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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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There's a lot of stuff to suggest they just ran off together.

Her wanting to desperately protect Jon, which would be a tad weird if he were the product of 9 months of confinement and rape. That isn't to say that a rape victim would never care for the product of such a crime, of course, but I'd say this at least puts things slightly toward love a bit more than rape.

Rhaeger being desperate enough to protect her / Jon that he left his most talented soldiers behind to protect the tower. If he was a raping sadist, what does some bastard mean to him, or his victim that he was willing to leave behind men that could have possibly saved his own life?

And of course the fact those soldiers stayed there and died for him. The characterization for Arthur Dayne was brief but suggested a man of honor, and not one that would willingly sit out a war that killed his prince just to protect some horrific rape chamber. Especially after that prince died.


i am definitely in the "the ran off together" camp.

It would also put Ned arguing against killing Dany in an interesting new light. At that point, I assume Ned already realized that Rhaeger never kidnapped his sister, and that he even was a good person. I wouldn't be surprised if Ned feels bad about Rheager dying, so he wants to avoid another good tagaryan dying by trying to stop Robert from ordering the assassination.


Rhaeger being desperate enough to protect her / Jon that he left his most talented soldiers behind to protect the tower. If he was a raping sadist, what does some bastard mean to him, or his victim that he was willing to leave behind men that could have possibly saved his own life?

I mean, it could be, that he was still a rapist, but sort of a delusional one, in a "medieval celeb stalker" sort of fashion, and kept her confined as his "precious" for that reason, but that seems sort of a stretch, since someone that delusional, usually doesn't also have the mental stability to be a charismatic and charming leader.
Pointing out fundamental flaws in thinking.

We have many examples in fiction alone (and even in this very show) where a person pretending to be nice is actually evil. This isn't anything complex, it's actually quite simple. Your question of "does this sound like a man who" holds no real weight (even more so in fiction than anywhere else), particularly when every action done by this man has been told to us second-handed and particularly so when those actions were ones that were publicly displayed.

For what it's worth, I agree that they ran off together. It's just that everyone's way of articulating why they believe that is borderline awful.

Your thinking is just as flawed, if not more so,


The whole Robert / Lyanna / Rhaegar triangle reminds me of the whole Menelaus / Helen / Paris dynamic.

Rhaegar and Lyanna fell in love and eloped, Robert - being a shitty person - created the narrative of her having been abducted and raped (because he couldn't admit she had simply left him). - or he even believed said narrative himself, because he didn't want to accept the fact that Lyanna had left him.


Now, mind you, I don't think Robert and Ned "lied" to start a war. I think it was probably a conclusion they jumped to after Rhaegar and Lyanna took off. At least where the show is concerned, all the dialogue in Season 1 strongly suggests that Robert believed Lyanna loved him and was taken against her will.
That's what I also believe. Rhaegar fell for Lyanna, don't really know how she felt. Robert took that as an insult, even if it was by her choice he would still consider it cause of war.


Jon being KITN could name his children however the fuck he wanted and even legitimize himself as a Stark if he wanted to (Having in mind that he's still a bastard. A Targaryen bastard.) . And I guess Sansa could name her offspring Stark too since Lyanna Mormont is the daughter of Maege Mormont and has her name and inherited the title too.

Good point.

Maybe it's been posted already, but there's a compilation of all scenes (up to season 5) that related to Lyanna and Rhaegar and/or hinted about Jon's parentage. It's very well edited and certainly deserves a watch:

Finally got around to watch the finale last night:

. Frey will be missed, he was a great character but I know he is useless in moving the story forward, but still: Who will take the role of cranky old dude?

- I hate every child actor in every movie/show ever but the Mormond girl is awesome. The only kid in the show whoi I don't wish death upon.

-That being said, Tommen was useless, glad he's gone. He wasn't evil but not particularly entertaining either and he had a punchable face. Good riddance.

- Kind of bummed that Margaery is gone because it feels her whole character arc of being a disney princess in public while being smart and cunning was just wasted.

: If it comes to down to Daenerys vs. the Night King I hope the Night King wins


Finally got around to watch the finale last night:

. Frey will be missed, he was a great character but I know he is useless in moving the story forward, but still: Who will take the role of cranky old dude?

- I hate every child actor in every movie/show ever but the Mormond girl is awesome. The only kid in the show whoi I don't wish death upon.

-That being said, Tommen was useless, glad he's gone. He wasn't evil but not particularly entertaining either and he had a punchable face. Good riddance.

- Kind of bummed that Margaery is gone because it feels her whole character arc of being a disney princess in public while being smart and cunning was just wasted.

: If it comes to down to Daenerys vs. the Night King I hope the Night King wins

oh i disagree. His "character" was useless, but he was such an essential plot device to Cersei's rise / fall.

* Her failure to control him - her son, must've really pushed her over the edge, mentally. Sure, she couldn't control Robert, he was a pig. Sure, she couldn't control her father, he's her father after all. Joffrey? now that little brat is simply a psycho. But Tommen? Innocent mommy's boy tommen? When he slipped through her fingers, she knew that she couldn't rely on being able to 'influence' anyone anymore, but had to take matters into her own hands.

* He was the manifestation of the 'good' that came out of her incestual relationship to her brother. Now that all their children are dead, so will Jaime's and Cersei's relationship suffer.

- Kind of bummed that Margaery is gone because it feels her whole character arc of being a disney princess in public while being smart and cunning was just wasted.

i think that was very much intentional. Margaery was a master of all things scheming and "diplomacy". She was married to 3 different kings! ... Her being ... just blown up, sort of signalized "Yeah, the time of petty House-wars is over. We're all about power politics now."
She got a taste of that already, when she - the queen - got thrown into a dungeon, because she was against someone who didn't care for 'houses' or 'crowns'.


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The whole Robert / Lyanna / Rhaegar triangle reminds me of the whole Menelaus / Helen / Paris dynamic.

Rhaegar and Lyanna fell in love and eloped, Robert - being a shitty person - created the narrative of her having been abducted and raped (because he couldn't admit she had simply left him). - or he even believed said narrative himself, because he didn't want to accept the fact that Lyanna had left him.

Yeah, it seems an obvious take on Helen of Troy. I figure that's why the abduction/seduction scenario is ambiguous, we don't really know the truth, but it's irrelevant because war is unavoidable either way.


The downfall of Marge/Olenna and House Tyrell in general was pretty well done I thought.

For all of their cunning and good moves, the one mistake Olenna/Marge constantly made was underestimating just how batshit insane Cersei was.


It's important to remember that the real reason for going to war was after the king killed off Ned's father and brother. I'm of the opinion that Rhaegar and Lyanna eloped without Lyanna telling anyone, and then events kicked off that they didn't expect leading to the war.
So the Directors for Season 7 have been revealed. I'm a day old on this news.

DANG, no Miguel!? :(

I now have expectations that there will not be any big battles during Season 7.


To add to the thought they ran off together - LF tells Sansa what she knows about her Aunt being taken isn't necessarily true.

That was last season when he brings her to Winterfell and marries her off to Ramsay.

Which also leads me to believe he knows Jon isn't a Stark or at least not Ned's son. He will use that information next season towards his purposes.


Watchers on the wall was done by Taylor and that was a large battle.

Watchers on the Wall was done by Neil Marshall, who also did Blackwater. Though Taylor did do Thor: The Dark World. Say what you will about the movie overall, the action was competent and large scale. The best thing in that movie (aside from Darcy) is the crazy inter-dimensional action scene at the end.

I'll point out again that people were worried Neil Marshall wouldn't be returning for season 5 when they started hyping up a big battle later in the season. Then Sapochnik knocked Hardhome out of the park. No reason that can't happen again with the directors for season 7.


That Light of the Seven track on the score is amazing.

"Forget about the bloody gods and listen to what I’m telling you! Cersei understands the consequences of her absence, and she is absent anyway, which means she does not intend to suffer those consequences. The trial can wait. We all need to leave!"



Damn I got my GOT directors who left to do movies mixed up :/

Was kind of the opposite for Marshall. Pretty sure they sought him out to do Blackwater when a different director fell through at the last minute, specifically because they knew he'd be able to handle the action based on his movies Centurion and Doomsday. He's since only directed TV episodes. Still got that Hollywood connection though.


The whole Robert / Lyanna / Rhaegar triangle reminds me of the whole Menelaus / Helen / Paris dynamic.

Rhaegar and Lyanna fell in love and eloped, Robert - being a shitty person - created the narrative of her having been abducted and raped (because he couldn't admit she had simply left him). - or he even believed said narrative himself, because he didn't want to accept the fact that Lyanna had left him.

Ding, ding, ding.

Robert was not a nice dude. He had how many bastards? Constant drunkard and left the running of his kingdom to others. He was a well known womanizer before the rebellion. He let his longing for a idealized memory ruin what could have been a decent marriage. Should Rhaegar have crowned Lyanna the Queen of Love and Beauty at that tournament and started all of this? Nope. But at the same time it's unfair to call him a rapist and kidnapper when it's more than likely that Lyanna didn't want to go through with her betrothal to Robert and voluntarily went with Rhaegar.
That Light of the Seven track on the score is amazing.

"Forget about the bloody gods and listen to what I’m telling you! Cersei understands the consequences of her absence, and she is absent anyway, which means she does not intend to suffer those consequences. The trial can wait. We all need to leave!"

Been listening to it since the episode aired, such an amazing intro that made you realise shit was going down.


To add to the thought they ran off together - LF tells Sansa what she knows about her Aunt being taken isn't necessarily true.

That was last season when he brings her to Winterfell and marries her off to Ramsay.

Which also leads me to believe he knows Jon isn't a Stark or at least not Ned's son. He will use that information next season towards his purposes.

IS this the scene in the crypt? I dont think he did. He made it seem like he knew the true story but let Sansa believe what she wanted.

Maybe I'm missing a scene haha


IS this the scene in the crypt? I dont think he did. He made it seem like he knew the true story but let Sansa believe what she wanted.

Maybe I'm missing a scene haha

If it's that scene, then Sansa said Rhaegar took Lyanna and raped her, and Littlefinger kind of raises his eyebrows like "Oh, you really believe that?" and smiles to himself like "Oh you sweet, naive child." But she doesn't see that and he doesn't say anything to her. It also doesn't really confirm he knows about Jon Snow's true parentage, just that he questions the "official" narrative of Rhaegar kidnapping Lyanna, because he's a pretty shrewd guy. Same as Stannis saying it wasn't Ned Stark's way to father a bastard with a whore, really.


Really Really Exciting Member!
That Light of the Seven track on the score is amazing.

"Forget about the bloody gods and listen to what I’m telling you! Cersei understands the consequences of her absence, and she is absent anyway, which means she does not intend to suffer those consequences. The trial can wait. We all need to leave!"


Think I'll never get tired of seeing this. That music was also very well chosen. It really set the tone on "something very bad is about to happen".


If it's that scene, then Sansa said Rhaegar took Lyanna and raped her, and Littlefinger kind of raises his eyebrows like "Oh, you really believe that?" and smiles to himself like "Oh you sweet, naive child." But she doesn't see that and he doesn't say anything to her. It also doesn't really confirm he knows about Jon Snow's true parentage, just that he questions the "official" narrative of Rhaegar kidnapping Lyanna, because he's a pretty shrewd guy. Same as Stannis saying it wasn't Ned Stark's way to father a bastard with a whore, really.

Yeah but this is Little Finger. It's a little different. You would expect him to know something like this lol. I honestly think he has no intention of telling Sansa because of he ramifications. However, now he might. I mean he needs to stir up something. He still has a role to play. That much is clear. Him exposing this would fit.

But lets say he doesn't know for a fact. I think he is capable of putting 2 and 2 together.


Yeah but this is Little Finger. It's a little different. You would expect him to know something like this lol. I honestly think he has no intention of telling Sansa because of he ramifications. However, now he might. I mean he needs to stir up something. He still has a role to play. That much is clear. Him exposing this would fit.

But lets say he doesn't know for a fact. I think he is capable of putting 2 and 2 together.

He might guess that it's the case I suppose, but I don't think there's any way he would be able to know for certain.
Ugh it's going go he a long wait till next year!

Anyway have any of you heard this funny fan theory, about Tormond being Lyanna Mormonts father. Basically bear island did a bunch of trading with the wildlings to their north. So at some point Lyannas mother hooked up with Tormond, meaning.......he actually fucked a bear.



He might guess that it's the case I suppose, but I don't think there's any way he would be able to know for certain.

Sure. But at least 2 people besides Ned knew the truth. The handmaidan and Howland Reed. Leaves the possibility open for LF to find out. Also, I'm curious about this handmaidan. What did Ned do with her? Was she the woman Robert mentioned Ned was with during the war, the supposed mother(to Robert) of Jon?

I'm probably looking too much into it lol.
I'm a little confused...how did Cersei become Queen? Everyone knew she was on trial for her crimes. She then blew up the actual Queen and the High Sparrow, their religious leader...among countless of innocent lives that were caught as collateral damage. The city infrastructure is devastated by the blast and will take a long time to recover.

Why the hell would they suddenly crown her as the Queen after all that?? Not sure if this has already been discussed, but seems like a pretty large logical pothole.


I'm a little confused...how did Cersei become Queen? Everyone knew she was on trial for her crimes. She then blew up the actual Queen and the High Sparrow, their religious leader...among countless of innocent lives that were caught as collateral damage. The city infrastructure is devastated by the blast and will take a long time to recover.

Why the hell would they suddenly crown her as the Queen after all that?? Not sure if this has already been discussed, but seems like a pretty large logical pothole.

She nuked the living shit out of everyone that was persecuting her and commands the largest standing force in KL. There is no King and no hand; nobody to supercede her orders. She basically usurped the throne. Who is going to argue with that?

In her coronation, they made a point of showing the morose faces of the people of King's Landing. They're not happy.


She nuked the living shit out of everyone that was persecuting her and commands the largest standing force in KL. There is no King and no hand; nobody to supercede her orders. She basically usurped the throne. Who is going to argue with that?

Jaime ?
Rewatched the season finale and the inside the episode material, and all signs point towards Sansa being a thorn in Jon's side in the days to come. This got me thinking about Arya and the cold blooded killer she's become. If she were to return to Winterfell and got wind of any machinations from her sister towards Jon, would she kill her?


Rewatched the season finale and the inside the episode material, and all signs point towards Sansa being a thorn in Jon's side in the days to come. This got me thinking about Arya and the cold blooded killer she's become. If she were to return to Winterfell and got wind of any machinations from her sister towards Jon, would she kill her?

Only if Sansa actually did something completely reprehensible and cruel, I'd think. As it stands now Littlefinger has planted a seed of doubt in her, and he's surely gonna be pushing for a conflict between them. I think he's essentially doing an Inception maneuver on her, planting the seed so that it forms as a full idea in her own mind, so that even though she doesn't trust Littlefinger she still arrives at the conclusion he wants her to. We'll have to see how far he's able to push her though, or if she is able to withstand it and beat him at his own game.
Rewatched the season finale and the inside the episode material, and all signs point towards Sansa being a thorn in Jon's side in the days to come. This got me thinking about Arya and the cold blooded killer she's become. If she were to return to Winterfell and got wind of any machinations from her sister towards Jon, would she kill her?

lol what...?

Maybe if Sansa killed Jon, but have you not noticed her wanting to spare Lady Crane's life, and continuing to go after those who killed her family.

Why on earth would she suddenly be the one who kills her own family instead of avenging them because Sansa is jealous.


listen to the mad man
I'm a little confused...how did Cersei become Queen? Everyone knew she was on trial for her crimes.

She wasn't on trial through the king's court, she was on trial through the religious court. There is no more religious court. There is no more religion, really. And she does have the strongest claim to the throne both by blood and in terms of force behind her.
lol what...?

Maybe if Sansa killed Jon, but have you not noticed her wanting to spare Lady Crane's life, and continuing to go after those who killed her family.

Why on earth would she suddenly be the one who kills her own family instead of avenging them because Sansa is jealous.

More obviously has to happen, but the writers seem very intent on showing that Arya is not simply just an agent of justice or revenge, but they seem intent on showing something dark there as well. This darkness is going to have to lead somewhere eventually, and her killing her blood is all I can think of. Also Sansa has always wanted to play the great game. She's had a rough go of it of late so we as an audience feel sympathy for her, but there has always been a selfishness there since the beginning.
She wasn't on trial through the king's court, she was on trial through the religious court. There is no more religious court. There is no more religion, really. And she does have the strongest claim to the throne both by blood and in terms of force behind her.

Doesn't Jaime have a stronger claim by blood? I swear I saw some breakdown somewhere (before this season aired) that he's the next in line after Tommen.

Edit: I want to say that Jaime is Robert's closest living male relative because some other Lannister and Baratheon got married a generation ago.
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