The "They said you lost your nose" line gave me a good laugh xD
Yeah that was awesome and funny, I don't read the books but I kinda got that spoiled for me, even though, thankfully, I don't think that's really a spoiler anymore
The "They said you lost your nose" line gave me a good laugh xD
God, I've missed this show. That episode was so good. The Tywin/Tyrion scene was my favorite.
Can someone refresh my memory? When was the fat kid supposed to send the ravens?
God, I've missed this show. That episode was so good. The Tywin/Tyrion scene was my favorite.
Can someone refresh my memory? When was the fat kid supposed to send the ravens?
My understanding is that he received his orders in the middle of the battle or right after it.
And Dany's expression afterward was... weird. Not great acting on her part.
Yeah but he was down gathering crap to burn for fires and wasn't at the top of the mountain with the rest of them so I don't know how he would have gotten those orders.
Maybe it's a general order/duty? If shit goes down, he is supposed to send ravens. Clearly shit went down, so he should have?
I was confused about that, too.
Update (because let's face it: what is GoT without the cool-wall?):
Apparently Lena Headey is really struggling with her finances:
Apparently Lena Headey is really struggling with her finances:
Apparently Lena Headey is really struggling with her finances:
As usual, the blame is on those that failed to see Dredd at the theather.
It was the first time I ever saw Tywin as a complete piece of shit. Not that his penchant for burning villages to the ground was any less tolerable, but still.
Well if he's only concerned with making his family name greater, and society would look down on his name if a "half man" inherits Castly Rock(?) then his attitude towards Tyrion is to be expected. Also, on a personal basis, he really loved his wife and still holds contempt for the child that "killed" her. He probably would've to some extent even if that child had not been deformed.I don't want to think of Tywin as a piece of shit. So far, he has come off as though he's driven by his family name and lineage and he is bound and determined to make is greater. He doesn't have time for pitty or fair play or bullshit, he'll burn you tot he ground because you stood in his way. But yes, last episode he didn't care about any on that. 'Fuck you Tirion, I hate you, I always will and I'd rather die than live you what you have the rights to'
I want to see Tywin skinned like that boar in season 1.
Apparently Lena Headey is really struggling with her finances:
She can move in with me if she wants. I'll cook.
Well if he's only concerned with making his family name greater, and society would look down on his name if a "half man" inherits Castly Rock(?) then his attitude towards Tyrion is to be expected. Also, on a personal basis, he really loved his wife and still holds contempt for the child that "killed" her. He probably would've to some extent even if that child had not been deformed.
Those Lannister men are serious lovers I guess.
Surprised so many people like Bron. He's a dick - and not a lovable badass like Tywin or Mormont. I just think he is annoying. Also I get the feeling that Stannis should be way way more badass than he actually is.
Surprised so many people like Bron. He's a dick - and not a lovable badass like Tywin or Mormont. I just think he is annoying. Also I get the feeling that Stannis should be way way more badass than he actually is.
Surprised so many people like Bron. He's a dick - and not a lovable badass like Tywin or Mormont. I just think he is annoying. Also I get the feeling that Stannis should be way way more badass than he actually is.
Update (because let's face it: what is GoT without the cool-wall?):
But Melisandre is hot as fuck, so it evens out.
I actually really like Varys. He's probably the coolest guy on the council. He serves the Realm, one of the only people to. I think a lot of people missed that in all the commotion with Ned having his head off.
My opinion is completely different to your opinion.
I actually really like Varys. He's probably the coolest guy on the council. He serves the Realm, one of the only people to. I think a lot of people missed that in all the commotion with Ned having his head off.
When you guys talk about who you like and who you don't, do you mean you don't want the unlikeable characters on the show? It seems like some of you are rooting for them to die or something. I love watching Joffry in all his cowardice, the cynical resignation of Cercei, and Theon's utter incompetence. I wouldn't have the show any other way. I don't wish ill on any of these characters. I just sit back and watch how they interact.
When you guys talk about who you like and who you don't, do you mean you don't want the unlikeable characters on the show? It seems like some of you are rooting for them to die or something. I love watching Joffry in all his cowardice, the cynical resignation of Cercei, and Theon's utter incompetence. I wouldn't have the show any other way. I don't wish ill on any of these characters. I just sit back and watch how they interact.
OK, that's the part I don't get. You'd like them to die as a viewer? Like you hope the writers write them off? So who would be the antagonists then? Would you like new "bad guys" every season?I want to watch Joffery dropped from that door in the Eyrie, and see his impact on the ground below.
I want to watch Cersei melted by wildfire.
Just about every fucking terrible thing that's happening right now is a direct result of Cersei Lannister having sex with her brother. I hates them both.![]()
Can you go into more detail? Cercei seems like she hasn't been happy in years. If you mean you want them to be locked up or something, they become just as uninteresting as if they were dead (unless of course being locked up is a device that drives the plot, as in Jamie's case).I absolutely wish ill on Joffrey and the Queen. Not because I don't want them on the show, I just don't want their characters to be happy on the show
OK, that's the part I don't get. You'd like them to die as a viewer? Like you hope the writers write them off? So who would be the antagonists then? Would you like new "bad guys" every season?
Can you go into more detail? Cercei seems like she hasn't been happy in years. If you mean you want them to be locked up or something, they become just as uninteresting as if they were dead (unless of course being locked up is a device that drives the plot, as in Jamie's case).
OK, that's the part I don't get. You'd like them to die as a viewer? Like you hope the writers write them off? So who would be the antagonists then? Would you like new "bad guys" every season?
Apparently Lena Headey is really struggling with her finances:
The 'Where were they?' section on the cool wall means they were not in the last episode, so they can't be ranked for the week.
So Tywin's interaction with Tyrion was very interesting. I started out totally expecting Tywin to come out as the bad guy but I'm not sure that's fair. On the one hand, I feel like he's justified in criticizing Tyrion's whoring and drinking and using that as the reason to deny him Casterly Rock. He's old school, and a king, and he doesn't want the kingdom he's built to be sullied by Tyrion's habits. He obviously believes Tyrion has positive aspects or he wouldn't have sent him to Kings landing in the first place. But when he got there and found out he was bringing whores into the castle it pissed him off. I dont think black water bay undoes Tyrion's life of drinking and whoring.
Rewatching Season 2 again to get my fix. The Arya/Tywin scenes were so masterful. Still don't understand why Bran and co left Winterfell. What happened to the soldiers besieging it? and why the Wall instead of his brother?
This confused me too. There were Northmen taking back winter fell no? So why flea?
Also in s03e01 when stark arrived at herrnenhal. Why were all the Northmen dead and there in the first place? I thought that place was run by tywin?
This confused me too. There were Northmen taking back winter fell no? So why flea?
Also in s03e01 when stark arrived at herrnenhal. Why were all the Northmen dead and there in the first place? I thought that place was run by tywin?
So Tywin's interaction with Tyrion was very interesting. I started out totally expecting Tywin to come out as the bad guy but I'm not sure that's fair. On the one hand, I feel like he's justified in criticizing Tyrion's whoring and drinking and using that as the reason to deny him Casterly Rock. He's old school, and a king, and he doesn't want the kingdom he's built to be sullied by Tyrion's habits. He obviously believes Tyrion has positive aspects or he wouldn't have sent him to Kings landing in the first place. But when he got there and found out he was bringing whores into the castle it pissed him off. I dont think black water bay undoes Tyrion's life of drinking and whoring.