do that?
She gave her son a Targ name, what do you think?
Plus, Ser Barriston states that Rhaegar was an amazing person, loved by the common people and he loved them. Doesn't appear to be a kidnap and rape type of guy.
Ned never once says anything disparaging about him, even though we have scenes where Robert acts like he is villainous.
Also, Ser Barriston doesn't seem like the type to lie about someone, and he told Dany he was the finest man he's ever known.
Hannah Waddingham
Orlando Bloom's not doing anything, right?
I feel like he's a bit too old now.
Barristan was the second most honorable man in Westeros, right behind Ned. He didn't lie about The Mad King to Dany, even though she believed that all The Mad King stuff was propaganda, he told her straight up that it was all true.